1988-083RESOLUTION NO. ?9- ( A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE CONTINUED USE OF NON- CONFORMING PROPERTIES ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH PROPERTIES MAY CONTINUE TO BE USED FOR SAME OR SIMILAR TYPE USES; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 334, AS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 412 TO PROVIDE THAT ANNEXED PROPERTIES WITH AN "S- P -1" OR "S -P-2" ZONING CLASSIFICATION MAY LIKEWISE BE USED FOR SIMILAR TYPES OF USES WHICH WOULD BE PERMITTED IN THE SAME OR MORE RESTRICTED ZONING. CLASSIFICATIONS SUBJECT ONLY TO THE SITE PLAN APPROVAL PROCESS; AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO EXPEDITIOUSLY REVIEW AND MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, in October of 1987, the City of Southlake annexed several tracts of land into the corporate city limits of the City; and WHEREAS, at the time of such annexations the City Council did determine and did give assurances that non -conforming uses which were brought into the city limits of Southlake would be grandfathered" for the purpose of allowing the continued operation of said non -conforming uses or similar uses which would be permitted in the same or more restricted zoning classification; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted ordinance No. 412 amending Ordinance No. 334 to create an S -P-1 (detailed) site plan district and an S -P-2 (generalized) site plan district for the purpose of requiring site plan approval for certain uses of land within the city limits of Southlake, including non -conforming uses; and WHEREAS, the intent of Ordinance No. 412 was not to limit or restrict the future use of non -conforming properties to the extent those properties could be used for similar non -conforming uses, except to the extent that site plan approval of such uses would be required; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it necessary in order to preserve property values and provide non -conforming and other properties within the City of Southlake to clarify the intent of these zoning ordinances and to revise said ordinances to clarify this intent; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas that: I. The City Manager is hereby directed to prepare an amendment to Ordinance No. 334, as specifically amended by Ordinance No. 412, to clarify that the approval of an S -P-1 or S -P-2 site plan district zoning classification on non -conforming properties.which 4 are annexed into the city limits of Southlake does not prohibit or limit the future use of such property for similar uses and that like industrial or commercial uses for which the property has been developed will be permitted subject to site plan approval. The City Manager is further directed to submit such amendment to the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration at their next available meeting, subject to publication and notice as required by law, in order that the Commission might expeditiously review same and recommend an appropriate amendment to the City Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED this the 6th day of September, 1988 by a vote of J ayes and O na wl AT EST: AA F'Zhe4c SANDY L GRAND, CITY SECRETARY c:\southlake\res.01