Item 6B Item 6B – ZA 14-098 -Site Plan for Schlotzsky’s APPLICANT: Schlotzsky’s OWNER: Kickapoo Investments, Ltd. REQUEST: Approval of a Site Plan to modify the exterior facades of the existing restaurant LOCATION: 2000 W. Southlake Boulevard ZA14-098 Aerial View Existing Summary of Changes Proposed at 9/18 P&Z Meeting September 18, 2014; Approved (7-0) subject to Revised Site Plan Review Summary No. 2 and the staff report dated September 18, 2014 and noting the applicant’s agreement to use natural stone and stucco across the entire south, east and west elevations as presented in the renderings and noting the applicant’s willingness to address the dumpster issues and to provide renderings to City Council and noting the applicant’s willingness to address landscaping issues and the back fence and to paint that fence instead of having it stained.  P & Z Action Revised South Elevation 9/18 P&Z 10/7 Council Stucco Stone Stucco Stone East Elevation 9/18 P&Z 10/7 Council Stucco Stone Stucco Stone West Elevation 9/18 P&Z 10/7 Council Stucco Stone Stucco Stone North Elevation No changes since 9/18 P&Z Meeting Paint Brick to Match Stucco Proposed Dumpster Enclosure Improvements New metal gate to match charcoal roof on building SW6111 Coconut Husk Rear Property Line Fence to be painted Questions?