89-018 RESOLUTION NO. 89-18 A Ri?X)LUTION OF THE CITY OF SO~, ~S, ~)ING ~]/~ION ~. 89-11, ~ING ~ ~ ~ION ~ BE ~D ON ~Y 6,1989, BY ~GiNG SE~ION 7, ~ STA~ ~ ~G P~ ON F~FION DAY ~ BE ~O~ ~DD~ S~L ~'b'rE~. A~O~Z~G ~ CI~ S~ ~ ~ ~ ~SS~Y ~ ~ ~ S~SSIOI~ ~ ~ ~I~ STA~S ~STI~ DEP?~ ~R P~~ ~P~' P~D~G ~ ~I~g DA~. ~, Section 41.001 of ~e T~as Election C~e ("~e C~e") s~cifies ~at ~e first Sat~day in ~y shall ~ a ~ifom election date and ~at a general election of a city ~y ~ held on such day; ~d, ~, by a resolution, ~e first Sat~day in M~y (Y~y 6,1989) has ~n adopted as ~e date of its genera] election; ~d, ~, Resolution 89-11, ~ction 7, desi~ated ~he City Hall, 667 No~h Carroll Avenue, ~uthl~e, ~as, as ~le ~lling place for ~e general election; n~, ~, BE IT ~T2~D BY ~ CI~ ~CIL OF ~ CI~~ OF ~, ~, Sectzon ]. ~at all of ~e ~ve presses are fo~d to ~ ~e ~d correct ~d are inco~rat~ into ~e ~y of ~%is resolution as if copied in ~eir entirety. Section 2. ~at ~e City Co~cil approv~ ~e ch~ge in Section 7 of Resolution 89-11, cb~ging ~%e l~ation of ~e ~liing place fr~] City Hall, 667 Nor~ ~rroll Avenue, ~u~l~e, to ~e C~roll ~ddle Sch~l ~feteria, 1100 Nor~ C~roll Avenue, Sou~l~e, T~as. Section 3. ~at ~e City Secret~ is her~y authorized to ~e ~e necess~ ~n~t to ~e s~ssion for ~e United States Justice ~p~nt for preclearance approval, for a ch~%ge in ~e ~lling place for election ~y. Section 4. ~at ~is resolution shall ~ effective from ~d after ~is day of ~ssage. P~S~ ~ ~P~ ~IS ~. 7~ DAY OF ~, 1989. ATTEST: Johnny H. Westerholm Mayor of Southlake Sa~,dra L. LeGrand City Secretary