Item 9BCITY OF SOUTHLAKE Department of Planning & Development Services STAFF REPORT October 1, 2014 CASE NO: SV14-014 PROJECT: Amendment to the Master Sign Plan for Jellico Square REQUEST: On behalf of 437 North Main Partners, LP, Chandler Sign Company is requesting an amendment to the Jellico Square Conditional Sign Permit (SP06-401 and SP06-401A revised) to include regulations to allow one (1) existing tenant sign with six (6) tenant sign panels and to allow the sign face to extend into the 6-inch masonry surround on an existing monument sign fronting on W. Southlake Boulevard. The property is located at 225 Randol Mill Avenue. The existing monument sign contains a Sprouts sign (can letters) and three (3) tenant panels located below the Sprouts sign face. The existing monument sign was approved by City Council through an amendment to the existing Conditional Sign Permit (SP06-401A revised) for Jellico Square. A photograph comparison of existing signs to the proposed sign is provided on Attachment `C,' page 2. The revised sign regulations proposed for the monument sign are as follows: Sign Regulation Sign Ordinance 704-F Regulation Jellico Square Conditional Sign Permit Regulation Proposed Sign Regulation Number of Sprouts sign and 3 One (1) large tenant Tenant Sign Six (6) tenant panels sign panel and six Panels (6) tenant panels Masonry 6-inches of Approved as presented with Allow sign face as Surround of masonry frame Sprouts and 3 shown on exhibit Sign Face around sign face tenant panels ACTION NEEDED: CONSIDER SIGN VARIANCE APPROVAL ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Site Plan (D) Sign Exhibit — Link to PowerPoint Presentation (E) Sign Application STAFF CONTACT: Case No. SV14-014 Ken Baker (817)748-8067 Patty Moos (817)748-8269 BACKGROUND INFORMATION APPLICANT: Chandler Sign Company. OWNER: 437 North Main Partners, LP PROPERTY SITUATION: The property address is 225 Randol Mill Road HISTORY: November 7, 2006; Approved (6-0): Motion was made to approve SP06- 401, Conditional Sign Permit for Jellico Square located at the northwest corner of West Southlake Boulevard and Randol Mill Avenue, limiting all tenants over 20,000 sf to a maximum letter/logo height of 60 inches; limiting junior anchor tenants between 10,000 sf and 20,000 sf to a maximum letter/logo height of 36 inches; limiting tenants of less than 10,000 sf to a maximum letter/logo height of 24 inches; the signs will have the company name only with no descriptive language and the design will be consistent with the Sprouts sign as discussed tonight; requiring the Sprouts signage to have no descriptive language except for what was shown tonight which those being individual letters with back -lighting and no white backing; eliminating monument signs #2A; requiring monument sign #1 to reference the office park only and not contain multi -tenant listings and the developer will look at the orientation of that sign; requiring monument signs #2B and #2C to comply with our current ordinances and will only have one tenant on each sign with no white backing and will have back lighting with individual letters; requiring the identifier signs on the Sprouts building may have product categories and will not include store in store businesses and will use the words as shown tonight; and requiring the developer to incorporate the name Jellico Square into the development. January 16, 2007; City Council Approved SP06-401A Monument Sign Regulations: City Council approved a total of four monument signs, one along Southlake Boulevard at the west entry drive, one at the corner of Southlake Boulevard and Randol Mill Avenue, and two along Randol Mill Avenue. Specifically, City Council: o Eliminated one of the signs along Randol Mill Avenue. o Required the sign in the office portion of the development to reference the office park only and not contain multi -tenant listings. Council also asked the applicant to look at the orientation of this sign. o Required the sign along Southlake Boulevard and the sign on Randol Mill Avenue (in the retail portion of the development) to comply with Sign Ordinance No. 704-B. Council also required that the signs only have one tenant on each sign, have no white backing, and have back lighting with individual letters. February 6, 2007; Approved SP06-401A revised (6-0), subject to the sign being as presented this evening, with the lettering on the three sub -tenants being of the same color and font. STRATEGIC LINK: Quality Development Case No. Attachment A SV14-014 Page 1 COUNCIL ACTION: September, 2, 2014; approved (7-0) the motion to table to the September 16, 2014 City Council meeting and encouraging the applicant to meet with the sign committee. STAFF COMMENTS: The sign criteria, site plan and application are attached to this report. The monument sign will need to meet the sign ordinance for the 8-inch address numbers on the monument sign. WCommunity DevelopmentlMEMOISigns120141SV14-014 Jellico Square Case No. Attachment A SV14-014 Page 2 N 125 i2A R u N 0 Y r 19 � g39 207 !601 2501C 0 cn 2501 2419 m L L Vicinity Map Jellico Square 225 Randol Mill Avenue �h gg70 e -J, Igoo 1914 1911 BI—B—END C C igpi -1 1917 13 ' Kv 1905 ,erg 196A - 755 g20 ' 7 _B 1912 p,Y IJ .a..o��ri45 gg6i V1 01 4 Sign Variance 0 1 CCQ00 400 v Feet Case No. Attachment B SV14-014 Page 1 Site Plan .� v,owr. rn IdsE Vrt w,Q �. ,•� •,a�n ►a usw �• ---------------- -- - ElrJLDIFS - I SJlT KU _ II - 4 _- la ; k Y' OC4 2 , a F I i Li 1�' i I - - - } `4 - '4 ICI R�+Ill J+1+� -.'- P' f A- - l41 , I M FM h� • 1 .1 I �I �r— F I i uaEa , II [iE�m I I'i I it 1 Emit" PSR- 4* XD -i- t' IT 4,# ` ' I �� oac •i�� � x •5 l y� I %y{ II. SITE PLAN Case No. SV 14-014 U I [ II � II I ' I I O ' 6E7k}IRdl%I i I I I ' I f� I Location of Monument Sign for Amendment Request NOT TO SCA LE Attachment D Page 1 F yr u, x 41 +1 kW P1 �I Existing Monument Sign Approved by City Council February 6, 2007 1611/0 {D.A.L FXISTINC} 1 n' {"SPROUTS"} RXISTIM DfF AWNW NT ELEVATION SCALE=3/ir REMOVE ALL E}USTINC SIC NACE AS REQUIRED Proposed Sign 161 Ye {p.A.L E(ISTINO 129" {" SPROUTS"} , 47Ye(CA3INE7) , 47YO(CABIN FT) , 47y4"{CARINETj PROPOSED ELEVATION SCOPE OF WORK- APPRCK SCALE: 3i ' 'I - i4 MEw 9A6114EM {; MOW CAMIMMS Case No. Attachment D SV14-014 Page 2 SCOPE Of wcdw: REMCVE, RAISE & RE -INSTALL EYJSTINr, "SPROUTS FARMERS MARKEr LETTERS ON MONUMENT IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE (3) NEW TENANT CABINETS MANUFACTURE &IINSTALL (3) NEW S-DEEPALUMINLM FARRICATEDCABINETS PAINTEDTOMATCH EXISTING BRICK COLOR (VERIFY) • ROUT -OUT SHCWTHRU TENANT COPY RACKED w/ WHITE LEXAN INTERNALLY ILLUMINATEDw/WHITE LED's RETROFIT0) EKISTINC TENANT CABINETS w/ ALUMINUM PAN PANELS PAINTED TC MATCH BRICK COLOR (VERIFY) & ROUT -OUT SHOWTHRU COPY BACKED w/ WHITE LEXAN MOUNT SIGN CABINETS FLUSH TO EiCISTING D/F MONUMENT AS REQUIRED 1/4- THIC K ALUMI N UM FLAT CUT- OUT ADDRESS NUMERALS PAINTED LIGHT BE ICE (VERIFYCOLOR) STUD-MOUNTFLUSH TOMONUMENTRASEAS REQUIRED Case No. Attachment D SV14-014 Page 3 Photographs Existing Monument Sign on W. Southlake Boulevard i1!!!iliii iiiwfa■ i ' !!!l�wiiii iiii AV fir!! -Jy 14( ,• r!! MIN r�r� i���r•�� �isi.i��. R� 1 �.F.��. L .rir 4 iy W10 . Existing Monument Existing Monument Sign on Randol Mill Avenue Randol Mill Avenue Case No. Attachment D SV14-014 Page 4 Sign Variance Application Demonstration Please demonstrate that the following conditions are applicable to the requested sign variance 1. That a literai enforcement of the sign regulation will create an unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty on the applicant. Ski' ' IVVi4D rh 6(,4Nsr&-r ASV6WS gWjrra.4ft P,g� ,sae S77Qdh5f G544swe 1 2. That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property ar,d is not self imposed. L IMI M-) N( MS „2 0P MoMIN1617- 5714frJ s 0i4 PX1y JSES . 3. That the variance will not injure and will be wholly compatible with the use and permitted development of adjacent properties. PWYtmr Awwm&r Au.%Aw (3) 7FN~ Psjt,S*. 4. That the variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the sign ordinance. 10 GvOecr Da(4w E,urQ6Gr.Ft . Case No. Attachment D SV14-014 Page 5