2015-04-01 CEC MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: April 1, 2015 LOCATION: Southlake Town Square Southlake, Texas 76092 TIME: 5:30 P.M. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Place 2 — Craig Rothmeier, Chair Place 3 — Randy Robbins Place 4 — Ben Siebach, Vice -Chair Place 6 — Bobbie Heller Place 7 — Monique Schill COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Place 1 — Sherry Berman Place 5 — David Alexander, Secretary STAFF PRESENT: Ben Thatcher, Assistant City Manager Lori Payne, City Secretary REGULAR AGENDA 1. Meeting called to order by Craig Rothmeier at 5:41. 2. Approval of March meeting minutes. Bobbie Heller made a motion to approve, and Monique Schill made a second. Approved 4-0 (Randy Robbins absent at this time). 3. Departmental presentation by the City Secretary. Lori Payne, City Secretary, gave a brief overview of the core services offered by the City Secretary's Office. The Committee asked questions regarding the board appointment process and the election/voting process within the City. 4. Consideration of the annual CEC plan for committee consideration. Ben Thatcher presented the finalized version for the committee to approve. Monique Schill Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting — April 1, 2015 Page 1 of 2 made a motion to approve, and Bobbie Heller made a second. Approved 4-0 (Ben Siebach absent at this time). 5. Discuss updates to the CEC ordinance. Ben Thatcher gave an update on this item. The intention is to bring it forward to City Council in late April and early May. 6. Discuss water town hall forum & candidates forum. The committee briefly assessed the two forums in March and provided feedback for a better forum experience. The next forum topic was discussed for a fall forum centered around development. 7. Discuss HOA/property management engagement. Ben Thatcher discussed what his office was doing to create a manageable database to keep updated contact information of neighborhood HOAs and property management companies. The committee also briefly discussed the possibility of a HOA/property management roundtable with the CEC to discuss engagement opportunities. 8. Subcommittee reports: a. Marketing. Bobbie Heller is working on a business card for CEC members and a CEC logo for social media use. b. Meeting Procedures. No changes c. Metrics. No changes 9. Discuss future agenda items a. The committee discussed a desire to hear from either the Planning and Development Services department or the Finance department at the next meeting. Meeting Adjourned at 6:58 ATTEST: David Alexander, cretary Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting — April 1, 2015 Page 2 of 2