08182000 International Fuel Gas Code ORDINANCE NO. 818 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, 2000 EDITION; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF LOCAL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVIDING FOR RECORDING OF SUCH CODE AS A PUBLIC RECORD; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEV~TSPAPER; AND PRO'~ IDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. B'HEREAS, The City of Southlake, Texas is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by tlne eleclorate pursuant to Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of' the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, City Council of the City of Southlake deems it necessary to adopt this ordinance governing requirements for the installation mid maintenance fuel gas systems including requirements for materials, in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Soulhlake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 That the International Fuel Gas Code, 2000 Edition, published by The International Code Council, [nc., is hereby adopted as the Fuel Gas Code of the City of Southlake~ except for fuel gas systems othm-,~ ise regulated under the Internalional Residential Code for One- and Two- Family Dwellings as adopted A true and correct copy of this Code is attached to this ordinance as Exhibit SECTION 2 Fhat the 2000 International Fuel Gas Code, as adopted herein is hereby amended as provided in Exhibit "B" incorporated herein and attached hereto for all purposes of this ordinance. The City ot' Southlake may fi-om time to time determine that additional local modifications to the 2000 [ntcruational Fuel Gas Code are necessau, and appropriate to meet the unique construction needs of the City of Southlake. To effectuate these modifications, the City council shall enact individual ordinances amending this ordinance fully setting forth the change to be made in the code. The amendments shall be consolidated as Exhibil "B" to this ordinance. SECTION 3 fhe material contained in Exhibits "A" and "B" to this ordinance shall not be included in the fbrmal municipal codification of ordinances, but shall be maintained as a public record in the office of the City Secretary and will be available for pub'lic inspection and copying during regular business hoars. SECTION 4 This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances oft he City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 5 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragrapbs and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, scntcncc, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of thc remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the smnc would have been enacted by the City council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any 2 such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, para~aph or section. It is not the intention of this ordinance: to conflict in any way with the Plumbing License Law of Texas. SECTION 6 Any person, finn or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcemem of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for all violations involving zoning, fire safety or public health and sanitation, inclading dumping or refuse, and shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars (S500) for all other violations of this ordinance. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 7 All rights and remedies of the City of Southlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of any ordinances affecting the installation and maintenance of electrical systems which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued x iolations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, ander such ordinances, same shall not be affected by tiffs ordinance buy may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 8 The City Secretm~ of the City of Southlake is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in book or pamphlet form for general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of tiffs ordinance as so published shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proof than the production thereof. SECTION 9 'File City, Sec 'etaD' of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the City of Southlakc, the caption, penalty clause, publication clause and effective date of this ordinance one time wilhin ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 10 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law, and it is so ordained. Passed And Approved On First Reading On This 2~ Day Of ~7~2001. ,-'",', ~,KE, ~ % ,-". .4TTEST: CITY SECRETARY Passed And Approved On Second Reading On This/~' Da5' Of 2001. ~,~Y6R ,,,' b,~,~-, r... ,,, ... ~..e .%,..g, -,,. ATTEST CITY SECRETARY APPRO~.iED AS Cib Attorney Date: TO FORM AND LEGALITY: EFFECTWE: /~i ~/ ]./ ~ / EXHIBIT "B" Amendments to the 2000 International Fuel GasCode **Section 102.2; insert a sentence to read as follows: §FG101.2 Scope. This code is not intended to contradict the Texas Plumbinq License Law. This code shall apply to the installation of fuel gas piping systems, fuel gas utilization equipment, and related accessories as follows: (Remainder of section unchanged.) **Section 102.8; change to read as follows: 102.8 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced herein shall be those that are listed in Chapter 7 and such codes, when specifically adopted, and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. Whenever amendments have been adopted to the referenced codes and standards, each reference to said code and standard shall be considered to reference the amendments as well. Any reference to NFPA 70 or the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted. **Section 202; amend definition of "Unrented Room Heater" to add a sentence to read as follows: For the purpose of installation, this definition shall also include "Unvented Decorative Appliances." **Section 306.3; change to read as follows: 306.3 Appliances in attics. Attics containing appliances requiring access shall be provided ·.. (bulk of paragraph unchanged}.., side of the appliance· The clear access opening dimensions shall be a minimum of 20 inches by 30 inches (508 mm by 762 mm When the attic, mezzanine or platform on which an appliance is installed is more than eiFIht (8) feet (2438 mm) above the floor level, it shall be made accessible by a stairway or permanent ladder fastened to the buildinq unless approved by the code official when the buildinq dues not have an equipment room to install a permanent ladder on the wall, or ceilinq space to provide a pull down stairway. Exception:. (exception unchanged). 5 **Section 306.3.1; add a sentence to read as foflows: Low voltape wirinq of 50 Volts or less shall be installed in a manner to prevent physical damaqe. **Section 306.4.1; add a sentence to read as follows: Low ¥oltaqe wirinp of 50 Volts or less shall be installed in a manner to prevent physical damape. **Section 306.5; change to read as foflows: 306.5 Appliances on roofs or elevated structures. Where appliances requiring access are installed on roofs or elevated structures at a height exceeding 16 feet {4877 mm), such access shall be provided by a permanent approved means of access:, tho extent of which shal! bo from Permanent exterior ladders providinq roof access need not extend closer than 8 feet (2438 mm) to the finish grade or floor level below and shall extend to the appliance's level service space. Such access shall... {bulk of section to read the same}.., on roofs having a slope greater than 4 units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33-percent slope). **Add Section 306.5.1.1 to read as follows: 306.5.1.1 Catwalk. On roofs havin.q slopes preater than 4 units vertical in 12 units horizontal, a catwalk at least 16 inches in width with substantial cleats spaced not more than 16 inches apart shall be provided from the roof access to the workinq platform at the appliance. **Section 306.5.2; add a sentence to read as follows: Low voltaqe wirin.q of 50 Volts or less shall be installed in a manner to prevent physical damaqe. *Section 401.5; add a second paragraph to read as foflows: Both ends of each section of medium pressure pas pipe or tubin.q shall identify its operatinq qas pressure with an approved tap. The taqs are to be composed of aluminum or staintess steel and the followinq wordin.q shall be stamped into the ta.q: "WARNING 1/2 to 5 psi .qas pressure Do Not Remove" **Section 402.3; add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Corruqated stainless steel tubinq (CSST/shall be a minimum of 1/2". **Section 404,6; change to read as follows: 404.6 Piping in solid floors. Piping in solid floors shall be laid in channels in the floor and covered in a manner that will allow access to the piping with a minimum amount of damage to the building. Where such piping is subject to exposure to excessive moisture or corrosive substances, the piping shall be protected in an approved manner. As an alternative to installation in channels, the piping shall be installed in accordance with Section 404.11 a ~'~o Beth ~'"'~o o~ such --~"'- o~-'~' ~"+'~"'~ "~'+ '"oo +~"~ (5! **Section 404.9; change to read as follows: 404.9 Minimum burial depth. Underground piping systems shall be installed a minimum depth of~2 18 inches (305 458 mm) below grade, except ....... ;,~.~.4 ~... ~.. ~...-+~.,..~A ~ **Section 404.9.1; delete. **Section 406.4.1; change to read as follows: 406.4.1 Test pressure. The test pressure to be used shall be not less than ~ ....... .~ ..-.v~ ......... ~ ........... ~"'* ~"+ ~°° +~'~ 3 10 psig (20 68.9 kPa gauge), or at the discretion of the Code Official, the pipinq and valves may be tested at a pressure of at least six (6) inches (152 mm) of mercury, measured with a manometer or slope ~qau.qe. than 50 ...... + ~'* *~' ..... ;¢;~a ~-; ...... ;~ strength cf thc pipe. For welded pipinq, and for pipin~ car~in~ ~as at pressures in excess of foudeen (14) inches water column pressure (3.48 kPa), the test pressure shall not be less than sixty (60) pounds per square inch (413.4 kPa). **Section 406.4.2; change to read as follows: 406.4.2 Test duration. Test duration shall be held for a lenqth of time satisfactory to the Code Official, but in no case for not less than fifteen (15) minutes. For welded pipinq, and for pipinq carryinq qas at pressures in excess of fourteen (14) inches water column pressure (3.48 kPa/, the test duration shall be held for a len.qth of time satisfactory to the Code Official, but in no case for less than thirty (30) minutes. 1/2 hour fcr each 500 cubic feet (!4 m3) of '"' .... I .... , .................When *'~°+; ...... *.~..- ~-~.,; ..... ~ ....~'~o¢ +k~" !n cubic f~. ~.~8 or a .... + ..... ;.~.~ ¢~... a,.,~,;.~ +k~ +~¢+ a .... ,;~. Ck.,~ k~ p .......... to k~ ~ .... ~ +~ !0,,..,,~.~.~;""+~ Fo". p.~.,,~ ~.~.,,~ ....... ~ ~ .~,~,.,~ ............ 00n ~,.~¢ ~+ ~ 3) .......... of thc .................. ~ ...................... **Add Section 409.1.4 to read as follows: 409.1.4 Valves in CSST installations, Shutoff valves installed with corruqated stainless steel (CSST) piping systems shall be supported with an approved termination fittinq, or equivalent support, suitable for the size of the valves, of adequate strenqth and quality, and located at intervals so as to prevent or damp out excessive vibration but in no case greater than 12-inches from the center of the valve. Supports shall be installed so as not to interfere with the free expansion and contraction of the system's pipin~q, fittings, and valves between anchors. All valves and supports shall be desiqned and installed so they will not be disenqaged by movement of the supporting pipin.q. **Section 410.1; add a second paragraph and exception to read as follows: Access to reRulators shall comply with the requirements for access to appliances as specified in Section 306. Exception: A passa.qeway or level service space is not required when the requlator is capable of being serviced and removed throuqh the required attic opening. **Section 613.6; add a sentence to read as follows: The size of duct shall not be reduced alonq its developed lenqth nor at the point of termination. **Section 613,6.1; change to read as follows: 613.6.1 Maximum length. The maximum length of a clothes dryer exhaust duct shall not exceed 25 feet (7620 mm) from the dryer location to the outlet terminal with not more than two bends. When extra bends are installed, the maximum length of the duct shall be reduced 2.5 feet (762 mm) for each 45-degree (0.79 rad) bend and 5 feet (1524 mm) for each 90-degree (1.6 rad) bend that occur after the first two bends, measuring in the direction of airflow. (Exception is unchanged} **Section 620.2; change to read as foflows: 620.2 Prohibited use. One or more unvented room heaters shall not be used as the sole source of comfort heating in a dwelling unit. Exception: Existin.q approved unrented heaters may continue to be used in dwellinq units, in accordance with the code provisions in effect when installed, when approved bvthe Code Official unless an unsafe condition is determined to exist as described in Section 108.7. END OF AMENDMENTS: INVOICE Star-Telegram C' tomer ID: CIT57 400 W.7th Street ,[nvr*ice Number: 209047791 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 fTrF'^ ^e Date: : '01 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: '2!3?/01 Bill To: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PO Number: 1400 MAIN ST 0rfler Number: '0901779 STE 440 S?.les Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 7'pfcrint ion: CITY OF SOUTHLA Publication Date :-2/21/01 Description Location Cot Depth Linn e Mt) Rate Amount CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS 2000 I3580 1 79 LINE $6.09 $480.32 CITY OF Sales Discount S000oLAK, TEXAS Fuel Gas Code (5416.33) ORDINANCE NO. 818 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE IN- TERNATIONAL FUEL GEDITION DP,ROVID- t et Amount' $63.99 ING FOR THE ADOPTION OF LO- CAL AMENDMENTS THERETO; PROVID- ING FOR RECORD- ING OF SUCH CODE AS A PUBLIC REC- ORD, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDI- NANCESHALL BE li) 13/N �7 a^ ,�, . CUMULATIVE OF , a �l•' I`e77 V ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEV- ERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAV- INGS AN I CLAUSE O PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN 2002 PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL THE STATE OF PROTIVE NEWVIDINGRANAND EF-- DATE. County of Tarr FECSECTION 6 Any person, firm or corporation who vio- Before me, a N naeelecdts obeefus omits o said Countyand State,this comply with u who personally appeared C ty Holland. aid and Leg I Coordinator for the Star Tel resists the Yenforce-he Star Telegram, Inc. at F t or h, in Tarrant Count' :xas; and v o,after be. g duly sworn,did depose and say provisiof an the the)ping of an advertisement a p Ijshed in the above , d papa o the list d c_.tes: or- dinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars Signed (s2,000.00) for all vi- o ations involving zoning, fire safety or SUBSC-lBED A public health and1RE ME,THIS Wednesday,sanitation, Decopppiber26, including — cX.,) za246e2)\...___ du / !/ dumping or refuse, 1.r�/J and shall be fined not more than five hun- Notary Public / dred dollars($500)for -all other violations of this ordinance. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate = vtCKl L.WASON offense. i PASSED AND AP-, f't( ) . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES PROVED BY THE 5I:..� Tv THE COUTNCIL OF t e ' o,��y AUGUST 28,2004 hank You 1 SOUTHLCIT T OF nt 18th DAY OF THE MAYOR RIRCK STACY ATTEST: SANDRA L. SECRETADIRY CITY APPROVED AS TO FORM: E. LLEN Remit To: ` TAYLOREIR ACr1Y Customer ID: CIT57 ATTORN P.U. Box ccc1051 Customer Name: CITY OF SrUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Numh¢r: 2090477 '1 Invoice Amount: '..": 1.99 PO Number: Amount Encloced INVOICE Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7th Street Invoice Number: 208124641 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 11/30/01 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 11/30/01 Bill To: PO Number: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Order Number: 20812464 1400 MAIN ST STE 440 Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: CITY OF SOUTHLA Publication Date: 11/30/01 . :::riff? :.:............... I: .f ice" °:� ::...::.:::.: x CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS NOTIC I3580 1 56 56 LINE $6.08 $340.48 TT�HCCI ITv of Sales Discount NOOTICEuvni hereby given to all Interested ($295.12) persona that the City Council of the Ghy of Southiake,Texas,will be holding a public hearin durin the re ula� °Ity 8°°"ill Net Amount: $45.36 m8eting to be held on December p18, 2001, mee ingo will be held in the City Council Chambers of Town Hall, 1400 Main Street, ppSouthiake, Texas. ngP will°Purpose regarding the follow- 200 International Fu- el NO. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE IN- TERNATIONAL FUEL EDITION' DEP'ROVID ING F'OR THE . ADOPTION OF QAL AMENDMEN S THE STATE OF'' THERETO'CountyPROVID- of Tarra ING THAT THIS � ORDINANCE 3H� BE CUMULATIV AL L ORDINAN S; Before me,a No PROVIDING A EVV ERABILITY CLAE$E;�eld County and State,thi d personally appeared Christy Hollan , Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star-Tele PROVIDING A AV-;Star-Telegram, Inc. at rt o h, in Tarrant County,Texas; an who, after beingdulysworn,did INGS CLAi11D depose and say PROVIDING rF ,in of an advertisemen w lished in the abov n edon the listed dates: PUBLICATION 1 9 P p PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING MPH PUBLICATION IN Signed IWSPAPER A , SUBSCRIBED ANppvIDINN E - CTIVE DG AATE. E ME,THIS Monday, December 03, 200 .� ty L. LeGrand r / Ity Secretary /L T /i1/L. 1 of Southlake, . X Texas Notary Public ."=''4 . VICKI L.WASON rMY_� ;' COMMISSION EXPIRES 9i:1. !ll���,r'n; "• ''pg 3' AUGUST 28,2004 _ Thank You For Your Payment Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 P.O. Box 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 208124641 Invoice Amount: $45.36 PO Number: Amount Enclosed: $