14-030 RESOLUTION NO. 14 -030 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING A CONDEMNATION ACTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING A RIGHT OF WAY AND EASEMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC USES PERMITTED BY LAW WHEREAS, the City of Southlake is in the process of constructing public roadway improvements along North White Chapel Boulevard (the "Project ") which will serve existing and future development in the City; and WHEREAS, in order to complete construction of the Project, it is necessary for the City to acquire a right of way and easements from property owners who own land across which the Project will be located; and WHEREAS, the City and the owner of the property, J.C. Wood Jr., (the "Wood Properties "), have been unable to reach an agreement on the acquisition of the needed right of way and easements; and WHEREAS, the City Council now deems it necessary to authorize the City Attorney to initiate condemnation proceedings in order to acquire the necessary right of way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, hereby finds and determines that the recitals made in the preamble of this Resolution are true and correct, and incorporates such recitals herein. SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas hereby finds and determines that a public necessity exists for the City of Southlake, Texas to acquire a 0.3061 acre right of way and 0.4375 acre temporary construction easement on the Properties, as more particularly described on the attached Exhibit "A ". SECTION 3. The City Attorney is hereby authorized to bring a condemnation lawsuit against the owners, and any and all other parties having an interest in the property, for the purpose of acquiring the above referenced right of way and easements through the exercise of the City's power of eminent domain, provided that the following conditions are first met: Page 1 (a) The City will obtain ownership information and a legal description for each parcel to be acquired; (b) If the property owners and/or other parties are located through the exercise of due diligence, the City Manager, or her designated representative, will: (1) Make a final offer to the owners and/or other parties for the purchase of the above referenced right of way and easements; (2) When the final offer to purchase is made, the City Manager or her representative will disclose to the owners and/or other parties, all existing appraisal reports or value studies produced or acquired by the City relating to the owners' or parties' property and used by the City in determining the amount of the final offer; (3) If the owners and/or other parties fail or refuse to accept the City's final offer, the City Manager may direct the City Attorney to file eminent domain proceedings. (c) When any of the owners and/or other parties cannot be located through the exercise of due diligence, the City Attorney may skip the actions described in paragraph (b) and may file eminent domain proceedings against such owners and/or other parties, and shall cite such owners and/or other parties, who cannot be located, by publication in the manner authorized by law. (d) The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to make final offers to the owners of such property in such amount as the City Manager determines to be just compensation for conveyance to the City of Southlake of the above referenced right of way, based upon appraisals or market studies available to the City Manager. SECTION 4. That the City Council hereby finds and determines that the above described right of way and easements is needed so that the City of Southlake can construct roadway improvements, which is a public use and is necessary to serve the public health, safety and welfare. SECTION 5. That this Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption, and it is so Resolved. ADOPTED this j'7 day of ,) � , , 2014. C • 09 iti AL. Mayor, City of South h. ke ATTEST: ll �o�THl� ', ........L4,f. • t}c Greta • � ✓'ac,: (Z C835 bdicaf / y r ` i * * " N',` .�%`�, , Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION 0.3061 ACRES /13, 334 SQ. FT PARCEL A PORTION OF THE JAMES CLIFFORD WOOD, J . TRACT THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 706 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS DESCRIPTION BEING o 0.3061 acre troct of land situoted in the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, in the City of Southiake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of those certain tracts of land devised unto James Clifford Wood, Jr. (Wood) according to the Lost Will and Testament of James Clifford Wood os recorded in instrument No. D197212230 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (D.R.T.C.T.), and being more particularly described by metes end bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a bent 5/8" iron rod found for the northwest corner of the aforementioned Wood tract, said northwest corner being in the south right —of —way line of W. Highland Street (variable width right —of —way) and also being the northeast corner of a called 1.218 acre tract of land conveyed to Cynthia Ann Mangini according to the General Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien In Favor Of Third Party as recorded in Volume 15570, Page 279, D.R.T.C.T., from whence a 1/2" iron rod found in the east line of soid Mangini tract for the southwest corner of said Wood tract, bears S 00'14'42" E, 265.10 feet; THENCE N 89'32'06" E, with the north line of said Wood tract and said south right —of —woy line of W. Highland Street. 269.59 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stomped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner at the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 89'32'06" E, continuing with the north line of said Wood tract and said south right —of —way line of W. Highland Street, 125.91 feet to o 1/2" iron rod with plastic cop stamped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for the northeast corner of said Wood tract, said corner being at the intersection of said south right —of —way line of W. Highland Street and the west right —of —way line of N. White Chapel Boulevard (variable width right —of —way); THENCE S 00'18'08" E, with the east line of sold Wood troct and said west right —of —way line of N. White Chapel Boulevard, 260.64 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for the southeast corner of said Wood tract, said southeast corner also being the northeast corner of a called 0.26 acre tract conveyed to Kyle Bush according to the General Worronty Deed with Vendor's Lien as recorded in Instrument No. D207059436 of the Official Public Records of Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE S 88'53'17" W, departing soid west right —of —woy line of N. White Chapel Boulevard and with the south line of said Wood tract and the north line of said Kyle Bush tract, 38.91 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cop stomped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner; ..\DV NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PAGE 1 OF 3 TBPE FIRM REG. N0. F -356 REVISED: JANUARY 7, 2013 TBPLS FIRM REG. NO. 100189 -00 Two Park Lone Place / 8080 Park Lone / Suite 600 OCTOBER 17, 2012 Dallas, Texas 75231 / Ph, (2i 4) 739 -4741 08 -10 -076.8 8076— P20.dwg EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT -OF -WAY ACQU/SI TION 0.3061 ACRES /13, 334 SQ. FT. PARCEL A PORTION OF THE JAMES CLIFFORD WOOD, JR. TRACT THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 706 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS THENCE N 02'54'42" W, departing the south line of said Wood tract and the north line of said Kyle Bush tract, 54.94 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with plostic cap stomped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner; THENCE N 00'37'06" W, 97.21 feet to o 1/2" iron rod with plostic cap stomped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner at the beginning of a tangent curve to the left, said curve having o central angle of 45'22'13 ", o radius of 106.50 feet, a tangent length of 44.52 feet and o chord which bears N 23'18'13" W, 82.15 teet: THENCE, with said tangent curve to the left, on arc distance of 84.33 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cop stamped "TX REG NO 100189-00" set for corner; THENCE N 45'59'19" W, 10.12 feet to corner (unable to monument) of the beginning of a tangent curve to the left, said curve having a central angle of 28'05'01 ", o radius of 106.50 feet, a tangent of 26.64 feet and a chord which bears N 60'01'50" W, 51.68 feet: THENCE, with soid tangent curve to the left, on arc distance of 52.20 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and contoiring 0.3061 acres or 13,334 square feet of fond, more or Tess. eft FOR � THAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. F .r S r , • Jo 7 R.P.L.S. No. 4268 JOHN L. MELTON • - egistered Professional Lond Surveyor ' t'' #4268 v " + R t SStrt'y� r NOTES S1!R`�_ Bearings for this survey are based on the Western Data Systems Texas Cooperative Network and are referenced to NAD83 State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone 4202. Stations DMLN —g and DML2 —g0811 were utilized as base stations during GPS data collection sessions. This survey was performed without the benefit of a title commitment and may be subject to liens, encumbrances, easements, rights —of —way, restrictions, covenants, reservations or other conditions of record which the undersigned has not been advised of or is aware ot. No additional research for easements was performed by Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. in the preparation of this survey. ..\DV NATHAN O. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PAGE 2 OF 3 TBPE FIRM REG. N0. F -356 REVISED: JANUARY 7, 2013 TBPLS FIRM REG. N0. 100189 -00 OCTOBER 17, 2012 Two Park Lane Place / 8080 Park Lane / Suite 600 08 -10 -076.3 Dallas, Texas 75231 / Ph. (214) 739 -4741 8076— P20.dwg EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT —OF --WAY ACQUISITION 0.3061 ACRES /13,334 SQ. FT: PARCEL A PORTION OF THE JAMES CLIFFORD WOOD, JR. TRACT THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 706 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS MARGUERITE ELIZABETH FECHTEL REVOCABLE TRUST LOT 6, BLOCK A -80 INST. NO. 0206039077 5/6" IAF W/aUNAWAr PECK ADDITION O.P.R. T C T d ASSOC CAP VOL, 388-137, PC 61 CALLED 7.61 ACRES CITY OF SOUTHLAKE /5/,• lRl W /p A TE P.R.T.C.T. R.O.W. DEDICATION TO THE INST. N0. D199076920 d- RPLS 5647 CAP CITY OF SOUTHLAKE D.R. T.0 T. — INST NO. 0199171506 D.R. T.C. T. ,/2. IRf CALLED 1.0 ACRES E. HIGHLAND STREET REFILED AS GENERAL WARRANTY DEED TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W.) INST. NO. D199193136, O.R. T.C. T. I r/2" raF W /AREA SUR V£YIHC CAP QUIN OF L J a —r ALUAC MO Gramm "GRAHAM W. HIGHLAND STREET N 89'32'06" E ASSOCIATES 817 -610- 6574 (VARIABLE MOTH R.0.W.) BEGINNING f/1" IRS W/CAP 125.91' . !/r IRS N 8932'06" E 269.59 �� ./7 f :y • 9 w/CAP CURVE 1 A \ ,,,,,,„ POINT OF C' /2- nts 4= 4572'13" N 45''59'19" W W�� R =106.50' CO o/r ) 10 n T =44.52 ' N L =84.33 ti JAMES CLIFFORD WOOD, JR CB =N 2378'13" W INST NO. 0197212230 1/r ws w/CAP 11) 14 3 R W D.R. T.C.T. Wk. CL =82 15 2 N tii y1 (LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT 2 u m r OF JA CLIFFORD WOOD) • W it CURVE 2 z o N - N 00'37'06" W_ w y ,$ d=28'05'01 " .0...i,, a 97.21' 8`` r R =106.50' gnoo t, 0 8 7/1' IRS W/CAP eS ;72.. 0 T= 2V.64 ..... L =52.20 N 0254'42" W y CB =N worse W 54" 94' r/ lP A r/2 IRS CL= 51.68' I/2" VW S 8853 W '17" »38.91' W /CAP Q KYLE BUSH F0..7 /4" Atom. MONT. INST. NO. 0207059436 srAMP£O Tay or MICHAEL A. SMITH AND 0.P.R. T.C. T cr rc M ow 26 NATASHA C. SMITH CALLED 0.26 ACRES 0%11°14 INST. N0. 0 211 29 783 4 0P.R.T.C.T. 1 U PD CALLED 1.38 ACRES oCi( GOO of e 4 , P� 5S 0• R tat 50 00 ABBREVIATION LEGEND I /1. di m -, SO01 e D.R. T.C. T. DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT W O COUNTY, TEXAS �� O.P.R. T C. T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF ,2 TARRANT COUNTY. TEXAS Q O P.R. T.C. T PLAT RECORDS OFF TARRANT 1 COUNTY, TEXAS Q CAB„ SLIDE CABINET, SLIDE m INST NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER V WZ OL., PG VOLUME, PAGE BARBARA ANN PAT) M 1III C.L. CENTERLINE (FORMERLY BARBARA ANN HARTZ) �` " ESMT EASEMENT VOL. 7632, PG 2174 fi ' I R.O.W RIGHT -OF -WAY D.R.T.C.T. 1 �1 50. FT. SQUARE FEET CALLED 3.065 ACRES / J 1 \ IRF IRON ROD FOUND I III IPF IRON PIPE FOUND IRS W/CAP IRON ROD SET W7T1 PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "Tx REG No NORTH 100189 -00" SCALE: 1 " =100' PAGE 3 OF 3 ......\ I) V NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. TBPE FIRM REG. NO. F -356 REVISED: JANUARY 7, 2013 TBPLS FIRM REG. NO. 100189 -00 Two Pork Lane Place / 8080 Park Lane / Suite 600 OCTOBER 17, 2012 Dallas, Texas 75231 / Ph. (214) 739 -4741 08 -10 -076.8 8076— P20.dwg EXHIBI T "A" TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 0.4375 ACRES/19,058 SQ. FT. PARCEL A PORTION OF THE JAMES CLIFFORD WOOD, JR. TRACTS THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 706 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS DESCRIPTION BEING o 0.4375 acre tract of land situated in the Thomas M. Hood Survey, Abstract No. 706, in the City of Southloke, Torrent County, Texos, and being o portion of those certain tracts of land devised unto James Clifford Wood, Jr. (Wood) according to the Last Will and Testament of James Clifford Wood as recorded in instrument No. D197212230 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (D.R.T.C.T.), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 1/2" iron rod found for the southwest corner of the aforementioned Wood trocts, said corner also being the most northerly northwest corner of a called 1.38 acre tract conveyed to Michoe! A. Smith and Natasha C. Smith (Smith) according to the Generol Warranty Deed os recorded in Instrument No. D211297834 of the Official Public Records of Tarrant County, Texos (0.P.R.T.C.T.) and being in the east line of a called 1.218 acre tract of land conveyed to Cynthia Ann Mangini (Mongini) according to the General Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien In Favor Of Third Party as recorded in Volume 15570, Page 279, D.R.T.C.T.; THENCE N 88'53'17" E, departing the east line of said Mongini tract and with the common south line of said Wood trocts and the most northerly north line of said Smith tract, passing at a distance of 245.80 feet the common most northerly northeast corner of said Smith tract and the northwest corner a culled 0.26 acre tract conveyed to Kyle Bush (Bush) according to the General Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien as recorded in Instrument No. D207059436, 0.P.R.T.C.T., and continuing with the common south line of said Wood tracts and the north line of said Bush tract a total distance of 333.27 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and the beginning of a non— tangent curve to the right, said non — tangent curve having o central angle of 01'12'45 ", a radius of 2572.00 feet, a tangent length of 27.22 feet and o chord which bears N 01'13'29" W, 54.43 feet; THENCE, deporting the common south line of said Wood trocts and the north line of said Bush tract and with said non — tangent curve to the right, on arc distance of 54.43 feet; THENCE N 00'37'06" W, 44.91 feet; THENCE S 89'32'06" W, 3.00 feet; THENCE N 00'37'06" W, 78.81 feet to the beginning of o non — tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 27'46'31 ", a radius of 85.50 feet, a tangent length of 21.14 feet and a chord which bears N 32'06'04" W, 41.04 feet; \DV NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PAGE 1 OF 5 TBPE FIRM REG. NO, F -356 REVISED: JANUARY 7, 2013 TBPLS FIRM REG. NO. 100189 -00 OCTOBER 30, 2012 Two Pork Lone Place / 8080 Pork Lane / Suite 600 REVISED: MAY 23, 2013 Dallas, Texos 75231 / Ph. (214) 739 -4741 08 -10 -076.8 8076— P21— TCE1- 2_R.dwg EXHIBIT N A' TEMPORARY CONSTRUC11ON EASEMENT 0.4375 ACRES /19, 058 SQ. FT. PARCEL A PORTION OF THE JAMES CLIFFORD WOOD, JR. TRACTS THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 706 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS THENCE, with said non - tangent curve to the left, an arc distance of 41.45 feet; THENCE N 45'59'19" W, 9.70 feet; THENCE S 87'43'43" W, 294.91 feet; THENCE N 81'53'42" W, 5.21 feet to the common west line of said Wood tracts and the east line of the aforementioned Mongini tract; THENCE N 00'14'42" W, with the common west line of said Wood tracts and the east line of said Mangini tract, 45.99 feet to o 1/2" iron rod with plostic cap stomped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner, from whence o bent 5/8" iron rod found for the common northwest corner of said Wood tracts and the northeast corner of said Mangini tract bears N 00'14'42" W, 3.99 feet; THENCE N 87'34'06" E, deporting the common west line of said Wood tracts and the east line of said Mongini tract, 116.16 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner in the north line of the aforementioned Wood tracts, said north line being the south right -of -way line of W. Highlond Street (variable width right -of -way); THENCE N 89'32'06" E, with the north line of said Wood tracts and sold south right -of -way line of W. Highland Street, 153.51 feet to o 1/2" iron rod with plastic cop stomped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner at the beginning of a non - tangent curve to the right having o central angle of 28'05'01 ", a radius of 106.50 feet, o tangent length of 26.64 feet and a chord which bears S 60'01'50" E, 51.68 feet; THENCE, deporting the north line of said Wood tracts and said south right -of -way line of W. Highland Street and with said non - tongent curve to the right, an arc distonce of 52.20 feet to corner (unable to monument); THENCE S 45'59'19" E. 10.12 feet to o 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner of the beginning of a tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 45'22'13 ", a radius of 106.50 feet, a tangent length of 44.52 feet and a chord which bears S 23'18'13" E, 82.15 feet; D V NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PAGE 2 OF 5 TBPE FIRM REG. NO. F -356 REVISED: MAY 23, 2013 TBPLS FIRM REG. NO. 100189 -00 REVISED: JANUARY 7, 2013 Two Pork Lone Place / 8080 Park Lane / Suite 600 OCTOBER 30, 2012 Dallas, Texas 75231 / Ph. (214) 739 -4741 08-10 -076.8 8076- P21- TCE1- 2_R.dwg EXHIBIT "A" TEMPORARY CONS7RUC710N EASEMENT 0.4375 ACRES/19,058 SQ. FT PARCEL A PORTION Of THE JAMES CLIFFORD WOO, JR. TRACTS THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 706 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS THENCE, with said tangent curve to the right, on arc distance of 84.33 feet to o 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stomped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner; THENCE S 00'37'06" E, 97.21 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner; THENCE S 02'54'42" E, 54.94 feet to a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped "TX REG NO 100189 -00" set for corner in the common south line of sold Wood tracts and the north line of the aforementioned Bush tract; THENCE S 88'53'17" W, with the common south line of said Wood tracts and the north line of said Bush tract, 23.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.4375 acres or 19,058 squore feet of land, more or Tess. FOR • • a. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. O F ��, I i+� �� /4 4t ' s T i!4\ / 7L . Me l �R . P . L . S . No . 4268 stered Professional Land Surveyor , N #4268 . .4 9 - ftee0_.G. r S UP , NOTES: -.`�. Bearings for this survey are based on the Western Data Systems Texas Cooperative Network and are referenced to NAD83 State Plane Coordinate System, Texas North Central Zone 4202. Stations DMLN —g and DML2 -90811 were utilized as base stations during GPS data collection sessions. This survey was performed without the benefit of a title commitment and may be subject to liens, encumbrances, easements, rights —of —way, restrictions, covenants, reservations or other conditions of record which the undersigned hos not been odvised of or is owore of. No additional research for easements was performed by Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. in the preparation of this survey. :\. 0 V NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PAGE 3 OF 5 TBPE FIRM REG. NO. F -356 REVISER: MAY 23, 2013 TBPLS FIRM REG. NO. 100189 -00 REVISED: JANUARY 7, 2013 Two Park Lane Place / 8080 Park Lane / Suite 600 OCTOBER 30, 2012 Dallas, Texas 75231 / Ph. (214) 739 -4741 08 -10 -076.8 8076— P21— TCE1- 2_R.dwg EXHIBIT "A" TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 0.4375 ACRES /19, 058 SQ. FT. PARCEL A PORTION OF THE JAMES CUFFORD WOOD, R. TRACTS THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0. 706 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS MARGUERITE ELIZABETH FECHTEL 7 LOT 6, BLOCK A -80 REVOCABLE TRUST 1 5/9" IRF PECK ADDITION INST. NO. D206039011 w /DUNAWAY & VEX, 388 -137, PC 61 DR. T. C. T. Q / C CAP P, R, T.C. T. CALLED 7.61 ACRES CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 5/8' IRF W/PA►E CA 1 R.O.W. DEDICATION TO THE INST. NO. 0199076920 RPLS'5647 P CITY OF SOUTHLAKE D.R. T.0 T. 7NST. NO. E D.R.T,C.T. CALLED T.0 ACRES E. HIGHLAND STREET REFILED AS GENERAL WARRANTY RRANTY DEED 1/2" aPF TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O. W.) INST NO. D199193136, D.R. T.CT. I j a w /AREA — r T _ . ___ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ J G ALUM. DISC STAMPED "GRAHAM r W HIGHLAND STREET N 89'32'06" E ASSOC7AT£S 877 -640 -8535' (VARIABLE 7W077-1 R.D.W.) L3 153.51' 5/13' IRF (BENT) /iiruiiiiiiiii C M N 00'14'42" P-3.99' — "' 1/2" RS W/CAP "' UNASLE TO N 0074'42" W 0.4375 ACRES (19,058 SQ. FT.}�� 1/2" S E " 294.91' � w` AP 4. 10.12' /I/ 45 99 L2 S 87'43 43 W L 1 N � e a I JAMES CLIFFORD WOOD, JR. O CYNTHIA ANN MANGINI INST. NO. 0197212230 t w /CP set VOL. 15570, PC 279 O.R. T.C. T. S q u o a D.R. T. C. T. (LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT 0'�� *0 'v) CALLED 1.218 ACRES OF JAMES CLIFFORD WOOD) N 00'37'06" W � ,, ryo ' o. • _ _ _ _7_8.81 S 00'37'06" E ,�. o� . _ _ . _ — — S 89'32'06" Wr 3.00' % 97.21 ti b` p ' ° o • SEE PAGE 5 OF 5 N 00'37'06" WN44.91 % 1/2" IRS P� w/cP ,. FOR UNE AND / o CURVE TABLES P0/NT IOF v % S 0234'42 E I - 54.94' N 8853'17" £ 333.27' POINT 0P1 C 24s.so' .....1 7/2" IRS S 88'53'17" W»23.62' W/CP 9 /FD. 3 / STAMPED L'ONT COMMENCING CITY OF SOUDILAKE 1/2" tier K YLE BUSH GEOOCnC MON 26" INST NO. 0207059436 MICHAEL A. SMITH AND O.P.R.T.GT. NATASHA C SMITH CALLED 0.26 ACRES INST. NO. 0211297834 O.P.R. T.C. T. CALLED 1.38 ACRES 5 W ABBREVIA 710N LEGEND „ J D.R. T.C. T. DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT W o COUNTY, TEXAS 0.P.R. T. C L OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS Q P.R. T. C. 7 PLA RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS W CAB., SLIDE CABINET, SLIDE m INST. NO. INSTRUMENT NUMBER VOL., PG VOLUME, PAGE BARBARA ANN PA TY GL. CENTERLINE (FORMERLY BARBARA ANN HARTZ) +.` u t f \ OF ESMT. EASEMENT VOL. 7632, PG 2174 W. R.O. RIGHT -OF -WAY D.R. T.C. T. � � �� �j1� S0. FT. SQUARE FEET CALLED 1065 ACRES J(� IRF IRON ROD FOUND Jf IPF IRON PIPE FOUND IRS W /CAP IRON ROD SET WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED '7X REC NO IV'O R H 100189 -00" SCAL :• 1 100 4 .,,\D V NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PAGE 5 TBPE FIRM REG. NO. F -356 REVISED: MAY 2.3, 2013 TBPLS FIRM REG. NO. 100189 -00 REVISED: JANUARY 7, 2013 OCTOBER 30, 2012 08 -10 -076.6 Two Park Lane Place / 8080 Pork Lone / Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75231 / Ph. (214) 739 -4741 8076- P21- TCE1- 2_R.dwg EXHIBIT "A" TEMPORARY CONSTRUC770N EASEMENT 0.4375 ACRES/19,058 SQ. FT. PARCEL A POR77ON OF THE JAMES CLIFFORD WOOD, JR. TRACTS THOMAS M. HOOD SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 706 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS EASEMENT LINE TABLE NO. BEARING DISTANCE L 1 N 4559'19" W 9.70' L2 N 81'53'42" W 5.21' ` L3 _ N 87'34'06" E 116.16' EASEMENT CURVE TABLE NO. DATA NO. DATA CV1 d= 0172'45" CV2 d= 274631" R=2572.00' R=8.5.50' T=27.22' T= 21.14' L= 54.43' L= 41.45' CB =N 0173'29" W CB =N 32'06'04" W CL= 54.43' CL= 41.04' CV3 d= 2805'01" CV4 d= 4522'13" R= 106.50' R= 106.50' T= 26.64' T=44.52' L=52.20' L = 84.33' CB =S 6001'50" E CB =S 2378'13" E CL= 51.68' CL= 82.15' NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PAGE 5 OF 5 TBPE FIRM REG. NO. F -356 REVISED: MAY 23, 2013 TBPLS FIRM REG. NO. 100189 -00 REVISED: JANUARY 0 , 2013 Two Pork Lane Place / 8080 Park Lane / Suite 600 OCTOBER 30, 2012 Dallas, Texas 75231 / Ph. (214) 739 -4741 08-10-076.8 8076— P21 —TCE 1- 2_R.dwg