Item 6LCITY OF SOUTHLAI<,-E Department of Planning & Development Services STAFF REPORT September 8, 2014 CASE NO: ZA14-092 PROJECT: Site Plan for Gateway Church Phase II — Parking Improvements EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Hart, Gaugler and Associates, Inc. is requesting approval of a Site Plan for the addition of 406 parking spaces to the existing 1,796 parking spaces to serve the Gateway Church - 114 Campus on approximately 5.0 acres located at 700 Blessed Way. SPIN Neighborhood # 4 DETAILS: Hart, Gaugler and Associates, Inc. is requesting approval of a Site Plan for the addition of 406 parking spaces to the existing 1,796 parking spaces serving the Gateway Church 114 Campus. The location of the proposed parking lot is indicated as future parking on the approved Concept Plan that was adopted by City Council in August of 2007 under Planning Case ZA05-122 and is the lower level portion of what may potentially be a future two -level parking structure. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was provided during the initial zoning approval of the Gateway Church 114 Campus. The TIA Executive Summary and the master plan for the campus can be found under Attachment `C' of this staff report. The applicant has indicated that the purpose of this parking lot addition is in anticipation of the expansion of the main building at Gateway Church (Phase II) that will occupy a temporary parking lot located immediately to the south of the main current building. A separate Site Plan application will be submitted for the building expansion and temporary parking lot removal at some time in the future when the building expansion occurs. Phase II is anticipated to be the Adult Activity Center and Chapel as labeled in Gateway Church's master plan under Attachment `C' of this report. The landscaping provided on the proposed site plan is consistent with the approved conceptual landscape plan and master plan of the Gateway Church 114 Campus approved by City Council. ACTION NEEDED: 1) Conduct Public Hearing 2) Consider Site Plan Approval Request ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information — Link to PowerPoint Presentation (D) SPIN Meeting Report —August 12, 2014 (E) Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated August 29, 2014 (F) Surrounding Property Owners Map and Responses (G) Full Size Plans (for Commissioners and Council members only) STAFF CONTACT: Daniel Cortez (817) 748-8070 Case No. ZA14-092 BACKGROUND INFORMATION OWNER: Gateway Church APPLICANT: Hart, Gaugler and Associates, Inc. PROPERTY SITUATION: 700 Blessed Way LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 1, Gateway Church — 114 Campus Addition FUTURE LAND USE: Public / Semi -Public CURRENT ZONING: "NR-PUD" Non -Residential Planned Unit Development District HISTORY: - On June 17, 1997 the City Council approved a Zoning Change and Concept Plan for "NR-PUD" Non -Residential Planned Unit Development District under Planning Case ZA96-132 (Ordinance No. 480-222). - On August 21, 2007 the City Council approved a Preliminary Plat for the Gateway Church campus under Planning Case ZA05-113. - On August 21, 2007 the City Council approved a Zoning Change and Concept Plan for the Gateway Church campus from "NR-PUD" Non - Residential Planned Unit Development District to "NR-PUD" Non - Residential Planned Unit Development District with religious institutions as the primary use under Planning Case ZA05-112 (Ordinance No. 480- 222a). - On May 8, 2008 the Planning & Zoning Commission approved a Final Plat under Planning Case ZA08-029. CITIZEN INPUT: A SPIN meeting was held on August 12, 2014 for this proposed development. A copy of this report can be found under Attachment `D' of this staff report. SOUTHLAKE 2030 Consolidated Land Use Plan The Southlake 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates this property as Public / Semi -Public. The Public / Semi -Public future land use designation is defined within Southlake 2030 as the following: "Public / Semi -Public areas are suitable for a wide range of public, civic, and religious uses, such as government offices and facilities, public and private schools, churches and related facilities (including parsonage and parochial schools), cemeteries, and Public Parks/Open Space uses in conjunction with these developments." Case No. Attachment A ZA14-092 Page 1 Mobility Master Plan The Gateway Church 114 Campus is bound by the frontage road of State Highway 114 to the south, Kirkwood Boulevard to the north, Grace Lane on the west and Blessed Way on the East. On the City's Thoroughfare Plan within the Mobility Master Plan Grace Lane is shown to be a 100-foot, 4-lane divided arterial (A4D). During the development of the Gateway Church campus, a variance was granted for Grace Lane to be reduced to an 80-foot divided arterial. TRANSPORTATION ASSESSMENT: Area Road Network and Conditions The proposed parking lot addition will connect to internal drives on the property and have access to Blessed Way, Grace Lane and the frontage road of State Highway 114. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was provided by the applicant for this development in September of 2005 during the initial zoning approval of the Gateway Church 114 Campus. Since parking spaces do not increase traffic demand no addendum is needed and the previous TIA is still valid since this request is consistent with the concept plan. An Executive Summary of the TIA can be found under Attachment `C' of this staff report. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: September 4, 2014; Approved (7-0) subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated August 29, 2014 and the staff report provided to the Commission dated August 29, 2014. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Site Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated August 29, 2014. WCommunity DevelopmentVEMO12014 Cases1092 - SP - Gateway Church - Parking Lot ExpansionlStaff Report Case No. Attachment A ZA14-092 Page 2 Case No. ZA14-092 Vicinity Map Gateway Church Phase II — Parking Improvements ZA 14-092 Site Plan 0 1,000 2,000 4,000 Feet Attachment B Page 1 Plans and Support Information HG A Hart, Gaugler & Associates. hic. Civil & Stnichual Engineering p O August 18, 2014 Mr. Dennis Killough City of Southlake Department of Planning 1400 Main Street, Suite 310 Southlake, TX 76092 Re: Gateway Church — Phase 2 114 Campus HGA Project Number 214077 Dear Dennis: Gateway Church desires to add a new parking lot north of the existing worship center at their existing campus located at 700 Blessed Way in Southlake, Texas. The propose of the new parking lot is to allow for the next building phase. The existing temporary lot south of the main building will be demolished in the next building phase and this parking will be in place to allow the temporary lot to be removed. The next building phase in anticipated in the next two years and will likely be an addition for adult classrooms. The location chosen for this parking lot is in an area planned for fixture parking. The new parking lot is meant to utilize the same layout as the adjacent parking lot and the overall concept plan. Minor differences may be to the access points of the new parking lot. The concept plan showed access to the second level parking deck and not the lower level. Access to the lower level may be modified when the second level parking deck is constructed. Roadway/Access Driveways/access are not affected by this addition. The parking lot will be accessed from the existing loop road and from the existing entrance chive off of Kirkwood Blvd. Utilities Water and Sanitary Sewer service: There are no water or sanitary sewer extension required for this parking addition. Stone Sewer: The onsite drainage will consist of curb inlets, and area drains. We anticipate the use of RCP for larger diameter pipes and HDPE for smaller diameter pipes. The storm drainage will be piped into the existing storm drainage system on campus. Electric, Telephone, and Gas: Franchise utilities exist on -site. Landscape: New plantings shall comply with applicable requirements of the City of Southlake Landscape Ordinance. The existing landscape areas are assumed to be compliant with the City of Southlake Landscape Ordinance. 12801 R Central Expressway • Suite 1400 • Dallas, TX 75243 • Voice 972-239-5111 • Fax 972-239-5055 Case No. Attachment C ZA14-092 Page 1 HGAHart, Gaugler & Associates, Inc. Civil & Structural Engineering p O Please contact me with any questions or comments you may have. Sincerely. Hart, Gaugler & :associates, Inc. John D. Blacker, P.E. Principal F:12014121407TCnil\SubmittakICity SubmittalsU014-08-18 Site Plan SubmivatQ014-08-18-LTR-DESIGN NARRATIVE -Phase 2.&c 1'801 S. Central Expressway • Suite 1400 • Dallas. TX 75243 • Voice 972-239-5111 • Fax 972-239-5055 Case No. ZA14-092 Attachment C Page 2 f1NAAV -l1VgVQIM t gnN3AV IIONIdV3 Proposed Site Plan (ie..�5<pc-SfZ-:L6�If IS<fZ-Z[6 O 0 BOIIN]llVtlL�tl'A3\Nf1S VtM tM1V1 ft:5t XL'+.OKI 0 IBI.ON JJV t1.1.�V'AfNtlfS5�tl8 N I�nttlBrl VDH =;� aa�rca\vi �ooa lim sm,a�"O°'1ps rn:� 11J1H II HStlHd-HO2I[1H�ltlM'3Ltl:J aui•saae�aossy �g � w= I� $E Case No. ZA14-092 / Attachment C Page 4 $E Case No. ZA14-092 / Attachment C Page 4 SVXdL'Alaf10DJNVtlatlx �i.+ai s�'sass�ncsasroc �aumie�{�-Nimi�iaps%eza�+!�Vus{� Oo 0 _ sersaesro�vvraaiJmsar•i•x�a•ano1a1iVneas•sa1sx1vu(m.v.iALJ NV'Id"IOULAOO 'aui s33uloossy g V✓H SfHd-HJMnH)AtlM31V'J NoiwHWQ V ONIAVd Uo aajSne+J'lnH SIX3w3AOHMl Z"Vd-H 3SVHd � N Qp,5 k3z= N 3 a e."Mae- gj v C�� • 6 k 8 R^oE 8� a„ B by d8��m �.�3N z ar e_ s 5 e9 a p �331Hll.f�=Sao g« INS I� e Eta � x 4r p agaG \ e $ Via: ® � a O " x _ an%ZCl::sn""p a a s a � :'�• 3 3] 3 9 9: 9 9 ��pltatltlM144ap1 •aaaasaa�aa•'s"" y ® ® L •YCaiC9YBRa JEaaSaaa ��� �"a�=eJaeca " ad�ic y= _WFppappapaFpGx n'�C Case No. Attachment C ZA14-092 Page 5 Proposed Landscape Plan rnln�550f6fi�.16: IIIS6fZ-Tl6 ��4� xal oxravnimrit3na� Lxvxvn'f.�D x�e fff.SL %1's.11.0 '° LaA3lvwaJ xlO&I 3 fvrsacmfexnvtvmetuna y°�" _ G .auI sa1etaossy ;gVDIH d Sf]dLNI'J 9LL - �1IL1H� StlLt13Ltl�J �� � .- Iat�ne±j `71eH � ° svnc�nvanovaL+n ��xva �- NOTIMMSNOJ HOi ION - A -MO M'03d t Case No. ZA14-092 QmQ W �zass?a � O c�i� RIF 5 S Attachment C Page 6 ,xn��SSOS-bfZ-T16r ilt5-bfZ-TfbS 4� cerscxi �mm OaI sale»ossV o �'IJH i � ~ s , m -.✓fig NOI'ONIJVCtSW' ,n aa...rauarxanans mra'a �9,� o,� Sfia"Ovtt-x�atu-r.�avvnasv0 xV'Id advDS ar� "° a G 1 iJ H � ss.�vanoua<+n otm�aba ® 04 NOL MUISNOO 1I03 SON - x7NO IINMd +_ooaR Be gig x r §g aoti agog Z 3�s LU to N O &8�Move IE �3 $°s s. Z;� aft; now ?Fm o biJ 33` A-va b 3Nf7HJ1bWaft aft fta _ " e Case No. Attachment C ZA14-092 Page 7 � e❑K onley-Horn andAswisles,Inc EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report documents a traffic impact analysis performed for the proposed Gateway Church located along the SH 114 WB Frontage Road between Kimball and Carroll in the City of Southlake, Texas Based on information provided by Gateway Church and Beck, the church will consist of numerous buildings and areas constructed in multiple phases_ Based upon a preliminary program plan, Phase I will consist of approximately 830,000 square feet, with build out of the site consisting of approximately l 15 million square feet The 8,000 seat Worship Center (the primary Sunday traffic generator) is planned fbr Phase 1 of the site Traffic generated by the Worship Center was the primary focus of this analysis The traffic evaluation was comprised of four (4) scenarios for which the Sunday AM peak hour level of service analysis was performed All intersection analysis was completed using the Synchto e' software. The scenarios are detailed in the table below Analysis Scenario Summary Scenario Roadway Conditions Development Assumptions Traffic Volumes Existing (2005) Existing Existing Existing Build Out Existing + 5 years of Background Existing Existing Background Growth (2010) (4% per year) Build Out Existing + Gateway Church Existing + Existing + 5 years of {2010) Blvd. + East and West GatewaChuch y r Background Growth (4% per Collectors year) + Gateway Church Horizon Existing + Gateway Church Existing + Existing + 10 years of (2015) Blvd + East and West Gateway C Church C Background Growth (4% per Collectors year) + Gateway Church Based on the analyses performed during this traffic impact study, we offer the following conclusions and recommendations: Existing (2005) Recommendations: Based on the analysis of existing conditions, the study area intersections currently operate at an acceptable level of service during the Sunday AM peak hour Trunk k»yel Analysis Gateway Choral, Soulhtake, Tcxsa Case No. ZA14-092 seplcmr Attachment C Page 8 ❑ K dey-Horn and Associates, Inc Build Out Year (2010) Background Traffic Recommendations: • The City of Southiake, upon completion of the Carroll widening project currently under construction south of SH 114, should re -stripe the SB approach and bridge over SH It 4 to provide two (2) lanes for SB ttafiic. In addition, the WB Frontage Road approach to Carroll should be re -striped to provide both a dedicated left -turn lane and a shared left-turrkAhrough lane • The City of Southlake plans to widen Kimball from two -lanes to a five -lane undivided section (ASU) between SH 114 to Dove as part of their current CIP. For purposes of this analysis, this improvement was assumed to be in place by the year 2010 Gateway Church Opening Day Recommendations: Construct the East and West Collectors as per City of Southlake four -lane undivided standards (A41J), along with'i4 of the ultimate section of Gateway Church Blvd (a four -lane divided facility, AQ). Gateway Church Blvd will initially be constructed between the West Collector and Kimball. The intersection of Gateway Chuch Blvdwith the East Collector should operate as a two-way stop, while its intersection with the West Collector should operate as a fiee intersection until such time that Gateway Church Blvd is extended to the west. Until Gateway Church have services that approach the capacity of their 8,000 seat worship center, the ultimate four -lane divided section of Gateway Church Blvd between the East Collector and Kimball is not warranted • Construct both deceleration and acceleration lanes along the SH 114 WB Frontage Road at the: West and East Collectors per current IxDOT design standards. An acceleration lane should be provided at the Exit Only Drive only if this driveway is to be utilized by the Church during the Sunday AM peak period. Based upon preliminary discussions with the Church and design team, this driveway will be only be used for special events at the adjacent chapel. Intersection and Stopping Sight Distances Conclusions: Based upon field observations, we do not anticipate any sight distance restrictions at the Exit Only Drive or the East Collector According the detailed analysis pet formed at the West Collector, where a potential sight distance restriction was observed in the field, adequate sight distance is available for exiting traffic at this driveway. Access Connection (Driveway) Spacing Conclusions: All proposed access drives along the Sll 114 Frontage Road meet the criteria contained within TxDOT's current Access Management Manual. City of Son thlake'fhoronghfare Plan Recommendations: Amend the current City of Southlake Thoroughfare Plan to include the alignment of Gateway Church Blvd. as a four -lane divided (A413) cross-section between Carroll and Kimball As part of this amendment, show Highland curving to the south to provide a connection west of the West Collector. Given the proposed land uses in the study area (Gateway Church and possible future Carroll ISD school site), a four -lane divided facility will be needed to serve future traffic growth. Narrowing Gateway Church Blvd. down to a two-lane section at Carroll would limit the effectiveness of the four -lane section. Wric Impact Malyui IV Sepumber 2005 Gateway Chwch, Southlake, rexas Case No. ZA14-092 Attachment C Page 9 ® IM ®� Kirnley-Florn ® ®_ and Assoc tiles, Inc Build Out Year, (2010) Total Traffic Recommendations: • Coordinate with the City of Southlake Police and/or TXMT to provide for traffic control officers / traffic signal operators at the intersections of SH 114 with Carroll and Kimball. Given the peaking characteristics of the site, the nearby traffic signals will require special operations for a short period of time to serve Gateway Church traffic Based on our analysis, the Carroll intersections will require manual operation AFTER the 9:30 and i 1:00 services conclude, while the Kimball intersections will require manual operation both BEFORE. and AFTER the 9:30 and 11:00 services At the intersection of Carroll and the SH 114 EB Frontage Road, temporary signing should be provided to allow the middle lane to operate as a shared left-tum/through lane • Coordinate with the City of Southlake Police to provide traffic control support at the intersection of Gateway Church Blvd and Kimball AFTER the 9:30 service has concluded_ We anticipate this intersection will operate at an acceptable level of service BEFORE the 9:30 service and AFTER the 11:00 service, but the mix of entering and exiting traffic BETWEEN services will create an unsafe condition at this stop -controlled intersection • Provide on -site parking lot attendants to help process entering traffic into the various parking areas. Without an organized system of loading the parking lots, it is likely that queuing traffic will back up onto the SH 114 Frontage Roads To help manage the parking areas between services, we recommend leaving some parking areas completely open during the 9:30 service to serve entering traffic before the 11:00 service. Once the site plan has been fmalized, we recommend developing various special event management plans to determine the best way to manage traffic on -site. Up to three (3) different plans maybe needed: one to accommodate a scenario with a high volume of entering traffic, another plan to accommodate a high volume of exiting traffic, and another to handle the mix of traffic between services. This plan would specifically identify manpower needs, lane usage and/or lane restrictions on -site, specific driveways to be utilized within each parking area, etc It may also identify the need for special traffic control devices along the SH 114 frontage road to accommodate dual -right tums for entering or exiting traffic. Other Possible Off -Site Improvements to Consider: While the implementation of the above recommendations would accommodate the site generated traffic during peak periods, we have developed two other recommendations for the City of Southlake, TxDOT, and Gateway Church to consider that would minimize the need for off -site traffic control personnel_ • Construct a WB U-turn lane at Carroll to serve traffic between the Frontage Roads. To help improve the level of service for exiting traffic, a WB U-turn lane would allow traffic wishing to travel east along SH 114 to avoid the Carroll intersections and greatly improve their level of service. This additional lane would also help to serve the adjacent Town Center development. • Reverse the existing ramps between Carroll and Kimball to allow traffic to enter and exit the site via SH 114 without using the adjacent signalized intersections at Kimball and Carroll traffic lmpactAnalys* Gateway C'hurr4, Southlake, Texas Case No. ZA14-092 Srp:rmhcr 200 Attachment C Page 10 SOUTHLAKE SPIN MEETING REPORT Case Number: ZA14-092 Project Name: Gateway Church — parking expansion SPIN Neighborhood: 44 Meeting Date: August '12, 20,14 Meeting Location: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, TX City Council Chambers Total Attendance: Twenty (20) Host: Sherry Berman, Community Engagement Committee Member Applicant(s) Presenting: John Blacker— Hart, Gaugler & Associates, Inc.; Brad Henderson — Gateway Church City Staff Present: Lorne Fletcher, Planner I; Jerod Potts, Planner I City Staff Contact: Daniel Cortez, Principal Planner: (817)748-8070 or dcortez _ ci.southlake.txus Town Hall Forums can be viewed in their entirety by visiting http:ffwww.citvofsouthlake.com and clicking on `Learn More" under video On Demand; forums are listed under SPIN by meeting date FORUM SUMMARY Property Situation: • The property is located at 700 Blessed Way. Development Details: Gateway Church desires to add a new parking lot north of the existing worship center at their existing campus located at 700 Blessed Way in Southlake, Texas. The purpose of the new parking lot is to allow for the next building phase_ The existing temporary lot south of the main building will be demolished in the next building phase and this parking will be in place to allow the temporary lot to be removed. The next building phase in anticipated in the next two years and will likely be an addition for adult classrooms. The location chosen for this parking lot is in an area planned for future parking. The new parking lot is meant to utilize the same layout as the adjacent parking lot and the overall concept plan. Minor differences may be to the access points of the new parking lot. The concept plan showed access to the second level parking deck and not the lower level_ Access to the lower level may be modified when the second level parking deck is constructed. Case No. Attachment D ZA14-092 Page 1 Roadway/Access Driveways -,access are not affected by this addition. The parking lot will be accessed from the existing loop road and from the existing entrance drive off of Kirkwood Blvd_ Utilities Water and Sanitary Sewer service: There are no water or sanitary sewer extension required for this parking addition_ Storm Sewer: The onsite drainage will consist of curb inlets, and area drains. We anticipate the use of RCP for larger diameter pipes and HDPE for smaller diameter pipes_ The storm drainage will be piped into the existing storm drainage system on campus_ Electric, Telephone, and Gas: Franchise utilities exist on -site. Landscape: New plantings shall comply with applicable requirements of the City of Southlake Landscape Ordinance. The existing landscape areas are assumed to be compliant with the City Of Southlake Landscape Ordinance Presented at SPIN: QUESTIONS / CONCERNS: • You are showing 400 parking spaces but what is the overall additional parking going to be? Right now we don't have an exact number but the 400 shown is about 2/3 of what will be built. • How are you addressing the traffic? o As construction occurs, existing parking will go off-line. We are working with police and anticipating the use of the Texas a -turn. SPIN Meeting Reports are general observabons of SPIN Meetings by City staff and SPIN Representatives. The report is neither verbatim nor official meeling minutes. rather it serves to inforrn elected and appointed officials. City staff, and the public of the issues and questions rased by residents and the general responses made. Responses as summarized in this report should not be taken as guarantees by the applicant- Interested parties are strongty encouraged to follow the case through the Planning and Zoning Commission and final action by City Council. Case No. Attachment D ZA14-092 Page 2 SITE PLAN REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA14-092 Review No.: Two Date of Review: 08/29/2014 Project Name: Site Plan for Gateway Church (114 Campus) Parking Lot Expansion APPLICANT: Hart, Gaugler & Associates, Inc. OWNER: Gateway Church John D. Blacker Brad Henderson 12801 N. Central Expressway, Ste. 1400 Dallas, TX 75243 Phone: (972) 239-5111 Fax: 500 S. Nolen Dr., Ste. 300B Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817) 552-7592 Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 08/18/2014 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE STAFF MEMBER. Planning Review Daniel Cortez, AICP Principal Planner Phone: (817) 748-8070 Email: dcortez ci.southlake.tx.us All previous conditions of approval from Ordinance No. 480-222a for Gateway Church are to remain in effect. This site plan must comply with the underlying zoning. Tree Conservation/Landscape Review Keith Martin Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 748-8229 E-mail: kmartin ci.southlake.tx.us TREE CONSERVATION COMMENTS: As shown on the originally approved Tree Conservation Plan, no existing trees are proposed to be preserved. LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: 1. The only zoning requirement for landscaping is that it be evaluated individually on a site plan level as they are submitted. The applicant is proposing to install the same landscape material as they have on the other existing landscape islands in the parking lots consisting of lacebark elms, shumard red oaks, live oaks, miscanthus grass, gulf muhly grass, indian hawthornes, carpet roses, loropetalums and rosemary's. Indicates informational comment. # Indicates required items comment. Case No. ZA14-092 Attachment E Page 1 Fire Department Review Kelly Clements Assistant Fire Marshal Phone: (817) 748-8671 E-mail: kclementsa-ci.southlake.tx.us GENERAL COMMENTS: • No comments based on submitted information. General Informational Comments All previous conditions and requirements of original Ordinance No. 480-222a are to remain in effect and this site plan is to comply with all applicable conditions and requirements of that ordinance. No review of proposed signs is intended with this site plan. A separate building permit is required prior to construction of any signs, including directional signage. All mechanical equipment must be screened of view from right-of-ways and residential properties in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended. All lighting must comply with the Lighting Ordinance No. 693, as amended. All development must comply with the Drainage Ordinance No. 605 and the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance No. 946, as amended. Development must comply with all requirements in Zoning Ordinance No. 480, Section 43, Overlay Zones. Denotes Informational Comment Case No. Attachment E ZA14-092 Page 2 SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS MAP & RESPONSES Gateway Church Phase II - Parking Improvements 'Z 1148 � 19 � ]BBB 21�9 Q 8 301 13]5 1581 18A1 21I5 S - 1009 t1x0 121 � 4�vF B IRKWUOB BLVU O� x000 B25 E KIRKWOOD BLVD m b � B � oz5 sH svel i r 1i]B MOON $T ? gb 9 u� e EPO# 1. . Owner Name Slts Grand Avenue Lp Zoning DT Address 1420 DIVISION ST 11111ILe 2.90 Response NR 2. Slts Grand Avenue Lp DT 1430 DIVISION ST 2.55 NR 3. Carroll ISD AG 1375 E HIGHLAND ST 0.70 NR 4. Gateway Church NRPUD 1301 E KIRKWOOD BLVD 0.23 NR 5. Chesapeake Land Dev Co Llc AG 1680 E SH 114 3.09 NR 6. Gateway Church NRPUD 700 BLESSED WAY 82.01 NR 7. Carroll ISD AG 1361 E HIGHLAND ST 1.04 NR 8. Chesapeake Land Dev Co Llc AG 1730 E SH 114 8.08 NR 9. Chesapeake Land Dev Co Llc AG 1700 E SH 114 1.11 NR 10. Gateway Church NRPUD 1200 E SH 114 6.78 NR 11. Gateway Church NRPUD 1501 E HIGHLAND ST 22.52 NR 12. Gateway Church NRPUD 700 N KIMBALL AVE 3.66 NR 13. Slts Land Lp DT 1301 E SH 114 0.92 NR 14. Patrizio Southlake Llc C3 1281 E SH 114 1.12 NR 15. Gateway Church NRPUD 701 BLESSED WAY 34.29 NR 16. Carroll ISD AG 1349 E HIGHLAND ST 1.60 NR 17. Gateway Church NRPUD 2000 E KIRKWOOD BLVD 20.94 NR 18. Carroll ISD CS 1335 E HIGHLAND ST 3.92 NR 19. Southlake, City Of AG 0.13 NR 20. Southlake, City Of AG 1371 E HIGHLAND ST 0.26 NR 21. Carroll ISD AG 1379 E HIGHLAND ST 0.77 NR 22. Southlake, City Of AG 0.26 NR Case No. Attachment F ZA14-092 Page 1 23. Southlake, City Of AG 0.15 NR 24. Knight, Harold I Etux Shirley AG 1749 E HIGHLAND ST 12.50 NR 25. Greenway-Carroll Road Prtnrs C3 1201 E SH 114 7.09 NR 26. Fechtel, Joe Est NRPUD 1778 E SH 114 0.08 NR 27. Slts Land Lp DT 245 N CARROLL AVE 13.48 NR 28. Slts Grand Avenue Lp DT 1501 E SH 114 0.27 NR 29. Carroll ISD SP1 1800 E KIRKWOOD BLVD 24.43 NR 30. 1 Fechtel, Joe Est NRPUD 1774 E SH 114 0.25 NR F: In Favor O: Opposed To Notices Sent: Thirty (30) Responses Received: None Case No. ZA14-092 U: Undecided NR: No Response Attachment F Page 2