2014-06-12 te CITY OF
LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
City Council Chambers of Town Hall
Regular Session:
Members Present: Chair Paul Venesky, Vice Chair John Huffman, Board Members, Kourosh
Panahy, Paul Lepicier, and Mike Smietana.
Members Absent: Board members Brad Cunningham, Eric Ransom, Ron Evans, and Scott
Staff Present: Richard Schell, Principal Planner, and Erica Wilson, Board Secretary
Agenda Item No. 1 — Call to Order: Chair Paul Venesky called the meeting to order at 6:30
Agenda Item No. 2 — Approval of the Minutes: Chair Paul Venesky opened the discussion of
the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on April 24, 2014.
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on
April 24, 2014.
Motion: Panahy
Second: Smietana
Ayes: Smietana, Huffman, Panahy, Lepicier, and Venesky.
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 5 -0 -0
Motion: Carried
Agenda Item No. 3 — Administrative Comments: Richard Schell, Principal Planner,
announced that the next ZBA meeting is scheduled for June 26, 2014. Planner Schell requested
that the Board members note the meeting date on their calendars.
Agenda Item No. 4 — ZBA -661, Special Exception Use per Ord. No. 480, Section 44.12(1) for a
servants or family quarters on property described as Tracts 1 B, 1 B6, 1 B1A and 1 B1A6, F.
Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and located at
1671 and 1691 E. Dove Rd., Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "AG" — Agricultural District.
Planner Schell presented details of the case to the Board that on behalf of Howard Harris, Brad
Black of Texas Legacy Construction is requesting approval of a Special Exception Use per Ord.
No. 480, Section 44.12(1) for a servants or family quarters on property described as Tracts 1B,
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes - June 12, 2014
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1 B6, 1 B1A and 1 B1A6, F. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511, City of Southlake, Tarrant County,
Texas and located at 1671 and 1691 E. Dove Rd., Southlake, Texas. Current Zoning: "AG" —
Agricultural District.
Once Planner Schell answered the Board's questions, the staff presentation was complete.
Chair Venesky opened the public hearing and called upon the applicant or the applicant's
representative to make such comments and present evidence as the applicant should desire.
Brad Black, 241 Wilson Drive, Prosper, TX, the representative of the owner, once sworn in, was
available to answer questions of the Board.
Chair Venesky asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in support of the
Carl Lapiska, 1612 Heatherbrook Court, Southlake, TX, once sworn in, gave his support.
Chair Venesky asked if there were those in the audience who wished to speak in opposition of
the request.
There being no one, Chair Venesky closed the public hearing and opened the item for
The Board discussed the item.
A motion was made to approve case ZBA -661.
Motion: Huffman
Ayes: Smietana, Huffman, Panahy, Lepicier, and Venesky.
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 5 -0
Motion: Carried
Agenda Item No. 5 - Meeting Adjournment: Chair Venesky adjourned the meeting at 6:47p.m.
* An audio recording of this meeting will be pe anent/y , tai -d in the City Secretary's
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Erica Wilson
Board Secretary
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes — June 12, 2014
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