2014-06-25 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING: JUNE 25, 2014 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Southlake Town Hall — 4A TIME: 6:00 p.m. SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD PRESENT: Chair Brenda Flores; Southlake Library Board members Lori Burr, Christina Esparza, Kim Roberts SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD ABSENT: Sally Biersmith, Ayako Miyazaki, and Cheri' Ross STAFF PRESENT: Chris Tribble, Director of Community Services Department; Cynthia Pfledderer, City Librarian; and Jennifer Tucker, Librarian - Technical Services OTHERS PRESENT: None 1. CALL TO ORDER Library Board chair Flores called the meeting of the Southlake Library Board to order at 6:06 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine by the Southlake Library Board and are enacted with one motion. Chair Flores read the consent agenda item for the record. 2A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 23, 2014 JOINT SOUTHLAKE ARTS COUNCIL AND SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING. There were no corrections to the joint April 23, 2014 meeting minutes. APPROVED A motion was made to approve the minutes from the April 23, 2014 joint Southlake Arts Council and Southlake Library Board meeting. Motion: Burr Second: Roberts Ayes: Burr, Esparza, Flores and Roberts Nays: None Abstain: None City of Southlake Values: Integrity • Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the June 25, 2014 Southlake Library Board Meeting Page 2 of 4 Vote: 4 -0 Motion Carried. 2B. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 23, 2014 REGULAR SOUTHLAKE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING. There were no corrections to the April 23, 2014 regular meeting minutes. APPROVED A motion was made to approve the minutes from the April 23, 2014 regular Southlake Library Board meeting. Motion: Roberts Second: Burr Ayes: Burr, Esparza, Flores and Roberts Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 4 -0 Motion Carried. 3. CONSIDER 3A. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Board considered the election of a chair and vice chair for the Southlake Library Board to serve June 2014 through October 2014 or until their successors are elected. APPROVED A motion was made to elect Brenda Flores as Chair and Kimberly Roberts as Vice Chair. Motion: Flores Second: Esparza Ayes: Burr, Esparza, Flores and Roberts Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 4 -0 Motion Carried. 3B. PROPOSED FY2015 LIBRARY BUDGET City Librarian Pfedderer presented the proposed FY 2015 Library Budget for the Library Board's recommendation to City Council. Community Services Director City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the June 25, 2014 Southlake Library Board Meeting Page 3 of 4 Tribble summarized the budget approval process and responded to questions. The FY 2015 Library Budget includes a 5% increase ($5,000) to the Materials Capital line which will bring the item to $100,000 for the purchase of books and electronic materials. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend approval of the FY 2015 Library Budget to City Council. Motion: Burr Second: Esparza Ayes: Burr, Esparza, Flores and Roberts Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 4 -0 Motion Carried. 4. REPORTS 4A. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT City Librarian Pfedderer reported on the success of the Summer Reading Program and shared participation statistics. The addition of the online summer reader program has increased adult and children participation significantly, and teen participation to a lessor degree. Last year the Summer Reading Program had overall 2,764 people participating. However this year's Program has seen 3,470 participants for the first month alone. Approximately 2,300 children are participating and almost 1,000 adults, which represents about 300% growth. Many positive comments have been received from parents regarding this year's summer program. The other summer library programs are also doing very well. 4B. LIBRARY STATISTICS City Librarian Pfedderer summarized the monthly Library statistic reports for March, April and May that were provided in the meeting packets and responded to questions regarding fluctuations in the reports. Changes have been made to the format of the reports to simplify and refine the data provided. 5. DISCUSSION 5A. BOARD MEETING City Librarian Pfedderer presented the following discussion items. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability • Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the June 25, 2014 Southlake Library Board Meeting Page 4 of 4 1. NO MEETING IN JULY 2014 — A Library Board meeting will not be held in July in accordance with the precedence set by City Council. 2. MAKING A QUORUM — A "majority," or four of the seven members of the Board, must be present to constitute a quorum in order to conduct the business of the Library Board. The importance of attendance may be discussed at a future meeting. 6. PUBLIC FORUM — Chair Flores opened the public forum and asked for anyone wishing to speak to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, public forum was closed. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Chair Flores at 6:38 p.m. Attest: J Brenda Flores, Chair Cyrdthia Pfleddere City Librarian A tape recording of this meeting may be requested in the Office of the City Secretary. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork