WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas (the "City") is a
duly incorporated home -rule city located primarily within
Tarrant County; and
WHEREAS, the Texas State Department of Highways and
Public Transportation ("SDHPT") on October 28, 1987, passed
Minute Order Number 86418 (the "Minute Order"), a true and
correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and
incorporated herein; and
WHEREAS, the Minute Order provides for the development
and construction of certain road and freeway improvements more
clearly described therein;
WHEREAS, the Minute Order is conditioned upon its
acceptance by the City; and
WHEREAS, the City recognizes and hereby acknowledges that
private developers have agreed to perform certain obligations
set forth in the Minute Order and have requested the City to
accept the Minute Order; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City to
accept the Minute Order.
Section 1. That all of the above premises are found to
be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this
resolution as if copied in their entirety.
Section 2. That the City hereby accepts Texas State
Department of Highways and Public Transportation Minute Order
No. 86418 as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
incorporated herein. Provided, however, that the City's
obligations hereunder are subject to the appropriation of funds
that are available from lawful sources.
0 2 1 3 a/ 3
Section 3. That this Resolution shall be effective
from and after its date of passage.
1 f
Southlake, Texas on this the 5th d y f, a yi98 .
1.4 Z44"mi-I
City Secretary, City of Southlake, Texas
City Attorney, City of Sgdth ak xas
0 2 1 3 a/ 4
VARTO[S OoLnty NOV= M MR Page 1 of =Pages
District trio. VARI005 (2) s (18)
IE S, in D'FWW AND WUW4W 14 A-= On 87ME HIGRWY 114,
the following three projects are currently included in the 1986 10 -Year
Project Development Plan; and
UM AS, on State Highway 114 in Denton County from 0.3 mile
out of Henrietta Creek, rest of Roanoke, northeasterly and then
southeasterly to approximately 1.0 mile east of D. S. Highway 377, a
distanoe of appr.,lizately 3.0 miles, a project is included in the 4 -
Year Letttirg Schedule of the 10 -Year Project Development Plan; and
SAS, in Denton County on State Highway 114 from
approximately 1.0 mile east of D. S. Highway 377 in Denton County to
the DentowfTarrant County Line, a distanoe of approximately 2.5 miles,
a project is currently , A in the 4 -Year Letting Schedule of the
10 -Year Project Development Plan; and
MEAS, in Tarrant County from the Denton/Tarrant County Line
to Loop 382 in Tarrant County, a distance of approximately 5.3 miles, a
project is currently approved in the 5 -Year Development Schedule of the
10 -Year Project Development Plan; and
WMFMAS, local officials and developers have requested a
project to develop State Sighway 114 to a freeway, from approximately1.0 mile east of O. S. Highway 377 in Denton County to 0.3 mile
southeast of Dove Roar] in Tarrant County, a distance of approximately4.1 miles; and
w• . .
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VARIOUS Cbunty MIXVLJ . Page _of __I Pages
District No. VARIOUS (2) i (18)
WMWM, local officials and developers have requested the
section from the Dentan/Tarrant County Line to 0.3 mile southeast of
Dove Road, a distance of approximately 1.6 miles, be moved into the 4 -
Year Letting Schedule; and
IBWAS, local officials and developers have offered to provide
one hundred percent of the cost of the preliminary engineering for the
section of State Highway 114 from approximately 1.0 mile east of
U. S. Highway 377 in Darton County to 0.3 mile southeast of Dove Road
In Tarrant County, a distance of approximately 4.1 miles; and
WMF'AS, local officials and developers have offered to provide
the environmental clearance, schematics, and right of May maps, on the
section from 0.3 mile east of Henrietta Creek, west of Roanoke,
Northeasterly and southeasterly to approximately 1.0 mile east of
U. S. Highway 377, a distance of approximately 3.0 miles; and
MFEWM, local officials and developers have offered to provide
one hundred percent of the cost of the right of tray from approximately
1.0 mile east of U. S. Highway 377 in Denton County to 0.3 mile
southeast of Dove Road in Tarrant County, a distance of approximately
4.1 miles; and
iEAS, local officials and developers have offered to provide
ten percent of the oust of right of way from 0.3 mile east of Henrietta
Creek, vest of Roanoke, northeasterly and southeasterly to
approximately 1.0 mile east of U. S. Highway 377, a distance of
approximately 3.0 miles; and
w{W ••• • • V iY'f[QiV i.ff114t
Oounty lm.6,is. QRER Page' 3 of 7 paws
District No. VARIOM (2) i (18)
SAS, local officials and developers have offered to provide
up to $365,000 toward right of way required to complete the interchange
located at Saar Sd=l road in Tarrant County; and
iEMWAS, traffic volumes warrant pr.._.Iing with this project
In an expeditious manner;
IT Is "u&jv..0 that the Engineer -Director is
directed to terrier the following proposal to the Cities of Roanoke,
Westlake, and Southlake, Tom of Trophy Club and Denton and Tarrant
Provided the Cities of Roanoke, Westlake and Southlake, Town of Trophy
Club and Denton and Tarrant Counties will:
1. Provide one hundred percent of the oast of the right of way
clear of obstructions and free of cost to the State with
acquisition procedures to be in accordance with policies of
the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation
and with applicable Federal and State laws governing the
acquisition policies for acquiring real property from
approximately 1.0 mile east of U. S. Highway 377 in Denton
County to 0.3 mile southeast of Dove Road in Tarrant
County, a distance of approximately 4.1 miles, except for
the right of way required to aamplete the Sam School Road
interchange. IBM McGuire-Thcmas has offered to provide up
to $365,000 toward the right of way required to omplete
this interchange.
11rID FUlI.IC iiWvr uRuMCN
ty K[h..,: CI no Page --A-of 7pages
District No. VAPJOCB (2) i (18)
2. Provide ten percent of the Dost of the right of way clear
of obstructions and free of cost to the State with
acquisition procedures to be in accordance with policies of
the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation
and with applicable Federal and State laws governing the
acquisition policies for acquiring real property from
approximately 0.3 mile east of Henrietta Creek, wrest of
FbanDke, northeasterly and southeasterly to approximately
1.0 mile east of U. S. Highway 377, a distance of
approximately 3.0 miles.
3. Provide the environmental clearance, schematics, right of
way maps, field notes, construction plans, landscape and
beautification plans, specifications and estimates on State
Highway 114 with the right of my width and design subject
to the approval of the State Department of Highways and
Public Transportation, from approximately 1.0 mile east of
U. S. Highway 377 in Denton County to 0.3 mile southeast of
Dove Abad in Tarrant County, a distance of approximately
4.1 miles.
4. Provide for the enviroental clearance, schematics and
right of way maps with the location, right of way width,
and design subject to approval of the State Department of
Highways and Public Transportation, on State Highway 114
from 0.3 mile east of Henrietta Creek, west of Roanoke,
northeasterly and southeasterly to approximately 1.0 mile
east of U. S. Highway 377, a distance of approximately 3.0
acw sYO:, -. iivaulKa—UR .Luri
VARIO[15 qty 1[h...:.R Page of 7pages
Disttict No. VARIOES (2) t (18)
The State Department of Highways and Public Transportation will:
1. Designate State Highway 114 from Interstate Highway 35W in
Denton County to Loop 382 in Tarrant County, a distance of
approximately 12.4 Hiles, a controlled access facility.
2. Provide ninety percent of the cost of right of way with
acquisition procedures to be in accordanoe with policies of
the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation
and with applicable Federal and State laws governing the
acquisition policies for acquiring real property from
approximately 0.3 mile east of Henrietta Creek, vest of
Roanoke, northeasterly and southeasterly to approximately
1.0 mile east of U. S. Highway 377, a distance of
approximately 3.0 miles.
3. Provide one hundred percent of the cost of utility
adjustments as may be required in accordance with policies
of the State Department of Highways dna Public
Transportation from 0.3 mile east of Henrietta Creek, vest
of Roanoke in Denton County, northeasterly and
southeasterly to approximately 0.3 mile southeast of Dove
Road in Tarrant County, a distance of approximately 7.1
4. Provide relocation assistance as may be determined to be
eligible under the Relocation Assistance Program.
District No. VARIOUS (2) i (18)
K[hu" LtSAM Page 6 of 7Pages
5. Provide for construction on State Highway 114 from the
DentmvVarrant County Line to 0.3 mile southeast of Dove
Road, a distance of approximately 1.6 miles, by adding this
section of State Highway 114 to the 4 -Year Letting
6. Provide for construction on State Highway 114 from 0.3 mile
east of Henrietta Creek, west of Roanoke, northeasterly and
southeasterly to approximately 1.0 mile east of
U. S. Highway 377, a distance of approximately 3.0 miles as
previously authorised by Minute Order 85712 dated April 30,
7. Provide for construction on State Highway 114 from
approximately 1.0 mile east of U. S. Highway 377 to the
Denton/'Tarrant County Line, a distance of approximately 2.5
miles, as previously authorized by Minute Order 85091 dated
November 25, 1986.
Upon acceptance of the provisions of this Minute Order by the
Cities, Tom and Counties, IT IS . rL. that State Highway 114 from
Interstate Highway 35W in Denton County to loop 382 in Tarrant County,
a distance of approximately 12.4 miles, be and is hereby designated a
CORMLLED ACCESS FAC31nY for developoent, maintenance, and operation
in accordance with the provisions of H. B. 179, 55th Legislature; and
1 • . I . I • • .. •r. a ... .UX. w• . . .. . . . .
Tdstrict No.
tiIs, CE Page* 7 f 7, Pages
VARIOUS (2) it (18)
BE IT rur"it N that the Engineer -Director is authorized
to add the section an State Highway 114 from the DentoWT'arrant County
Line to 0.3 mile southeast of Dove Road, a distance of approximately
1.6 miles, to the 4 -Year Letting Sohedule of the 1986 10 -Year Project
Developae3nt Plan; and
BE IT rututY.tt ,4 r that after the Cities, Sbwn and Counties
have fulfilled their responsibilities, the Engineer -Director is
authorized to proceed with project development in the most feasible and
eoarnamical manner to include any necessary ogre dments, right of way
acquisition, utility adjustmrnts, and relocation assistance for the
section of State Highway 114 from approximately 1.0 mile east of
U. S. Highway 377 in Denton Oexnty to 0.3 mile southeast of Dove Road
in Tarrant County, a distance of approximately 4.1 mules; and
BE IT .urursr.c OiIDiERE:D that the Engineer -Director is authorised
to proceed with construction at an additional estimated Cost of
22,400,000 for the section on State Highway 114 from 0.3 mile east of
Henrietta Creek, west of Ronnnoke, northeasterly and southeasterly to
approximately 1.0 mile east of U. S. Highway 3771 a distance of
approximately 3.0 miles; and
BE IT PURZi3 M .l+t a"%c.0 that the Engineer -Director is authorized
to proceed with construction at an estimated Cost of $8,700,000 for the
section on State Highway 114 from the DentorVTarrant County Line to 0.3
mile southeast of Dove Road in Tarrant County, a distance of
approximately 1.6 miles.
This Order shall beocne operative upon acceptance by the Cities
of Roanoke, Westlake and Southlake, Town of Trophy Club and Denton and
Tarrant Counties; and if not accepted within 90 days of the date
hereof, the action herein contained shall be automatically canceled.
I - • f -
1 . ;
Date Passed «