Item 4B MemoItem 413 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE MEMORANDUM (October 7, 2014) To: Shana Yelverton, City Manager From: Robert H. Price, P.E., Director of Public Works Subject: Approve a Renewal of the Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County for the Brumlow Avenue Improvements and the provision of County funds for construction in the amount of $200,000 Action Requested: Approve a Renewal of the Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County for the Brumlow Avenue Improvements and the provision of County funds for construction in the amount of $200,000 Background Information: The original Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Tarrant County for this project was approved by the City Council on February 18, 2014. This renewal of the ILA is required for FY2015 because the terms of the original agreement expired on September 30, 2014, the end of Tarrant County's fiscal year. The construction of the Brumlow Widening Improvement Project has been postponed due to other construction projects in the vicinity of this intersection which would reduce mobility in this sector of the City if they were to run concurrently. This project is anticipated to begin in early 2015. The Brumlow Avenue Improvements project includes the widening of approximately 1,400 linear feet of the existing roadway north of State Highway 26 (SH 26). The widening will provide a transition between the improved intersection at SH 26 and the existing conditions on Brumlow Avenue. This effort will include widening the existing street to five (5) lanes, relocating City water meters and fire hydrants as well as various franchise utilities. This is a combined effort between the City of Southlake and Tarrant County to expedite the construction prior to the completion of the SH 26 improvements. The improvements on SH 26 at Pool Road in Grapevine will include dual left turn lanes from SH 26 onto Brumlow Avenue, as well as two (2) through lanes northbound on Pool Road into Southlake. These improvements will provide the necessary transition needed to accommodate the proposed traffic patterns into Southlake. Item 4B The approval of this Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the Tarrant County will define the costs and the terms of reimbursement associated with the combined effort of the two entities. Tarrant County will reimburse Southlake $200,000 once the funds have been expended. Financial Considerations: Tarrant County will be contributing $200,000 for the construction costs associated with this project. The estimated cost of construction for this project is $550,000. Strategic Link: The Brumlow Avenue Improvements links to the City's strategy map Critical business outcome C1305: Optimize resources through collaboration and partnerships to reduce costs and add service value. The focus areas addressed by this item are Infrastructure and Mobility by investing to provide and maintain high quality public assets. Citizen Input/ Board Review: N/A Legal Review: N/A Alternatives: The City Council may approve the Interlocal Agreement or deny it. Supporting Documents: Location Map Renewal of Interlocal Agreement Staff Recommendation: Approve a Renewal of the Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County for the Brumlow Avenue Improvements and the provision of County funds for construction in the amount of $200,000 Staff Contact: Robert H. Price, P.E., Public Works Director Cheryl Taylor, P.E., Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer Alejandra Ayala, P.E., Civil Engineer STATE OF TEXAS § § Renewal of Interlocal Agreement Court Order No. 117276 COUNTY OF TARRANT § Project; Brumlow Avenue BACKGROUND 1. Tarrant County ("COUNTYl and the City of Southlake ("CITY l entered into an Agreement approved by Tarrant County Commissioners Court Order No. 117276, for the cooperative funding of improvements to Brumlow Avenue ("Project') as described in the 2006 Tarrant County Bond Program. 2. The Project is not complete and the COUNTY and the CITY desire to renew the Agreement for the 2015 Fiscal Year. Therefore, the COUNTY and CITY agree to the following 1. The COUNTY and the CITY renew the Agreement for the COUNTY's 2015 Fiscal Year with the Agreement to expire September 30, 2015 or the completion of the Project as determined by the COUNTY, whichever occurs sooner. 2. The COUNTY and CITY agree to the revised payment schedules. 3. All terms and conditions of the original Agreement as amended remain in effect except to the extent modified by this Renewal APPROVED on this day the day of , 20 , by Tarrant County. TARRANT COUNTY STATE OF TEXAS County Judge APPROVED AS TO FORM., District Attorney's Office* Commissioners Court Order No. CITY Signature APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: City Attorney Interlocal Agreement Transportation Bond ZQR63a07_ Page 1 *By law, the District Attorney's Office may only approve contracts for its clients. We reviewed this document from our client's legal perspective. Other parties may not rely on this approval. Instead, those parties should seek contract review from independent counsel. CERTIFICATION OF AVAILABLE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF Certification of Funds Available as follows; Fiscal year ending September 30, 2007 $ Fiscal year ending September 30, 2008 $ Fiscal year ending September 30, 2009 $ Fiscal year ending September 30, 2010 $ Fiscal year ending September 30, 2011 $ Fiscal year ending September 30, 2012 $ Fiscal year ending September 30, 2013 $ Fiscal year ending September 30, 2014 $ Fiscal year ending September 30, 2015 $200,000 All future years funding is contingent on future debt issuance and renewal of this contract Fiscal year ending September 30, 2016 $200,000 Auditor's Office Interlocal A reement Transportation Bond 2006-2007 Page 2 ATTACHMENT A Proiect Information City: City of Southlake Project Name: Brumlow Widening Proposed Proiect Schedule Start Date Duration (mo) End Date Design: - - - ROW Acquisition: - - - Utility Relocation: - - - Construction: Jan-2015 6 Jun-2015 * COUNTY payments by completed phase are contingent upon the COUNTY'S reasonable determination that the work regarding the project phase for which payment is expected is successfully completed, as determined by the COUNTY. COUNTY plans to issue debt for all phases of this project, therefore payment remains contingent on debt issuance in accordance with applicable law. Once Construction commences, COUNTY payment shall be made by fiscal quarter prorated over the life of the construction but contingent upon reasonable progress in construction as may be determined by the COUNTY. Proposed Countv Pavment by Phase Design: $ ROW Acquisition: $ Utility Relocation: $ Construction: $200,000 County Funding Total: $200,000 Proposed County Payment by Calendar Ouarter SUBJECT TO CHANGE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1 st Ouarter 2nd Ouarter 3rd Ouarter 4th Ouarter $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $200,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ Interlocal Agreement Transportation Bond 2006-2007 Page 3