2002-02-19 • City of Southlake CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 19, 2002 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Rick Stacy, Mayor Pro Tem W. Ralph Evans, Councilmembers: Rex Potter, Greg Standerfer, and Tom Stephen. CITY COUNCIL ABSENT: Keith Shankland STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Billy Campbell, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen, Community Services Director Kevin Hugman, Senior Parks Planner Chris Carpenter, Finance Director Sharen Elam, Planning Director Bruce Payne, Senior Planner Dennis Killough, Senior Planner Jay Narayana, Public Works Director Pedram Farahnak, Senior Engineer Charlie Thomas, Director of Public Safety Rick Black, Director of Economic Development Greg Last, Economic Development Specialist Betsy Boyett, City Attorney E. Allen Taylor, and Acting City Secretary Kim Bush. WORK SESSION: The work session was called to order by Mayor Rick Stacy at 5:40 p.m. REGULAR SESSION: Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The regular session was called to order by Mayor Rick Stacy at 5:47 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2A, Executive Session: Mayor Rick Stacy announced that the City Council would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with city attorney; Section 551.072, deliberation regarding real property; Section 551.074, deliberation regarding personnel matters; Section 551.086, deliberation regarding economic development negotiations. City Council adjourned for Executive Session at 5:47 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2B, Reconvene: City Council reconvened at 7:03 p.m. There was no action necessary as a result of the Executive Session. Agenda Item No. 3, Invocation. The invocation was presented by David Whitington, Pastor of Christ Our King Church. Agenda Item No. 4, Reports: A. Mayor's Report: • Meeting dates: Wednesday, Feb. 20, Citywide SPIN Meeting to discuss MTP; Wednesday 20, KSB Board meeting and SYAC meeting; Thursday, Feb. 21, JUC meeting and P &Z meeting; Feb. 26, SPIN 12 meeting to discuss Cross Timber Hills Sewer. • Saturday, Feb. 23, Greater Southlake Women's Society Art Auction, Delaney Vineyards in Grapevine. • Feb. 25, Metroport Cities Partnership reception for new TxDOT Fort Worth District Engineer Maribel Chavez, Grapevine Convention Center, 4:30 p.m. City Council Meeting Minutes, February 19, 2002 Page 1 of 5 • City Council will be considering moving the regular City Council meeting for Tuesday April 2 to Monday, April 1. • Frank Carroll member of the Board of Directors for the Arts Council of Tarrant County presented a report on the Arts, Culture, and the Texas Economy and a plaque to the City of Southlake for its participation in bringing the arts to the citizens of Southlake. B. City Manager's Report: City Manager Billy Campbell introduced Southlake employee Judy Dixon, the recipient of the City Manager's Award for 2001. C. SPIN Report: Alan Holkstein, SPIN #3 representative, commented that he was in the process of contacting residents in his neighborhood to inform them about the SPIN program. D. Parks and Recreation Board Report: Board member Chris Miltenberger briefed the Council on the last Board meeting including: (1) the recommendation to spend funds allocated by SPDC for neighborhood parks to place additional signs at the parks and to irrigate some of the neighborhood parks, and (2) heard a presentation by Senior Parks Planner Chris Carpenter on recent trends in public parks and the needs for our city parks. E. Committee Reports: none F. Local Business Report: none Consent Agenda Items: 5A. Approval of the minutes of the City Council meeting held on February 12, 2002. Approved as presented. 5B. Pulled from consent to be considered in regular session. 5C. Approval of lease agreement with Marilyn Tucker for use of 61 acres of parkland and house at Bob Jones Park. Staff recommends entering into the lease agreement for another year at the same terms. The Parks Board recommended approval at its meeting February 11, 2002. 5D. Resolution No. 02 -006, Appointing representatives to the SPIN Standing Committee in SPIN areas #1 and #13. City Council agreed to appoint Cara White as representative for SPIN #1 and Trish Waters as representative for SPIN #13. 5E. Pulled from consent to be considered in regular session. 5F. Award of bid to SRO General Contracting for the construction of TMB Trail 2A along FM 1709 from Pearson Lane to Kimball Avenue and along White Chapel Boulevard from FM 1709 to CISD Junior High School. Staff recommends award of bid to SRO General Contracting for the 8' wide trails in the amount of $1,753,000. 5G. Approve first amendment to contract of sale by the between ECN Enterprises, Inc., and the City of Southlake, extending the property inspection period for an additional sixty days. Staff recommended approval of a 60 -day extension. City Council Meeting Minutes, February 19, 2002 Page 2 of 5 5H. Variance to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483, Section 4.01(I)2 (Plat Expiration), as amended, extending the validity of Case No. ZA 00 -122, Final Plat for Simmons Forest (formerly known as Simmons Addition). Staff recommended approval of a 30 -day extension. 7A. ZA02 -003, Specific Use Permit for a Cingular Wireless antenna at Bicentennial Park. Staff recommended tabling to the March 5, City Council meeting. 8A. Ordinance No. 480 -389, 1s` Reading (ZA01 -126) Rezoning and Revised Site Plan for Bicentennial Park located on the north side of West Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709), the west side of North White Chapel Boulevard, and the east side of Shady Oaks Drive. Current Zoning is S -P -2 - General Site Plan District Regulations with CS - Community Service District uses. Requested Zoning is CS - Community Service District. P &Z recommended approval Feb. 7, 2002, subject to Site Plan Review Summary No. 3, dated Feb. 1, 2002, specifically approving requested variances for bufferyard relief and allowing 100' tower. 8B. Ordinance No. 480 -387, 1s` Reading (ZA01 -136) Rezoning of approximately 2.292 acres of land located at 2889 Lonesome Dove Road. Current Zoning is AG - Agricultural District. Requested Zoning is SF -1A - Single Family Residential District. P &Z recommended approval Feb. 7, 2002. 8C. ZA01 -135, Plat Showing for Lots 1 & 2, Mills Addition, located at 2889 Lonesome Dove Road. Current Zoning is AG - Agricultural District. Proposed Zoning is SF -1A - Single Family Residential District. P &Z recommended approval Feb. 7, 2002, subject to Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated Feb. 1, 2002. 8D. Ordinance No. 480 -388, 1s` Reading (ZA01 -138) Rezoning of approximately 5.386 acres of land located at 4000 N. White Chapel Boulevard. Current Zoning is RE - Single Family Residential Estate District. Requested Zoning is SF -1A - Single Family Residential District. P &Z recommended approval Feb. 7, 2002. 8E. Ordinance No. 480 -389, 1s` Reading (ZA02 -004) Rezoning of approximately 0.95 acres of land located in the 800 block of East Bob Jones Road, legally described as H.A. Throop Survey, Abstract 1237D, Tract 15. Current Zoning is AG - Agricultural Districted. Requested Zoning is SF -30 - Single Family Residential District. P &Z recommended approval Feb. 7, 2002. Motion was made to approve consent agenda items #s 5A, 5C, 5D, 5F, 5G, 5H, adding items 7A (to table), 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D and 8E as presented above. Motion: Standerfer Second: Stephen Ayes: Evans, Potter, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: none Approved: 5 -0 Agenda Item No. 5B. Award of bid to O'Donnell's Landscape Services, Inc., for mowing of city parks and facilities and city /state rights -of -way. Staff recommended award of bid to O'Donnell's Landscape Services, Inc., in the amount of $161,223.75. City Council Meeting Minutes, February 19, 2002 Page 3 of 5 • Mr. Kevin Jones, Jones Lawn Care, asked that City Council to consider awarding the bid to his company since he was the low bidder and could provide a performance bond. He asked for the opportunity to prove he could do the job. Community Services Director Kevin Hugman informed the Council that staff did not recommend Jones Lawn Care because, upon review of references from the City of Bedford, staff did not believe Jones Lawn Care had sufficient prior experience to meet the minimum qualifications to undertake the City's mowing projects. Council agreed that references were an important consideration when reviewing awarding bids for projects and encouraged Mr. Jones to try rebiding next year. Council also asked that staff consider contacting contractors when they are not being recommended for award of bid. Motion was made award bid to O'Donnell's Landscape Services, Inc., for mowing of city parks and facilities and city /state rights -of -way in the amount of $161,223.75. Motion: Stephen Second: Standerfer Ayes: Evans, Potter, Stacy, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: none Approved: 5 -0 Agenda Item No. 5E. Resolution No. 02 -005A, Amending Resolution No. 02 -005, Calling the General Election, amending polling place for Election Day, and establishing other procedures for conduct of the election. Motion was made to approve Resolution No. 02 -005A adding the appointment of Karen Cienki as judge, Pattie Minder as alternate judge, and setting wages at $8.00 /hr for all workers. Motion: Potter Second: Standerfer Ayes: Evans, Potter, Standerfer, Stephen Nays: Stacy Approved: 4 -1 Agenda Item No. 10A. Consider the process for updating the city's comprehensive plan. Planning Director Bruce Payne commented that staff is asking City Council to adopt the outlined process for the update of the Comprehensive Master Plan as the Southlake 2025 plan. This action would combine the update of the key elements of the City's Master Plan - the Land Use Plan and the Thoroughfare Plan. Staff is recommending that a 15- member steering committee be appointed by the City Council consisting of representatives from existing city boards and commissions, SPIN, Chamber of Commerce, educational and religious institutions, major employers, and other groups. The update of the City's Comprehensive Master Plan is envisioned as a two phased process that will take approximately 12 - 18 months. The first phase is the Vision, Goals, and Objectives phase and the second phase is the Plan Elements Phase. Director Payne explained that most of the work will be done in house rather than through consultants. He further explained that staff envisions using a consultant on the public participation phase only. Mayor Stacy suggested that Council think about who needs to be appointed to the committee and bring this item back for consideration. City Council Meeting Minutes, February 19, 2002 Page 4 of 5 M Agenda Item No. 6A. Public Forum. Dave Kovatch, 5825 Poole Drive, The Colony, Texas, asked that City Council support him as a candidate for U.S. Congress District 26. Andrea Brankin, SPIN Executive Committee member, complemented the planning department on doing an outstanding job on the process for the Comprehensive Plan and offered to have SPIN help in the process. Agenda Item No. 12. Adjournment. There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. 6j , ATTEST: ; o : F Mayor Rick Stacy _�• • iN .cn • ;v: • , a z d t ) ....,..,,,,:::: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ki Bush, Acting City Secretary City Council Meeting Minutes, February 19, 2002 Page 5 of 5 Southlake 2025 Plan Outline Purpose: • Southlake Plan 2025 shall establish an overall vision and set of goals for the long -term development of the City. It shall translate the vision and goals of Southlake's citizenry, property owners, and elected officials into meaningful actions to benefit the city. • The Plan shall guide the use of land and protection of the City's natural resources. It shall encourage economic development while enhancing the unique character of the City's neighborhoods. • Southlake Plan 2025 shall consolidate the ideas and direction of many other planning documents which have been adopted over time that make up the city's comprehensive plan. (Land use plan, Thoroughfare plan, Parks and Open space master plan, Trail Master plan, Storm water plan, Corridor Master plan, etc.) It shall consolidate what has worked well in the past with new ideas from the city residents. It shall also serve as a framework to integrate and coordinate new plans and policies as they are prepared and adopted. • The Plan shall incorporate long -range statement of principles and policies for all plan elements. A "principle" is a "general or fundamental rule, direction, doctrine, or assumption ". A "policy" is "a definite course or method of action selected to guide and determine present and future decisions." • The Plan shall describe the steps the city will take to protect public health and safety, to provide services efficiently and effectively, and to provide the quality of life that the citizens of Southlake expect. • The Plan shall use public participation as its cornerstone and provide a forum for opportunities and concerns voiced by the community • It shall guide both public and private decision - making in building a better future for the citizens of Southlake and the generations to follow. It can help prioritize the City's capital improvements in the face of limited resources. • The Plan is intended to be long range, with a 23 year planning horizon with updates every four years as mandated by City Charter. Process Since the comprehensive plan is a community's vision, goals, and strategies for the future growth and development of the City, true public participation is the cornerstone of a successful plan. This participation has to happen at the beginning and not at the adoption (public hearing) stage. Each step in the comprehensive plan stage may require different public participation tools. It is important to match the participation tool with what we want to achieve at that stage of the comprehensive plan. The update of the City's Comprehensive Master Plan — Southlake 2025 Plan is envisioned as a two phased process. The first phase is the Vision, Goals, and Objectives phase and the second phase is the Plan Elements phase. Phase 1 shall involve a substantial broad based, public visioning and participation process. Southlake 2025 Plan Outline 1 Attachment 2 Phase 1— Vision, Goals, & Objectives 1. Background: • Data Collection: includes demographic, land use, transportation, etc. Sources that can be used are the 2000 Census, other market research, field surveys for current land use, etc. • Mapping includes base maps, current land use, transportation (roads, sidewalks, trails, etc.), community facilities, census information (population distribution, density, etc), open space & parks, and other features. • Community survey — to gather general community input that will help staff in designing the process and content of public presentations and meetings. This will also give general direction to staff on the issues that the citizens of Southlake consider important and help tailor the process to address them. 2. Community Vision, Goals and Objectives: • Represents an imagined future in which citizens will be able to identify Southlake as an enjoyable, one -of -a -kind city. A qualified consultant team shall facilitate the community input required to develop the vision, goals, and objectives. • Emphasis on public participation, not only at the beginning stages, but throughout the entire planning process. • Shall establish core community value, and overall vision, and broad planning goals for the next 23 years — to the year 2025 • Shall help define a picture of the community that will be true over time, if the Plan is successful • is essential in creating a successful, sustainable community. The Southlake 2025 Plan should be based on that community vision to be accepted and implemented. • Vision shall be based on the community's values that provide a firm foundation upon which to build a better future for the citizens of Southlake and the generations to follow. They are shared interests that the community can realize together. • Community Goals: shall clarify the vision further. The goals shall be beginning points for many other efforts and the end toward which effort will be directed — they shall form the "concept plan" for the future of the city. Goals shall not be used to evaluate individual and development proposals. The goals shall be general in nature to allow some flexibility in ways to achieve them. 3. Build Scenario Analyses: In order to evaluate the options for the future growth of the city, different build scenarios will be analyzed with exhibits showing how the patterns of development could be applied in the city. A qualified consultant team will assist the Steering Committee and staff with this process. The scenarios will identify physical form for the community together with potential implications on transportation, land use, environment, urban design, and city services. Most importantly, the build scenario analyses shall include a preliminary fiscal analysis and service level impact of key sets of policy options derived from citizen input and Steering Committee deliberations. Fiscal impact analyses are useful when they are a part of a broadly focused policy framework discussion. The key is to help the Steering Committee establish a sustainable direction for the City's future from both fiscal and quality of life standpoints. Southlake 2025 Plan Outline 2 Attachment 2 Phase 11— Plan Elements After approval of the Vision, Goals, and Objectives, the citizens of Southlake will have established the overarching principles and key goals for the future of the community. This can direct the development of the Plan Elements —the individual plan documents for Land Use, Mobility, Community Facilities, Livability, Economy, and other identified topics. Plan Elements shall include strategies, action plans, maps, and graphics that implement the Vision, Goals, and Objectives for each topic area identified by the community. To facilitate this process, staff shall work with sub - committees of the original steering to develop the individual elements of the Southlake 2025 Plan. Each sub - committee shall work on deriving a set of strategies and action plans to implement the adopted vision, goals, principles, and policies using a variety of public participation tools. Components of Plan Elements Plan Elements shall comprise of principles, policies, and implementation strategies directing growth and change for each topic area such as: • Land use and community form • Mobility • Livability /environment • Community Facilities • Marketplace /Economy Each Plan Element, whether completed in concert with this process or separately, shall conform to the adopted Vision, Goals, and Objectives. Emphasis on Land Use and Community Form Land use planning in Southlake has been progressive in its attention to quality of development through the use of overlay district regulations and residential adjacency standards. This has reiterated the importance of the creation of community — how to plan to bring people together in livable neighborhoods, each with a unique sense of place. Community form, a new paradigm in planning, can be critical in creating "true places" and resolving compatibility issues among adjoining land uses using urban design standards and guidelines. 4 r ;, sip,„ „. .� Typical Arterial Sfreet A rterial S treet with Streetscape & Pedestrian Improvements and Urban Design Standards Southlake 2025 Plan Outline 3 Attachment 2 a Emphasis on Mobility and Thoroughfare Planning Increasingly, transportation is more about getting people most efficiently toi their destinations instead of just moving cars. National, state, and local agencies are recognizing the importance of treating our transportation systems as networks to get people from the places in which they live to shopping, work, schools, recreation facilities through a variety of modes of transportation, including walking, biking or transit. In an era where air quality and traffic congestion are affecting the quality of life in our communities, it is important to proactively plan our roadway networks with alternative transportation modes. Not only should the planning process integrate different modes of transportation, emphasis should also be placed on the design quality of our thoroughfares and residential streets alike to improve safety and livability of our streets. Moving cars is balanced against other desired qualities of the street, such as its value as an "address ", its retail friendliness, and its role as a premiere public space of the community. - .4;274.. ot 1 . 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