2015-03-05 CEC MinutesCITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: March 5th, 2015 LOCATION: Southlake Town Square Southlake, Texas 76092 TIME: 5:30 P.M. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Place 1 — Sherry Berman Place 2 — Craig Rothmeier, Chair Place 4 — Ben Siebach, Vice -Chair Place 5 — David Alexander, Secretary Place 6 — Bobbie Heller Place 7 — Monique Schill COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Place 3 — Randy Robbins STAFF PRESENT: Ben Thatcher REGULAR AGENDA 1. Meeting called to order by Craig Rothmeier at 5:31. 2. Approval of January meeting minutes. Bobbie Heller made a motion to approve, and Sherry Berman made a second. Approved 5-0 (Monique absent at this time). 3. Ben Thatcher discussed the annual CEC plan draft created by Caroline Eckel. Members will review and provide feedback. By April 1St the committee needs to have a plan that can be approved so that Ben Thatcher can submit to City Council at the second meeting in April. Ben Siebach, Bobbie Heller and Craig Rothmeier will meet with Ben Thatcher to review the strategy map and make recommendations for going forward steps. 4. CEC ordinance. Ben Thatcher recommended a revision to better define the annual report and asked members to provide feedback so that he can prepare a redline version that the committee can vote on in April. 5. Upcoming water town hall forum. Ben Thatcher provided some details regarding the meeting, which will be held 3/24 at 6:OOPM. Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting — March 5, 2015 Page 1 of 2 6. Upcoming candidate forum. March 30th .6:OOPM. The Marq presentation will follow at 8:OOPM. Pilar will secure an independent moderator for the Candidates Forum. 7. Subcommittee reports: a. Marketing. Bobbie is working on a business card for CEC members and a CEC logo for social media use. b. Meeting Procedures. David provided a draft presentation header. c. Metrics. No changes 8. Discuss future agenda items a. Craig Rothmeier proposed we spend some time thinking about how to better engage HOAs (i.e. host a specific meeting for them, and create a special page). b. Sherry Berman mentioned a future forum on how voting at the local level makes a difference more than the national scene. Meeting Adjourned at 6:40 ATTEST: Sec -ret -1 Yr— NEIF j�- C-- AA2- Meeting Minutes: Community Engagement Committee Meeting - March 5, 2015 Page 2 of 2