Item 4C MemoCITY OF SOUTHLAKI MEMORANDUM (October 7, 2014) To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Robert H. Price, P.E., Director of Public Works Item 4C Subject: Authorize expenditures with Empire Today, LLC. in an amount not to exceed $150,000. Action Requested: Authorize expenditures with Empire Today, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $150,000. Background Information: The Facilities division is responsible for the maintenance of all City facilities, and is tasked with keeping these buildings in good working condition, and aesthetically pleasing for public use and enjoyment. As such, the Facilities division is working to replace the carpet throughout Town Hall which is worn due to high traffic. The existing carpet is original to the building and is approximately 14 years old. In the previous fiscal year, the worn carpet in the Council Chambers, Executive Conference Room, City Manager's Office, City Secretary's Office, and Building Inspections' suite was replaced with new carpet. This completed the replacement of carpet nd on the entire east side of the 2 floor of Town Hall. As part of the FY 2015 budget, City Council authorized funds in the Town Hall maintenance account for the installation of new carpeting in remaining areas on the 2nd and 4th floors. Re -carpeting of the 4th floor will be completed first. The remaining areas on the 4th floor include the Finance department, meeting rooms and common areas, Tarrant County Commissioner's Office, Library Administration, and Building Inspectors' Office. The west side of the 2nd floor will be completed later in the fiscal year. Due to the 8 — 10 week lead time for the carpet which is made to order in Georgia, staff plans to make a bulk purchase for the aforementioned areas. This will also ensure that the product is from the same lot and identical in color. Item 4C Financial Considerations: Funding for new carpet on the 2nd and 4t" floors of Town Hall was authorized by City Council in the FY15 budget in an amount of $100,000. Per the Inter -local Agreement with Tarrant County dated August 26, 2003, the County shall pay their pro-rata share of this maintenance expense. Additionally, Empire Today LLC is the supplier of choice for carpeting in all City buildings. Therefore, staff is requesting that City Council authorize up to $150,000 in expenditures with Empire Today LLC in the event that carpeting needs to be replaced elsewhere due to damage. Staff will also be requesting funds in the FY16 budget for completing the carpet installation in the remaining areas on the 3rd floor of Town Hall. Strategic Link: The maintenance of the City's building facilities links to the City's strategy map relative to focus area of Infrastructure. The specific corporate objective that is met by this approval is investing to provide and maintain high quality public assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review: N/A Legal Review: Yes Alternatives: The City Council may approve or deny this request. Supporting Documents: N/A Staff Recommendation: Authorize expenditures with Empire Today, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $150,000. Staff Contact: Robert H. Price, P.E., Public Works Director Cristina McMurray, C.P.M, Business Manager— Public Works