2014-04-14 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING: April 14, 2014 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall — City Council Chambers 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas TIME: 6:00 p.m. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Tina Wasserman, Vice Chairman Chad Patton, Secretary Sherry Berman and Board Members Gregg Formella, Jeff Medici, Lori Palmer and Frances Scharli PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Ben Thatcher, Director Chris Tribble, Deputy Director Candice Edmondson, Recreation Superintendent Steve Moore and Assistant to the Director Cassie Holtz 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Wasserman called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board to order at 6:08 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine by the Board and are enacted with one motion. Chairman Wasserman read the consent agenda items into the record. 2A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MARCH 17, 2014 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING. There were no corrections to the meeting minutes. 2B. ABSENCE OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS Park Board members considered the absence of Board members Gregg Formella and Chad Patton from the March 17, 2014 meeting. A copy of the Attendance Report was distributed in the meeting packets. APPROVED A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda including the minutes of the March 17, 2014 meeting and absences as presented. Motion: Medici Second: Scharli Ayes: Berman, Medici, Palmer, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork Minutes of the April 14, 2014 Parks Board Meeting Page 2 of 4 Abstain: Patton and Formella (absent 4/17/14 meeting) Vote: 5 -0 -2 Motion Carried. 3. CONSIDER: 3A. RECOMMENDATION TO CITY MANAGER REGARDING REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO ALLOW BEER TO BE SERVED AT THE SOUTHLAKE TENNIS CENTER DURING THE CHARITY TENNIS MIXED DOUBLES FUNDRAISING EVENTS FOR 2014 -2016 Director Tribble presented the request for a variance to the City's park regulations prohibiting the possession or consumption of alcohol in a City park for the Southlake Tennis Center's (STC) annual fundraising events, Southlake Tennis Center Charity Tennis Mixed Doubles for three years, 2014 -2016. The variance applicant is Roxy Tennis, LLC, the City's contract manager of the Southlake Tennis Center. The variance will allow beer to be served at the Center during the fundraising events. The fundraisers benefit "Supporters of SafeHaven of Tarrant County" (S.O.S.), a non- profit organization working to end domestic violence through safety, support, prevention and social change. STC is in compliance with TABC and City regulations for such events. Southlake City Code, Article 11 allows variances to be granted at the discretion of the City Manager upon recommendation by the Park Board. Roxy Tennis LLC owner and Southlake Tennis Center Contract Manager, Mia Poorman, 220 Canyon Lake Drive, Southlake, spoke in support of the variance request and to answer questions. APPROVED A motion was made to make a recommendation to the City Manager to approve the request for a variance to the City's park regulations prohibiting the possession or consumption of alcohol in a City park to allow beer to be served at Southlake Tennis Center's Charity Tennis Mixed Doubles fundraising events for 2014 -2016. Motion: Patton Second: Formella Ayes: Berman, Formella, Medici, Palmer, Patton, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 7 -0 Motion Carried. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork Minutes of the April 14, 2014 Parks Board Meeting Page 3 of 4 3B. RECOMMENDATION ON FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHLAKE CRICKET CLUB 3C. RECOMMENDATION ON SPDC MATCHING FUNDS REQUEST FROM SOUTHLAKE CRICKET CLUB TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE CONSTRUCTION COST OF A CRICKET PITCH AT BOB JONES PARK Community Services Director Tribble announced Items 3B and 3C were Tabled to a future meeting. 4. PUBLIC FORUM Chair Wasserman opened the public forum and asked for anyone wishing to speak to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, public forum was closed. 5. DISCUSSION: 5A. SOUTHLAKE YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS REPORT Director Tribble presented the youth athletic associations' participation report. Representatives from athletic associations presented their individual association's report and responded to Board questions. The representatives were: Steve Post, 803 Park Crest Court, Southlake (Southlake Baseball Association); Kevin Cox, 817 Edward Court, Southlake (Southlake Carroll Lacrosse Association); David Spuria, 1880 Randol Mill, Southlake (Southlake Girls Softball Association); Melissa Edwards, 3409 Navaho, Grapevine (Grapevine Southlake Soccer Association); and Andrew Purcell, 715 Longford Drive, Southlake (Dragon Youth Football). Park Board members requested copies of the presentations. Park Board member Jeff Medici left the meeting at 6:41 p.m. and Sherry Berman left at 6:51 p.m. 5B. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT REPORT Director Tribble presented the monthly Construction Management Report and responded to questions from the Board. Park Board member Gregg Formella left the meeting at 7:15 p.m. 6. ADJOURNEMENT APPROVED City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the April 14, 2014 Parks Board Meeting Page 4 of 4 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 p.m. Motion: Patton Second: Palmer Ayes: Palmer, Patton, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 4 -0 Motion Carried. /1/0 Tina Wasserman, Chair Parks & Recreation Board Chris Tribbl , Director Community Services Dept. An audio recording of this meeting is available upon request from the Office of City Secretary. Due to technical difficulty, a video recording of this meeting was not captured. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork