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Item 4BItem 413 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE MEMORANDUM (February 17, 2015) To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Robert H. Price, P.E., Director of Public Works Subject: Approve contract renewal with Southlake Leasing and Management (Regent Services) for street sweeping and porter services in the Southlake Town Square parking garages in an amount not to exceed $100,000 Action Requested: Approve contract renewal with Southlake Leasing and Management (Regent Services) for street sweeping and porter services in the Southlake Town Square parking garages in an amount not to exceed $100,000. Background Information: On January 31, 2014, sealed proposals were received from three vendors for street sweeping of the public streets and public parking garages in the Southlake Town Square development. On February 18, 2014, City Council awarded the sweeping contract to Southlake Leasing and Management (Regent Services). This contract includes daily sweeping of the public streets and two public parking garages within the Town Square development. This contract also includes the daily sweeping of the DPS Headquarters' parking garage, monthly power washing of the north and south entries of Town Hall, power washing of the parking garage stairwells, and daily emptying of all of the trash containers within Town Square. This contract provides for four annual renewals. This year's contract renewal is the first of the four years. Regent Services is also the City's vendor for janitorial services for all of the City's facilities. They have provided excellent service and are always very responsive to the City's needs and requests. Southlake Leasing and Management (Regent Services) is not increasing their pricing in FY 15. The City paid $5,364.06 per month in FY 14 for a total of $64,386.72 for these services. Additionally, RPAI Southwest Management (formerly Inland Southwest) Item 413 reimburses the City for 91.75% of the cost to provide sweeping service for the Town Square parking garages. It should be noted that the City purchased a mechanical street sweeper in December 2014 as part of the FY 15 budget. However, this street sweeper is mainly for sweeping curb and gutter streets, and is too tall to be used in the parking garages. Financial Considerations: Southlake Leasing and Management (Regent Services) is not increasing their pricing in FY 15. The City paid $5,364.06 per month in FY 14 or $64,386.72 for these services, and expects to spend the same amount in FY 15. However, staff is requesting that City Council authorize up to $100,000 in expenditures with this vendor should the need arise for additional street sweeping or power washing in Town Square due to unforeseen circumstances. Funding for these services is available in the Public Works Street Division's Annual Operating Budget. Strategic Link: These services link to the City's strategy map relative to focus areas of Infrastructure and Partnerships & Volunteerism. The specific corporate objectives that are met by these services are to provide and maintain high quality public assets, and to collaborate with select partners to implement service solutions. Citizen Input/ Board Review: N/A Legal Review: City attorney reviewed the request for proposal. Alternatives: The City Council may approve or deny this renewal. Supporting Documents: Aerial exhibits of service areas in the contract Contract extension documents Staff Recommendation: Approve contract renewal with Southlake Leasing and Management (Regent Services) for street sweeping and porter services in the Southlake Town Square parking garages in an amount not to exceed $100,000. Staff Contact: Robert H. Price, P.E., Public Works Director Cristina McMurray, CPM, MPA — Business Manager — Public Works Item 4B Public Streets and Parking Garages include in this contract. Item 4 Trash containers included in this contract. . � t 2 /-�� rftIT Cv /� �rL_ SOL i ! E iLJ'1KE9 January 20, 2015 Southlake Leasing and Management dba Regent Services 1307 8th Avenue Suite B-2 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 Attn: Mr. Chaney Russell Subject: Notification of Contract Extension for Street Sweeping and Porter Services for Southlake Town Square RFP 140I B36OCK 140001 Dear: Mr. Chaney Russell: The City of Southlake is providing notification of contract extension, pending City Council approval, for "Street Sweeping and Porter Services for Southlake Town Square RFP1401B360CK140001". This extension shall become effective February 18, 2015 and after City Council approval (CC Award date ). This agreement shall continue in full force based on the terms and conditions of the initial award. The terms and conditions proposed and accepted in this renewal agreement are as follows: Payment Terms: Net 30 days (Unless otherwise noted — such as pre- and/or partial payment) Method of Payment: Shall be made by purchasing card or purchase order. Delivery Terms: FOB Destination Delivery Locations: IF STATED IN RFB DOCUMENT Term of Contract: Shall be effective for twelve months from date of renewal and is eligible for up to three (3) more one (1) year annual renewals. City Contact: KURT ACKERMANN 817-748-8102 Send all billing to: City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440, Accounts Payable Southlake, TX 76092 or Email: accountspayablc@ci, Other Charges: The City of Southlake is a tax exempt municipal corporation and is exempt from all federal, state, and local sales taxes. All other specifications, terms and conditions shall be as provided in the original procurement documents. No other attachments to or in response to this agreement will be accepted unless approved in writing by the Purchasing Manager or an authorized representative of the City of Southlake. Thank you for participating in our procurement process. Please call 817-748-8312 with any questions. Sincerel , Tim Slifka Purchasing Manager CP O, CPPB City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 tslifka a ci.south]ake.tx,us Fax: 817-748-8048 Attest: Lori Payne, TRMC Contract and Award Accepted: City Secretary Signed: Date: Mayor John Terrell Approved as to Form and Legality: City of Southlake City Attorney ORIGINAL DOCUMENT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE C 17" L Council Action: (Y ' _ __ N Ord./Res. No. 5C)UT��-Q'�KE Date Approved 3 — f8 - t February 3, 2014 Southlake teasing and Management 19 dba Relent Services 1307 8 Avenue Suite B-2 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 Attn: Mr. Chaney Russell Subject: Contract Award Notification for Provide Street Sweeping and Porter Services for Southlake Town Square RFP1401B360CK140001 Dear Mr. Russell: The City of Southlake is pleased to inform you that Southlake Leasing and Management dba Regent Services of Fort Worth, Texas is the awarded vendor for "Provide Street Sweeping and Porter Services for Southlake Town Square RFP1401B360CK140001° The award and this agreement are based on your proposal to the City, copy enclosed. This is a single vendor award contract. Your company's award is attached. This award was approved by the City of Southlake City Council on*I—I?-ZlOIq. The terms and conditions proposed and accepted in this agreement are as follows: Payment Terms: Net 30 days (Unless otherwise noted — such as pre- and/or partial payment) Estimated Quantities: The City does not guarantee to purchase any minimum or maximum quantity but does contemplate purchasing the awarded items exclusively during the term of the contract from the successful vendors. Method of Payment: Shall be made by City procurement card or purchase order Delivery Terms: FOB Destination Delivery Locations: Vendor Delivery or City employee pick-up. Term of Contract: The term of awarded contract shall remain in effect for twelve months from date of award and is eligible for up to four (4) one (1) year annual renewals. City Contact: KURT ACKERMANN 817-748-8102 Send all billing to: City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite "0, Accounts Payable Southlake, TX 76092 or via email to accountspayable(( Other Charges: The City of Southlake is a tax exempt municipal corporation and is exempt from all federal, state, and local sales taxes. All other specifications, terms and conditions shall be as provided in the original procurement documents. No other attachments to or in response to this agreement will be accepted unless approved in writing by the Purchasing Manager or an authorized representative of the City of Southlake. Thank you for participating in our procurement process. Please call 817-748-8312 with any questions_ Sincerely, Tim Slifka, CPPO, CPPB / Purchasing Manager City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 tsl ifka(cD ci. south I ake Fax:817-748-8048 Contract and Award Accepted: Signed: 42Date: Mayor John Terrell City of Southlake sp a--n U S� - Ge Q� • Attest: ; %T Alicia Richardson, TRI '••••••' ,.A� City Secretary� Approved as to Form and Leg ty: �' 7 City Attorney' Appendix B — Proposal Submittal Checklist: (To determine validity of proposal) Appendix B (pages _8_ through _18J must be included in the proposal submittal Appendix C Conflict of Interest Form (page _18_) must be included in the proposal submittal. All proposals submitted 1 the City of SouthlakeProposal copy of this formto the outside 1 or along with the electronicsubmission.. RFP Number: RFP1401B36OCK140001 Project Title: Provide Street Sweeping and Porter Services for Southlake Town Square Submittal Deadline: 3:00 P.M. (CST), FRIDAY JANUARY 24, 20114 City Secretary's Office Submit hard- 1400 Main Street, Suite Submit ��ti�'�'• copies to: 270 electronically Requires email account Southlake, TX 76042 * to: login and password. 817)748-8016 Proposer Information: Southlake Leasing and Management dba Regent Services Proposer's Legal Name:_ 1307 $t Avenue Suite B-2 Address: Fort North, Texas 76104 City, State & Zip Federal Employers 20-5975326 Identification Number # Phone Number: 817-424-5600 Fax Number: 1817-424-5625 E-Mail Address: Proposer Authorization 1, the undersigned, have the authority to execute this Proposal in its entirety as submitted and enter into a contract on behalf of the Proposer. Printed Name and Position of Authorized Representative: Signature of Authorized Representative: (4 �i.-�� Signed this ' Q _(day) of v 0 1 (month), (year) ZG I q I learned of this Request for Proposals by the following means: Newspaper Advertisement A City E-mail Notification Southlake Website A Cold Call to City Mailed Me a Copy SecureBid Other City of Southlake - RFP1401B360CK140001 - Page 8 of 19 Appendix B — Proposal (continued) I. REQUIRFX PROPOSAL INFORMATION. IN ORDER FOR A PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE, AND TO BE EVALUATED FOR A CONTRACT AWARD BY THE CITY, PROPOSER MUST SUBMIT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1. Proposed Products and/or Services A. Product or Service Description: Proposers should utilize this section to describe the technical aspects, capabilities, features and options of the product and/or ser.-ice proposed in accordance with the required Scope of Services as identified in Appendix A. Promotional literature, brochures, or other technical information may be used. B. Additional Hardware Descriptions: Proposers should also include in this section a detailed description of what additional hardware and/or software, if any, would be required by the City in order to fully utilize the goods and/or services proposed. C. Guarantees and Warranties: Each Proposer shall submit ,a complete copy of any warranties or guarantees provided by the manufacturer or Proposer with the Proposal submitted. D. Project Schedule/Delivery Date:_Proposer must provide a project schedule noting all projected completion dates for segments of the Project, from start-up to completion, and all delivery dates for goods covered by the RFP. The Proposal must show the number of days required to deliver and install the product or equipment after the receipt of the City's Purchase Order. 2. Cost of Proposed Products and/or Services A. Pricing: Pricing shall reflect the full Scope of Services defined herein, inclusive of all associated cost for delivery, labor, insurance, taxes, overhead, and profit. B. Schedule of Pricing: Proposer shall quote unit pricing in accordance with the itemized listing of products or contract segments stated in the Scope of Services and using the following format: Item # Quantity Description of Products/Services Unit Cost 1. Per Day Daily Sweeping Services for Town Square per Scope of Services $ 80.73 2 Per Day Daily Sweeping Services for West and East Parking Garages per Scope of Services $ 22.02 3. Per Day Daily Sweeping Services for DPS Parking Garage per Scope of Services $ 25.02 2. Per Day Daily Trash Can Servicing per Scope of Services $ 49.53 3. Per Service Power Washing Services for Town Hall Entry Stairs per Scope of Services $ 125.00 4. Per Service Power Washing Services for East and West Parking Garages per Scope of Services $ 190.00 5. Vendor Observed Holidays when Services will not be Performed: Christmas Day 6. Per Each Other Vendor Charges: $ T City of Southlake - KFP1401B360CK140001 - Page 9 of 19 7. Per Each Other Vendor Charges: $ 8. Per Each Other Vendor Charges: $ TOTAL ALL LINE ITEMS 3. Term of Contract and Option to Extend Any contract resulting from this RFP shall be effective for -twelve -months from date of award. The City anticipates that contract shall be renewed pursuant to the availability of finds and at the discretion of the City. The following clauses shall be included in the contract: A. Option Clause: It is agreed that City will have the option to extend tl a contract for up to four (4) additional years, in one-year intervals. To exercise this option, the City shall serve notice 30 days prior to contract termination or to the end of any one-year extension. The Option to Extend will not be considered if funding is unavailable or if the contractor's past performance is not within the industry standard. B. Escalation Clause: Should market conditions prevail which dictate an increase, the successful contractor may submit documentation requesting permission to increase pricing no later than 30 days after receiving notice from the City of its intent to extem.' the agreement. Escalation may only occur at the time of renewal and only upon securing the approval of the City in writing. Requests for price adjustments must be solely for the purpose of accommodating an increase in the contractor's cost, not profits. Vendors shall show in this quote their anticipated percent of escalation if/when the option to extend is exercised. The percent quoted will be a maximum. In addition, the percentage proposed will be a factor in determining the best value to the City. It is the average price over the period of the contract that will be the price factor considered in the evaluation of this quote. Quotes in which negative or no escalation is shown will be considered as 0% escalation. C. Price Increases Upon Extension: If approved by the City, the Contractor shall modify the rates charged by the Contractor to reflect any changes shown in the comparative statement delivered to the City. The maximum increase allowed under this provision shall b^ four percent (4%) per year. The City shall have authority, in its reasonable discretion, to determii_e the validity of any change in Contractor's rates. City cannot exercise the Option to Extend with any price increases unless the Vendor completes the section of the Quote requesting anticipated percentage of annual escalation. FIRST ADDITIONAL YEAR (FY 2014-2015) ESCALATION ........................... 0% SECOND ADDITIONAL YEAR (FY 2015-2016) ESCALATION ................. 0% THIRD ADDITIONAL YEAR (FY 2016-2017) ESCALATION ...................... 0% FOURTH ADDITIONAL YEAR (FY 2017-2018) ESCALATION ...................... 0% City of Southlake - RM401B360CK140001 - Page 10 of 19 4. Proposer's Experience / Staff A. Project Team: Identify all members of the Proposer's team (including both team members and management) who will be providing any services proposed and include information which details their experience. B. Removal or Replacement of Staff: If an assigned staff person must be removed or replaced for any reason, the replacement person must be approved by City prior to joining the project. C. Business Establishment: State the number of years the Proposer's business has been established and operating. If Proposer's business has changed names or if the principals operating the business operate any similar businesses under different names, or have operated any other businesses or changed the legal status or form of the business within the last five (5) years, all names, of predecessor business names, affiliated entities, and previous business entities operated by the principals, if different than present, must be provided; State the number of years experience the business has: 7 years; and the number of employees: 80 D. Project Related Experience: All Proposals must include detailed information that details the Proposer's experience and expertise in providing the requested services that demonstrates the Proposer's ability to logically plan and complete the requested project. City of Southlake - RFP140IB36OCK140001 - Page I 1 of 19 5. References Proposer shall provide four (4) references where Proposer has performed similar to or the same types of services as described herein. Reference # 1: Client / Company Name: City of Grapevine Contact Name: Mike Hooker Contact Title: Contract Foreman Phone:817-343-153 Date and Scope of Work Provided: June 25 2010 Parks and grounds maintenance Reference #2: Client/ Company Name: City of Southiake Contact Name: Kurt AC ermann Contact Title: Facilities Manager Phone: 817-657-0865 Email: Date and Scope of Work Provided: 09-16-2011 Janitorial Services and parking lot maintenance Reference 43: Client / Company Name: The MARC Group Contact Name: Bruce Jernigan Contact Title: Facilities Manager Phone.214-808-7095 Email.Bruce.a.jernigan Date and Scope of Work Provided: June 1 st 2004 Janitorial and grounds maintenance Reference 44: Client / Company Name: Caremark Contact Name:San y Claypool Contact Title: Facilities Manager Phone: 972-619-8106 Email: Date and Scope of Work Provided: August 2007 Janitorial Services City of Southlake - RM401 R360CK140001 - Page 12 of 19 6. Trade Secrets and/or Confidential Information Trade Secrets and/or Confidential Information: This proposal (does) (does not) contain trade secrets and/or confidential information. If applicable, describe such trade secrets and confidential information, and the basis for your assertion that such material qualifies for legal protection from disclosure. 7. Federal, State and/or Local Identification Information A. Centralized Master Bidders List registration number:- B. Prime contractor HUB / MWBE registration number: C, An individual Proposer acting as a sole proprietor must also enter the Proposer's Social Security Number: # - - 8. Cooperative Governmental Purchasing Notice Other governmental entities maintaining interlocal agreements with the City, may desire, but are not obligated, to purchase goods and services defined in this RFB from the successful Bidder. All purchases by governmental entities, other than the City, will be billed directly to and paid by that governmental entity. The City will not be responsible for another governmental entity's debts. Each governmental entity will place their own orders with the successful Bidder and be responsible for ensuring full compliance with the RFB specifications. Prior to other governmental entities placing orders, the City will notify the successful Bidder of their intent. Please indicate below if you will permit other governmental entities to purchase from your agreement with the City. [ X ] Yes, Others can purchase; purchase. [ ] No, Only the City can II. CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITION ' EXCEPT WHERE PROPOSER MAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION IN THE SUBMITTED PROPOSAL, ANY CONTRACT RESULTING FROM THIS RFP WILL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS, WHICH PROPOSER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES, AND TO WHICH PROPUSLR AGREES BY SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL: Delivery of Products and/or Services A. Payment Terms: Unless otherwise specified in the Scope of Services or otherwise agreed to in writing by the City, payment terms for the City are Net 30 days upon receipt of invoice. B. Warranty of Products and Services: All products furnished under this contract shall be warranted to be merchantable and good quality and fit for the purposes intended as described in this Proposal, to the satisfaction of City and in accordance with the specifications, terms, and conditions of the Scope of Services, and all services performed shall be warranted to be of a good and workmanlike quality, in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other express written warranties provided. C. Late Delivery or Performance: If Proposer fails to deliver acceptab:e goods or services within the timeframes established in the Project Schedule, the City shall be authorized to purchase the goods or services from another source and assess any increase in costs to the defaulting Proposer, who agrees to pay such costs within ten days of invoice. D. Title to Goods and Risk of Loss: For goods to be provided by Proposers hereunder, if any, the title and risk of loss of the goods shall not pass to City until City actually receives, takes possession, City of Southlake - RFP140IB36OCK140001 Page 13 of 19 and accepts the goods and the installation of such goods, has tested the system, and determined that it is in good and acceptable working order. z. Miscellaneous A. Independent Contractor: Proposer agrees that Proposer and Proposer's employees and agents have no employer -employee relationship with City. Proposer agrees that if Proposer is selected and awarded a contract, City shall not be responsible for the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) payments, Federal or State unemployment taxes, income tax withholding, Workers Compensation Insurance payments, or any other insurance payments, nor will City furnish any medical or retirement benefits or any paid vacation or sick leave. B. Assignments: The rights and duties awarded the successful Proposer shall not be assigned to another without the written consent of the Purchasing Manager. Such consent shall not relieve the assigner of liability in the event of default by the assignee. C. Liens: Proposer shall indemnify and save harmless the City a,,ainst any and all liens and encumbrances for all labor, goods, and services which may be provided to the City by Proposer or Proposer's vendor(s), and if the City requests, a proper release of all liens or satisfactory evidence of freedom from liens shall be delivered to the City. D. Gratuities / Bribes: Proposer certifies that no bribes in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise, were offered or given by the successful Proposer, or its agent or representative, to any City officer, employee or elected representative, with respect to this RFP or any contract with the City, and that if any such bribe is found to have been made 0-4 shall be grounds for voiding of the contract E. Financial Participation: Proposer certifies that it has not received compensation from the City to participate in preparing the specifications or RFP on which the Proposal is based and acknowledges that this contract may be terminated and/or payment withheld if this certification is inaccurate. F. Required ,Licenses: Proposer certifies that he holds ail licenses required by the State of Texas for a provider of the goods and/or services described by the Scope of Services herein. G. Authority to Submit Proposal and Enter Contract: The person signing on behalf of Proposer certifies that the signer has authority to submit the Proposal on behalf of the Proposer and to bind the Proposer to any resulting contract. 11. Compliance with Applicable Law: Proposer agrees that the contract will be subject to, and Proposer will strictly comply with, all applicable federal, state, anc i.-)cal laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. 3. Financial Responsibility Provisions A. Insurance: The Proposer, consistent with its status as an independent contractor, shall carry, and shall require any of its subcontractors to carry, at least the following insurance in such form, with such companies, and in such amounts (unless otherwise specified) as City may require: i. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liaoility insurance, including All States Endorsement, to the extent required by federal law and complying with the laws of the State of Texas; ii, Commercial General Liability insurance, including Blanket Contractual Liability, Broad Form Property Damage, Personal Injury, Completed Operations/Products Liability, Premises Liability. Medical Payments, Interest of Employees as additional insureds, and Broad Form General Liability Endorsements, for at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) Combined Single Limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage on an occurrence basis; City of Southlake - RFP140113360CK140001 - Page 14 of 19 iii. Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non -owned or hired automobiles to be used by the Contractor, with coverage for at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) Combined Single Limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage. B. indemnification: Proposer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, all of its officers, Council members, agents and employees from and against all claims, actions, suits, demands, proceedings, costs, damages and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs and related expenses, arising out of, connected with, or resulting from any acts or omissions of Proposer or any agent, employee, subcontractor, or supplier of Proposer in the execution or performance of this contract without regard to whether such persons are under the direction of City agents or employees. City ofSouthlake _ RFP140IB360CK140001 - Page 15 of 19 Appendix C — Form CIQ INFORMATION REGARDING VENDOR CONFLICT OFINTE'REST QUESTIONNAIRE WHO: A person must file a conflict of interest questionnaire with the City if the person has a employment or business relationship with an officer of the City that results in taxable income exceeding $2,500 dwing the preceding twelve month period, or an officer or a member of the officer's family has accepted gifts with an aggregate value of more 4;t. S25P during the previous twelve month period and the person engages in any of the following anions: L contracts or seeks to contract for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services with the City, including any of'the following; a. written and implied contracts, utility purchases, purchase orders, credit card purchases and any purchase of goods and services by the City; b. contracts for the purchase or sale of read property, personal property including an auction of property; C. tax abatement and economic development agreements. 2, submits a bid to sell goods or services, or responds to a request for proposal for services; 3. enters into negotiations with the City for a contract; or 4. applicti far a tax abatement and/or economic development incentive that will result in a contract ,Aith the City. THE FOLLOWING ARE. CONSIDERED OFFICERS OF THE CITY: . Mayor and City Council Members; 2. City Manager: 3. Board and Commission members Appointed by the Mayor or City Council members; 4, Directors of 4A and 4B development corporations; 5- the executive directors or managers of 4A and 4B development corporations; and 6. Directors of the City of Southlake who have authority, to sign contracts on behalf of the City. EXCLUSIONS: A questionnaire statement need not be filed if the money paid to a local government officer was a political contribution, a gift to a member of the officer's family from a family member: it contract or purehase of less than $2,500 or a trinsaction at a price and subject 45".tSnwlilgi c'hinteilanawstCl3aplcr t 7d.A1[wbmentC K) W:6U5 &-c )'DSc 1 of 3 City of Southlake - RFP1401 B36OCK140001 Page 16 of 19 to terms available to the public; a payment for food, lodging, transportation or critcrtainment; or a transaction subject to rate or fee regulation by a govemmenW entity or agency. WHAT. A person or business that contracts with the City or who seeks to contract with the City must file a "conflict of interest qucstiormaire" (FOP-M C1Q) %t hich is available online at www.clhics.state. tx.0 and a copy of which is attached to this Guidehne. The form contains mandatory disclosures regarding "employment or business relationships" with a municipal officer. Officials maybe asked to clarify or interpret various portions of the questionnaire. WHEN: The person or business must file: 1. the questionnaire no later than seven days after the date the person or business begins contract discussions or negotiations with the municipality, or submits an application, responds to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence, or other writing related to a potential contract or Dmement with the City; and 2. an updated questionnaire within seven days after the date of an event that would make a filed questionnaire incomplete or inaccurate. 1t does not matter if the submittal of a bid or proposal results in a m-ntract. The statute requires a vendor to file a FORM C 1Q at the time a proposal is submittc i or negotiations commence. WHERE: The vendor or potential vendor must mail or deliver a completed questionnaire to the Finance Ucpartment. The Finance Department is required bylaw to past the sraue► ents on the City `.c internet website. ENFORCEMENT: Failure to file a questionnaire is a class c misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed S500, 1t is an exception to prosecution that the person files a FORM C[Q not later than seven business days after the person received notice of a a iciati ,;. NOTE: The City does not have a duty to ensure that a person files a conflict of interest questionnaire. N'.:Sou%h1akc% isu 1mwaVChwa 17b_Auarhawm 0Q.0926n8 dcL Page 2 at' 1 City of Southlake - RFP140I B36OCK140001 - Page 17 of 19 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIO For vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity This QaesbormWili rtrteCts Changes matle to the law by HA 1991, Seth Leg. RtVLAW 9Cssiom Th€s wesion taire is bemG filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Loca! Gcverrimerit Cade by a person who has a business re,abnnshp as defined bq Section 176 M..-a) with a local VveirunontW entity and she person meets rpgai:emen:s under Seclion 176 3V} al By lavrthis quest�onnaim must be Roo im1h the tecorris acmmstmiv: of the toes go: rrnmerttai onti,,y not Ater :han the 71h business day alter the dale the pVsoo baronies awareos!acls chat require the statamam to oe filed See SoCtion 176ACb, Local Goverrn-oral Coda. A person commas an ottanse if ilia person trnow3ngiy violates Season 176.0-C6. Loa Gcver-vment Code An offense urtdetthis fierfbtl rs a Class C misdereana Ham* orpmson who has a huslness relailortstttp with local gt:vemrttenmt enirty. 1 1 Cheek tilts I= rt ypU are h;mg an ttpdato to a previously riled Weshonnalse. DMU 118 ON Y CYO kk*vi,ic ,The law requires the you rite an uogatel compte:ed Questiorutatre %111 the eoerap3al4 filing awhotity na! later than the 7th 1vs,r*5-S Jay aller the case the orrgntady Area Wee.-ianna'e, ^c,,, t:s n;anVlsts o tndCcthale.i Heine of tor:N gavemment ot4cerwlttr whom trier ties empiaymerrt [x pustness relaaonshrp. hams of O(Acer This 90diOn yRen A iiclui<ng subparts A. U. C & D; roust pb CWTIMad ipr carh cftrcu: w°h µhorn Ind ! er has an etnN?yr•,renl or ceT*r:wsiness rdaaonshto As i 1rW!C by Section 176 DGilt-2t Loc.V GCve,nn',ent Cale AtIa ajrabomt pages to this Form CIO as rncesear; e� is ne local wiarnmen'. clmi.K narnec n th's ""ion recou iij or t�s is reeewe laxa_Ie ir%=ms, o me, mart t ygesb".:BfY incorse, !rum Ina Met Q1 ttte due55oanaire? I I Y9S F? tr6 9 1s tlta tllerp Lhi avestibnnarce remwrg -7r 4e"y to re erve ra,,able name. odter (ran Investr lent Income, trm-, oral the direct -an of the Imet goveiny"tent -Titer named in this set' ion AND the 1ara.We ncoq* is no! mce"d tiote the local ; gavemmenIA erry7 CYes E h'e C Is :ne liter of Sirs queslgrnace ernb"d by a coracrabon cr Other bvs;nfms entity vAth re3mt _ ^ch ;7e -ocal 4)Z) Men! olfr-er s.vss as an oYtcet or OITCV. or holds an owne'Shlo of sp ;eroen: or moral Yes C No j 0 Denzsi�'a each ernjoyrwnt or €tusinep relatKrrship w•tn the h:al gn*nnjnent officer rat7a7 n Tft 5yfor. I !:,4'aliv OC WIO+w.nq breuat. Nth 1r4 9�a-mental e:wY aa�3tee Lift^_B nDl l4' Lticwiltlsk� Mls:cllaeenus,Chrptta 176 A tachmrnl CIQ l7'J2bRfl.6.x Pale i f 7 City of Southlake - RFP140IB36OCK140001 - Page 18 of 19 Appendix D — No Intent to Submit Form If your firm has chosen Ito submit a bid for this procurement, please complete this form and submit to. - City of South lake Purchasing Division, Department of Finance 1400 Main Street, Suite #440 Southlake, Texas 76092 Please check all items that apply: Do not sell the item(s) required Cannot be competitive Cannot meet specifications highlighted in the attached request Job too large 0 Cannot provide Insurance required 0 Cannot provide Bonding required Cannot comply with Indemnification requirement Q Job too small Do not wish to do business with the City of Southlake 4 Other: COMPANY NAME (Please print): Authorized Officer Name (Please print): Telephone: Fax: {. 1 City of Southlake - RFP140113360CK140001 - Page 19 of 19 Sweeping Services Map Exhibit, 1) e;. it' 2 ) City of Southlake REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Proposal Reference Number: RFP1401B360CK140001 Project Title: Provide Street Sweeping and Porter Services for Southlake Town Square Proposal Closing Date: 3:00 P.M.(CST), FRIDAY JANUARY 24, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Tableof Contents................................................................................................................................Page 1 Request for Proposals (I)Introduction .............................................................................................................................. Page 2 (2) Definitions................................................................................................................................ Page2 (3) General Information................................................................................................................. Page 3 (4) RFP Withdrawals and/or Amendments.................................................................................... Page 3 (5) Proposal Submittal Requirements............................................................................................ Page 3 (6) Proposal Evaluation and Contract Award ................................................ ......... Page 4 ....................... Appendix A — Scope of Services (1) Project Title.............................................................................................................................. Page 6 (2) Scope of Services Contact........................................................................................................ Page 6 (3) Special Conditions.................................................................................................................... Page 6 (4) Proposal Evaluation Factors..................................................................................................... Page 6 (5) Brand Manufacture Reference................................................................................................. Page 6 (6) Key Events Schedule.......................................................................................... .......... Page 6 (7) Scope of Services..................................................................................................................... Page 6 Appendix B — Proposal (-) Label Format for Submittal Packet's Sealed Envelope............................................................. Page 8 I Required Proposal Information (1) Proposed Product..................................................................................................................... Page 9 (2) Cost of Proposed Product......................................................................................................... Page 9 (3) Term of Contract and Option to Extend................................................................................. Page 10 (4) Proposer's Experience / Staff................................................................................................. Page (5)References..............................................................................................................................Page 12 (6) Trade Secrets and/or Confidential Information...................................................................... Page 13 (7) Federal, State and/or Local Identification Information......................................................... Page 13 (8) Cooperative Governmental PurchasingNotice......................................................................Page 13 II Contract Terms and Conditions (1) Delivery of Products and/or Services... ................................................................................. Page 13 (2) Miscellaneous ....................................... ............................................. —................................. Page 14 (3) Financial Responsibility Provisions.............................................................................. ........ Page 14 AppendixC— Form CIQ........................................................._................................................. Page 16 Appendix D — No Intent to Submit Form...................................................................................... Page 19 Exhibit A —Town Square Location Maps................................................................................................... City of Southlake - RFP14018360CK140001 - Page 1 of 19 Southlake, Texas Request for Proposals 1. Introduction A. Project Overview: The City of Southlake is requesting Proposals with the intent of awarding a contract for the purchase of goods and services contained in Appendix A Scope of Services. B. Questions: Following are contacts for questions as identified. i. RFP Clarifications: All questions related to requirements or processes of this RFP should be submitted in writing to the Purchasing Manager ider'.i led i-t section 2 below. ii. Scope of Service Questions: All questions related to the scope of services should be submitted in writing to the contact person(s) noted in Appendix A -- Scope of Services. iii. Replies: Responses to inquiries which directly affect an interpretation or effect a change to this RFP will be issued in writing by addendum and mailed to all parties recorded by City as having received a copy of the RFP. All such addenda issued by City prior to the submittal deadline shall be considered part of the RFP. The City shall not be bound by any reply to an inquiry unless such reply is made by such formal written addendum. iv. Acknowledgement of Addenda: The Proposer must acknowledge all addenda by signing and returning such document(s) or by initialing appropriate area of the Proposal. C. Notification of Errors or Omissions: Proposers shall promptly notify the City of any omissions, ambiguity, inconsistency or error that they may discover upon examination of this RFP. The City shall not be responsible or liable for any errors and/or misrepresentation that result from the solicitations which are inadvertently incomplete, ambiguous, inconsistent or obviously erroneous. D. Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Form C1Q)A person or business, and their agents, who seek to contract or enter into an agreement with the City, are required by Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 176, to file a conflict of interest questionnaire (FORA CIQ) which is found in Appendix C. The form must be filed with the City Secretary no later than seven (7) days after the date the person or business begins contract discussions or negotiations with the City, or submits an application, response to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence. or other writing related to any potential agreement with the City. Definitions Proposal: The signed and executed submittal of the entirety of Appendix B — Proposal. Proposer: The Proposer and the Proposer's designated contact signing the first page of the Proposal. City of Southlake ("City"): The City of Southlake, Texas. City Secretary's Office: The office of the City Secretary of the City, loci �.,. d at 1,100 Main Street, Suite #270. Southlake, Texas 76092, PH: (817) 748-8016; Fax: (817) 748-8270. Project: The name of this Request for Proposals as identified on the cover sheet and first page of Appendix A — Scope of Services. City of Southlake - RFP1401 B360CK140001 - Page 2 of 19 Purchasing Manager: The City of Southlake Purchasing Manager is Timothy Slifka CPPO, CPPB, Phone: (817) 748-8312, E-Mail: tslifka@,; <i,,,: („17) 748-8048. Request for Proposals (RFP): The entirety of this document, including all Appendices and Addenda. Scope of Services: The entirety of Appendix A — Scope of Services. 3. General Information A. Tax Exempt Status: City purchases are exempt from State Sales "fax and Federal Excise Tax. Do not include tax in the Proposal. City will furnish Excise Tax Exemption Certificate upon request. B. Public Inspection of Proposals: The City strictly adheres to the Texas Public Information Act (Texas Government Code Chapter 552.001, et seq.) and all other governing statutes, regulations, and laws regarding the disclosure of RFP information. Proposals are not available for public inspection until after the contract award. If the Proposer has notified the City, in writing, that the Proposal contains trade secrets or confidential information, the City will generally take reasonable steps to prevent disclosure of such information, in accordance with the Public Information Act, This is a statement of general policy only, and in no event shall the City be liable for disclosure of such information by the City in response to a request, regardless of the City's failure to take any such reasonable steps, even if the City is negligent in failing to do so. 4. RFP Withdrawals and/or Amendments A. RFP Withdrawal: The City reserves the right to withdraw this RFP for any reason. B. RFP Amendments: The City reserves the right to amend any aspect of this RFP by formal written Addendum prior to the Proposal submittal deadline and will endeavor to notify all potential Proposers that have registered with the City, but failure to notify shall impose no obligation or liability on the City. 5. Proposal Submittal Requirements A. Submittal Packet — Required Content: if submitting hard -copies, the Proposer must submit one (1) signed original Proposal and three (3) copies. This submittal packet shall be submitted in a sealed envelope with a completely signed and executed page eight (8) Appendix B-I affixed to the outside of the envelope. If submitting electronically, the Proposer must visit www.securebidusa.coin and search for "Southlake, Texas." Once an account is created, the Proposer can submit its Proposal electronically by selecting the appropriate Bid Identification. B. Submittal Deadline: The deadline for submittal of Proposals shall be as identified on page eight (8) of Appendix B-Proposal. It is the Proposer's responsibility to have the Proposal correctly marked and hard -copies delivered to the City Secretary's Office or electronically submitted by the submittal deadline. No extensions will be granted and no late proposals will be accepted. C. Proposals Received bate: Proposers are encouraged to subirni their proposals as soon as possible. The time and date of receipt as recorded in the City Secretary's Office shall be the official time of receipt. The City is not responsible for late delivery of mail or other carrier. Late Proposals will not be considered under any circumstances. D. Alterations or Withdrawals of Proposal. Any submitted Proposal may be withdrawn or a revised proposal substituted if a written notice is submitted to the City Secretary prior to the submittal deadline. Any interlineations, alteration, erasure or other amendment made before the submittal deadline, must be signed or initialed by the Proposer or the Proposer's authorized agent, guaranteeing authenticity. Proposals cannot be altered, amended or withdrawn by the Proposer City of Southlake - R1~P140IB36OCK140001 - Page 3 of 19 after the submittal deadline, unless such alteration, amendment or withdrawal notice is approved in writing by the Purchasing Manager. E. Proposal Format: All Proposals must be prepared in single-space tyi e, on standard 8-1/2" x I I" vertically oriented pages, using one side of the paper only. Pages shall be numbered at the bottom. Entries shall be typed, or legibly written in ink. The City only accepts electronic submissions via www, Any other format (via telephone, fax, email, etc.) may be rejected by the City at its discretion. F. Validity Period: Once the submittal deadline has passed, any Proposal shall constitute an irrevocable proposal to provide the commodities and/or services set forth in the Scope of Services at the price(s) shown in the Proposal on the terms set fGrLh in the Proposal, such proposal to be irrevocable until the earlier of the expiration of ninety (90) days from the submittal deadline, or until a contract has been awarded by the City. 6. Proposal Evaluation and Contract Award A. Proposal Evaluation and Contract Award Process: An award of a contract to provide the goods or services specified herein will be made using competitive sealed proposals, in accordance with Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code and with the City's purchasing policy. The City will evaluate all proposals to determine which proposers are reasonably qualified for the award of the contract, applying the anticipated evaluation factors and emphasis to be placed on each factor as identified in the Scope of Services. The City may, at its option, conduct discussions with or accept proposal revisions from any reasonably qualified proposer. The City reserves the right to determine which proposal will be most advantageous to the Ci,v. B. Completeness: if the Proposal is incomplete or otherwise fails to conform to the requirements of the RFP, City alone will determine whether the variance is so significant as to render the Proposal non -responsive, or whether the variance may be cured by the Proposer or waived by the City, such that the Proposal may be considered for award. C. Ambi ui : Any ambiguity in the Proposal as a result of omission, error, lack of clarity or non- compliance by the Proposer with specifications, instructions and all conditions shall be construed in the favor of the City. In the event of a conflict between tiiese standard RFP requirements and details provided in Appendix A — Scope of Services or Appendix B — Proposal, the Appendices shall prevail. D. Unit Prices and Extensions: if unit prices and their extensions do not coincide, the City may accept the price most beneficial to the City, and the Proposer will be bound thereby. F. Additional Information: City may request any other information necessary to determine Proposer's ability to meet the minimum standards required by this RFP. F. Partial Contract Award: City reserves the right to award one contract for some or all the requirements proposed or award multiple contracts for various portions of the requirements to different Proposers based on the unit prices proposed in response to this request, or to reject any and all Proposals and re -solicit for Proposals, as deemed to be in the„cit interest of City, G. Terminate for Cause: The occurrence of any one or more of the following events will justify termination of the contract by the City of Southlake for cause: i) The successful proposer fails to perform in accordance with the provisions of these specifications; or City of Southlake - RFP1401 B36OCK140001 - Page 4 of 19 ii) The successful proposer violates any of the provisions of these specifications; or iii) The successful proposer disregards laws or regulations of any public body having jurisdiction, or iv) The successful proposer transfers, assigns, or conveys any or all of its obligations or duties under the contract to another without written consent of the City. v) If one or more of the events identified in Subparagraphs G i) through iv) occurs, the City of Southlake may, terminate the contract by giving the successful proposer seven (7) days written notice. In such case, the successful proposer shall only be entitled to receive payment for goods and services p.-ovidec before the effective date of termination. The successful proposer shall not receive any payment on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss resulting from such termination. vi) When the contract has been so terminated by the City of Southlake, such termination shall not affect any rights or remedies of the City then existing or which may thereafter accrue. H. Terminate for Convenience: This contract maybe cancelled or terminated at any time by giving vendor thirty (30) days written notice. Vendor may be entitled to payment for services actually performed; to the extent said services are satisfactory. City of Southlake - RFP1401B36OCK140001 - Page 5 of 19 Appendix A — Scope of Services Project Title: Provide Street Sweeping and Porter Services for Southlake Town Square Scope of Services Contact Questions about the technical nature of the Scope of Services. etc, may be directed to TIM SLIFKA, PH. 817.748.8312, e-mail: Special Conditions The following special conditions shall prevail over areas of conflict in previous pages: NONE 4. Proposal Evaluation Factors Emphasis Factor 35% Vendors Ability to Provide all Required Services 30% Vendor Overall Cost to Provide Required Services 30% Vendor Experience Providing Required Services 5% Vendors Past History with City Brand Manufacture Reference The City has determined that any manufacturer's brand defined in the Scope of Services meets the City's product and support need. The manufacturer's reference is not intended to be restrictive, and is only descriptive of the type and quality the City desires to purchase. Quotes for similar manufactured products of like quality will be considered if the Proposal is fully noted with the manufacturer's brand name and model. The City reserves the right to determine products and support of equal value, and whether other brands or models meet the City's product and support needs. 6. Key Events Schedule Proposal Release Date January 7, 2014 Deadline for Submittal of Written Questions January 15, 2014 Sealed Proposals Due to and Opened by City Shown on First Page of this RFB Anticipated Committee Evaluation Review Date Week of January 27, 2014 Anticipated City Council Award Date February 2014 Scope of Services The City of Southlake is seeking a vendor(s) to provide daily street sweeping and Porter services for Soutllake Town Square. The following specifications are minimum requirements. Sweep public streets, including blowing of all gutters between wheel stops, blowing of all corners, and sweeping all curb lines with curb broom. (See attached map Exhibit 1) Sweep entire level surface of all levels, four (4) story public garages at two (2) locations (1451 Federal & 351 State Street), ensure all debris removed froii: corners, and stairwells. (See attached map Exhibit 2) City of Southlake - RFP1401 B360CK140001 - Page 6 of 19 Sweep entire level surface of all levels, two (2) story private garage at one (1) location (600 State Street). Ensure all debris is removed from comers and stairwells. (See attached map Exhibit2) Empty all trash cans and replace all trash can liners in Town Square and four (4) parks total of 130 (no matter how full or empty the contractor finds the can). Clean up any spills resulting from torn liners. Replace with liners of minimum 6 mil thickness, low density, with star shaped bottom. (See Exhibit2) The contractor shall provide the following services at Southlake Town Square once per quarter for the term of this contract: Pressure wash North and South entry stairways in to the Town Hall building. Pressure wash the stairways in the cast and west in the Town Square parking garages. Additional Requirements: All work shall be completed during non -business hoOrs ( 1-0 p.m. until 8 a.m,) The contractor is responsible for disposal of all trash collected. Onsite disposal will not be allowed. All employees shall wear company uniform and identification while on city property. All vehicles shall be clearly identified with company name. All vehicles and equipment shall be in good condition and free of leaks. Contractor, is responsible for cleanup of any leaks from company vehicles or equipment. Contractor shall notify City contact immediately of any vehicle or equipment spills. Yendorshall provide a current vehicle and equipment inventQ�y list detailing the make, model. year, and jj uantity of the equipment available for this pi;gject. City of Southlake - RFP1401 B360CK140001 - Page 7 of 19