1988-071CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS RESOLUTION88-71 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, FOR THE DALLAS -FORT WORTH METROPOLITAN AREA SUPPORTING THE TEXAS GOOD ROADS AMENDMENT. WHEREAS, the Regional Transportation Council is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization charged with responsibility for coordinating regional transportation improvements in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metropolitan Area; and, WHEREAS, Texas motorists pay a federal motor fuel tax of nine cents per galion, the revenue from which is placed in the Federal Highway Trust Fund that is dedicated by Federal Law for reimbursing the states for expenditures on federal aid highways; and, WHEREAS, Texas annually received approximately $800 million from the Federal Highway Trust Fund, which accounts for at least half of the highway construction funding in Texas; and, WHEREAS, since 1917 Texas has used all such federal funds for highway improvement purposes, now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: The City Council -supports the proposed Texas Good Roads Amend- ments to the Texas Constritution being considered in the November 1988 General Election as stated below: All revenues received from the Federal Government as reimbursement for State expenditures of funds that are them- selves dedicated for acquiring right-of-way and constructing, maintaining, and policing public roadways are also constitutionally dedicated and shad be used only for those purposes." ^ ^ - - PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 6t d%09 s 88 Jo ny Wester o1m Z H Lq'' Ma or of Southlake ATTEST: •,` . 8 andra L. LeGfa4id y City SecretarAl- ' ,?