Item 4EItem 4E
(October 7, 2014)
To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager
From: Robert H. Price, P.E., Director of Public Works
Subject: Approve Amendment No. 1 for the Southlake Boulevard
Illuminated Street Name Signs design contract with Lee
Engineering, L.L.C. in the amount of $22,700
Requested: Approve Amendment No. 1 for the Southlake Boulevard Illuminated
Street Name Signs design contract with Lee Engineering, L.L.C. in
the amount of $22,700
Information: In March 2011, the City Manager approved a professional services
agreement (design contract) in the amount of $44,000 with Lee
Engineering L.L.C. for the design of Illuminated Street Name Signs
(ILSN) and battery back-up units. Amendment No. 1 with Lee
Engineering, L.L.C. includes additional professional services fees
related to supplementary design and re -bidding services.
The original professional services agreement included the following
tasks: Existing Intersection Inventory and Design Approach
Documentation, Design Plans for ILSNs (14 intersections) and
Construction Engineering. The design plans were completed in
August 2012.
During the design process, TxDOT noted that the 10-foot long ILSN
cabinets as specified by the City are not a TxDOT Standard
Specification. TxDOT required additional design to incorporate the
wiring of the signs, as well as the structural analysis of the signs
and poles. With the span of the project extending to the western
and eastern boundaries of the city, staff reached out to the cities of
Grapevine and Keller to allow them to participate in the project with
signs at the shared intersections. Both cities agreed to participate,
but not until after the initial agreement was executed.
The ILSN project was advertised in December 2012 with a bid
opening in January 2013. Three (3) bids were received and all
three were well over the funds budgeted. The project was
presented to City Council at the April 16, 2013 meeting with the
recommendation to reject all bids. The rejection was granted by
the City Council with a directive to fund the additional costs with
FY13 red light camera funds.
The project was re -advertised in December 2013 with a bid opening
in January 2014. Two bids were received and the project was
awarded by the City Council to Durable Specialties, Inc. on
February 4, 2014. Fabrication of the ILSN cabinets began in June
2014, and are now complete and awaiting delivery. The battery
back-ups have been installed at all intersections. The installation of
ILSN cabinets and the connection of the battery back-ups are
anticipated to be complete before the end of the calendar year.
Considerations: Funding is available for Amendment No. 1 in the project budget
from the Strategic Initiative Fund and the Red Light Camera Fund.
Strategic Link: The installation of illuminated street name signs and battery back-
up systems link to the city's strategy map relative to focus areas of
Infrastructure and Mobility. The project will serve our customers by
achieving the highest standards of safety and security. It provides
travel convenience within the City and region. The specific
corporate objectives that are met by this construction project are to
invest to provide and maintain high quality public assets.
Citizen Input/
Board Review: N/A
Legal Review: N/A
Alternatives: The Council may approve or deny Amendment No. 1.
Documents: Location Map
Amendment No. 1
Recommendation: Approve Amendment No. 1 for the Southlake Boulevard Illuminated
Street Name Signs design contract with Lee Engineering, L.L.C. in
the amount of $22,700
Staff Contact: Robert H. Price, P.E., Public Works Director
Cheryl Taylor, P.E., Deputy Director Public Works/City Engineer
Steven D. Anderson, P.E., CFM, Civil Engineer
CC Cnanrcrc:vina
August 21, 2014
Mr. Steven Anderson, P.E.
City of Southlake
1400 Main Street, Suite 320
Southlake, Texas 76011
Re: Addendum to Southlake Boulevard ILSN Design Contract
Dear Mr, Anderson:
This letter is a request to amend our contract to design Internally Lighted Street Name Signs dated March 9,
2011 and executed March 30, 2011. The plans have been completed and the construction contact has been
awarded for this project. Over the course of preparing the plans several changes in scope occurred and costs
were incurred beyond our original budget. These changes and the requested amendment to our budget are
described in the table attached to this letter. We are requesting that our total fee for the project be increased
from $44,000.00 to $66,700.00.
Please sign below to accept this addendum and authorize the increase in fee due to the changes in scope.
Lee Engineering appreciates your consideration of this request.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (972) 248-3006.
Jo ph T. Short, P.E., PTOE
3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1660, Dallas, TX 75234
(972) 248-3006 office (972) 248-3855 fax I Page 1 of 2
Southlake Boulevard ISSN Design Contract — Description of Additional Work
Task Original
Description of Extra Work
1. Inventory / $6,000.00
2. Design Plans $36,000.00
Design parameters were established during Task 1. 90%
plans were developed based on those parameters and
were initially submitted in September 2011 for TxDOT
review. Time was spent and additional costs were
incurred from September 2011 to August 2012 resolving
TxDOT issues and questions related to 10' long signs not
covered by TXDOVs Standard Specification, wiring
details, sign design details, Battery Back-up unit
maintenance responsibility and costs. This additional
work also included meetings with City and TxDOT staff,
coordinating the structural analysis of 10' signs, and
coordination with Grapevine and Keller on the design of
signs at the SH 114 and Pearson intersections. Many of
these issues had been addressed during Task 1, however
TxDOT required additional information after the 90%
plans were submitted that necessitated the extra work.
A second 90% plan set was submitted for TxDOT review
in August 2012. Comments on these plans were
addressed, a permit was issued and Final Plans were
ready for letting in December 2012.
3. Construction $2,000.00
4. Re -Bid 0.00
The plans and bid documents were initially prepared for
and were first let in December 2012. Because the bids
received exceeded available funding, time was spent
researching alternatives to get the work completed
including deferring the award and splitting the contact.
It was determined that the best course of action would
be to relet the project in the following fiscal year. Time
was then spent extending the TxDOT permit and
preparing documents for the second letting in December
Total $44,000.00
LEE Finci 1 isinC Page 2 of 2