89-052City of Southlake, Texas RESOI_L'ITON NO. 89-52 A RESOLUTION OF 'i~ CITY COUNCIL OF '1~-~ CITY OF SOU'~]AKE, TEXAS, APPOINTING ACTING CITY SECI~'L~RY, AND PROVIDING AN E~'~'~CTIVE DATE UPON PASSAGE AND AP_~qDVAL. ~,~]~REAS, THE City Charter s~tes that a City Secreta---f shall be a.mpointed to perform certai-n duties; and, ~,~, the City Council desires that an Acting Ci-~3 Secretary be desigp~ted to perform the duties of the City Secreta-~y in her absence or disability; now, 5555REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHIAKE, TEXAS, THAT: Secticn 1. That all the fi_ndings in the preamble ar=_ found to be true ~.d ccz-rect and the City Cc.~nci! does hereby incorpcrate said findings imto ~ne ~ of this resc'_uticn as if copied in the=- entirety. Secticn 2. That the duties of tine Acting City Secre~ry shall include recording of minutes of all .~=etings the City S _ecretary may be _~equired to attend, the posting of necessary_ agenda, the affixing of Ci-~f Seal to ins~n--s recuiring said seal, arz~ any other duties ~nat may be required of the Cit~z Secretary by the Ci--~Z Cotmcil. Secticn 3. That the ActLng CitZ Secretary is a_.mpoL-.~ed to serve in the absence or disability of tine Cir_,' Secretaz'I. Secticn 4. That the City 2otLncil of the City of Som~hlake hereby ~.neJ-~.ts KLM BUSH to sez~,-e as ~ne ActJ~ng City Secrs--ary. Secticn 5. That +STis rescluticn is in effect upon .cassage by the city PASSED ~ APPPOVED ~IS ~---~ 7th No~embe~ DAY OF No ~/ 198 ,Mayor Gar~ FicKes City Secretary