Item 4MCITY OF SOUTHLAKE MEMORANDUM September 30, 2014 TO: Shana Yelverton, City Manager FROM: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services SUBJECT: Approve contract with O'Donnell's Landscape for landscape services for 2015 in an amount $494,000 for Group 1 and renewal of Groups 2, and alternate Group 5 Item 4M Services, Inc. not to exceed 3,4,6and 7 Action Requested: Approve contract with O'Donnell's Landscape Services, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $494,000 for Group 1 and renewal of Groups 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and alternate Group 5 landscape services. Background Information: The City contracts landscape services for many of the areas in town maintained by the City. These areas are placed and bid in "Groups" based on the geographic area or type of maintenance required. In March 2011 the City awarded a landscape services contract to O'Donnell's Landscape Services, Inc. for Groups 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7 as the primary contractor, and Group 5 as the alternate (back-up) contractor. The contact contained provisions for four, one-year extensions. The City elected to renew the contract with O'Donnell's in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The current contract will expire December 31, 2014. This proposed renewal for 2015 for these Groups is the final, one- year renewal remaining on the original contract. The contract amount for these Groups will remain the same for 2015. The City also contracts the landscape maintenance services for Town Square (Group 1). Group 1 was awarded to Dynamist Irrigation Company in 2011. Dynamist informed the City that they will not renew the contract for 2015. As such, this proposed contract also adds Group 1 to O'Donnell's list of properties. City of Southlake Values. - Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Item 4M Shana Yelverton, City Manager City Council Meeting Date — October 7, 2014 Page 2 of 3 O'Donnell's originally submitted a bid for Group 1 in 2011, but the contract was awarded to Dynamist. O'Donnell's has requested a 4% increase above the amount they bid in 2011 for Group 1 services. Based on O'Donnell's proven performance since 2011, and their bid price, staff recommends approval of the contract with O'Donnell's Landscape Services, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $494,000 for Group 1 and renewal of Groups 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and alternate Group 5 landscape services. The contract will be in effect January 1 - December 31, 2015. Landscape Services Scope by Group. - Group 1 landscape services include mowing, edging, fertilization, seasonal color, bed mulch, clean-up, irrigation, tree, turf, shrub, ground cover, trash pick-up, etc, for all Town Square Parks and streetscape, Central Park, Town Hall, DPS Headquarters, FM 1709 right-of-way from Carroll Avenue to 1600 E. FM 1709, and the Carroll Avenue median and right-of-way from FM 1709 to SH 114. Groups 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 landscape services include landscape maintenance of City parks, medians, right-of- ways, and roundabouts, including trash pick-up, mowing, edging, trimming, fertilization, seasonal color, bed mulch, clean-up, irrigation, tree, turf, shrub, groundcover, etc. Areas contained within these groups include Southlake Sports Complex, DPS West, Kimball medians, Bicentennial Park, North Park, Royal & Annie Smith Park, Senior Center, Koalaty Park, Chesapeake Park, Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve trails, lift stations, pump stations, roundabouts, and medians including the FM 1709 medians. Financial Considerations: Funding in the amount of $669,900 is allocated for FY 2015 for contract landscape services. Strategic Link: This item is linked to the City's Strategy Map related to the focus area of Performance Management and Service Delivery and meets the corporate objectives to Provide City of Southlake Values. - Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Item 4M Shana Yelverton, City Manager City Council Meeting Date — October 7, 2014 Page 3 of 3 Attractive and Unique Spaces for Enjoyment of Personal Interests and Invest to Provide and Maintain High Quality Public Assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review: N/A Legal Review: The agreement was previously reviewed by the City Attorney. Alternatives: Alternatives may include the following: • City Council approve contract renewal as presented • City Council approve contract renewal with input as desired • City Council decision not to approve contract renewal Supporting Documents: Supporting documents include the following: • Contract Staff Recommendation: Approve the renewal of a contract with O'Donnell's Landscape Services, Inc. for landscaping services in an amount not to exceed $494,000 for Group 1 and renewal of Groups 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and as the alternate for Group 5. City of South/ake Values. - Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Item 4M SOlffH1AKE 19 September 2, 2014 O'Donnell's Landscape Svcs. Inc. PO Box 96072 Southlake, Texas 76092 Attn: Mr. Scott O'Donnell Subject: Contract Extension Notification for Landscape Services for City of Southlake RFB1 I O1B540NIR110004 Dear Mr. O'Donnell, The City of Southlake is extending the contract, pending City Council approval, for Landscape Services for City of Southlake RFB I 10IB540NIRI 10004 for Fiscal Year 2015. This extension shall become effective January 1, 2015 pending City Council approval (CC Award date —) and shall continue in full force based on the terms and conditions of the initial award. At this renewal, Group One Town Square is being assigned to your company as the Secondary Awarded Vendor. Your company has accepted this assignment and has requested a four percent (4%) increase in your originally submitted pricing for Group 1. You have indicated your company would not be requesting an increase at this renewal for your other awarded locations. This renewal and increase request for Group 1 has been approved. Updated pricing for Group 1 is included. The terms and conditions proposed and accepted in this renewal agreement are as follows: Payment Terms: Net 30 days (Unless otherwise noted — such as pre- and/or partial payment) Method of Payment: Shall be made by purchasing card or purchase order. Delivery Terms: FOB Destination Delivery Locations: IF STATED IN RFB DOCUMENT Tenn of Contract: Shall be effective for twelve months from date of renewal City Contact: MIKE REASONER 817-748-8603 Send all billing to: City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440, Accounts Payable Southlake, TX 76092 or via email Other Charges: The City of Southlake is a tax exempt municipal corporation and is exempt from all federal, state, and local sales taxes. All other specifications, terms and conditions shall be as provided in the original procurement documents. No other attachments to or in response to this agreement will be accepted unless approved in writing by the Purchasing Manager or an authorized representative of the City of Southlake. Thank you for participating in our procurement process. Please call 817.748.8312 with any questions. Sincerely, Tim Slifka Purchasing Manager, GPp , GPPB City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 Attest: Fax: 817-748-8048 Contract and Award Accepted: Signed: Mayor John Terrell City of Southlake Date: Lori Payne, TRNIC City Secretary Approved as to Form and Legality: City Attorney Item 4M September 1, 2014 City of Southlake Mr. Michael Reasoner Community Services Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Grounds Maintenance for City of Southlake - RFS11018540MR110004 Dear Mr. Reasoner: O'DonneIrs Landscape Services, Inc. (OLS, Inc.) has enjoyed and more importantly, appreciated the business relationship with the City of Southlake. We are eager to continue providing our services and look forward to growing our business today and into the future. Our Learn is very excited to finally have the opportunity to provide our award winning services for Southlake Town Square in 2015. As you know, O'Donnell's proposed our services on this portion of the RF61101 B540MR110004 hack in early 2011 but unfortunately the services were awarded to a higher priced vendor. Per our meeting last week, please know that O'Donnell's would very much like to provide our services and graciously requeat an increase of up to 40/6 from our 2011 proposed prices. I believe this increase will still keep your spend signlfirantly lower than your current vendor for this portion of the above referenced RF13 and be in line with the Consumer Price Index Increases over the past four years. Again, we appreciate our business relationship with the City of Southlake and look forward to many more years of providing our landscaping services. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, 7�i� Scott E , O'Donnell Owner 2140 E. Sowhlake Blvd, Ste. L607 Southlake, TX 76092 Tel: 8l?.562 A498 Met,•o: 972.424.3723 Fax: 817.562.4981 ,,vv nv.odonnsll ;landscapf�.com Item 4M PRICING UPDATE FOR GROUP 1 ITEMS ONLY GROUP 1 FINISH MOWING AND LANDSCAPE SERVICES FOR TOWN SQUARE O'Donnell's Original Cost Estimated Quantity 2014-2015 Cost Total Estimated Cost Percentage Increase Item 1. RUSTIN PARK MOWING SERVICES $ 70.00 48 $ 72.80 $ 3,494.40 4.00% LANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 30.00 48 $ 31.20 $ 1,497.60 4.00% Item 2. EAMILY PARK MOWING SERVICES $ 48A0 48 $ 49.92 $ 2,396.16 4,00% LANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 20.00 48 $ 20.80 $ 998.40 4.00% Item 3. CENTRAL PARK MOWING SERVICES $ 44.00 48 $ 45.76 $ 2,196,48 4.00% LANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 30.00 48 $ 31.20 $ 1,497.60 4.00% Item 4. 1T09 RIGHT OF WAY FROM CARROLL AVE TO 1600 E. FM 1709 MOWING SERVICES $ 65.00 48 $ 67.60 $ 3,244.80 4.00% LANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 15.00 48 $ 15.60 $ 748.80 4.00% Item 5. SUMMIT PARK MOWING SERVICES $ 80.00 48 $ 83.20 $ 3,993.61) 4.00% LANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 20.00 48 $ 20.80 $ 998.40 4.00% Item 6. FRANK CORNISH PAR LANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 20.00 48 $ 20.80 $ 998.40 4.00% Item 7. MC PHERSON PARK MOWING SERVICES $ 65.00 48 $ 67.60R$3,9244 4.OD4oLANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 20.00 48 $ 20.80 4.00% Item 8. DIPS HEADQUARTERS MOWING SERVICES $ 55.00 48 $ 57.20W$1,4997.'60 4.00% LANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 20.OD 48 $ 20,80 4.00% Item B. TOWN AL LANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 30.00 48 $ 31.20 4.00% Item 10. TREE WELLS ON ANY NAMED STREET WITHIN TOWN SQUARE LANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 50.00 48 $ 52.00 $ 2,496.00 4.00% Item 11. CARROLL AVE RIGHT OF WAY AND MEDIANS FROM SH114 TO FM 1709 MOWING SERVICES $ 33.00 48 $ 34.32 $ 1,647.36 4.00% LANDSCAPE SERVICES $ 15.00 48 Is 15.60 $ 748.80 4.00% Item 4M ADDITIONAL ITEMS UPDATED PRICING FOR GROUP 1 SERVICES ONLY Item 97, MONTHLY WALK-THROUGH OF TOWN SQUARE AREAS $ 60.00 12 $ 62.40 $ 748.80 4.00% Item 98. LICENSED IRRIGATOR PER HR. 1 $ 65.00 As Re uested $ 67.60 4.00% Item 99. IRRIGATION TECH PER HR. $ 32.0o As Requested $ 33.28 4.00% Item 100. IRRIGATION HELPER PER HR. $ 25.00 As Requested $ 26.00 4.00% Item 101. TRIP CHARGE OR FEE TO ADJUST IRRIGATION OR OTHER REPAIR SERVICES $ 10.00 As Requested $ 10.40 4.00% Item 104. PROVIDE COMMON BERMUDA SOD AND INSTALLATION TO INCLUDE ALL REQUIRED SERVICES PER SQ. FT. $ 7.00 As Requested $ 7.28 4.00% Item 105. PROVIDE AND APPLY NO -FLOAT MULCH AS REQUIRED / REQUESTED $ 1.65 As Requested $ 1.72 4.00% Item 106. COLOR CHANGE OUT OF FLOWER BEDS PER PROVIDED FLAT PRICE BASED ON A 4"POT PLANT SIZE PER SCOPE OF SERVICES $ 19.80 As Requested $ 20.59 4.00% Item 107. RYE GRASS OVER -SEEDING. PRICING PER POUND OF SEED APPLIED TO INCLUDE ALL RELATED CHARGES $ 3.00 As Requested $ 3.12 4.00% Item 108. FERTILIZER APPLICATION PER SQ.FT.OF CHEMICAL APPLIED LABOR COS $ 0.001 $ 0.0D104 4.00% Item 110. PESTICIDE OR HERBICIDE APPLICATION PER UNIT OF MEASURE OF CHEMICAL APPLIED LABOR COS $ 0.002 $ 0.00208 4.00% Item 112. CORE AERATION OF TURF PER SCOPE OF SERVICES PER SQ. FT. $ o.oa1 As Requested $ 0.00104 4.00% Item 117. TREE. BUSH OR HEDGE PLANTING SERVICES. LABOR COST PER HR. $ 26.00 As Re uested $ 27.04 1 4.004o Item 4M ORIGINAL DOCUMENT CITY�QF SOUTHLAKE Council Action: N Ord./Res. No. Date Approved I 1-05 -a013_ _. October 21, 2013 O'Donnell's Landscape Svcs. Inc. PO Box 916072 Southlake, Texas 76092 Attn: Mr. Scott O'Donnell Subject: Contract Extension Notification for Landscape Services for City of Southlake RFB 1101 B540MRI 10004 Dear Mr. O'Donnell, The City of Southlake is extending the contract, pending City Council approval, for Landscape Services for City of Southlake RFB 1101B540MR110004, copy included for Fiscal Year 2014. This extension shall become effective January 1, 2014 pending City Council approval (CC Award date 11-US -Zoib) and shall continue in full force based on the terms and conditions of the initial award. As a condition of contract renewal, a price adjustment may be requested by the vendor and considered by the City. You have indicated your company would not be requesting an increase at this renewal and as such, all pricing, terms and conditions of the original contract shall remain in effect. The terms and conditions proposed and accepted in this renewal agreement are as follows: Payment Terms: Net 30 days (Unless otherwise noted — such as pre- and/or partial payment) Method of Payment: Shall be made by purchasing card or purchase order. Delivery Terms: FOB Destination Delivery Locations: IF STATED IN RFB DOCUMENT Term of Contract: Shall be effective for twelve months from date of renewal, and is eligible for up to one (I) more one (1) year annual renewals. City Contact: MIKE REASONER 8I7-748-8603 Send all billing to: City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440, Accounts Payable Southlake, TX 76092 or via email accounts ap yable_�ci.southlake.tx.u_ s Other Charges: The City of Southlake is a tax exempt municipal corporation and is exempt from all federal, state, and local sales taxes. All other specifications, terms and conditions shall be as provided in the original procurement documents. No other attachments to or in response to this agreement will be accepted unless approved in writing by the Purchasing Manager or an authorized representative of the City of Southlake. Thank you for participating in our procurement process. Please call 817.748.8312 with any questions. Sincerely, Tim Slifka Purchasing Manager, C O, CPPB City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 tsli fkq&i.southlake.tx.us Fax: 817-748-8048 Contract and Award Accepted. Signe : Mayor John Terrell City of Southlake Date:��- Attest: W 0 Alicia Richardson, City Secretary MCr'•-•. va•'�p A veWstrm Le ty City Attorney Item 4M tu21113�� r�-�* ,�v= Ci.mMaleb=Mail -FVACW&1dRWWMd © C.7CXJ ! r 1L AKE Fwd: Contract Renewal Mike <mreasoner@ci.southlake.tx.us> Mon. Oct 21, 2013 at 8:39 AM To: Timothy Slifka <tslifka@ci.southlake.ex.us>, Dane Kielich <dkielich@ci.soutHake.tx.us> Mike Reasoner Begin forwarded message: From: "Scott O'Donnell" <scottod@teamols.com> Date: October 21, 2013, 8:04:37 AM CDT To: "Michael Reasoner"' <mraasoner@ci.southlake.tx.us> Subject: RE. Contract Renewal Mike, Please allow this communication to serve as O'Donnell's desire to renew our landscape contract at no price change from last year. Thanks, Scott E. O'Donnell Owner Mpsl mail.poople.cwftdlluiMm2MlrcldcW8Ck 8 WwAFpomwclFllftd4F 14t Uri Item 4M IIY21113 UsaAfilalte.4cue Mal - FM: Cattraet Renexal O'Donnell's landscape Services, Inc. 855.TEAMOLS.COM www.teamols.com scottod@teamols.com From Michael Reasoner[maitw:mreasoner@d.southlake.bLus] Sent: Sunday, Ochober 20, 2013 9:40 PM To: Scott ODonnell Subject, Contract Renewal Scott. I haven't heard back if O'Donnell% would like to renew the landscape contract for next year. Please let me know as soon as possible I need to get it on the council agenda. Thanks -Mike Timothy Slifka <tslitka@ci.southlake.tx.us> To: Mike <mreasoner@ci.southiake.tx.us? Cc: Dave Kielich adklellch@cLsouthlake.tx.us> Thanks Mikel 1 down and 2 to gol [quoted text hidden] Timothy Slifka CPPO, CPPB Purchasing Manager Mon, Oct 21. 2013 at 9:21 AM ht�C:lhral.paogle.mrYmeirhiRYhi=26iIF7dt978�Ib96MewGpl3seerd>=inhm8df>=141d 709e98C 2G Item 4M IM13 Cl .bcua Mail - Find: Contract Ra wAd City of Southlake 1400 Main Street Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 817-748-8312 817-748-8048 Fax islitkaQci.southlake.tx.us www. cltyofsoulhiake.com Please take a few moments and click on the appropriate link below to complete our Purchasing Department Survey. Your answers will help us to continually improve our services. City Staff Survey and Internal Bid Survey Vendor Survey ttltpSJlm�it.gaogla.emYrt�ellh�l(Y'r1�i=2l�ilF1dc47a]Ftl88JarFplBsearelKlmm611�'If1� 3r3 Item 4M ORIGINAL DOCUMENT CITYYAF SOUTHLAKE �H�E Cob:;cif Action; N Ord./Res. No. Date Approved- t - f'D- October 17, 2012 O'Donnell's Landscape Svcs. Inc. PO Box 96072 Southlake, Texas 76092 Attn: Mr_ Scott O'Donnell Subject: Option to Extend Notification for RFB1101B540MRI10004 Landscape Services for City of Southlake Dear Mr. O'Donnell, The City of Southlake is providing notification they intend to extend the contract, pending City Council approval, resulting from your RFB1101B540MR110004 Landscape Services for City of Southlake, copy included for Fiscal Year 2013. This extension shall become effective January 1, 2013 and after City Council approval (CC Award date r I - & -17- and shall continue in full force based on the terms and conditions of the initial award. Additionally as a condition of contract renewal a price adjustment may be requested by the vendor and considered by the City. In support of a price adjustment, vendor may submit documentation as to the need of the price adjustment. Requests for price adjustments may only occur at the time of renewal and only upon securing the approval of the City in writing. Requests for price adjustments must be solely for the purpose of accommodating an increase in the vendor's cost, not profit. You have indicated your company would not be requesting an increase at this renewal and as such, all pricing, terms and conditions of the original contract shall remain in effect. The terms and conditions proposed and accepted in this renewal agreement are as follows: Payment Terms: Net 30 days (Unless otherwise noted — such as pre- and/or partial payment) Method of Payment: Shall be made by purchasing card or purchase order. Delivery Terms: FOB Destination Delivery Locations: IF STATED IN RFB DOCUMENT Term of Contract: Shall be effective for twelve months from date of renewal, and is eligible for up to two (2) more one (1) year annual renewals. City Contact: MIKE REASONER 817-748-8603 Send all billing to: City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440, Accounts Payable Southlake, TX 76092 or via email aecountspayablerdci.southlaf e.tx.us Other Charges: The City of Southlake is a tax exempt municipal corporation and is exempt from all federal, state, and local sales taxes. All other specifications, terms and conditions shall be as provided in the original procurement documents. No other attachments to or in response to this agreement will be accepted unless approved in writing by the Purchasing Manager or an authorized representative of the City of Southlake. Thank you for participating in our procurement process. Please call 817.748.8312 with any questions. Sincerely, r m Slifka Purchasing Manager, PB City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 tsFtka0zi.southl tke.tx.us Attest: Phone: 817-748-8312 Fwz: 817-748-8048 Contract and Award Accepted: Signed: (ZWQ�0. Mayor lohnT ell City of Southlake DatJJ64dkV-b'-W 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Alicia Richardson, City Secretary TRWj � # Approved as t and Leg ty: ity Attorney V/ Southlake, Texas 76092 • in Item 4M RE: Contract Renewal Scott ODonnell <scottod@teamols.com> Reply -To: scottod@teamols.com To: Michael Reasoner <mreasoner@ci.southfake.tx.us> Cc: Timothy Slifka <tslitka@ci.southlake.tx.us> Mr. Reasoner, Please accept this email as my notice that I do intend on renewing the contract for next year and that I do not anticipate an increase. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Scott E. O'Donnell Owner www.tearnols.com O - 817.562.4498 O - 972.4243723 F - 817.562.4981 —Original Message — From: Michael Reasoner€malito:mreasoner@ci.southlake.tx.us] Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2012 9:03 PM To: Scott ODonneil Subject: Contract Renewal Dear Mr. O'Donnell, I'm working on the renewals for your contract next year, and I need to know if you intend on renewing and do you anticipate an increase. Please let me know. Thank You Mike Reasoner Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 8.19 AM Item 4M ORIGINAL DOCUMENT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOLITHLAKE Council Action: 6)N Ord./Res. No.- 91 Date Approved %--f k °- t x- June 19, 2012 Mr. Scott O'Donnell O'Donnell's Landscape Svcs. Inc. PO Box 96072 Southlake, Texas 76092 Subject: Amendment # 3 for RFB1101B540MR1 10004 Provide Landscape Services Dear Mr. O'Donnell: The City of Southlake's request for bids number RFB1101B540MR110004 Provide Landscape Services for City of Southlake contract requests the following: Add the following service areas; a. Right of Way (ROW) mowing rough cut North and South sides of 1200 East Kirkwood Blvd, to 1400 East Kirkwood Blvd., two hundred two dollars and fifty cents ($202.50) per occurrence. b. Mow/Landscape Services on Northwest corner and all medians 1200 East Kirkwood Blvd. to 1500 East Kirkwood Blvd., one hundred twenty three dollars ($123.00) per occurrence. These areas require finish cut and landscape services. c. Irrigation inspection of turf on Northwest corner and all medians 1200 East Kirkwood Blvd. to 1500 East Kirkwood Blvd., ninety six dollars ($96.00) per occurrence. d. Rough cut mowing services for Northeast corner 160 East Dove Rd., eighty five dollars ($85.00) per occurrence. 2. No other changes are requested. R I� Sharen Jackson Director of Finance, City of Southlake By signing the amendment, vendor is acknowledging and agreeing to the additions made to the terms and conditions as stated in the existing contract. Vendor must acknowledge receipt of this amendment by signing both copies and returning one signed original amendment to: City of Southlake Finance Department 1400 Main Street Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092-Agewjon Tim Slifka. Signe Printed Name: 5" 1--- c1 �C� 'Lo n , o-i I Title: 0,,., �-r Company Name: C) L 9, it e. Dated: 1� I I Ot I I2 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS It, Please call 817-748-8312 with any questions. Brandon Bledsoe Sincerely, Tim Slifka Purchasing Manager, CPPB tslifka@ci.southlake.tx.us Fax: 817-748-8048 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: Mayor Pro Tern ATTEST:. M u. Alicia Rich Item 4M ORIGINAL DOCUMENT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE �Courlcil Action: N Ord.. No. Date Approved l' h;-1 a 01 t October 19, 2011 O'Donnell's Landscape Svcs. Inc. PO Box 96072 Southlake, Texas 76092 Attn: Mr. Scott O'Donnell Subject: Option. to Extend Notification for RFB 1101B540MR110004 Landscape Services for City of Southlake Dear Mr. O'Donnell, The City of Southlake is providing notification they intend to extend the contract, pending City Council approval, resulting from your RFB110IB540MRI 10004 Landscape Services for City of Southlake, copy included for Fiscal Year 2012. This extension shall become effective January 1, 2012 and after City Council approval (CC Award date IA-6-11 ) and shall continue in full force based on the terms and conditions of the initial award. Additionally as a condition of contract renewal a price adjustment may be requested by the vendor and considered by the City. In support of a price adjustment, vendor may submit documentation as to the need of the price adjustment. Requests for price adjustments may only occur at the time of renewal and only upon securing the approval of the City in writing. Requests for price adjustments must be solely for the purpose of accommodating an increase in the vendor's cost, not profit. You indicated in your original submitted bid document your company would not be requesting an increase at this first renewal and as such, all pricing, terms and conditions of the original contract shall remain in effect. The terms and conditions proposed and accepted in this renewal agreement are as follows: Payment Terms: Net 30 days (Unless otherwise noted— such as pre- and/or partial payment) Method of Payment: Shall be made by purchasing card or purchase order. Delivery Terms: FOB Destination Delivery Locations: IF STATED IN RFB DOCUMENT Term of Contract: Shall be effective for twelve months from date of renewal City Contact: MIKE REASONER 817-748-8603 Send all billing to: City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440, Accounts Payable Southlake, TX 76092 Other Charges: The City of Southlakc is a tax exempt municipal corporation and is exempt from all federal, state, and local sales taxes. All other specifications, terms and conditions shall be as provided in the original procurement documents. No other attachments to or in response to this agreement will be accepted unless approved in writing by the Purchasing Manager or an authorized representative of the City of Southlake. Thank you for participating in our procurement process. Please call 817.748.8312 with any questions. S' el Tim Sli�lk�. Purchasing Manager, PB City of Southlake Renewal Appro Date 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 John Terrell p�' .0UT�l.46r Ir, Southlake, Texas 76092 Mayor, City of Sq'ffQ (ie . k ; _' ''•. ems tslifkaAci.southlake.tx.us Phone / Fax: 817.748.8312 / 817.748.8048 wU ' ,';.licia Richardson, 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake Texas• 9$ec r,���''�• =r`a} * �c •• �.•''�,; eta •'ImrLrid-: �/ Item 4M Finance Department O'Donnell's Landscape Svcs. Inc. PO Box 96072 Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Correction to R)FB 1 i 0113540MR110004 Landscape Services for City of Southlake Dear Mr. O'Donnell, This letter is to document the correction of Request for Bid document number RFBi 10IB540MRI 10004 Landscape Services for City of Southlake. During the contract renewal process it was discovered the incorrect document number was used during the initial award process. This error has been corrected internally and the correct RFB number is reflected on the renewal documents. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Tim Slifka Purchasing Manager, CPPB City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 817-748-8312 tsliflca@ci.southlake.tx.us 1400 Main Street Suite 440, Southlake, TX 76092, (817) 748-8345 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT 4M CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Council Action: Y 1e) Ord./Re, _ .._ Date Approved 4` November 14, 2011 O'Donnell's Landscape Svcs. Inc. PO Box 96072 Southlake, Texas 76092 Attn: Mr. Scott O'DonneIl Subject: RFD 101 IB54ODKI00027 Provide Landscape Services for City of Southlake Dear Mr. O'Donnell: The City of Southlake's request for bid number RFB 1011B540DK100027 Provide Landscape Services for City of Southlake contract requests the following: 1. Add Right of Way (ROW) services for the following locations; a. Lilac Lane ROW located at 150 - 240 East Lilac Lane, fifty dollars ($50.00) per occurrence. b. Primrose Lane ROW located at 1000 - 1100 East Primrose Lane, sixty two dollars ($62.00) per occurrence. 2. No other changes are requested. 86�1� Sharen Jac n Director of Finance, City of Southlake BY SIGNING THE AMENDMENT, VENDOR IS ACKNOWLEDGING AND AGREEING TO THE ADDITIONS MADE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS STATED IN THE EXISTING CONTRACT. VENDOR MUST ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THIS AMENDMENT BY SIGNING BOTH COPIES AND RETURNING ONE SIGNED ORIGINAL AMENDMENT TO THE ADDRESS BELOW. City of Southlake Finance department 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 Attn: Tim Slifka, CPPB SIGNED: PRINTED NAME: TITLE: COMPANY NAME: DATED: Item 4M Thank you for your immediate attention to this amendment for this contract. Please call 817-748-8312 with any questions. Sincerely, Tim Slifka Purchasing Manager CPPB City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 tslifka@ci-southlakc.tx.us Phone / Fax: 817-748-9312 / 817-748-8048 Item 4M ORIGINAL DOCUMENT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE March 2011 Council Action. 0 N Ord./Res. No. O'Donnellll's Landscape Svcs. Inc. Date? Approved l�kcl1,aUl PO Box 96072 Southlake, Texas 76092 ATTN: Mr. Scott O'Donnell Subject: RFB1011B540DK100027 PROVIDE LANDSCAPE SERVICES FOR CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Dear Mr. Bell: The City of Southlake is pleased to inform you that O'Donnell's Landscape Svcs. Inc. of Southlake, Texas is one of three (3) vendors being awarded "RFB1011B540DK100027 PROVIDE LANDSCAPE SERVICES FOR CITY OF SOUTHLAKE" The award and this agreement are based on your bid to the City, copy enclosed. This is a multiple vendor award contract. Your company's portion of the award is attached. This award was approved by the City of Southlake City Council on MARCH 29. 2011. The terms and conditions proposed and accepted in this agreement are as follows: Line Items Awarded Groups 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 as Primary award and Groups 1 and 5 as an Alternate award. Payment Terms: Net 30 days (Unless otherwise noted — such as pre- and/or partial payment) Estimated Quantities: The City does not guarantee to purchase any minimum or maximum quantity but does contemplate purchasing the awarded items exclusively during the term of the contract from the successful vendors. Method of Payment: Shall be made by purchasing card or purchase order. Delivery Terms: FOB Destination Delivery Locations: Vendor Delivery or City employee pick-up. Term of Contract: The term of awarded contract is as follows: Effective start date is April 7, 2011 through December 31, 2011 and is eligible for up to four (4) one (1) year annual renewals beginning on January 1, 2012. City Contact: DAVE KIELICH 817-748-8107 orTRAVIS EDWARDS 817-748-8034 Send all billing to: City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440, Accounts Payable Southlake, TX 76092 Other Charges: The City of Southlake is a tax exempt municipal corporation and is exempt from all federal, state, and local sales taxes. All other specifications, terms and conditions shall be as provided in the original procurement documents_ No other attachments to or in response to this agreement will be accepted unless approved in writing by the Purchasing Manager or an authorized representative of the City of Southlake. Thank you for participating in our procurement process. Please call 817.748.8312 with any questions. Sincerely, Tim Slifka Purchasing Manager City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 is Iifka(cDci.southlake.tx. us Phone/Fax: 817.748.83121817.748.8048 Contract a Accepted: Signed: Mayor John Terrell DATE:. _LA 1'1, 2bu 1400 Main Street, Suite 440 Southlake, Texas 76092 Item 4M FtEcENM Appendix B — Bid Document I.rR 2 1 -=SabWW9 Cb.&W- {To deteraine vatidit9 �[bldi g I� thrsagb 43, siast be h wMed im the bid sabodttal. 0 5 rr OF l:i� � KT R AP= — �� - IPaB� ^ , cam Uterat Fares mod bt taeW" is the bid sabssittaL ai • S+! pw\ r� 1 learned of thb Request for Side by the follOwi"g me2ns: ❑ Newspaper Actvertisament City E-mail Notification n n__.t, rid mail to City Item 4M i:�'+!i itl;1�II :1'�I J,' •i1., ' �1:1 �1 11 111cm # 34 it bring roved *= Wdd bid. A aambiu;t ammda &MR be created to sdd then Lamt3oc to ffwm ed vaAw contract, per tyW of mowing eaavices roq*a4 ooce area Lea oo a psbuoet E rvicaa. 34. BICENTENNIAL, PARK ADDMONAL MIPANWN AREA map 32 38 Mowmg Sewn= Per swX of &rvices $ 38 1 Ladopw 3wx= her of _Seam S S .r Offill . x _i IN THE SUBSUSSION OF Si$ BID, BIDDER MUST ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF 7HM ADDENIDUM. BIDDER SHALL AC NOWLEMIR TMS ADOMMUM BY SIt3>MO AND R]31'[1RNING ONE COPY OF T'HLS NOTICE WITH THUR BID. 3ICTY+ii3i}: DATM Z lq_eb ! Z.e �t CO1eMYNAMR- �Nn1E S L-iFt,r.�S�v�{ �Lzgi�ic� fit.. MUGIM69 An Add kw6j ae Item 4M PIMLOMI: l 1 1 V:I rl' •�� V W 'i r r ' .11. : 11 : ,, OC41 ! ' :11 ci: .ioo;(I r ' :Ikli�l':AO i� ii,I a is t; QNYXI pl:'1 r # i• ►r ' r •1 r r �: � rr:�t• : ii, P1"Qi�l:1 H. � � � DATED: Z12 Z 1 if"" COWANY NAMB: L7grd r - rMwftwftW • AWAtrkS1011 i S1:5P44V • W.-AR TQo1B7d W 817MAM AREEDAtAftodWeACUM Item 4M Appandht B — Bid DoemPent (e�ttaaea) L REDUCED BID gW0jW4TJ0N. nY ORDER FOR A BID TO BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE, AND TO BE EFALUATED FOR A CONTRACT AWARD By THE CITY, BIDDER MUST SUBMIT ALL OF TBE FOLLOI i'iNG EYF0RMAZTON: 1. Proposed Products and/or Services A. Product or Semce Descrmtion: Bidders should ubl= this section to descn'be the technical aspects, capiduliUCII, fcepurs aad opus of the service ar product andiar service proposed m accordance with the required Scope of Services as A tified in Appendix A. Proactional literature, brochures, or other technical won MY be used. B AddbaW HjgbM pS19gpt�oro: Bidders should also include in this Section a detailed man of what additional hardware aadlor software, if any, would be required by the City in order to fully atIlin the goods wxYor services proposed. C. MSWW Saft Dal Sheets D If applicable, the successful Bidder shall provide the City with applicable NISDS docmentation as required by applicable laves and regulations. D. Quaraidem and W : Each Bidder &hail submit a complete copy of any warranties or guarantm provided by the rozmanotarer or Bidder with the Bid submi to l E. Project JDchyW Date; Bidder must pro& a project Whedule noting all projected completion dates far segments of the Project, from startup to completion, ad all delivery dates for Th goods covered by the RFB. e Bid Document must show the member of days required to deliver and iastall the product or equipment after the receipt of the City's Purchase Order. 2. Cost of Proposed Prwncta nadlor Services A. ftoin : Pricing shall reflect the full Scope of Services defined herein, inclusive of all associated cost for delivery, labor, insurance, , ovcrhW, aced Profit— B. Schedule of kfid= Bidder shall quote unit Pricing is accordance with the hemind listing of products or contract segments stated in the Scope of Services and using the following format: 1. Mowing and Landscuq rvica Services Per SceP of 48 1 Services Per of ;iug Services MA 1 $10~ S 3,3too Cify qf&uMske_ M1101B540 R11M4 .'age 15 of 44 Item 4M 2. FABBLY PARK 1 48 MOWMg Se d(= Per Sewo of 5exv:ices $ $ Z" ACM 48 Lwdscam Services Per Scq= of S vices $ Zo+ $ cl%60- 3. CENTRAL PARK 1 48 mowing Services Per Lon of services $ r S 48 Lan&Mpe Servic"Per Scope ofSavices -S o� $ t �lL10 4. 1709 RIGHT OF WAY FROM CARROLL AVE TO 1600 E. FM 17" Map 2 48 Mowing Services Per Scope of Services $ l05 ~ $ -1t 2.0 48 Lmdwmc Services Per of So -vim $ �S ' $ l Z o 5. SUNMM PARK Map 3 48 Samosa Per of Services $ bD 48 LMUCoe Services Per SORE of Services $ Z o— S c! loO 6. FRANK CORNISH PARK Mop 4 48 Lmbcapc Services Per Scope of Services S o $ 9 6 0 7. MC PHER.SON PARK N11W 5 49 Mowim se'A= Per Scope of services $- 48 LZdSCMC Services Per SCOPC of Services S 20 $ 9 Iota 8. DP5 HEADQUARTERS MEP 6 48 Mowim $crvim per of Services $ 5 5 - S -L , 6 'ia 48 Lm&cw Services Per &xw of Services $ zo ~ $ 960 CltF of Soodd4c - RkB1101BSUNWlOM - Page 16of44 Item 4M 10. 11 TOWN HALL 7 48 Services Per of Services S - TREE WELLS ON ANY NAMED STREET WITHIN TOWN §0LARE May 8 48 LM&CMW Services Per of Services $ 50 CARROLL AVENVE RIGHT OF WAY AND N"L4NSi FROM SIN 114 TO FM 1709 Nlap 9 48 mowmow= Services Per of Services S 33•• 48 Lie Sim Per Scoee of Services S GROUP moo LAyo - Z.6too - 35,D�1o�' saj*%% tftArnrc e t v i o. r okw%rS +to 1o`9E ewe �`r`1 cky of sawa&" - RF81INDMONW 12104 Pap 17 of 44 Item 4M 12. SODTBLA" SPORTS COWYLEX 10 48 Moqft Services Per Scope of Swvices $15 $ 3 tano- 48 Services Per Swp of Serviices $ %0 13. DPS WEST map 11 48 MaTM Services Per Segy of Savices $ $ "Ll 48 LwWsmpc Scrvices Per Scope of Services $ 'La $ 96b 14. S. KIMBALL MEDIANS MaTo u 48 M.,M Sacsn M Per Scow of Sarvices $ 33 ^ $ t 5%' k ` 48 Services Per Scq= of Samocs $ to- $ 15. RICHM NNIAL PARK 13 48 Mowing Scrvices Per Scope of Services $ $ 3, WAD ` 48 I I.andscme Services Per Sao= of Services TOTAL GROUP 2 S ZZ S i Sta a& oj,%wI ske - Rml loll 0MR1lW - Page 18 of 44 Item 4M city of so"WiLe - Rl+BllDlB540PAW lM - Pagc I9 of 44 Item 4M Mil Of S"WW" RM ISINSUPAM IOW Page 20 Of 44 Item 4M CIO ofsomwou - RFB11Q1H9"MIMP34 - Page 21 of44 Item 4M PEV— ADAfr# w% Ciiy of SomMake _ RF'BI10] B540MR] ] 0004 Page 22 of 44 Item 4M 2 city ofsand"t RI+B1101B54SNW1" ftV23 of44 Item 4M CIV o f0 RFB1181SiOMMING4 _ Page 24 of 44 Item 4M 55. BOB JONES PARK —Map 53 32 Moynng SavuM Per Scope of Services $ 3 3 $ 1 d 5(0 56. RIGHT OF WAY — YELLOW AREAS 54 32 sanrtces F�-- ese-nice a $ (09 TOTAL GROUP 4 C72Y of Sate% - RF811e1E"MRI16M - Page 25 of 44 #Iav-,JDA 'Cwo Item 4M � rt MODIFICATION OF SCMDUL$ OF PRICING Moft S60d& of pdaing1 dual jvVfi=jMM ft Icm 56. Renhwo sH 114 Rift Of Wsy fim ood afm=56vnaM���a ��r s�A. ORIGVUL SCHKDUM OF PRXRW= blOniFi� SCEMM LE CIF PRICING PLEA K C,Di4I LEn AS PART OF YOURsUn&ffr= RED lnl= W WAY .r19LLOW A )ft s� XZMUDM SS 114-- ti-11A ! s L-%-1 -k(as~ RIGW Off+ WAY YKLLOW AREAS ffi 114 �,� - ��aeDq • N9pA1��Bet9Ga41m - SaiM� iarirlb� 81zMwu An AerW WA&ftn qoo Item 4M T 57. ROYAL AND ANNIE SNM PARK MM55 10 mow= Scry = Per Scme of Services $ISO - $ 58. SOUTE AAER SPORTS COMPLEX MM56 10 Mowing Services Per of Services $ too- $ k, 000- 59. BOB JONn NATURE CENTER Nh57 10 Mow= Services Per scope of Services $ $ 60. PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY 58 10 M Services Per Lao of &n ices 5 1 oo - 61. SENIOR CENTER Map 9 10 Mowing Services Per Scope of Services $ t 5�� $ 1, Sacs` 62. RANDOL M LL AND JONSON ROAD LOT Map 60 10 Mowhla Services Per SCCIN of Services $ 63. LOT ACROSS FROM BOB JONES PARK map 61 10 Mowing Services Per of Services $ COD $ Lo 00- 64, IORKWOOD Mcp 62 10 Moika Services Per §M of Services $ ��� $ 9 65. PUMP STATION # 1 Map 63 10 Mowing Services Per Scope of Services $ Its Gary of Son6uke - AM 101B549MR110304 Page 26 of 44 Item 4M 66. BOB JONES PARK Map 64 10 M Services Per of Services 5 Sm+ $ TOTAL GROUP S lansor I Cy[y of Ser - RM IRIB540AMIMU Pap 27 of 44 Item 4M 68. SOUTH CARROLL AND CONTINENTAL Map 65 20 Services Per SMW of Services $ 1^ $ (040^ 69. SOUTH WHITE CHAPEL AND CONTII1i MAL Mp 66 20 Luacum Services Per §M Of Se VX= $ 'J'Z r $ �040 70. NORTH WHITE CHAPEL. AND DOVE Map 67 20 LsndscaM Services Per Scope of Services $ 32-^ $ �4C 71. NORTH CARROLL AND DOVE Map 68 20 LmIscave Services Per Scooe of Services I S `to _ $ 72. S. PEYTONVILLE —17W PORTAL M20 69 20 Services Per Sc of Seavices S $ ^ $ S o0 73. WHFn CRAPEL —17W PORTAL Meg 70 20 Services Per Scope of Services $ 7-5 " $ Soli ITOTAL GROUP 6 CltyojSecE�L�i - RM1101E&OAM1= 34 - Pup 28of44 Item 4M 3 74. MEDIAN # I 48 Mowing and Landscape Services Per Scove of Services $ 73. MEDIAN # 2 48 Mowing and Landscape Services Per Scope of Servi$ ,� _ ces l yya— 76. MEDIAN # 3 48 Mowing and Lmx1scape savices SaWofSemces Per $ 50' $ "ILA 77• MI±DIAN # 4 48 Mowing and � Landscape Services §EgLe of Per - yyo- 78. MEDIAN # 3 48 Mowing and Landscape Services Scope of Services Per $ 2.'L " $ o S(e 79. MEDLAN # 6 48 Mowing and Landscape Services Scope of Services Per $ 2'Z.� _ $ 1 as(A 80. MEDIAN # 7 48 Mowing and Landscape Services Scope of Services Per $ 2. L ^ $ i, 0 IS(. 81. MEDIAN # 8 48 Mooring and Landscape Services Scow of Services Per _ 82. MEDIAN # 9 48 Mowing and Landscape Services scope of 5ervioes Per $ ' — $ 1,440 City oI-%u&t.L - RFBI1018549MR1IOOd1 - Page 29 of 44 Item 4M 83. 1+=L4N # 10 48 Mowing and Landscape Services Per Sea= of Services $ a $ 05fo 94. MEDIAN # 11 48LcM Mowing and Landscape Services Per of Savives $ ZZ— $ 1 0 5(0 ` 95. Mi UN Al U Mowing and L,andacape Services Per 86. 48 MEDIAN # 13 Mowmg and Landscape Semces Scope of Scavicea Per $ 5d� $ 2 4ao— 97. MEDIAN # 14 48 Mowing and Landscape Services Scone of Se rvices Per $ 22 $ 88. MEDIAN # 15 48 Mowing and Landscape Services Scme of Services Per $ so— $ 1,r- tAO 89. MEDIAN # 16 48 Mowing and Landscape Services SOMM of Services For $ 90. 48 bO DIAN # 17 Moving and Landscape Services Scow of Services Per S So g Z,1+00 91. 48 MEDIAN # 18 Mowing and Landscape Services of Services Per $ so- $ Z, `lrso` cyxy of SaM*hAc - RFBl l9lBS4QbM lK 4 - Pap 30 of 44 Item 4M 92. MEDLAN # 19 Mowing and Landscape Services Per 4ssoop of Sm iece s 93. MEDIAN # 20 48 Mowing and Landscape Services Per SCO13C of Services $ 94. MEDIAN # 21 48 Mowing and Landscape Survives Per of Services~ $ �+ 440_ 95. N"L4N # 22 Mowing and Landscape Scrvives Pea 30 " i 440 48 of San►ices 96. MEDIAN Al 23 Movrmg and Landscape services Per $ $ 4 4 4 O� 48 ScON of Services - $ 3y Z1Z.w TOTAL GROUP 7 Grey ofSa"Wa e - RMIOI B540MR11CO 4 - Page 31 of 44 Item 4M MONTA.LY WALK-THROUGH OF TOWN SQUARE AREAS AS REQUIRED AVID OTHER AREAS AS REQUESTED BY CfrY Monthly Walk-Thmugh nfTown Square Sdvice Area (GROUP # 1) or Other 97. 12 Areas As or S � $ 98. As Rapested. Licensed $ (n5 Pr. Hr. 99. As RcqwsWd Irrintion Tech $ 3Z" Pr. Hr. 100. As Requested Irrigatim He $ Pr. Hr. 101. As Trip Chage or Fee to Adjust Irrigation or Other Repair Services $ t0 Pr Trip 102. As Patin Cost + Vendor Mark -Up % for on New or Rcpair Parts % al Cast + % 103. As RmucsW I Other hrigation Services Charges. Please list tJ r A $ awofSonlWake - RFB11#1B6*bMlfM - Page 32 of44 Item 4M Item # Estimated Quantity of Description of ProductslServices Services Per Year Unit Cost Extended Price 104. Provide Common Bern}uda Sod and Installation to Include all Required As Requested Services Per Sq. Ft Pr. Sq. PE $ i 105. Provide and Apply No -Float Mulch as As Requested R uired/R uested Per Cu. Ft. Color Change Out of Flower Beds Per Per Installed Fiat Provided Flat Price Based on a 4" Pot „ to i W. As KegUeSted Plant Size Per Scope of Services S }'t T 107. As Requested Rye Grass Over -Seeding. Priced Per .Pound of Seed Applied to Include All Related Ch Per Pound 99 $ FERTILIZATION AND WEED CONTROL SERVICES 108. Requested Fertilizer Application Per Pound of Chemical Applied $ 109. As nested Material Cost + Mark-Up..°d r An A h lizer % Cost + 110. As Requested Pesticide erbicide A "on Per &4pjtff Measure of Chemical Appj $ r As BReAquested Vendor Material Cost + Mark -Up % fox An Applied Pesticide or Herbicide, % Cost+ 112. As Requested Core Aeration of Turf per Scope of Services Per Sq. Ft. $ 113. Per Request Other Vendor Charges. Please list: $ QA $ 114. Per Request Other Vendor Charges. Please list: $ $ SCe 14"T ppat h Cuy OfSommlake - RFBIIOIB540MR110o04 Page 33 of44 Item 4M 151 MODIFMCATION OF SCERMULF OF MCIN[' Mo ft die of R=V p= mbm#al mq=U mts Apr krhlzm pmbcWc and hub=& fim pw pound or emit of maaam price to a agaam toot pim ORTCKgAL SCEGMUIX OF iPBMC NG: MODIFM OF yRlm& PLBAM COMPL=AS Pal' OF YOUR SUMIAMTED iflD ADDMOM3 TO PMICZiG SCEUMULM 077.7 GUM An v3A*x 5isMdm Item 4M -7w rM Other VaKjor Charges. Please list: 116, ParReggat Other Vendor Charges. Please list: Is TOTAL ML4CELLANEOUS PTEMS I I $ I Gam' of-lk"k" - RFB1141BMSNM10M - Par 34 of 44 Item 4M MODB2CATIO,>1T CW SCEIDULE OF PAIMG Modify Scbe" a0 ims price sabm Wd nq*emmntB Air iidilrw, pmbcide and hubicub from per pamxl or Unit ofocssore P= to a square foot prig cam + MEk-up % Ew Yaadw hmemW Caa + IlInkiJp % fr Asw Approd MODIFIED CIE OF PBIMC. FLXA= CQIYRUM AS PART OF YOUR SUBMWIIED BID 16L :A)B Fefi'l = Application Per Sq. A of Ghamiml AppNed aAbW Cant S 1G! As V Coed f Marf fat Arty X Cost + % - 11L As Ea deride C—rlBff1W& RPPAelfim Pet unit 04rawma of Cast Per Sq. Ft: UL As Vendor MsiwW Cost + Mazc-Up % for PwbcJde err HcbicWa 117. As Traa, bash or bodge &M iag BMT! & labor cc* pw bL _ $ Z(p •PatHr. 11L AA Reowded Vendor Mateo.-i Cant + Mm& UP % for Any tee, b't* or hWp wdWol y Coat+% M mower Aden WA" Item 4M t-� I $iddees EZ 1 Staff A. Proiect Tt : iden* all members of the Bidder's team (including both team members and rnaaage:mcnt) who will be providing any serinm proposed and include information which details their experience. B. Removal or l C-CWA& of S . If an assigned staff person =st be removed or replaced for any reason, the rcplscemcnt person and be M*mved by City Prior to join* the Pmleck C, State the mmnbcr of years the Bidder's busims has been established and operating. If Bidder's business bas changed names or if the principals operating the business operate any similar bum under different mains, or gave operated any other bunemm or changed the legal status or farm of the business within the last five (5) Years, all names, of predecessor business names, affiliated entities, and previous bins entities operated by the priFtaipals, if different than present, must be provided: State the number of years esperience the business has: %04 and the number of employees: i3S D. Led RCIRIW P129derica' All Bids mnmt include detailed infiwmatm that details the Bidder's Cq=Mce and expert= is provubngthe requested services that demonsUatCS the Bidder's ability to logically Plan and complete the requested project. My o fso _ AFB1191MOMRl IM - Page 35 of 44 Item 4M p 4. References Bidder shall provide three (3) references where Bidder has perfarmed similar to or the same types of services as described herein. Reference 41 -- Client / Company Name: i►1o�L'tii1+ 5T SfjpEP1r .i bE:TjN 5[ �hQo� �ST1 cT Contact Name: Comet Title: S�ri% S AOL6R t,&QSacTMa- 04: VACM LrT 1L E S Phone: Email: Q,�1 2�5 moo► °I �5e,d1�r �+�:sd.�-x_org Date and scope of work Provided: A icosr 2,ocy pceyen� . %'L elaw-oAa*+i 'L..:U%t 21,4 J, stti. ls. ?Ws 5 mild�1. e:1: }teS. N%%s A $Ct1iS : n �cL+aa� e� y�r:a} �wC1Jt141A� fd ate I�g 4lhce.h wre. gtru:u.d 3 4AOWE s �. ws,tle ! as.►+, W pro.i: a w,e.a:&q, aL %M1 � GM y I.OhNs 044 fro t-j %VN itt- ti.ow+n oa,r� %S '5.d1-.1.-.1+ ,j *k-,ct v- yea '— thos+ Go Set Diet kt er SosAAJ;,- Mks. 1� Client / Company Name: Contact Name: Contact Title: %CTAY% U- 060 a 1c. pq[�CwE 9-Ty Phone: Email: �11 I-rk 3oao �naMe%Je►q r-rOCAJ&.CfmVn Date and Scope of Work Provided: pWravSti -1-op(a Cj„r,P%C4-1L kA%CkSC4p4LIt %k"r %ga4riiOA, keLwwftCC►r 1Osr r4lO.a a w� ��otvSh 0�,. ScaSa�a sC�OC •}�`f�,E S A Nkeaf. 1 r . ea r Client / Company Name: 1G�E,.�I'CAXrJ - 5AG's.w]Av++ [Nh�.ri' Scµ►.: ASTBScT Contact Name: Contact Title: �Lvr. 'tAJ G 01';4 t-g- r- M4LEC-TOIL Phone: Email: So `1'blb v-12CO �p �a.�1A�!'e•� e eiv s-, sd.nt�1 Date and Scope of Work Provided: t v\#4w— 'Zoo3 -- rnAtae-" 0 ►' wry, s,�. ►t, :1.r� tcs %L4 ele,..e,w 7-wv% scl�netis ow s to a41AL+l. O, ( &kft�� . 1""'g1Alo . rt p4f s 0. ['t JleS.V4J. � e � ,tM► Yr►e sA e�.�� � s a rm a la�2 �04. Y e #'!.a+. 5o.p.►.i trt k5 , �s s O' bestir .11' S Ps�4,,.'d� S cuw.,� ILA �av� 3 ro 1�r+o►+na��e,.��.n� Ara Marf- �Ira,n � Sow i-L,lalct 4+o++�t. o..s•+�r i a54o c; a�.br+ S . �(' Ctgv Of,Southicke - RFB1101B540MR119M Page 36 of 44 Item 4M (L 7. Trade Searsb and/or Ctal Iufornation Trade Secrets and/or Canfidmtial Infaeatian: This hd _ (does) Y— (does not) contain trade secrets and/or eonflKla tial information_ If applicable, describe such trade secrets and confidential information, and the basis for your assertion that such material qualifies fvr legal protection from dudosum Federal, State and/or Local Idion Information A. Ceatsalized Master Bidders List registration number: B. Prime c=M ctor RUB I MwBE registration mzmber. k-':—aa a,-�-l-e3%ok Z„e.. 1�,mssloa► . ar 9 C An indivi" Bidder aging m a sole proprietor must also enter the Bidder's Social security Number: # - - Cooperative Geveramenbd Pumha ft Notice Other governmental entities maintaining intedocal agreements wish the City, may desire, but are not rbbgated, it, punitase goods and services deinad in this RFB f-rom the saceessferl Bidder. All pmhnw by gova==W entities, other than the City, will be billed directly to and paid by that gpoverinnental a My. The City will not be responarble for another govettm ntal entity's debts. Each govament.1 entity will place their own orders with the wwcessfnl Bidder and be responsible for ensuring fall compliance with the RFB specifications. Prior to other governmental entitira pig orriers, the City will notify the su ocaWW Bidder of their intMA Please ineiic t below if you will permit other govenrmeatal entities to purchase from yoar agrceme A with the City. [ Yl Yes, Others can purchase & Term of Contract and Opdoz to Extend: [ ] No. Only the City can purchase Any contract repuWag from this RFB shad be effective for twelve months from date of award. The (3ty =dk#Mu that contract ehrX be remwed purmant to the milobility of funds and st the dime vdm of the Clty. The follow chary :ball be Included in the cofffimtt A. Otrtion Clause: It is agreed that City will have the option to extend the contract for up to four (4) additional years, in one-year mbm vals. To exercise this optim the City shall serve notice 30 days prior to caattract te®inadon or to the end of any one -yew exbmxdc& The Option to Extend will not be considered if finding is unavailable or if the vendor's past perfornience is not within the industry standard. B. Escalation Clause: Should nradret cvnd U0105 przvail which dictate an iMaease, the succeBsM vendor may submit doamwntafton requesting permission to ire pricing no later' than 30 days atier receiving notice from the City of its intent to extend the agreement. Escalation may only occur at the time of renewal and only upon securing the approval of the City in wntim& Requests for price adjuster must be solely for the purpose of aceommodating an increase in the veadoes cost, not Proft Vendors shall show in this quatc their anticipated percent of escalation Wwhen the option to extend is exercised, The perceat quoted will be a maxi. In addition, the pe r=Amge proposed will be a factor in deumninmg the best value to the City. It is the average price over the period of the c onttact that will be the price factor cow in the evalumo r of this quote. Quotes in which negative or no esc dsdoa is shown will be considered as 0% escalation. et�'f'��C:�7' 1I.r, MM11$1BS411NM1OW - Page 37 of44 Item 4M r 0, II. 1. C. Price Increases URMExteasiarz If approved by the City, the Vendor shall modify the rates cbsiged by the Vendor to reflect any changes shown in the; comparative smtanuat delivered to the City. The maoamnum increase allowed under this provision shall be f m pmvmt (4%) Per year. The City shall have suthordy, in its reasonable diaQetian, to dct=me the validity of any dhmp in Vendors rates. City cannot eaermse the Option to Extend with any price increases unless the Vendor campleies the section of the Quote requesting anticipated percentage of annual escalafiaL FIRST ADDITIONAL YEAR (FY 11-12) ESCALATION ........................ % SECOND ADDTITONAL YEAR (FY 12-13) ESCALATION ................. � CPS % THIRD ADDITIONAL YEAR (FY 13-14) ESCALATION ...................... —1—Y. 14 xv%rrn'rU Annrr1rnWAT_vast MV'1L14'%11?QVA1.A1nf'fiV------------------- CPM % 4 C PL * cGVAUW%w- , CO NDITIO EXCEPT WBERE BIDDER DES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION M TM SITBMIT = BID, ANY CDNMCT BES`unNG FROM 7= RFB WILL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING TERM AND CONDI'd'IOAM WHICH BINDER HEREBY AKNORZEDG &% AND TO WEIGH BIDDER AI^dt!m BYSiTBMIT nNGA BID: Delivery of Prodscta andler Services A. ftMM t_Teema: Unless otherwise specified in the Scope of Services or otherwise agreed to m writing by rite City, payment terms far the City are Net 30 days upon receipt of invoice. B. WarpW of Products and Services: All products &rrmshed under this contract shall be wanes tod to be merchantable and good quality and fit for the purposes intended as de sdaiW in this Bid, to the satisfaction of City and in accordance with the specifications, terms, and conditions of the Scope of Services, and all services performed shall be warranted to be of a good and worim1wh ce quality, in addition to, said not in lion of; any other agnr s written des providedi. C. Late Delivery or Perfa manec: If Bidder fails to deliver acceptable goods or services within the timcfimics established in the Project Schednle, the City shall be authorized to purchase the goods or services fro® another source and assess tiny increase in costs to the defaultog Bidder, who agrees W pay such costs within. tea days of invoice. D. FOB : All Mdacts offered shall be FOB final destination, with all delivery charges to be Prepaid by the Bidder. The City does not accept C.O.D. or collect shzpmWts. The contract Price sbaR include all charges, including delivery, mstallation and set-up fees. All packing, erxtm& ar ather debris resalting from the delivery or set-up of the commodity peazhased shall be removed and properly disposed by the successful Bidder at no additional cost to the City. E. Rxcess crr Incorrect ties: Products or materials delivered in error or in careers of the quantity ordered shall be ro turned at the mxxmful Bidder's expense, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the City. F. Title to Gxkis and Risk of Loss For goods to be provided by Bidders hereunder, if any, the title and risk of loss of the goods shall not pass to City until City actually receives, takes possession, and acczpls the goods and the installation of such goods, has tested the system, and debrxanned. that it is in good and acceptable walking order. Cay ofSommat RFB110050MR11#304 - Page 38 of44 Item 4M , .A- L 2. A. IBdenmdCnt Cautradar: Bidder agrees that Bidder and Bidder's employees and agents have no employer-anployee relationship with City. Bidder agrees that if Bidder is selected and awarded a coact, City shall not be responsible for the Federal Insurance Contribution, Act (FICA) payments, Federal or State unemployment taxes, income tax withhold, Warkm Compensation InUnrance payments, or any other romr ance payments, nor will City fundsh any medical or retirement beoefrts or any paid vacation or sick leave. B. : The rights and duties awarded the ffw=sful Bidder shall not be assigned to another wit the written consent of the Parchasmg Manager. Such canscnt shall not rehave the assigner of liability in the event of default by the assign= C. Lie : Bidder shall indemnify and. save harnnless the City against any and all aims and enczzmbrances for all labor, goods, and services which may he provided to the City by Bidder or Bidder's vendor(s), and if the City requests, a proper ukase of all lien$ or satisfactory evidence of freedom from liens shall be delivered to the City. D. Grawi"ti x / Bnbes: Bidder certifies that no babes in the form of entartainmCUt, gft* or otherwise, were offered or given by the suooessfal Bidder, or its agent or hepreseninfive, to any City off=, eenployoo or elected repcesmtative, with respect to this RFB or airy connaxt with the City, and that if any such babe is band to have ben made this shall be grounds far voiding of the coact E. F' : Bidder certifies that it has not received cornpensaton Rom the City to particqNft m prepamg the specifications or RFB on which the Bid is based and admowledgea that this contract may be terminated and/or payment withheld if this certification. is iasccrnste. F. R WLmd LicCWes: Bidder ratifies that he holds all licensee required by the State of Tetras for a provider of the goods ad/or services described by the Scope of Services herein. G. Authorikv to Submit Bid and Enter Canlroct: Tie person s4 pmg an behalf of Bidder certifies that the signer has and hority to submit the Bid an behalf of the Bidder and to bind the Bidder to any resulting contract IL Compliance with Annhcable Law: Bidder agrees that dLe contract will be subject to, and Bidder will strictly comply with, all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, role, and regulations. 3. Financhd R,esponsibiHty Previsions A. Insurance: The Bidder, consistent with its stains as an independent contractor, shall carry, and shall require any of its subontraetors to carry, at least the following msurance in such form, with such companies, and in such amorants (unless otherwise specified) as City may require: L Worker's Capon and Employer's Liability inscuance, nhchhduhg All Sues Endorsement, to the extent required by federal law and complying with the laws of the State of Texas; ii. Ca=er'cial General Liability kwntnee, including Blanket Contractual Liability, Broad Form Property Damage, Personal hi ury, Completed OP=ti011e/Pr0d11CtZ LWOity= Premiscs Liability, Medical Payments. Interest of Employees as additional insraBds, and Broad Form General Liability its, for at least One Mfflion Dollars ($1,000,000) Combined Single Limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage oa an coca== basis; iii. Comprehensive Autom& lc Liability inch== covering all owned, non-cr� or hired artomob0a to be used by, the Ceatracter, with caverage far at least One Hillier Dollars ($1,00Q000) Combined Single Limit Buddy h4ury and Properly I]emagew G7ity of S'®mdk"e - Rn11f1B54@KR119W - Page 39 of 44 Item 4M B. : Bidder agnm to defend, indemnify and hold harmbw the City, all of itt oiikcns, Council measbwsy agents and employees from and against all chime, actkoner wits, demands, proceedhW6 cods, damages and BabiTties, includbig reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs and related uses, arising out of, connected with, or retaking fioim any sets or andsaions of Bidder or any agehht, employee, subcontractor, or supplier of Bk Mw in the ezeeadw or performance of this contract without regard to wbetbw such persons are under the direction of City agents or employees. The Nddar agrees to protect and indenuffy the City, all of its ollicros, Council members, ageub and "byees, fivm all cldms, acb9as, ndh4 demands, Proceeffing% costs, duennes end liabilifisiI, including reasonable attorneys' fees, court costa mad related ezpeases, arb7iog sat of any alleged inkingement of patents or copyrights ar in g from tie Contractor'a performance ender the Conhacbr's Bid, including atioreeya' fees and and costs. C. Indemnify for Intelectual Proucrtty: Bidder hereby wmrints that the use or sale of the pry, materials and services delivered heaenodw will not infringe ou the rights of any tirade secrets, paw copyrisK registered trademedr, or other intellectml pmpeny by right covering god materials and the saccom ul Bidder agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City for any and all costs, wgam s, judgmmbi, and damages which the City may have to pay or incur. D. Bo • Prior to the eommeaeement of wort an this Project, Bidder shall deriver to the City the following bonds issued by a good and suiiieient surety licensed by the State of Twos and satisfactory to the CHy: L A payment bond In the amount of 100% of the total contract amowd is,auring the full and prompt payment of all persons performing labor and/or furnithiug materials to connection with fhit Project; ii. A perforn6mm bond in the amount of IWA of the total contract amount insuring fnq faithful, and prompt pea formance of the responffi`bii3tiet contained in this contract wlddn the time parameters provided herein. MY efsomdua Ee - RFB1101BSWMR11UD4 Page 40 of44 Item 4M Appendix C — Form CIQ 1 '! 1 :rt l l J+ Il ! •1 f ! :d )Y I Ha ! 1 1 WSO: A perem most Mc a cm id of h to M gaesdaamoke W& tbe Cill if 90 person has a rmpbymaat cc bolaces rclnfiwft with an aft of the My iba# ramb is MaW ':aoamc ecosading VJW dsaing the peoedbig twchm s w& peiod, or an 0 ffi of a member of the woes' Bm2y has accepted gd3a with ao a a I vabo of more than 5250 during the paevwm twelve noulb panod aad the pessaneurew in my aftbe Wowing ealioos: 1. o dmb or seeb to com = lfor fire We or pum%m of prqprrty, gook or services wW the City, iadn3ng any of the fullowiag: a. wrliten wd. impW ao ' *l y pmdsases, pmrbaee ardere, coedit arid. pmvj==eed aHy paohaw of Woda cad sarvioea by ibe (sty; b. naellacts for the pnt AN I or ode of real paspcaty, P=xmd PmPaq hdVdh5 an Mad ion aproww, C. tax abdcnxdt and ameomic davdala nd agra m ullm 2. sWmhs a bift wD goods or smvieea, ar tespooda to a iMN9 forpwspmd far servioc� 3. ee. iaio BgPd d M with the Cfty for a aaatcacc 4. appiiies fix a tax abetcama andlar econazoie dmaloptumt iH=afive that wM M* in a ata bd vclihibe City. .THE VO L1.OV VMG ARE CONSMEM OMCMS OF THB CUV' 1. Maw and City Cam bbmbeM 2. City *; I Botud and Cosailsolan marchers mmmh med by the abrw ar Crty Cumcii msmbm- 4. Dhcdan of 4A and 4B devebpmed earpaaetimr, 5. the CHxutiva dbectors or meow of 4A and 4B &Td pmcnt oorprodms; and 6. Dboctors of the City of Soad MW vuiao Lave aathadty to sign aodmco on bcb& of the CRY. EXCLUSION& A quardaamire mot- mod Hot be fled if the mazy pdd to a local 9 was a polidad aonwbadam a gi* to a member office oames fz* foam a %ily member; it conked or psrrI of dens tbecr 52,500 or s busaction at a prioe add s tiM �v lea.ra��l76 AVr3..�x�7Q�7601i�a irF I ds COY ofSoas6*9 - RF131101135 bW1004 - Page 41of44 Item 4M 3 �h tD availeb�e to the pablic� a pit tia food, loin&pa dowaramtrwmacCur a tmssation sabjed to role or fm aes bdm by a Ba.amueembl cWw at qpn7. WHAT: A poem or bsssir�eas t� amts v iise C.'ky a vrho sebh to oaDtsact �vil4 trio m<at file a 'oaabet of mteaeat ga6adoalake" {FORM M wtlbaoh a am atie mime at gos9se to ns and a COW of vdsiclh to MbMb d to ihia GWdCYML The foam aoo Wn awadst-] B momployAwd or baW=u r idpa" Vd* a aoaoickw dEM. Otfeiais maybe asWd ib dw*arintetpet varioaspartiom af>begoeadosasine WHEN The pemoa or buds =at Me: wowed dUacltia = Gear awyJasm Vath tomk AM *a dde 1ba perem ccbadine a amgpeeE far as �. ' a aahmita an rpQlieliert, nesipooda b Pip oe raiated to a pataaisi oomizact or epc+mmt vd& the Mr. and 2 sn apdded q v smaq dada after the date of an event 2A wmM s l: a Mod gaadamaako moomp3ate ar ,M rw 1p, 1t does not comer if the =bmi W of a bid or poposd arasr#I iQ a wubgd The atdaft 1691h= a ►radar to Ste a RMM QQ d ffie time a promo" is subm ided at nW" aomakewm 'Vi WX- The vendor apobdW vendor noK and or doitver a completed quediouniro tothe Fiance Dq%ft eat Zk lobmmwDgwftmw * lrpd iy 6ar apWtie alatesea+a as &e ]$DUOBG QT: Failare io file a qumdoamaire s a dose a misdemeaaarp=bbdAo by a Sae cot to e�oceed S5d0. $ is n �oaption to paareattars tLat fire peanm 5les a FORM t3Q cot ]atm< g m seven basoeaa days outer Ompaison received notice of a violeda L Iwt7M The dry does cad have a duty to assure Out a pown files a caafiia of ixtewo quadowwhm t76JYa¢rrrtcs�a9�a:�oc ft72d3 City of SoaTTA" - RFB1191B5OMRl WM - Pege42 of 44 Item 4M CONFLICT OF INTEREST OOTIONNAM paw = Forvwmw or Mtb or pws doing bEdom vM bad swaffownw ably 7MY �EMenMbe wMda "We orb a" Ior MIr Xb 06% an l+a. owbr asmEss aFrA2UIEow arWlYrMd liiglrlibanaiaia tladigatdtllCMaplar'178�LMralBo�amtriGntCMda �rap.r�swMohrabldlea AFIImat4=dlfiud4r8ae�ni7$Op'I{!-a)o1111ai>6al deramMnradanw�adtlnFEaoMa�ea1M arOta$aMlardMaadr:Dadb1177E.t1fE{aj. BIY�afAi�ee9�e�iwtiwfdwMeYuwowar�ininitlr�d#�rbnl Yo�m�Yi � uotY`rtlrnik,a7ri brrinMadllF�larird�tls �h6feormsnarmcf� roera�LabeblMt+MlifMbaid. BaaB�e�n176.006.LoudBwrar�nlLtioda A pMaIMM comsla anaMom r tlta ---- sad o MOM Loral x.dxr,.lald rrr...Zkae—CESIMM� MMoral�raeaaEa as abr�MaarmbtlwEalpMt bpl � N!� s eaa111f� E.b4v�a+p�ra.�n�.b MW amta -, M oarfEM,mrlrModsodirdulranarebbrtama1MAN++�MWMeMIONI aranamn104 x..aM IaplaMrr�daaerr�af Eno.rr Ir.aatua■.t��r►*e.+wr.M.b4� MtEm.tRCll.r 7MIM "*- WM 3 ldwft a oWft A jXC i bj row bvvwvMWlxsM Mr ift whosi !M 1lr hrt m at+b�t'or awbolnarnbomwMddmwbwaKftVfmU•af.LOW Ba"Wootoora. Mieffilloo.rl m abadsF,ww=M I wMW A Irfalxdaifesraa�lsakalls/OC/DnIa0d1M0r11YJb10�7N1tsa�MMIPOfsrtlli�fall�MO�It fabnn0. rM to Hord SO giwl01107 Din QNb 8 klheflardAM�AIA<u11s1aeMwrgaEtb�A��6itmnadhrfdplMva�OaYmm fasrdbs dadon of on lend OMMEEEId ddr MEMO In ft alcm My ala tale bamta Is rot Monad WIN ap leer feral G h ft or of ft "bowl" M M-1.1 Ara co@maM ar dw looms a t NI Naha b No Ite b91 sEvea a b dlut or dYaeLR r holM M asAlsldlp d 1 f! pMdlYor MnM4 E. per�M Mach enpo!!MtEa er besimm ari MFAW 90 &A Mud 9NE nud allnlyr n l I Iti No Sidon. N 1 FI► a*ok-arpm— aMahaft—Iftftpno reMdEat cow C* ofse _ RFB1101BS"NMIZ104 - Page 43 of44 Item 4M Spec:ai Offer O'Donnell's would very much Ww to be providing ou services in the commonly we call home both personally and professionally which is Southlake. We ctawm* provide our services for several homeowners associations in Souffit*e and we have a strong desire to give back to our conanunity, family, and fiiiends. Skeane ofthi% O'Donnell's would like to offm the fallowing special offer: If awarded the business in Groups 1, 2, and 3 O'Donnell's will provide up to a $2,500.00 each year in landscape improvements at Town Square. This could amount to a $10,000.00 based on annual renewals. 1f awarded the business in Groups 1, 2, and 3 O'Donnelt's will provide up to ftw rye grass fertilization. applications at Rustic Park, Family Park, and Cenirai Park at no cast to the City of SouthWo. O'Donnell's believes we have oftEred an extremely competitive price for Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Our pricing is proven across the metroplex and we are confident that the references we provided will attst to it. The owners believe that by providing a fair value price that the City will see the value in doing business with O'Dotmell's Landscape Services. P 2140 E. Sontblake Blvd, Ste, L607 Southlake. TX 76092 Tel: 817.562.4498 Metro. 972.424.3723 Fax: 817.562.4981 w ww.odonnellslandscape _com Item 4M X .�� cl P1YJ�fSP�, ✓/tG. Pro osed Products and/or Services A. Product or Service Desoritllaon O'Donnell's has included a brochure and a DVD for your perusal to gain a better undecatandmg of our features of our company. O'Donnell's is licensed by the Texas Departine nt of Agriculture for lawn care applications and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality -for irrigation repair and installation work. Several employees are members of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA], and our Senior Vice President of Operations holds a Masters Degree in Horticulture from Oklahoma State University. Our company believes in the investment and utilization of state of the art equipment whenever possible whetirex it be the latest zem turn radius mowers, our large area mowers utilized for finish cut mowing, our heavy duty tractors for field mowing, or our riding lawn cane equipment These pieces of equipment give us the capabilities of doing a lot of work in a shorter period of time reducing our overall cost to our clients. B. Additional_ Hardware ,DescrWILons: O'Domw l's mentioned our investment and utilization of state oftbe art equipment We also believe in state of the art communication with our clients. All of our managers are provided a BlackBerry in order to take pictures, send emails, send tents, and talk directly with our clients. Communication in our service business is one the most crucial ingredients to our success with, our clients. We have several clients that we provide our Nextel/Sprint Direct Connect contact information for immediate responses and alerts. We would offer this to any city employee at no additional cost to the City of Southlake. The city will not require any additional hardware and/or software to do business with O'Donnell's. C. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS): O'Donnell's will provide all MSDS sheets prior to any requested lawn care applications by the City of Souddake. D. Guarantees and Warranties: O'Donnell's guarantees 100% satisfaction with our service delivery. All trees and/or plants will carry a six month warranty.. E. Lmiect SchcduWDeliverM Date: O'Donnell's will adhere to the schedule of estimated quantities per Group provided by the City of Southlake. Our company is large enough to handle all of these services in any given week on a weekly basis if so desired. Because we have more than 130 employees, there is no service request we can meet O'Donnell's is capable of beginning services as early as March 7, 2011. At the time of start up, O'Donnell's can have all Groups serviced the fast week and we can continue to provide the services on a weekly basis or as required per the request of the city. Communication: O'Donnell's will provide a weekly report of what was completed The report wAl provide days/dates for each service delivered. Our field superintendent is available to moat with the city officials each week to discuss scheduling. As mentioned above, we believe that communication is essential to our success and we have equipped our managers and all foreman, irrigators, and lawn care applicators with communication equipment to ensure our communication is second to none. I 2140 E. Southlake Blvd, Ste, L607 Southlake, TX 76092 Tel: 817.562.4498 Metro: 972,424.3723 Fax: 817.562.4981 www.odonneUslandscape.corn Item 4M Bidder's Experience / Staff A. Project Team: O'Donnell's has included a brief information packet with our bid submittal for your perusal. Included with the information packet is a list of our key personnel. The following members of O'Donnell's Ivey personnel will be directly involved with the management, communication, and daily oversight of our service delivery: Scott E. O'Donnell, Owner; Emmanuel Carrena, Senior Vice President Operations / Lawn Care Division; Cifm Hamilton, irrigation Division; Travis Hancock, Quality Control Manager / Landscape Enhancement and Brush Hog Divisions Manager Tim McCommas, Client Service Manager, and Jack DiGiacomo, Field Superintendent. A majority of our salaried field staffhave been with our company for almost ten years now. These individuals are our maintenance foreman, detail foreman, field mow tractor operators, irrigators, lawn care applicators, and our landscape enhancement foreman. O'Donnell's commits to providing only our most skilled workers to provide our services for the City of SouddaW, Please see the attached O'Donnell's Organizational Chart for services to be provided for the City of Southlake. B. Removal or Replacement of Staff: O'Donnell's will be celebrating our tenth anniversary this coming June. In our nine plus years of providing our services, we have never been asked to remove or replace any of our staff. Because of the amount of key personnel, including the owners involved in the day to day management, we are consistently monitoring our employees, providing unite quality control meetings, reviewing service delivery requirements in our weekly tailgate meetings, and through our global positioning systems which are on each vehicle. If for whatever mason the City deems that any employee shall be removed or replaced, O'Donnell's will ensure that the City has approved the replacement beforoe joining the project. C. Business Establishment: O'Donnell's was incorporated in the State of Texas in June 2000. We officially opened our doors and began providing our services in June 2001. hi 2002, O'Donnell's amended their ownership with Sharma L. O'Donnell becoming a 51 % majority owner and Scott E. O'Donnell a 490/6 owner. Shanna and Scott have resided in Sobthlake, Texas since 1995 and have two children ages 9 and 5. Scott and several of the key personnel have worked together for more than twenty years. Included with the information packet mentioned earlier is a page titled Who We Are which briefly describes why O'Donnell's exist today. O'Donnell's has been in business for more than ten (10) years and employs more than one -hundred and thirty (130) employees seasonally. D. Project Related Experience: O'Donnell's provided our services for the City of Southlake fivin 2002 — 2006. In 2003 the city made the decision to maintain the parks with city employees as a cost savings/control measure, and as you know they have been doing so since. O'Donnell's bad and continues to have a great relationship with the city evidenced with their decision to continue utilizing our services on the ROW's until the contract expired in 2006 (three years later) and our recent baseball field project at Bicentennial Park which we will go into more detail as you read. As required, the maintenance for the ROW s went out for bid and based on the significant price difference with another vendor, which met all qualifications, unfortunately we were not awarded the business. O'Dwtt d's has evolved over the past nine plus years. Like any successful company or city for that matter, with time comes growth, experience and more expertise. When O'Donnell's was originally awarded the business in 2002, we had only been providing our services for less than eight months. ,kt that time, Scott O'Donnell was the only manager and we had less than twelve employees. 3 2140 E. Southlake BIvd, Ste. L607 Southlake, TX 76092 Tel: 817.562.4499 Metro: 972.424.3723 Fax: 817.562.4981 www.odonnellslandscELve.com Item 4M D. Proiect Related Experience: contented from previous page Today, O'Donnell's employs more than one -Hundred thirty (130) employees during the growing season (mid March —amid November) and they am easily identified by company issued uniforms and safety vest. Our maintenance fleet consists of more tlman fifty (50) professionally marked vehicles. Each vehicle is equipped with global positioning systems as a means of efficiency and providing us the ability to offer competitive pricing. Our growth over the past nine plus years is attributed to our list of satisfied clients to whom we provide our award winning services for properties that range from very high profile to simple right-of-way mowing. Today, we provide mowing services at several large school districts where it is necessary In schedule our services around vehicle and pedestrian baffle, sporting events, recess periods, and TAKS studying and testing. There are thirly-aevere (37) campuses we deal with on a weekly basis and a. majority of these properties require more mowing, edging, nylon trimming and debris removal than almost all of the parks in the City of Southlake. Our field stafftypically works a four day week enabling us to reserve the last day of the week for weather delays or spacial request from our clients. As mentioned above, we provide our services on many high end properties as well. One example is the Cisco Systems campus in Richardson which has six commercial buildings along with a park setting which consist of a lake and waterfalls, and a recreational area with basketball and volleyball courts. Another example is the exclusive community in Westlake known as Vaquero which was recently recognized as the most affluent community/city in the country. As you can see, O'Donnell's. has significant experience in providing our services on projects similar to the City of Southlake. Our expertise is second to none and we are experts at public area large mowing projects with our investments in state of the art equipmeaL Other Pertinent or mation: The owners of O'Donnell's Landscape Services are residents of Southlake. We are actively involved in our community whether it is the Bob Jones Nature Center, Carroll Education Foundation, our children's local schools, or city youth leagues such as soccer, football, and baseball. Our children participate in various sporting practicestgames at Bob Jones, Koality, Noble Oaks, Southlake Sports Complex, and Bicentennial Parka. Our business mail is delivered to the post office in Town Square so_ Sharma or Scott drives through Town Square a minimum of six days a week. Scott O'Donnell has been a volunteer on the Southlake Baseball Association Board of Directors for more than six years and currently oversees the field management because of his background in sports turf management. Last year, O'Donnell's donated their services to install two new baseball fields at Bicentennial Park. These fields were a necessity due to time expansion of the Southlake Tennis Center where two baseball fields were eliminated. After meeting with Michael Reasoner and Peter Kao, O'Donnel l's was given the authorization to eradicate grass and soil, install new sports surfacelsoil, sod, and an irrigation system. Our smaller children of Southlake ages 4, 5, and 6 now have two fields to utilize for practices during the week and games on the weekends. Scott O'Donnell is onsite at Bicentennial Park and Southlake Sports Complex a minimum of once each with his children's practices and/or games. Our family frequents Town Square for shopping, lunches, dinners, festivals, Fourth of July festivities, and even the annual visit to see Santa Claus. In 2004, O'Donnell's volunteered our services for time Southlake Senior Citizens facility and we were honored with a special hmcheon attended by several city council members at that time: We have included a copy of a letter along with the pictames that were provided by Mr. Weiser. Over the past three years, O'Donnell's has donated more than eight thousand dollars to the Carroll Education Foundation. In 2010, O'Donnell's was a Gold Leaf Sponsor for the Bob Jones Nature Center to help support the preservation, conservation, and education of our local natural resources and the Cross Timbers ecosystem. We have included a copy of the thank you card from the staff at Bob Jones Nature Cen . We shire all of this information as evidence that O'Donnell's is present in our own community. O'Donnell's Landscape will take pride in our worse because we are proud to call Southlake our home both personally and professionally. H 2140 E. Southlake Blvd, Ste. L607 Southlake, TX 76092 Tel: 817.562,4498 Metro: 972.424.3723 Fax: 817.562.4981 www.odonnellslandscape.com Item 4M �f ( . V 0- )01 -rater Jams e&, Y1w- 214G E. Southlake Blvd, Ste. L601 Southlake, TX 76092 Tel: 817.562.4498 Metro: 972.424.3723 www.odonnvllsiaudscape.com O o Z M m o r G z D v ° 0 z v n ID C/1 m n m m co C m`n C � (7 _ Z n 5 Fax: 8I7.562.4981 Item 4M Jaly 6, 2M From: Josh Weiser Presydent, Southlake Seniors To: Joanne Leek Director, Soutfhlake Senior Activities Center Subject South Ww Senior Activities Center landscaping Donation This is a follow-up of my letter of May 7.2004 in which I requested the CitY of Sou&Wm to mexxpt the offer of Score O'Donnell, of O'Don eli's Landscape Service, Inc. to do some landscaping for the Senior Activities Cauler at no cost to the City. After reoeivi permission to have the want done I met with Mt. O'Donndl on June 14 amd we agreed on the work to be done. After won of the f ms he had ddam iced that they could not be destroyed by spraying and it would be necessary to dig than► out. On June 17 frnu wozkmesn dug OUt the fetes and their roots, marry of which were one-half inch in dial They also thoroughly rototMed the front west bed and the north bed. On June 23 Mr. O'Domell returned with three men to plant the bed. They fast moved dune erasting bashes to the north bed beyond the air conditioner and two bushes to the right float bed_ An eight: foot magnolia was planted new fire cam of the front bed and additional q*m bushes. Two bushes rue plamd at &a am= of the Center'.rx-hide thee sac eanditiomm— : a::. �e�e also pled The bed was then mulched. The bushes at the south side of the Cuter were also premed to an appropriate size to which they can be maintai:ned m the fiftm lk ffore and a$cr px too = of the plantings are enclosed. Due to the necessity of manually removing &a frms the amount of donated Labor increased significaiiy and the estimated value of tare labor and mw=ials was about A000. Mr. O'Donnell has made a significant b4=p � to the gppearanee of & SoAlake Senior Activities Cep. The Soma appreciate his work and hope to acgress it to Trim at the Tuesday lunbean on July 20. We also express our ggnvciaion to Councilman On James for his efforts in initiating this project and the Camay Services Deparkned for supporting ii Thymic you. Josh Weiser, President, Sond"ke Sen►ior+a cc. Jeanne Alexander, Chair, Southlake Senior Advisory Commmimon Councilman Greg Jones t/ Mr. Scott O'Donnell W Item 4M December 2010 Thank.you so much D'Donnell's Landscape Services for your generous donation of $1,000.00 Gold Oak Leaf Sponsorship for Naturally Sweet 2 • November b, 2010 Your donation was an important contribution to assuring the success -of the event and the support of preserving, conserving, and educating about our local natural resources and the Cross Timbers ecosystem. The Bob Jones Nature Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organimmdon reomered with the In The YaUe o f dw goods and services prorided in exchanp for lrour doadk : is insubstantial. KEEP THIS WRITTEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF YOUR DONATION FOR YOUR TAX RECORDS. Item 4M The O'DonneWs Difference There is a digereaee in landscoW companies. Frankly, we feel we provide the finest hIndscape services available in the Metroplex. Our small more pasonahzed work Beams, combined with our central locations are tough to beat. O'Donnell's is responsive. Simply put, if you need us we are there, We maintain projects throughout the Metnnplex. Tluougb our network of mobile phones, radios, and pagers, we're seldom more than minutes away. We take great pride in our ability to meet our clients' needs in a responsive manner. 2. O'Donnell's delivers quality. Our management staff has received ntm Oman national, state, and local awards for landscape maintenance, and colorscaping. Whether you're a high profile commercial property or a residential community, one thing is certain; O'Donnell's delivers quality service. 3. O'DonnelPs delivers value. Our company strives to deliver true value for our client's investment, We honestly feel that there is no comparison in value. Our goal is to have the best price on every proposal, but what we concentrate on is delivering vahte. The best way to describe the value of O'Donnell's Landscape Services is by sharing our mission statement. That mission statement is as follows: "Our goal is meeting or exceeding our clients' needs by delivering quality landscape services at a reasonable cost, while cultivating lasting relationships with both clients and employees." m we "live" our mission statement, we deliver value for our client's investment. 2144 E. Soutliluke Blvd, Ste. L607 Soutblake, TX 76092 Tel: 817.562.4498 Metro: 972.4243723 Fax: 817.562,4981 www.odonnellslandscape.com Item 4M Who We Are Scott E. O'Donnell, Owner has more than twenty years of experience in the landscape industry. Scott maintained yards and several commercial lxape Mee for Hall Financial Real Estate during his early college years. During his foal year of college, Scott became serious about the landscape industry and acceptd a jab with a large landscape maintenance provider in the DFW Metroplex. Scott became passionate about the landscape industry and chose this field as his profession after graduating foam The University of North Texas. Positions he has held during his career are as follows: Gardener, Maintenance Foreman, Cbmdcal Applicator, Residential 1 Commercial Manager, Area Manager, Salesman, Sales Manager, Vice President of Sales, Regional Sales & Marketing Manager, and National Accounts Manager. As an Area Manager, Scott managed a portfolio of more than two million dollars in landscape maintenance revenue. Several of his properties were recognized nationally, -regionally, or on a statewide basis with an award for their landscape appearance. A few of these properties were: Omni Mandalay Hotel in Las Colinas, Dallas. Fort Worth Freeport Development, and DFW Marriott Hotel. In his role as Vice president of Sales, Scott was responsible for the sales and marketing of a twelve million dollar company with two brancbes located in the Metroplex. In April 1999, a national company acquired Scott's employer, where he assuaged the role of Regional Sales & Marketing Manager for a seven state area. During his tenure with the national company, he saw a recurring trend. The trend was a general lack of care for the clients as well as the employees, translating to a non-existent level of ownership. The focus on providing quality landscape services to clients was lost in an aft to satisfy stringent cazrpomte budgets. Scotts philosophy has and always will be to take care of his clients as well as his employees and they in tam will do the same. In 2000, O'Donnell's Landscape Services was incorporated in the state of Texas. Complete landscape management services are provided such as: stowing edging, trimming, fertilizing, seasonal color installation, irrigation monitoringhvpairing, and plant installation Scott is a Texas Certified Landscape Professional (#318), and a Licensed Chemical Applicator (#314469). The company is proud to be outstanding members of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA), and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA). N 2140 E_ SoutUdw Blvd'., Ste. L607 Souddalm, TX 76092 Tel: 817.562,4498 Metro: 972.424.3723 Fwc.817.562.4981 www_odonnellslandscape_com Item 4M 99 .rt bo cj&vkep, gh' o. Key Personnel Position. OWNER Name: SCOT'T E. 0 DONNELL Education: B.S. KINESIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS Experience: Tweet+ -three years experience in the landscape industry. Scott is a Texas Certified Landscape Professional (9318), a Licensed Chemical Applicator (#314469), a member of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA), and a member of the Associated. Landscape Contactors of America (ALCA). Position: OWNER Name: SHANNA IL O'DONNELL Education: B.S. MARKETING LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Experience: Fifteen years experience in a management capacity with several diverse roles. Sharma is a member of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA), and a member of the Associated Landscape Contradors of America (ALCA). Position: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OPERATIONS 1 CH MUCAL MANAGER Name: EbEKANUEL CARRENA Education: M.S. HORTICULTURE OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Experience: Twenty-six years experience in the landscape i:ndustiy. Emmanuel is a Texas Certified Landscape Professional (#60), a Certified Nursery Professional (#2580� a member of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA), and a member of the Associated Landscape Contracrors of America (ALGA). Primarily responsible for management and production of all operations of the company. W 2140 E. SoutlAakr, Bind, Ste. L607 Southi" TX 76092 Tel: $17.562.4498 Metro: 972.424.3723 Fax: 817.562.4981 www odoaaellslandscape.com Item 4M Position: VICE PRESIDENT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Name: JEREMY FOSTER Education: B.S. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX Experience: seven years of portfolio management with cliem service and sales expenence. He is a member of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA), and a member of the Associate Landscape Cmvactors of America (ALGA). Position: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT / CLIENT SERVICE MANAGER Name: TRAVIS HANCOCK Education: BU TBUSINESS RSTTX ONOMRTHSTEXAS N 1 MARKETING Experience: Twciv , years of experience in the landscape nursery and client service management. He is a member of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA), and a member of the Associate Landscape C.onftctm of America (ALCA). Position: IRRIGATION MANAGER 1 CLIENT SERVICES MANAGER Name: CIFERS MOULTON Experience:'wt3'four years experience in the lope industry. Cifers is a licensed irrigator in the stale of Texas, Maxicom certified, a mamba' of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA), and a member of the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALGA). Position: CLIENT SERVICES MANAGER Name: TIM McCOMMAS Experiiy�r years experience in the landscape industry. Tim is a member of the ��: Association(TNLAI and a member of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Associated Landscape Contractor's of Aimrica (ALGA). i�. 2140E 5outh1alue Blvd,:Sta. L607 Southla1w, TX 76092 Tel: 817.562.4498 Metro: 972A24.3723 Fars: 817.562.4991 www.odonne11S1andscaPe.c0m Item 4M Position: FIELD SUPERINTENDENT Name: .TACK DiGIACOMO Experience: Twelve years experience in the landscape industry in a management capacity. . Jack is a member of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association {TNLA), and a member of the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA). Position: FIELD SUPEREVTENDENT Name: LAWRENCE DAVIS Experience: Nineteen years experience in the landscape industry in a management capacity. Lawrence is a licensed chemical applicator in the state of Texas, a member of the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNL4 and a member of the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA). %7L 2140 E. Sou ake Blvd, Ste. L607 SouthWw, TX 76092 Teh 817.562.4498 :Metro: 972.424.3723 Fw 817S62.4981 www.odonnellslandscapexorn Item 4M 14%g ��►OMrs'� Item 4M THIS IS YOUR LICE.NSE. CAREFULLY TRIM AWAY EXCESS MARGINS AND DISPLAY AT ALL TIMFti, TEXAS DEPARTMEhrT OF AGRICULTURE �• TODD STAPLES, COMMISSIONER` P. O. BOX 12847 AUSTIN, TX 78711 2847 (877) UC.-AGRI (877-542-2474) .,�• For the hearing impaired: (800) 735-2989 TDO (800) 735-2988 VOICE i<lryyw.td a.state.tic. us COMMERCIAL PESTICIDE APPLICATOR LICENSE This is to certify that the person whose name appears below has met the requirements of Texas AgriCultufe Code Chapter 76. relating to application of rest6c and -use or su t Aimited-use pesticides or regulated herbiades. This ficense is issued for purchase and application of restricted -use of state -limited -use pesticides or regulated herbicides to be used according to label directions consistent with the use categories Isted bellow. SCOTT Q'DONNELL 2140 E SOUTHLAKE BLVD STE L607 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092-6516 TDA Client No. 002w320 TDA License No. 0314469 Effective Date: February 28, 2011 Expiration Date: February 29, 2012 CATEGORIES: 3A M TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OF TODD STAPLES, COMMISSIONER P. 0_ BOX 12847 AUSTIN. TX 78711 28d7 aG (8n) UC-AGRi (877-5+12,2474) +1 For 9* hearing intpairftd: (806) 735.2M TDD MW) 73&2988 VOICE wff&Jda.sbA--bLus •7• �,5• NURSERY/FLORAL CEFMFICA'TE OF REGISTRATION This is to certify that the person listed below is licensed to sad nurseryMoral products at the irldrrated location in accordance with Texas Agriculture Code Chapter 71, O'DONNELUS LANDSCAPE SERVICES INC CIWK Name: O'DONNEL S LANDSCAPE SERVICES INC 4220 MCL.EAN RD TDA Client No: 00131243 HALTOM CITY TX 76117 CERTIFICATE NO. 0290056 GERTIFICATE TYPE NURSERY FLORAL CLASS 1 Effective Date: October 31, 2010 Expiration Dafle: 0ciober 31. 2011 MUST BE POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION THIS CERTIFICATE FS NON -TRANSFERABLE P4 Item 4M TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Be it krmzrm that CIFLRS M HAMILTON has fuffiffed the re uirements in accordance with the Paws o the State of 9xas far LICENSED IRRIGATOR License Num6er: u0005052 Issue Date: 03119/2009 EXecutitv Drrec Eiration Date: 03131/2012 Texas Commission on Envrro Q,uafity IS Item 4M The Certified Landscape Professional O'Donnell's Landscape Services, Inc. is pleased and proud of our ability to offer the services of several Certified Landscape Professional. Certification is a voluntary peer review process that identifies and acknowledges individuals possessing high levels of professional ability. The program requires broad knowledge of horticultural and management standards set by the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association and am accepted throughout the landscape industry. The certification process for landscape professionals in Texas includes extensive testing covering over twenty topics. These topics range in diversity from landscape and irrigation design to resource efficiency, building materials, botany, turf culture, and pruning. Professionalism is a Joey to success .. . Advancing technology has made landscape contracting much more than a horticultural ability. Landscape contracting has become an advanced skill in the management of science and business. A careU blend of education and experience is required before this skill is refined. The certification process is a measure of these accomplishments. Benefits of »gig a Certified Landscape Professional are may and include: Confidence in the knowledge and skill level in horiiesilture and landscape science Protections ofyosrr kn*cape investment Pres~on of the integrity ofyour kmdscape design Extension ofprofessionalism throuOM every aspectofyo&r project Significant positive ef'ew on the quality of your environment Certified Landscape Professionals set high standards, which are passed on to you in terms of job quality and efficiency. Landscape contractors who are not certified do not represent the vary best the industry bun to offer. Protecting the public trust by establishing certification sets apart skilled professionals. t{o 2140 E. Southiake Blvd, Ste, L607 Southlake, TX 76092 Tel: 817.562.4498 Metro: 972,424.3723 Fax: 917.562.4981 www. odomw]1slsndscape ;com Item 4M C U �w ka 4 C �wd� z O N 00 ur---q cn M w � u z A� V bD c� .s o� �� V a U 4J �U U� a U �:J cu w QJ O Cd k'I Item 4M PCL XL error Subsystem: GEDI Error: ColorFail Operator: Readlmage Position: 3138