0843ORDINANCE NO. 843 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING A ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) DAY MORATORIUM ON SOLICITATION OR SELLlNG MERCHANDISE BY ANY INDIVIDUAL, INSTITUTION OR GROUP ORGANIZED FOR POLITICAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE OR PROFITABLE PURPOSES ON THE STREETS, STREET RIGHT-OF-WAYS, OR MEDIANS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE; DIRECT THE DEPARTMENTS OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND PLANNING TO REVIEW AND AMEND THE CURRENT SOLICITOR'S ORDINANCE NO. 643 TO DETERMINE APPROPRIATE I,OCATIONS FOR SOLICITATION ACTIVITIES THAT WILL ENSURE THE SAFETY AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE AND PERSON(S) CONDUCTING SOLICITATION ACTIVITIES AND REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL AS EXPEDITIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE; PROVIDE A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF; PROVIDE A METHOD OF REPEAL OF THIS MORATORIUM; PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND EXEMPT ClTY APPROVED SPECIAL EVENTS, VENDORS SELLING FOOD OR DR1NK PRODUCTS FROM A MOTORIZED VEHICLE, AND VEHICLES FOR HIRE AND REPAIR FROM THE REGULATIONS OF THIS MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, the City of Southlake, Texas is a home rnle city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, there are serious safety issues involved when individuals solicit in or on public streets, street right-of-ways, medians within the City of Southlake, including concerns for the physical safety of those who participate in solicitation activities as well as the possible impeding of traffic flow on public streets; and WHEREAS, pursuant to § 215.031 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, the City Council has the power and authority to license, tax, suppress, prevent, or otherwise regulate peddlers and hawkers; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that declaring a one-hundred twenty (120) day moratorium on solicitation activities to allow the Departments of Public Safety and Planning the opportunity to determine appropriate and safe locations for solicitation activities is in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of those participating in solicitation activities and the citizens of the City of §outhlake; and WHEREAS, the terms of this section shall not apply to City approved special events; vendors selling food or drink products from a motorized vehicle; any public transportation system, taxi cabs or other vehicles for hire, commercial servicing or repair of any disabled motor vehicle or any commercial activity involving pick up, delivery or unloading. NOW, THEREFORE SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS THAT: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF SECTION 1. Purpose The purpose of this ordinance is to implement an one-hundred and twenty day (120) moratorium on all solicitation activities on public streets, street right-of-ways, medians or other areas of vehicular passage to: 1) ensure the physical safety of those who solicit; 2) ensure unimpeded traffic flow on public streets and other areas of vehicular travel; and 3) provide the Departments of Public Safety and Planning the opportunity to determine appropriate and safe locations in the City in which solicitation activities may take place. SECTION 2. Definitions The following words or phrases shall have the meaning respectively ascribed to them in this section: Solicitation-attempt to collect funds or contributions from persons traveling in or on vehicles, whether such vehicles are actually moving or temporarily stopped. It shall be unlawfiil for any person to distribute or attempt to distribute literature or other materials to persons traveling in or on vehicles, whether such vehicles are actually moving or temporarily stopped. Selling-sell, dispense, peddle, hawk, display, offer to sell or solicit for sale by offering or exposing for sale any goods, wares, merchandise or services. Charitable purposes-shall mean philanthropic or other nonprofit objectives, including the benefit of the poor, needy, sick or handicapped persons; the benefit of a patriotic or veterans' association or organization; the benefit of any fraternal, social or civic organization; or the benefit of any educational institution. Political Purposes-shall mean any form of communication related to a political issue, a particular candidate to a position of non-partisan office, a political committee, as defined by state law, or to a political party. Religious purpose-shall mean the use of money for the support of the church, religious society, or other religious sect, group or order. SECTION 3. Findings of Fact The City Council has determine that a moratorium on the solicitation and selling in the streets, street right-of-ways and medians in the City of Southlake creates a serious safety issue of those individual who solicit and impedes traffic flow on public streets and it is necessary to allow the Departments of Public Safety and Planning to determine safe and appropriate locations within the City of Southlake for solicitation activities. Also, the imposition of this moratorium is in furtherance of a legitimate government purpose, and is deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Southlake, the citizens therein, and public in general. SECTION 4. Penalty Any individuals, institution or group who violates, disobeys, omits neglects or refuses to comply with this moratorium shall be fined not more than $500 for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 5 Effective Date and Repeal of the Moratorium This moratorium shall take effect and be in full force nntil such time as the City Council has a reasonable opportunity to consider and act upon appropriate amendments to the Solicitor's Ordinance No. 643. Upon final adoption of any ordinance amending the regulations applicable to solicitation or upon a final determination being made by City Council that amendments are not necessary, this moratorium shall expire. This moratorium shall automatically expire 120 days from the date of adoption unless it is specifically extended by City Council. ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING ON THIS 4"' DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2003. ,,,, ,.,. PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ON THIS 18TM DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2003. ATTEST: APPROVED TO FORM AND LEGALITY: DATE: APPROVED: EFFECTIVE: The State of Texas County of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared KAREN D. WILLIAMS.Bid & Legal Coordinator for the Star-Telegram, published by Star-Telegram, Inc. At Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas and distributed in other surrounding Counties; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: CUSTOMER ID: CIT57 DESCRIPTION: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE INVOICE DATE: 2/23/03 INVOICE 22448505 Q s c SALES REP: JANICE GREGORY NUMBER NONE "SEcgEtPRV PUBLICATION DATES: 2/21/03-2/23/03 OFFIGEOfC` INVOICE AMOUNT $ 74.52 Signed: 4411a1A6 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the 5 Day of MARCH 2003 Notary Public Tarrant County, Texas Karen Williams STAR TELEGRAM BIDS AND LEGALS PHONE: (817) 390-7182 i + � CHRISTY L. HOLLAND ( �i�ti./ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ADDRESS: STAR TELEGRAM JULY 31,2004 400 WEST 7TH STREET -� — FORT WORTH ,TX 76102 DAGE #1 AD IS ATTACHED ON PAGE #2 • PAGE# 2 INVOICE : 22448505 2/21/03-2/23/03 PASTE AD HERE CILAKE ORDINAONCEHNO. 843 AN ORDINANCE DE- HUNDRED TWENTY (120) DAY MORA- TORIUM ON SOLIC- ITATION OR SELL- ING MERCHANDISE BY ANY INDIVIDUAL, INSTITUTION OR GNIZEEDPFOR POLITI- CAL, RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE OR PROFITABLE PUR- POSES ON THE STREETS, STREET RIGHT-OF-WAYS, OR MEDIANS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE; DIRECT THE DE- PARTMENTS OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND PLANNING TO REVIEW AND. AMEND THE CUR- RENT SOLICITOR'S ITONO. 643 TO DETERMINE APPROPRIATE LO- R SO- LICITOATION NS OACTIVII- TIES THAT WILL ENSURE THE SAFETY AND GEN- ERAL WELFARE OF THE CITIZENS OF SOUTHLAKE AND PERSON(S) CON- DUCTING SOLICI- TATION ACTIVITIES AND REPORT TO THE ITY COUNCIL AS EXPEDITIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE: PROVIDE A PENAL- TY FOR VIOLA- TIONS HEREOF: PROVIDE A METH- OD OF REPEAL OF THIS MORATORIUM, PROVIDE AN EF- FECTIVE.DATE:AND ' EXEMPT CITY Ai-- PROVED SPECIAL EVENTS, VENDORS SELLING FOOD OR DRINK PRODUCTS FROM A MOTOR- IZED VEHICLE, AND VEHICLES FOR HIRE AND REPAIR FROM THE REGU- LATIONS OF THIS MORATORIUM.CT ON 4. Penalty Any individuals, insti- tution or group who violates, omits neglects or re- fuses to comply with this moratorium shall be fined not more than $500 for each offense. Each day that a vio- lation is permitted to ' exist shall constitute a se arate offense. PASSEDP- ED ANDHI THE 18th DAY OF FEB- DUR- INGR2 THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING. MAYOR: Rick Stacy ATTEST: Lori Farwell, City Secretary INVOICE Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7th Street Invoice Number: I12011 /223941111 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)39o-776t Invoice Date 2/9/03 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 Terms: DUE UPON RECEPT Due Date: 02/28/03 Bill To: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PO Number 1400 MAIN ST STE 440 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Sales Rep: 073 Description PULBIC NOTICE AD Publication Dates: 2/7—2/9/03 Description udsa-a -4*P tion Col Depth Linage MU Rate Amount Legal Notices Notice is hereby given by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, that a public hearing will be held 580 1 X 109 109 LINE 241.89 $88.29 NOTICE OF PULIC HE at soo�P 18o°im- mediately following • the Work Session, NOTICE OF PUBLIC during the Regular HEARING City Council Meeting to be held in the City Council Chambers of Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas. Purpose of the public hearing is to consider the second reading of the following ordi- nance: CITY OF SOUTH- LAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 843 AN ORDINANCE DE- CLARING A ONE HUNDRED TWENTY f 120) DAY MORA- TORIUM ON SOLIC- ITATION OR SELL- ING MERCHANDISE BY ANY INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTION OR GROUP ORGA- NIZED FOR POLITI- CHARITABLE OGIOUSI PROFITABLE PUR- POSES ETS,ON THE STREET LS`TTR THE STATE OF TEXAS BRIGHT-OF-WAYS County of Tarrant OR MEDIANS` WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE; DIRECT THE DE- Before me,a Notary Public In and PARTMENTS of ate,this day personally appeared KAREN WILLIAMS, Bid and Legal Coordinator C for the Star-Tele amr published b ANDDLPLANNNGTO C.at Fort Worth,in Tarrant County,T •and who,after beingdulysworn,did depose REVIEW AND exas r and say that the attached clipping of an ad AMEND THE CUR-ed in the above named paper on the listed dates: BIDS'et LEGALS DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM (817) 390-7182. RDINANCE IT NO. 643 TO DETERMINE APPROPRIATE LO- CATIONS FOR SO- LICITATION ACTIVI- TIES THAT WILL ENSURE THE SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO ERAL WELFARE OF 'sday, Septe e ,2003. THE CITIZENS OF SOUTHPERSON(S) AND • CON- DUCTING SOLICI- r Public TATION ACTIVITIES AND REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL AS EXPEDITIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE; PROVIDE A PENAL- �- - TY FOR VIOLA- TIONS HEREOF; �,,-- CHRISTY L. HOLLAND PROVIDE A METH- II?' OD OF REPEAL OF ‹.P$ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES THIS MORATORIUM; �a; PROVIDE AN EF- -+i� �t}:' FECTIVE DATE;AND ''`-•�.., --� JULY 31,2004r �7 Remit To: Star-TelegraiD PROVED CSPECLAL ��� CI-TS7 P.O. Box 90, EVENTS, VENDORS Customer Name: . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SELLING FOOD OR DRINK PRODUCTS FORT WOR'ZED VEHICLIEO No 2051 Invoice Number: 112011 /223941111 VEHICLES FOR HIRE AND REPAIR Invoice Amount: $ 88.29 FROM THE REGU- LATIONS OF THIS MORATORIUM. SECTION 4. Penalty Any individuals, insti- PO Number tution or group who violates, disobeys, omits neglects or re- Amount Enclosed: fuses to comply with this moratorium shall be fined not more than $500 for each offense. Each day that a vio- lation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. City ofarwe ll Southlake. I Lori F City Secretary