1079Awaiting public
hearing and
final execution
by City.
Star - Telegram Customer ID: CIT57
808 Throckmorton St. Invoice Number: 330625751
(817) 390 -7761 Invoice Date: 7/3/2014
Federal Tax ID 26- 2674582 Terms: Net due in 21 days
Bill To: AUG 1 4 2014 Due Date: 7/31/2014
CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PO Number: 21400046
1400 MAIN ST OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY Order Number: 33062575
STE 440 Sales Rep: 073
SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: PUBLIC HEARING
Publication Date: 7/3/2014
f. Dtscrlpti .. Location Col Depth Linage MU Rate at a Amount
PUBLIC . CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS I3580 1 54 54 LINE 81.20 864.80
Notice is hereby given to all inter-
ested persons that the City of
Southlake, Texas, will consider the
following items in the Council
Chambers at Town Hall, 1400 Main
Street, Southlake, Texas for:
The Planning & Zoning Commission Net Amount: $64.80
on Thursday, July 17, 2014 at 6:30
p.m. or immediately following the
Planning. & Zoning Work Session
will hold a public hearing and
-• Ordinance 1079, (CP13 -004) Land
Use Plan Amendment from Low
Density Residential to Medium
Density Residential for Glenmore
Addition, on property described as
Lots 1R1, and 1R2, Block 1, Owens •
Addition, an addition to the City of i
Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas
and Tracts 3H, 3H1, 3J, 3J1, 3J1A, -
3J1B, 3J1C, 3J2, Littleberry G. Hall
Survey, Abstract No. 686, South -
lake, Tarrant County, Texas, and
located at 280 Shady Oaks Dr. and � � '
800, 980, 1000, 1100, 1110, 1120 u ?'% ' CNRISTY LYNNE HOLLAND
W. Southlake Blvd., Southlake, ' A,s ` Notary Public, State of Texas
Tarrant County, Texas. Current _ ` `
� Zoning:- "AG" Agri District < ?sy - My Commission Expires
and 'SF -1A" Single Family Resi- - ' ,• C'S July 31, 2016
THE STA dential District. Proposed Zoning: n
D" Residential Planned Unit
County of Development District. SPIN
Neighborhood 46.
Before m • Land s Use Am ndment from Jnty and State, this day personally appeared Deborah Baylor, Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star -
Telegram Low Density Residential to Medium 3. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the
attached described Tract a6, p Franc s dished in the above named paper on the listed dates: BIDS & LEGAL DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM
(817) 21 ` Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511,
Tex of as and locat at 21 0 1 N . Carroll
l ib Texas located at 211 N. Croll e
Avenue, Southlake, Texas. Current Signed ,
Zoning: "AG" Agricultural District.
Requested Zoning: "SF -20A" Single
SUBSCF Family Residential District. SPIN E, THIS Friday, July 1 20 /
Neighborhood 4 3. i l
'All interested persons are urged to
attend. Notary Public � � _� �A j' / _ /
City of Southlake _ —
Lori Payne
City Secretary
Thank You For Your Payment
Remit To: Star - Telegram Customer ID: CIT57
P.O. BOX 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE
FORT WORTH, TX 76101 -2051 Invoice Number: 330625751
Invoice Amount: $64.80
PO Number: 21400046
Amount Enclosed: $
Star - Telegram Customer ID: CIT57
808 Throclanorton St. Invoice Number: 328397251
(817) 390 -7761 Invoice Date: 1/2/2014
Federal Tax ID 26- 2674582 Terms: Net due in 21 days
Due Date: 1/31/2014
Bill To:
CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PO Number: #21400046
1400 MAIN ST Order Number: 32839725
STE 440 Sales Rep: 043
SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -7604 Description: PUBLIC HEARING
Attn: Attn: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Publication Date: 1/2/2014
d£.a�c^ ..v�e� -S.3w{ \b �
.�3� a�u` -. � p! i � �_ � '. � Q 8 � � � e ' a
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF I3580 1 192 192 LINE $1.77 $339.84
- : Net Amount: $339.84
J Al\l 3 0 2C14
3 =° ^ Notary Public, State of Texas
"4 My Commission Expires
�.; 0 E July 31, 2016
County of Tarrant
Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Deborah Baylor, Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star -
Telegram, published by the Star- Telegram, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the
attached clipping of an advertisement was published in the ve named paper on the listed dates: BIDS & LEGAL DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM
(817) 215 -2323
Signed Q .�v `C� '1
Notary Pus ic i / ��
Thank You For Your Payment
Remit To: Star - Telegram Customer ID: CIT57
P.O. BOX 901051 Customer Nall*: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE
FORT WORTH, TX 76101 -2051 Invoice Number: 328397251
Invoice Amount: $339.84
PO Number: #21400046
Amount Enclosed:
Legal Notices
M. '
Zoning January 16, 2014, t 6:30
p.m. will hold a public hearing and
OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS • ZBA -653, Special Exception Use
No (. per Ordinance No. 480, Section
Notice is hereby given to all inter- 44.12(1) for a servants or family
persons that the" consider o the of quarters on property described as
following th Texas, will thesi Cor Lot 1, Block A, Sun Square Addition,
Chambers items in the 0 Main an addition to the City of Southlake,
reet, Southlake, t Town Tal 1 for Main Tarrant County, Texas and located
here l huing ring & nia Texas for: Commission at 220 Lilac Ln., Southlake, Texas.
The Thursday, January r 9, 2014 at Current Zoning: SF -1A - Single
o: p.m. or immediately Family Residential District.
the la n. imingWo Session ion City Council on Tuesday, January 21,
thPold a p & public Zoning Work hearing and 2014, at 5:30 p.m will hold a public
win i inaed hearing and consider:
• Resolution " 13 -052 (ZA13 -129),
• Use Plan Amendment Ammenen (dmeent nt f from land m Lum , Specific Use Permit for a Mass
Den Pl Gathering Event known as Green-
Density Residential to Medium fest Southlake on property being
Addsit Residential for Glenmore enmoae described as Blocks 7 and 8, and
A on property described k 1 Owens as adjacent rights of way, Southlake
Lots on, and 1R2, addition to e me City ty o Town Square, Phase I, an addition
Addition, S, Tarrant County, y as, to the City of Southlake, Tarrant
and 3H3J, , 3J1, 3J1A, County, Texas and located at 1400
311 Tracts 3 3J2, ,Lit Littleberry S. Her G. Hall l Fountain Place and 1400 East
3 , Abstract t No. 686, South- Southlake Blvd., Southlake, Texas.
lake, Tarrant County, 686, ae xas, and
Survey, r Current Zoning: "DT" Downtown
o District. SPIN Neighborhood 4 8.
located 980, 280 Shady. Oaks , and City Council on Tuesday, February 4,
800, Southlake Blvd., Southlake, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. will hold a public
W. Sou Texas. es. Soutouturrent hearing and consider:
Tarrant "AG" Agricultural , Tx D • Ordinance 1079, (CP13 -004) Land
anig: -1Ar t . Pro" Sin le District am Dis Use Plan Amendment from Low
and "SF -1A District. Resi Zoning: : Density Residential to Medium
dential Di Proposed Density Residential for Glenmore
Devel " Development District. Planned U SPIN N Addition, on property described as
Devel rhood 46. 6, District. Lots 1R1, and 1R2, Block 1, Owens
Nerdh Addition, an addition to the City of
• Plan Amendment ane f from Land m Lum Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas
Desn e Pl and Tracts 3H, 3H1, 3J, 3J1, 3.11A, Density s i for r Remington Medium 3J1B, 3J1C, 3J2, Littleberry G. Hall
Density rts Residential n property
for ye Survey, Abstract No. 686, South -
a ste o , Greg's Country described lake, Tarrant County, Texas,_ and
Addition, Loo 1, and Tracts Coun 2A2 ts Ac 41 located at 280 Shady Oaks Dr. and
of S and Tracts e' Abstract 241 located
800, 980, 1000, 1100, 1110, 1120
No. the 5. City of Southlake, Survey outhlake, , Tarrant W. Southlake Blvd., Southlake,
Co. County, G , S located at 395, 405 Tarrant County, Texas. The current
andn Texas, Southlake, zoning is "AG" Agricultural District
Te d s. Shady on S Ag- and SF -1A" Single. Family Resi -
xa Current Ztni "AG" "SF-14" g- dential District. The proposed,
Singl erFl District es and zoning is "R -PUD" Residential
Single Family Residential "R- ial PUD "R-PUD" esi- Planned Unit Development District.
ential Planned Zoning: i - mnt SPIN Neighborhood 46.
District. Planned gh Development • Ordinance No. 480 -649 (ZA13 -092),
District. SPIN Neighborhood t4. for Zoning Change and Development
• ZA13 1Park Preliminary n property described i re Plan for Glenmore Addition on
as Tracts Par ts 3Al 4 n3A2A, sc 1mued s property being described as Lots
Mahan Trac Abs tact No. as 1R1, and 1R2, Block 1, Owens
y of Survey, Abstract Tarrant t C u, .Addition, an additi to the City of
City f Sduthlak Tarrant Countynty, Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas
N. Kimball located
bad Ave., Southlake, 400 and as. and Tracts 3H, 3H1, 3J, 3J1, 3J1A,
C. r Z A.: "S -P-2 r Texas. as- 3J1B, 3J1C, 3.12, Littleberry G. Hall-
Current Pla "S-P-2" Proposed Survey, Abstract No. 686, South -
Zoning: g:te Plan District. P Site lake, Tarrant County, Texas and
laD: "S-2" istrict. SPIN Site being located at 280 Shady Oaks
Plan District. Neighborhood Drive and 800, 980, 1000, 1100,
1110, 1120 W. Southlake Boulevard,
Southlake, Texas. The current
zoning is "AG" Agricultural District
and "SF-1A" Single Family Resi-
dential District. The Requested.
Zoning is "R -PUD" Residential
Planned Unit Development District.
SPIN Neighborhood 46.
• Ordinance 1082, (CP13 -009) Land
Use Plan Amendment from Low
Density Residential to Medium
Density Residential for Remington
Estates on property being described
as Lot 1, Greg's Country Acres
the 5. Freeman Suvey Abstract
No. 525, City of Southlake, Tarrant
County, Texas, located at 395, 405
and 413 Shady Lane, Southlake,
Texas. Current Zoning: "AG" Ag
ricultural District and "SF -1A"
Single Family Residential District..
Proposed Zoning: "R-PUD" Resi-
dential Planned Unit Development
District. SPIN Neighborhood 44.
• Ordinance No. 656, (ZA13 -134)
Plan for Change Development eon
- property being described as Lot 1,
Greg's Country Acres Addition, and
Tracts 2A2 and 241 of the S.
Freeman Survey Abstract No. 525,
City of Southlake, Tarrant County,
Texas, located at 395,, 405 and 413
Shady Lane, Southlake, Texas.
Current Zoning: "AG" Agricultural
District and "SF -1A" Single Family
Residential District. Proposed
Zoning: "R -PUD" Residential
o�a��a i Unit Development District.
Plan for Kimball Park on property
described as Tracts 3A1A and 3A2A,
Thomas Mahan Survey, Abstract
No. 1049, City of Southlake, Tarrant
County, Texas and located at 400
and 470 N. Kimball Ave., Southlake,
Texas. Current Zoning: S -P -2
Generalized Site Plan District.
Requested Zoning: S. P -2 General-
ized Site Plan District. SPIN
Neighborhood # 4.
All interested persons are urged to
City of Southlake
Alicia Richardson, TRMC
City Secretary
Star - Telegram Customer ID: CIT57
808 Throckmorton St. Invoice Number: 327431531
(817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 10/5/2013
Federal Tax ID 26- 2674582 RECEIVED Terms: Net due in 21 days
Due Date: 10/31/2013
Bill To:
CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OCT 2 2 2013 PO Number: 21400046
1400 MAIN ST Order Number: 32743153
STE 440
Attn: Attn: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Publication Date: 10/5/2013
' si bs. £
} d a n
P UBL If N a is he eb -HEARING
iven NOTICE eo m ent p L egal N tic eshborhood 53 53 LINE $1.20 $63.60
ested persons that the City of Neighborhood
Texas, will consider the #6.
following items in the Council City Council on Tuesday, November
Chambers at Town Hall, 1400 Main 5, 2013, at 5:30 p.m. will hold a
Street Southlake, Texas for: public hearing and consider:
Planning and Zoning Commission on • Resolution No. 13 -039 (ZA13 -104), Net Amount: $63.60
Thursday, October 17, 2013, at 6:30 Specific Use Permit for temporary
p.m. will hold a public hearing and construction and /or sales facility
consider on property being described as Lot
• Ordinance 1079, (CP13 -004) Land 1R, Block 20, Carillon Phase 1A, an
Use Plan Amendment from Low addition to the City of Southlake, ED
Density Residential to Medium Tarrant County, Texas and located
Density Residential for Glenmore at 1845 Riviera Lane, Southlake,
Addition, on property described as Texas: Current zoning is "ECZ"
Lots 1R1, and 1R2, Block 1, Owens Employment Center Zoning District. OCT c
Addition, an addition to the City of SPIN Neighborhood # 3 V 2
Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas All interested persons are urged to
and Tracts 3H, 3H1, 3J, 3J1, 3J1A, attend.
3J1B, 3J1C, 3J2, Littleberry G. Hall City of Southlake o� SoV�HL�K�
Survey, Abstract No. 686, South- ; .;Alicia Richardson, TRMC
lake, Tarrant County, Texas, and ' "City Secretary �I�pNCE DEPARTMENT
located at 280 Shady Oaks Dr. and
800, 1100, 1110, 1120 W. Southlake
Blvd., Southlake, Tarrant County,
Texas. The current zoning is "AG" 4 CHRISTY LYNNE HOLLAND
Agricultural District and "SF -1•A Notary Public, State of Texas
Single Family Residential District. ; The proposed zoning is "R -PUg" , rb ` My Commission Expires
THE STATE Resi d ential Planned Unit Develop-
County of Tarrant
Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Deborah Baylor Norwood, Bid and Legal Coordinator for
the Star - Telegram, published by the Star - Telegram, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say
that the attached clipping of an advertisement was publis 'n the above named paper on the listed dates: BIDS & LEGAL DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM
(817) 215 -2323
Signed', > _% • 46, i1im
Notary Public d' j ,/
Thank You For Your Payment
Remit To: Star - Telegram Customer ID: CIT57
P.O. BOX 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE
FORT WORTH, TX 76101 -2051 Invoice Number: 327431531
Invoice Amount: $63.60
PO Number: 21400046
Amount Enclosed: