1988-087CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS RESOLUTION 88-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE FORT WORTH WATER CONTRACT FOR WATER SERVICE: AUTHORIZING THE EXECU- TION OF SUCH CONTRACT: DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH - LAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. That the City Council hereby approved the second amendment to the Utility Contract between the City of Fort Worth and the City of Southlake, in the form attached hereto as Attachment "A", and authorizes and directs the City Manager to execute and deliver such contract to the City of Fort Worth. Section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passr--0fJS1/P-'DEMBE4A1988. I PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 20TH 4ATT ST: e 1 an ra L. Leer City Secretary Jo nny/H' Westerholm Ma or of Southlake SECOND AMENDMENT TO CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO. This agreement entered into this day of 1988, by and between the City of Fort Worth and City of Southlake. WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth and City of Southlake entered into a contract for water service dated June 24, 1987, same being City of Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 15776; and WHEREAS, on October 20, 1987, the City of Fort Worth and City of Southlake entered into an amendent of City of Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 15776, same being City of Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 16126; and WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth and City of Southlake are desirous of amending said City of Fort Worth City Secretary Contract Numbers 15776 and 16126; NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Fort Worth and City of Southlake agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 5, Section 3B, of City of Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 16126 is hereby amended and, after having been so amended, shall read as follows: b. Commodity Charge and Rates of Use Charge. Except for fiscal year 1988-1989, the rate shall be reviewed and adjusted every three (3) years beginning in fiscal year 1989-1990. The cost related to the projection and transmission function of distributing treated water to the Fort Worth city limits in wholesale quantities plus a service 1- charge shall be determined in accordance with the methods herein, Such costs shall be projected through the City of Fort Worth fiscal year 1991 to establish the fair rate for water to be charged during the period October 1, 1989, to September 30, 1992. The adjusted rate shall be made effective October 1, 1989. A similar review and rate adjustment shall be made for each succeeding three year period for the term of this contract. For the rates for the three (3) years beginning 1989-1990, the Touche Ross Study dated September, 1987, and computer model included therewith shall be used by Fort Worth to project the rates to be charged for said three (3) year period. The following rates are hereby established for the period October 1, 1988, to September 30, 1989: OUTSIDE Volume Rates (Per 1000 gal.) DISTRICT Treatment, Pumping and Transmission $.3183 Raw Water $.6191 Total Volume Rate $.9374 Maximum Day Rate Per MGD in excess of average day) $62,974 Maximum Hour Rate Per MGD in excess of maximum day) $29,450 Meter Charge ($/meter/month) $25 2. Every other term, condition and/or covenant contained in City of Fort Worth City Secretary Contract Numbers 15776 and 16126 not amended hereby shall be unaffected hereby and shall continue in full force and effect. 2- ATTEST: CITY OF FORT WORTH By: City Secretary Assistant City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney 1 ' 111, Date: ATTEST: ity of Southlgke By: City Secretary Curtis E.—Hawk City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Attorney Date:/ln,l-(cJ Lo.,41 3-