Item 6A Item 6A - Zoning Change and Concept/Site Plan Southlake Office Plaza Owner: Chapel Crossing Medical Ltd. Applicant: 3L Realty Group, LLC Request: Approval of Zoning Change and Concept/Site Plan from “S-P-2” to “S-P-2” to develop an approximately 51,000 square foot, three-story office building in Phase 1 and Concept Plan approval for an approximately 23,000 square foot expansion Location: Southwest corner of E. State Hwy. 114 and N. White Chapel Blvd. ZA13-106 Aerial View Countryside Bible Church Countryside White Chapel Office Park Carillon Site Plan Approved August 7, 2007 Summary of Revisions The materials on the renderings and elevations have been revised; The corner feature has been enhanced with terraced walls and additional landscaping; The Landscape Plan has been revised to address comments/match renderings; Some of the parking lot islands have been relocated to line up with the building after removing the covered parking; Ambulatory Surgery Center has been removed as a permitted use. Site Plan at September 16th Meeting Covered Parking Spaces Removed Revised Phase 1 Site Plan Parking Islands Revised after Covered Parking was Removed Phase 1 Landscape Plan at Sept. 16th Meeting Revised Phase 1 Landscape Plan Revised Phase 1 Landscape Plan- October 6th Tree Conservation Plan 30” Post Oak to be saved View Southwest (Sept. 16th) Revised View Southwest Stucco Stucco Stone Stone North Elevation – Phase 1 (Sept. 16th) Stone Stucco Stucco Stone Revised North Elevation – Phase 1 Stucco Stucco Stone Stone South Elevation – Phase 1 (Sept. 16th) Stone Stone Stone Stucco Stucco Revised South Elevation– Phase 1 Stucco Stucco Stone Stone East Elevation – Phase 1 (Sept. 16th) Stucco Stucco Stone Stone Stone Revised East Elevation – Phase 1 Stucco Stucco Stone Stone West Elevation – Phase 1 (Sept. 16th) Stucco Stucco Stone Stone Revised West Elevation – Phase 1 Stucco Stucco Stone Stone Future Mechanical Yard Screen Wall Stone Stone Stone North and South Elevations – Phase 1 East and West Elevations – Phase 1 S-P-2 Regulations The proposed “S-P-2” uses and regulations are based on the “O-1” Office District uses and regulations with the following exceptions:   Permitted Uses   All uses permitted in the “O-1” Office District. to include the following additional use by right:   Ambulatory Surgery Center S-P-2 Regulations Variances Requested Section 5.2.c prohibits commercial driveways on local and collector streets. A variance is requested to allow a commercial driveway onto Countryside Ct., which is a local street.   Section 5.2.d requires a minimum stacking depth of 100’ for both driveways. A variance is requested to allow the stacking depths as shown on the Site Plan and Concept Plans with approximately 43’ of stacking depth shown on the E. S.H. 114 driveway and approximately 48’ of stacking depth shown on the Countryside Ct. driveway. Variance Exhibit Commercial driveway onto Countryside Ct., which is a local street ± 43’ ± 48’ ZA13-106 Planning and Zoning Commission: July 17, 2014; Approved (6-0) subject to the staff report dated July 11, 2014, subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated July 11, 2014, specifically approving the variances requested in the staff report dated July 11, 2014, and specifically noting the approval of Option “A” with the motion and the disallowance of Option “B” with the motion, also noting the applicant’s willingness to work with the City as far as the timing and the installation of the deceleration lane onto Countryside Ct. up to City standards and further noting the applicant’s willingness to work with the City as far timing and what would be required for a left turn lane on northbound White Chapel Blvd., referring to striping and asphalt as staff has presented it. ZA13-106 City Council: August 19, 2014; Approved at 1st reading (6-1) pursuant to Site Plan Review Summary No. 4, dated August 13, 2014, noting the following comments with the motion, the applicant will revise the elevations consistent with Council’s comments and provide possible alternatives for building elevations noting that there will not be any articulation variances included therein, noting that a revised site plan will be considered that will include less impervious coverage, noting that the carports as noted on the site plan to be twenty will be redesigned as such to be incorporated possibly into the building design to reduce their visual impact from White Chapel Blvd. and to be fewer in number, noting that it will be the responsibility of the applicant to provide escrow funds for a deceleration lane and work with staff to come up with a development plan to construct same in connection with the White Chapel widening project, noting that the applicant will provide right of way frontage for the White Chapel widening project, noting that the revised site plan will include alternative vehicular access through the project from Countryside Ct. along the western boundary to 114, noting that the applicant will work with Council members to include a revised landscaping plan, noting that more detail and scope and hardscape alternatives which could also include water features to be included on the hard corner of White Chapel and 114, approving the driveway stacking variance and also the driveway on a local street, and incorporating Planning and Zoning’s comments from the prior motion and recommendation to Council. Questions? Forest Park Medical Office Building Forest Park Medical Office Building Carillon Office Carillon Office