0569ORDINANCE NO. 569 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, APPROVING REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991-92; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1992, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1993, AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT, PROJECT AND ACCOUNT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared a revision of certain figures in the 1991-92 budget and submitted same to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Southlake, Texas (hereinafter referred to as the "City") has caused to be filed with the City Secretary a budget to cover all proposed expenditures of the government of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1992, and ending September 30, 1993, (hereinafter referred to as the "Budget"); and WHEREAS, the Budget, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes, shows as definitely as possible each of the various projects for which appropriations are set up in the Budget, and the estimated amount of money carried in the Budget for each of such projects; and WHEREAS, the Budget has been filed with the City Secretary for at least thirty (30) days and available for inspection by any taxpayer; and WHEREAS, public notice of public hearings on the proposed annual budget, stating the dates, times, places and subject matter of said public hearings, was given as required by the Charter of the City of Southlake and the laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, such public hearings were held on August 18, 1992 and September i, 1992, prior approval of such dates being hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Council, and all those wishing to speak on the Budget were heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the Budget and listened to the comments of the taxpayers at the public hearings held therefor and has determined that the Budget attached hereto is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the revised figures, prepared and submitted by the City Manager for the 1991-92 budget, be, and the same are hereby, in all things, approved and appropriated, and any necessary transfers between accounts and departments are hereby authorized, approved, and appropriated. Section 3. That the Budget attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes is adopted for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 1992, and ending September 30, 1993; and there is hereby appropriated from the funds indicated such projects, operations, activities, purchases and other expenditures as proposed in the Budget. Section 4. That the City Manager shall file or cause to be filed a true and correct copy of the approved Budget, along with this Ordinance, with the City Secretary and in the office of the County Clerks of Denton and Tarrant County, Texas, as required by State law. Section 5. That any and all ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, policies or provisions in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and rescinded to the extent of conflict herewith. Section 6. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or application thereto any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. That the necessity of adopting and approving a proposed budget for the next fiscal year as required by the laws of the State of Texas requires that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. . PAS.~D AND APPROVED on first reading this /~ day of ATTEST: ""'""'""'" ^ ...,~ ..' ~andra L LeGrand, City Secretary ::'-: :,..,5 Ordinance No. 569 %~" " / p~SSED AN? APPROVED on second reading this / ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: day of City Attorney Date: ~ ~[~3 Effective: ~~3 Ordinance No. 569 -3- Projected Revenues Less: Projected Expenditures Less: Reserve-Personnel Total-Expenditures Net Revenues Estimated Fund Balance/ Working Capitol 9/30/92 Estimated Fund Balance/ Working Capital 9/30/93 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992- 93 At J. FUNDS sUMMARy General Debt Service Utility Fund Fund Fund $4,161,220 $929,898 $2,753,534 $4,429,009 $916,398 $2,769,387 70.000 0 0_ $4,499,309 $916,398 $2,769,387 Special Revenue Parks/ Recreation Total $34,996 $7,879,648 $77,000 $8,192,094 0 70.000 $77,000 $8,262,094 (338,089) 13,500 (15,853) (42,004) (382.446) $1,013,480 $124,10I $700,914 $98,856 $1,937,351 $675,391 $137,601 $685,061 $56,852 $1,554,905 Fund eneral Fund Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Total Expenditures 1991-92 1992-93 1990-91 Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget $I,981,499 $2,106,429 $2,496,732 1,147,338 1,266,224 1,381,782 606,158 359.124 550.795 $3,734,995 $3,731,777 $4,429,309 Utility Fund Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Debt Service Operating Transfer/Other Total Expenses $218,004 $293,455 5359,416 1,241,050 1,871,710 1,888,632 181,553 110,000 149,325 80,070 89,423 79,719 159,446 159,446 292.295 $1,880,123 $2,524,034 $2,769,387 Debt Service Fund Debt Service Operating Transfer Total Expenditures $493,~4 $543,306 $665,435 Q 227,879 250,963 $493,444 $771,185 $916,398 Special Revenue- Parks/Recreation Operations & Maintenance 'apital _ otal Expenditures $ Increase/ (Decrease) % Increase/ (Decrease) $7.056.996 $8.192.094 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $6.114.412 $5,850 $0 $2,000 $2,000 100.0% 0 30.000 75,000 45.000 150.0% $5,85~ $30,000 $77,000 $47,000 156.7% $65,961 22.5% 16,922 0.9% 39,325 35.8% (9,704) -10.9% 132.849 83.3% $245,353 9.7% $122,129 22.5% 23,084 10.1% $145,213 18.8% $1.135.098 16.1% $390,303 18.5% 115,558 9.1% 191.671 53.4% $697,532 18.7% REVENUES Ad V~lorem Taz~rs Sales Tax Fva m: hise Fe~s Al ,L FUNDS SUMMARY REVISED 1991--92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992--93 BUDGET j .Adopted I I991--~'2 I~91--92 ! $.455.,~100 Sim:/ 1~-~ Act~l [ Budget ~ Re~ fda) (D~) i Proposed Adopt~ 270,~ (14.~ -~.1% 159.~6 ~ 159.~6 ~ ~59,~ 0 0.0% 267~95 107,~9 67.6% 313,~0 ~ 411~ ~,~0 (11,~) -2.~ 419~ 8,1~ I9,816 ~ 2~.350 ~I~, 31~10 15.7% ~ 57,650 ~91.~ ] s~,t~ 67;~ E 0.0% ~,~o 3,~o ~.856 ~ 120.4~ ~ [2~077 7,613 ~ 6.3% ~ 137.~5 [ 17,181 143% 5~ 946 j ~09,520 ~ 423,350 !.~,830 [ 3.4% 509397 ~,877 $18,714 j 2.9% $795,~98 $143~41M $289,892 $~337,321_ 3:3.600 S36.025 -'57721 313.940 $1,555,427 $1,706 9~_10 97.i32 124.230 I15 998 i 120.385 75,I79 i 58.915 1.387.977; 1.387,395 252.630 ! ,08,060 I 199,582 556.784 320,635 $1'719'374 138.-127 i ~2,oo41 92.,135 [ 1.393.355 i (37628~i o g-3,175,87~3I $3,Z13,.55~ i 38500 i 0 107,775 ~ 0 0 0 0 737 6~ $1,937~351 2.699 5.934 ] 6:695 j $12,468 i (28250)! 2,885 I 5,960 [ 23,515 l $37,683 1 $15,625 i oi (38.5oo)! $61.328 i (107,775)1 5199,654 i $[99,65540i 1.4% 9..0% 4,5% 0.7% 2.5% [ -23.5% i 4.9% i 0.4% [ o6%1 12.4%: 0.0% i -1000% ' 0.9% [ 202,498 5,615 I60,510 20~072 $363,0~8 $25,687 556,782 (163) 893289 572fi-1 366.392. 52.452 $1 816 463 $109,553 15&432 34202 876.694 279,516 210.517 90,132 91,~50 32,445 t.605~72 218,177 559,60~ (1~8,459) 232.200 ~2,490 S3,734,376 $558,503 $194,137 $68,093 267295' 107.8-19 996.117 135,509 $8.192----~'~ 1,135.098 $0 0 (70,00Oo) $I,554.905 22.0% 7.6% 6.8% L6.7% 6.4% 27.5% 46.8% 5.1% l 5.7% I 1.0% ).0% L6% -35.I% 15.7% GENERAL FUND City Secretory/Mayor/Council Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Total CiW Manager's Office Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Total Support Set-Aces Persormel Operations & Maintenance Capital 'otal Finance Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Total Municipal Court Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Total Fire Services Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Total Police Services Personnel perations & Maintenance ...apiml Total CITY OF SOUTHI JAKE PROPOSED B~ET 1992-93 .,~T .T. ~ SUMMARY EXPENDI'I-URES BY DEPARTIV[ENT 1991-92 1992-93 1990-91 Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget $ Increase/ (Decrease) % Increase/ (Decrease) $52,060 $51,160 $56,229 $5,069 9.9% 78,891 71,150 85,577 14,427 20.3% 150 ~ 6,850 6.850 100.0% 131,101 122,310 148,656 26,346 21.5% 119,728 103,615 122,673 $19,058 18.4% 15,075 11,521 12,472 951 8.3% 2.053 5,328 2,500 (2.828) -53.1% 136,856 120,464 137,645 17,181 14.3% 0 0 20,673 332,921 408,520 475,224 206.025 1,000 13.500 538,946 409,520 509,397 20,673 100.0% 66,704 16.3% 12.500 1250.0% 99,877 24.4% 83,667 111,470 103,263 (8,207) -7.4% 81,612 S5,413 85,515 102 0.1% 0 13,720 13.720 100.0% 5,290 _ 170,569 196,883 202,498 5,615 2.9% 72,059 80,835 83,082 2,247 2.8% 42,323 59,603 76,728 17,125 28.7% 0 700 700 100.0% 4,941 __ 119,323 140,438 160,510 20,072 14.3% 392,670 380,450 457,185 76,904 81,252 75,672 17,532 95,243 23.925 487,106 556,945 556,782 608,708 607,720 703,350 105,188 128,505 110,539 99,704 99,800 79.400 813,600 836,025 893,289 76,735 20.2% (5,580) -6.9% (71,318) -74.9% (163) -0.0% 95,630 15.7% (17,966) -14.0% (20,400) -20.4% 57,264 6.8% GENERAL FUND Public Safew Support Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Total Building Inspection Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capitol Total Streets/Drainage Personnel Operations & Maintenance CapitaI Total Parks and Recreation Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Total Public Works Administration Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Total Community Development Personnel Operations & Maintenance Capital Total Non- Departmentalized CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 AT .l. FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 1991-92 1992-93 1990-91 Adopted Proposed Actual Budget Budget $ Increase/ (Decrease) % Increase/ (Decrease) $218,087 $270,085 $300,207 $30,122 11.2% 26,121 33,855 58,185 24,330 71.9% 13,513 10,000 8,000 (2,000) -20.0% 257,721 313,940 366,392 52,452 16.7% 82,102 92,200 124,852 32,652 35.4% 13,518 18,430 19,880 1,450 7.9% 1,512 13,600 13,700 100 0.7% 97,132 124,230 158,432 34,202 27.5% 204,042 249,700 266,169 16,469 6.6% 211,270 244,450 272,525 28,075 11.5% 233.815 103,028 338~000 234.972 228.1% 649,127 597,178 876,694 279,516 46.8% 24,446 25,565 47,072 21,507 84.1% 68,702 33,695 42,445 8,750 26.0% 17,000 31.125 44.000 12.875 41.4% 110,148 90,385 133,517 43,132 47.7% 59,662 49,990 82,185 32,195 64.4% 12,845 8,925 9,175 250 2.8% 2.672 Q ~ ~ 0.0% 75,179 58,915 91,360 32,445 55.1% 64,268 83,639 129,792 46,153 55.2% 81,968 42,405 57,845 15,440 36.4% 1,951 Q 6,500 6.500 100.0% 148,187 126,044 194,137 68,093 54.0% 0 38,5OO 0 (38,500) TOTAL GENERALFUND $3,734,995 53,731,777 $4,429,309 $697,532 18.7% PROPERTY TAX REVENUE ALLOCATION 1992-93 Total Appraised Value 1992 Less E. xemptio~ (-) Total Taxable Value (Assessed Value) (~) Proposed Tax Rate Estimated Tax LeW Estimated Percent o[ Collections (X') Estimated Current Tax Collections (=) Estimated Delinquent Collections, Penalty, and Interest Estimated Available Funds (+) $696,518,652 (88263¢135~ 608254,8~7 0.45500 2,767,559, 2~684,533 225 $2.909,533 PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION GEN'ERAL FUND Delinquent Total General Fund DEBT SERVICE FUND Total General and Debt Service Funds RATE PERCENT TOTAL 50-32232 69.94% $1,877,484 (+) 225,000 (% 2,102,484 0.13268 30.06% 807,049 50.45500 100.00% 52,909,533 HISTORICAL TAX INFORaMATION FISCAL YEAR DEBT NET GENERAL SERVICE TOTAL TAXABLE FUND FUND TAX VALUE RATE RATE RATE 1992_-93 $608,2.54,817 50329.232 $0.13268 50.45500 1991-99_ 569,475,542 031985 0.13515 0.45500 1990-91 520,442,493 036750 0.07750 0.44500 1989-90 534,140,023 035830 0.02990 038820 I988-89 437,2.52,301 034820 o.o, moo 038820 1987-88 389,287,099 0.28831 0.04169 0.33000 1986-87 366,024,873 0.27~.80 0.04520 032000 1985-86 248,920,765 022900 0.03100 0.26000 1984-85 214,807,784 0.14300 0.03800 0.18100 1983-84 85,604,834 030750 0.10750 0.41500 1982-83 72,720,108 0.23500 0.18000 0.41500 CITY OF SOUTI-ILAKE CONSOLIDATED GENERAI. FUND AND DEBT SERVICE FUND I~EVISED 1991-92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992-93 BUDGET REVENUES Valorem Taxa City Secre k~'y City. Manager Community Dev. Total L i 1991-92 1992-93 Adopted I S lac/ 1991--~ $.455/$1g~ $ [~d 1990-91 1991-92 ! 1991--92 (Dec-r) % [nc/ 1992--~3 (Deer) % Inca' Actual Budget J R e~'i$~ Adootcd (D~T) Proposed Adopted t ' 6.3% v_,437,7~3 ~,73s,sso [ ~.77u.6as s~t~os 1~% I rz.,9og~ ~3,650 ~5,~ ~6j~ (58~) -20~% 270,~ (14.~) -5.1% %,980 41,~ ~ (3~) -8~% 55~0 14,750 557,~5 ~ ~6~ ~.~ 55.~ ~150 217,~0 353~ 52~ 20,~ I5.~ 2~.~ ~7~ ~,1~ 159,~ 159,~6 159;~ 0 0.0% 267~, I~,~9 0 29.450 ~ 29,45~ 0 0.0% ~ 0 (29,a5~ 76,878 62,~ 6~ ~ 0.0% 65(~ 2,~ $4,24~,526 $4~6,116 $4v7~ $241t7~ 5.4% $5~1rI18 S625t~ 14.~ Sl3IAOI ~ S122.310 ~ 5119581 (S2,~9: -22% S1~,~ ] ~6,~ 136.356 ~ 120.4~ [ 1~,~7 7,613 6.3% 137,~5 17,181 Ia3% 5M,9a6 [ 409,520 ~3,350 13,830 3.4% 509~ I ~,877 2a.4% $~6,903 ] $652~ $6~,~ $18,714 2.9% $795,6~ ~ $143'4~ ~ 2~,~98 5,615 170~69 196.~3 1~ 2,6~, 1.4% 160,5i0 140r4~ ~ 153,~ t2.639 %0% 20,0~ ] 143% S 5337,=1 ~ 5352,659 ".5% [ $%3,~[ S~,~7[ 7.6% 4.q7,106 556,945 i 556.78A (16I) -0.0% 556.78Z (163) -0.0% 813.600 $36.025 [ 257,,"2-1 31390! $1 706 910 $1,558,427 I 12~.230 ! 110.148[ 90,385 [ 75.179 i 58,915 ] $931,s~ I s~o,7o~ $148,187 [ $126,044 o I 3&5oo 493,444: 771,185 $4,2:28~439 $4,502,962 o~ (376288)! 0 1 (~ 163,20 l )t ~70.92-9 $L151.4co i $98~22I $98&2'21 i $i.059,150 S41,959 320.635 89,5~ 2~150.156 ° o Sl,059,LqO ~1,208~I0 5.934 6,695 14.197 I4,826 (525; 2,885 $31,083 $15,625 (38.5001 O_ S187.002 ol °1 o (796; S70,929 I 0.7% 893,289 5726a 2.t% 366392 52,452 0.7% $i,8I 6,463 S109,553 11.4% 158,4~ 34202 2.5% 876,694 279.516 -0.9% 4.9% 3.6% 12.4% -100.0% 0.0% 1.2% 133~5t7 9l~60 $1,260,OOnd: 0 916.398 $5,345,7O7 (~254.589' o! Ol ($32a.589~ 6.8% 16.7% 6.4% 32,4a5 55.1___~% ' (38.50~)!- 100.0% [ 145213 ] 18.8% S12og_SlO CITY OF SOUTHIJAKE GENERAL FUND I~EVISED 1991--92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992--93 BUDGET ~ S |ae.J I~91-9g $.455t~100 SInc/ Act~[ Budlct , R~ Adopt¢d (D~) ~OpOS~ Adopt~ ' ~3,650~ ~5,~ ~ ~6~ (58j~} -20~ 270,~ ( 14,~ 557,~5 a~j~ ~6~ ~.~ 55.~ 6~1~ 217,650 53~ 353~ 52~ 20,~ 15,~ 2~.9% ~T~ 1~1~ ~.~ :~9,~I ~s~,~ o o.~ ~,~ o o.~ .,~ ~'~s° 2~,~s~ o o.o~ [ ~'~s~ -~.~ 5o,~ ~ 5o,~ ~ o.o~ : f0;~ ff o.~ 5~.946 109,520 ~ ~3~50 13.8~ 3.1% 5~ ~,877 $~6,903 $652~94 ~ $671,~ 518,714 2.9% [ S~5,6~ S143,~ ~ 170~69 t96.~3 ~ l~ 2.6~ 1.4% [ 2~498 5,615 [ 119.n3 la0,a~ [ 153,~ I2,639 9.0% 1~.510 [ 20,0n 187.106 556,945 :, 0.7% 8932.89 6.3% 2.I% 366~'92 16.7% 813.600 836.02.5 $1,558,427I $1,706,910 649.i27: 597.i78 SIa8,187 i S126 044 oI ~.5oo [ 841,9591 5,934' 320 635 ~ 6,695 Sl,719,375 ! $12,468 [ 0.7%. 612.~i 14.~6 [ 2.5% S9j~ (~5) -0.9% 61,8~ ~ 2,~5 a.9% S141,~9 S15,625 ] 12.4% 0 (~5~) 0.0% o ~ o.o~ $3.786,505 [ $54,~ - ~ 1.5 % $1,816,463 158,4~2 876,694' 133,517 91,3~ $1,260,003 0 $4,~9~ $109,553 ! · 34202 ] 273% 279,5161 43.132 [ ,17.7% 32,-~.5 55.1% s~ 295 ~ $~,~3 (~:~)-~ ! 0.~ $6~ 5~ I;87,697 ' ($47,946~ $139 056 ! 0 [ I07,775 i 0 [ (3762~)t (1o7,757~)i 01 0 $75,a31 I (S2268.089! $0 o 0 (S33&O89) St,013,480 ($220.143! (107,775)I ($397,9183 $138260 / (5'259,658)1 CITY OF O t~l'er utili~ charg~ UTILITY FUND REVISED 1991--92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992-93 BUDGET ~o-¢t ~90I-~2 1991--92 (De~-) % I~.1 r 19~2W93 (Deer) ~2-~. ~t~l Budflct R~ Adop~ (D~) ~ ~O~s~ Adopi~ 245~ 24j~ 24~ 0 0.~ ~0 1,470 6.~ t505,624 1,~,~ ~,~ (47~ --2.9% 1,6~ · ~,~ 313,~0 411~ ~,~0 (11~) -~ i19~ 8,163 19,816 2~50 ~I~ 31~10 15.7~ : ~ ~7.~0 so so so so o.o~ ~,~ ~.~ ~,~0 89,4~ ~,4~ 0 0.0% 79J~ (9,7~) -10~ 252.6~ 7~,0~ [ 7~610 4j50 0.6% 559~l (1~,419) [l ~g.524.0~ ~558.~9 $~,~ 1.3% ~-769;~ $245~53 9.7% i 5394,1~ $674,516i $674~ EXPEND FI3JRES Principal Admire Operating Transfer/ Water/S~v~- Fund Total F~'p~ ndit utes CITY OF SOUTELAKE DEBT SERVICE FUND REVISED 1991-92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992--93 BUDGET ~ REVENUES Pcrmi~Fces CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPECIAl. REVENUE FUND Parks/Recreation o~s ~ REVISED 1991--92 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1992--93 BUDG'ET ~,~s.,~ 199o-91 1991-9~ 1~-~ (Deer) so s~,~ s~ s63,~ 2t~ ~ o.~ 5~63 1,~ ~,~ 3,~ ~.~ ; ::::: ~ 3~.6% :.: :.:.~ (sss7 s~,~ :::::~: s~,~ (~3,~: S3,618 S3,031 S0 CITY OF SOUTHLAIC . PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 PROPO~.D PERSONNEL (1) FUND G EN~E P~L FUND City Secretary/Mayor/Council City Manager's Office Support Services Finance Municipal Court Fire Services Police Services Public Safety Support Building Inspection Streets/Drainage Parks and Recreation Public Works Administration Community Development (2) Total Personnel General Fund UTILITY FUND Water Utilities Wastewater Utilities Total Personnel Utility Fund 1991-92 1991-92 1992-93 Increase 1990-91 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) Actual Budget Budget Budget Revised '92 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 (1.0) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 11.2 11.2 11.2 13.2 Z0 18.0 18.0 18.0 20.0 2.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.~5 4.0 1.5 65.2 67.2 68.2 76.2 8.0 7.5 8.5 8.5 9.5 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.__~0 2.__Q0 1..~0 7.5 9.5 9.5 11.5 2.0 G[L-MND TOTAL PERSONNEL 72.7 76.7 77.7 87.7 Full Time 74.0 76.0 77.0 86.0 Pa rt Time/Temporary 0.._~7 0.7 0.7 1.7 Total Personnel 74.7 76.7 77.7 87.7 10.0 9.0 1.._~0 10.0 (1) Part time and temporary positions listed as an equivalent percentage of a ~11 time position. (2) One part time intern position deleted, one full time position transferred fa'om Finance Division, one full time position added. person.wk.3 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE - PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 1991-92 1992-93 1990-91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase/ FUND Actual Budget Budget (Decreasel (Decrease) General Fund Personnel $1,981,499 $2,106,429 $2,496,732 $390,303 18.5% Operations &Maintenance 1,147,338 1,227,724 1,381,782 154,058 12.5% Capital 606,158 359,124 550,795 191,671 53.4% Other 0 38,500 0 (38,500) -100.0% Total - 3,734,995 3,731,777 4,429,309 697,532 18.7% Utility Fund Personnel 218,004 293,455 359,416 65,961 22.5% Operations & Maintenance 1,241,050 1,871,710 1,888,632 16,922 0.9% Capital 181,553 110,000 149,325 39,325 35.8% Debt Service 80,070 89,423 79,719 (9,704) -10.9% Other 0 0 25,000 25,000 100.0% Operating Transfer 159,446 159,446 267,295 107,849 67.6% Total 1,880,123 2,524,034 2,769,387 245,353 9.7% Debt Service Fund Debt Service 493,444 543,306 665,435 122,129 22.5% Operating Transfer 0 227,879 250,963 23,084 10.1% Total 493,444 771,185 916,398 145,213 18.8% Special Revenue- Parks/Recreation Fund Operations &Maintenance 5,850 0 2,000 2,000 100.0% Capital 0 30,000 75,000 45,000 150.0% Total 5,850 30,000 77,000 47,000 156.7% GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 6,114,412 7,056,996 8,192,094 1,135,098 16.1% Personnel 2,199,503 2,399,884 2,856,148 456,264 19.0% Operations &Maintenance 2,394,238 3,099,434 3,272,414 172,980 5.6% Capital 787,711 499,124 775,120 275,996 55.3% Debt Service 573,514 632,729 745,154 112,425 17.8% Other 0 38,500 25,000 (13,500) -35.1% Operating Transfer 159,446 387,325 518,258 130,933 33.8% Total 6,114,412 7,056,996 8,192,094 1,135,098 16.1% CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 PROPOSED PERSONNEL(1) 1991-92 1991-92 1992-93 Increase 1990-91 Adopted Revised Proposed (Decrease) FUND Actual Budget Budget Budget Revised'92 GENERAL FUND City Secretary/Mayor/Council 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 City Manager's Office 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 0.5 Support Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Finance 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 (1.0) Municipal Court 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 Fire Services 11.2 11.2 11.2 13.2 2.0 Police Services 18.0 18.0 18.0 20.0 2.0 Public Safety Support 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 Building Inspection 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 Streets/Drainage 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 0.0 Parks and Recreation 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 Public Works Administration 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.0 Community Development (2) 2.0 2_5 2.5 4.0 1_5 Total Personnel General Fund 65.2 67.2 68.2 76.2 8.0 UTILITY FUND Water Utilities 7.5 8.5 8.5 9.5 1.0 Wastewater Utilities 0.0 1.0 1_0 2.0 1.0 Total Personnel Utility Fund 7.5 9.5 9.5 11.5 2.0 GRAND TOTAL PERSONNEL 72.7 76.7 77.7 87.7 10.0 Full Time 74.0 76.0 77.0 86.0 9.0 Part Time/Temporary 0.7 0_7 0.7 1.7 1_0 Total Personnel 74.7 76.7 77.7 87.7 10.0 (1) Part time and temporary positions listed as an equivalent percentage of a full time position. (2) One part time intern position deleted, one full time position transferred from Finance Division, one full time position added. person.wk3 CITY OF SOUTHL.AKE PROPOSED BUDGET 1992-93 ALL FUNDS SUMMARY EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT 1991-92 1992-93 1990-91 Adopted Proposed $ Increase/ % Increase/ UTILITY FUND Actual Bud_et Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Water Utilities 302 15.7% $189,554 $263,425 $304,727 Personnel Operations & Maintenance 1,017,919 1,098,970 1,155,220 56,250 5.1% Capital 1805, 04 252000 145,625 1 020,625 482.5 1,387,977 1,387,395 1,605,572 218,177 15.7% Total Wastewater Utilities Personnel 28,450 30,030 54,689 24,659 82.1% 24,659 -15.1% 223131 593,030 501,212 ( ) Operations &Maintenance � 3,700 81,300) -95.6% Capital 252,630, 40 708,060 559,601 (148,459) -21.0% Total Sanitation 0 0 0 0 0.0% Personnel 0 179,710 232,200 52,490 29.2% Operations & Maintenance Capital 0 179,710 232,200 52,490 29.2% Total Non-DepartmentalizedOthe0 0 25,000 25,000 100.0% Debt Service 80,070 89,423 79,719 (9,704) -10.9% Debt 159,446 159,446 267,295 10 ,84 79 67.6% Operating Transfer 239,516 248,869 372,014 123,145 49.5% Total TOTAL UTILITY FUND 1,880,123 2,524,034 2,769,387 245,353 9.7% DEBT SERVICE FUND 493,444 543,306 665,435 122,129 22.5% Debt Service 0 227,879 250,963 23,08410.1% Operating Transfer 493,444 771,185 916,398 145,213 18.8% Total TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND SPECIAL REVENUE- PARKS/RECREATION FUND 5,850 0 2,000 2,000 100.0% Operations &Maintenance 0 30,000 75,000 45,000 150.0% Capital 5,850 30,000 77,000 47,000 156.7% Total GRAND TOTAL $6,114,412 $7,056,996 $8,192,094 $1,135,098 16.1% Fort Worth Star-Telegram . • 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 TIE STATE OF TEXAS unty of Tarrant Before me , a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared CAL RIT,Fy Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE AD INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL RATE AMOUNT SEP 04 6933432 JCL. 358 1X38 L 38 . 40 15 . 20 S ORDINANCE NO.569 Sept 4 AN ORDINANCE OF P• 0. , Sb9 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH- LAKE TEXAS AP- PROVING REVISED BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991-92, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FIS- CAL YEAR BEGIN- NING OCTOBER 1 1992 AND TERMINAYING SEPTEMBER 30 1993, AND MAKING AISPRO- PR IATIONSFOR EACH DEPARTMENT 1211 CAC- NGDI- -00/e VAN SIGNED NASSEDANDAPPROVED D SWORN—TV BEFORE ME, THIS THE --- A OF NSECONDREADINGTHIS NOTARY P "PI N:ER. 1992 HE 1st DAY OF SEPTEM- IER,1992 Gary FIckes, MayoE ATTrST:South lake of , Sandra L.LeGrand, TARRANT COUNTY, TE S City Secretaryy E.Allen ed as 10 form: ♦g44yeq ,�,`,�,. E.Allen Taylor Jr., +�G SPEP�CER City Attorney J G V`71 Y Y��� r1►q .f1B111 MTVIRYIsi , ff7 4-4 COMMISSION EXPIRE #%. Y= JANUARY 28, 1995 `4, 4 1� F pF1 Aw 1...:...v.:4- TEAR(.19 ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT-� REMIT TO : 400 W . SEVENTH, FW, TX 76102 For ►'<E VA: XXXXX*XXIMMCKWI IXOE 0 2051 h tar- Tele!491t gram ACCOUNT AMOUNT 15 NUMBER DUE 2 ` 1 ,,, 1 4 PAGE OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N C A R R O L L A V E PLEASE PAY 15. 20 1 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092-8898 THIS AMOUNT ATTN : SANDRA LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED Fort Worth Star-Telegram 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 ***.INVOICE/AFFIDAVITx**INVOICE/AF^IiJAVIT"'" E STATE OF TEXAS Linty of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared CAL RITFY Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram , published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas ; and who , after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE AD INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL INCH/LINE RATE AMOUNT AUG 21 6924629 CL . 358 1X45 L 45 . 55 24 . 75 Aug 21 P . O . # ORD . 569 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE isherebygiventoall interested persons that the Ci- ty Council of the City of South- ....._ lake Texas,will be holding a ......... ...... ....__ _._ __. pubic hearing during the Rto begular Ciheldtyon Sep Councilte mb meereting1e , -�_-.- 1992, at 7:00 .m.,Southlake City Hall 667 North Carroll Avenue,$outhlake,Texas. Purpose of the hearing is to �)........ __. _.... ........_...-.. consider redtlingOt I _._.. ......... _... the following ordinance: ' the ordinance: ORDINANCE NO.569 . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF _ UBS RIBED A D SWORN TO BEFORI NAKEiTT u a E tAsso - = 2 i D 4.. OF A �Sri'�-T992 PROVING REVISED RY PU6LIC '' 1''� BUDGET FIGURES FOR FISCAL YEAR � �� 7991-92; APPROVING � � . ' AND ADOPTING THE > BUDGET FOR THE FISACAL YEAR BE- TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS - —......-�. ..� __......"... ............_...� _ GINNING OCTOBER 1, 1992, AND TERMINAT- ,mgiy�.�r0'N�'�'r�' 1 93 G ANDTMAKINGRAP- �� �„ ' EACH DATIONS FOR ---- --- _�p�.�I� EACH DEPARTMENT, Jft-NC PROJECT AND AC- ro� ' a, a KA HttYI�C I COUNT REPEALING i•�/.erk 'S COMMISSION EXPIRES CONFLICTING '' }9 A SAVINGS AND SEV- _...... /I',`o"_ .. - ' ANDBDECLARINGI API 1��+ EFFECTIVE DATE. .1„.. kilt) City of re thlake Sandra L.LeGrand -TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATISiv A�NU FT I UI IN I lit LJWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT-� REMIT TO : 400 W . SEVENTH, FW , TX 76102 PET TO: !. Ke'X -xx X R xvwx-xxxxxx xn-2051 Port PEWIWorth Star-Telegram ACCOUNT AMOUNT 6924629 NUMBER CIT57 DUE 24 . 75 PAGE -OF 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N CARROLL AVE PLEASE PAY 24 . 75 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092-8898 THIS AMOUNT , ATTN : SANDY LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED