2014-08-14CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS REGULAR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING AUGUST 14, 2014 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas City Council Chambers of Town Hall TIME: 6:30 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION: If a need arises to seek the advice from the City Attorney as to the posted subject matter of this Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting, the issues or matters will be discussed in executive session. 1. Pursuant to Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, the Board may meet in executive session to consult with the City Attorney regarding matters authorized by Section 551.071, including matters posted on this agenda. 2. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session. REGULAR SESSION: 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the June 26, 2014 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting. 3. Administrative Comments. REGULAR AGENDA: 4. Consider: ZBA-663, Special Exception Use per Ord. No. 480, Section 44.12(1) for a servants or family quarters on property described as Tract 2G, Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and located at 2426 Rolling Ln., Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "SF -1A" — Single Family Residential District. PUBLIC HEARING 5. Consider: Meeting Adjourned. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin boards at Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, August 8, 2014 by 6:00 p.m. pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Te xa Govern nt Code. • ,'�,r'r Lori Payne, TRM City Secretary If you plan to attend this public m fttlnd°aQ.4 a di&ility that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at (817) 748-801 d-+4pd rG# j p", 2`` accommodations will be made to assist you.