0810AORDiNANCE NO. 810-A OFFICIAL RECORD AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, REVISiNG THE BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001-02 BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2001, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 2002, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared a revision of certain figures in the 2001-02 budget which was approved by City Council with Ordinance No. 810 on September 18, 2001, and submitted same to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, a copy of said amendment is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the Budget Amendment and has determined that the Budget Amendment attached hereto is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the revised figures, prepared and submitted by the City Manager for the 2001-02 budget, be, and the same are hereby, in ail things, approved and appropriated, and any necessary transfers between accounts and departments are hereby authorized, approved, and appropriated. Section 3. That the Budget Amendment attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2001, and ending September 30, 2002; and there is hereby appropriated from the funds indicated such projects, operations, activities, purchases and other expenditures as proposed in the Budget. Section 4. That the City Manager has determined that there are revenues available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2001-02 approved budget. Section 5. That any and all ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, policies or provisions in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and rescinded to the extent of conflict herewith. Section 6. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. That the necessity of adopting and approving a proposed budget for the next fiscal year as required by the laws of the State of Texas requires that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this ~l -'day of 2002. ATTEST: ty Secretary PASSED AND APPROVED ON second reading this q ~'~layl* of 2002. APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attomey Date: Adopted: Effective: [~- GENERAL FUND Statement of Revenues, ExpendPmres and Changes in Fund Balance for the period ended April 30, 2002 with comparative actual amounts for the period ended April 30, 2001 (fiscal month 7-58.33%) EXHIBIT A REVENUES &.d Valorem Taxes Sales Tax Franchise Fees Fines Charges fo~ Services Total Revenues EXPENDITUP~ City Secretary City Manager Support Services General Government Total Finance Municipal Court Finance Total Fire Police Public SMkty Support Buildmg Public Safet3, Total Public Works Administration Public Works Total Planning Planning Total Librm~ Services Community Services Total Excess (deficiency I of OTHER FINANCING SOURCES AND (USES) Proceeds from lease/CO (net/ Transfer In Other Funds Transfer To Other Funds Total Other Sources/(Uses) fixcess (deficiency) of FUND BALANCE ()CT 1 Change in reserved fund balance ENDING FUND I~ALANCE I~und balance percentage AMENDED Percen Year to Data 2001/02 Collected 4/30/02 B~udget ~Expendel $8,501,233 $8,750,812 97.1 °/~ 2,897,939 4,925,288 58.8% 1,162,998 1,484,063 78.4~ 472,084 906,500 52.1o/ 369,141 593,886 62.2% 741,971 1,184,200 62.7~ 219,419 236,882 92.6~ 85,897 200~000 42.9% $14~450,682 $18,281,631 79.0% $ 174,817 S325.000 53.8% 155,467 274,848 56.6~ 234,275 408~677 57.3% I, 144,604 2,19 ] ,037 52.2°/, 263,418 515,246 51.1°A 179,060 357,597 50.1% 37,209 88,211__ 42.2% 1,346,136 2,554,984 52.7~ 2,084,453 4,394~766 47.4~ 623,510 1,1 I2,823 56.0~ 559.692_ I__,024,830 54.6°/~ 510,403 1,058,823 48.2~ 377,498 794,576 47.5°, 887,901 I ~853,399 47.9% 286,776 531,203 54.0~ 149,28~ 288,875 51.7% 271,939 512,375 53.1~ 831,056 1,656,696 50.2% 236 147 _416,942 56.6% $%465,742 $18~507,509 51.1% $4,984,940 ($225,878) $0 $0 0 0 0 ~,120,163} $0 ($1,120,163) $~4,984,94~0 ($1,346,041) $5,672,3O3 $0 $4,326,262 23.4% Year toDate 4/30/01 $7,070,793 2,653,026 960,551 558,286 224,177 1,148,803 280,380 167,882 $13,063,898 $133,385 106,790 195,249 1,255,743 287,869 45,712 50%569 926,066 2,004,623 502,265 508,66~ 3~941~616 470,640 317,26~ 787~906 247,20[ 121,202 256,829 629,767 81,342 $4,797,299 $0 210,000 0 $210,000 $5,007,299 Actual Total 9/30/01 $7,390,725 4,575,780 1,438,969 794,679 614,813 1,489,273 379,065 344,136 $17,027,440 $272,676 221,521 379,851 2,454,490 460,404 341,598 84,148 3,964,153 973,465 970,258 7~823d41 938,038 629,16~ 1,567~205 474,588 226,421 226,421 443,701 1,410,062 $643,046 210,000 $210,000 $853,046 $4,819,257 $0 $5,672,303 34.6% Collected/ Expended 95.7% 58.0% 66.8% 70.3% 36.5% 77.1% 74.0% 48.8% 76.7% 48.9% 48.2% 51.4% 51.2% 50.8% 62.5% 51.5% 54.3% 57.5% 48.4% 50.6% 52.4% 50.4% 50.2% 50.4% 50.3% 52A% 52.1% 53.5% 53.5% 57.9% 44.7% 0.0% 46.6% 50.5% INVOICE Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 400 W.7th Street Invoice Number: 215140211 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Invoice Date: 6/7/02 Federal Tax ID 22-3148254 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 6/30/02 Bill To: PO Number: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 1400 MAIN ST Order Number: 21514021 STE 440 Sales Rep: 073 SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092-7604 Description: CITY OF SOUTHLA Publication Date: 6/7/02 s as � _ t ;t, €€ iE" �� 3a _. . •1. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS ORDIN 13580 1 40 40 LINE $6.33 $253.20 Sales Discount SOTHL.AKEO TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. , ($22U.80)U 810-A AN ORDINANCE Q� THE CITY COUNCI OF THE ITY Of SOUTHLAK TEX� AS REVISING TH BUDGET FIGURES Net Amount: $32.40 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001-02 BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2001, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30�(�+ APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DE, PARTMENT PROJ- ECT AND ACCOUNT: •REPEALING CO* FLICTING ORDI- NANCES, PROVID- SEVERAIBI ANDY CLAUSE, AND DE- CLARING DATE. PASSED AND AP- PROVED THIS THE 2002 DDURING THEE • COUNCILMEE, IT CITY THE STATE OF TEXP MAYOR: Rick Stacy Coun of Tarrant ATTEST: t�rKim Bush, ty APPROVED SASretTry, FORM: E. Allen Tay- Before me,a Notary Pl. or. Jr. my and State, this day personally appeared KAREN WILLIAMS, Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star-Telegram,published by the Star-Telegram, Inc.at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County,Texas;and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the attached clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the listed dates: BIDS 8I LEGALS DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM (817) 390-7182. Signed k.../L---)<0 i SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, THIS Saturday,June 2 2. Notary Public 4;/ /ZIZG‘c// _,. Thank You For Your Payment O40^Y, CHRISTY L.HOLLAND I :*(**- a MY COMMISSION EXPIRES e*a�rc4=` JULY 31,2004 Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: CIT57 P.O. Box 901051 Customer Name: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 215140211 Invoice Amount: $32.40 PO Number: Amount Enclosed: !$