0498THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 498 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXASv BEING A TRACT OF LAND KNOWN AS TRACT NO. i OR THE MASSEY TRACT, AND MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT ~A~ HERETO; FINDING THAT ALL NECESSARY AND REQUIRED LEGAL CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN SATISFIED; PROVIDING THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECOME A PART OF THE CITY AND THAT THE OWNERS AND INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLED TO THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES NOW IN EFFECT AND TO BE HEREAFTER ADOPTED; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO UPDATE THE OFFICIAL CITY HAP; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE CERTIFIED COPIES OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH THE COUNTY CLERKS OF DENTON COUNTY AND TARIL%NT COUNTY, AND WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER AND SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the city of Southlake, Texas ("the City") is authorized to annex contiguous and adjacent property into the City pursuant to Section 1.03 of the Southlake City Charter and Section 43.021 of the Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, attached to this ordinance is Exhibit "A", which shall be considered a part of this ordinance as though set forth in its entirety herein, and which is incorporated herein for all purposes, such Exhibit containing the following: (1) a service plan outlining the services which will be provided to the annexed area; (2) the legal description of the territory to be annexed and (3) two maps of the annexed area; and WHEREAS, the legal description, the maps of the tract to be annexed and the service plan shall be considered collectively in describing and identifying the tract in question; and - 1 - W~EREAS, the territory described in Exhibit "A" is not part of another city, is contiguous and adjacent to the present corporate limits of the city and is either surrounded by the City or is within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction; and w~REAS, the city Council conducted public hearings on the annexation of the herein described territory on February 20, 1990 and March 6, 1990 after publication of notice of the public hearings in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the official city newspaper and a newspaper having general circulation in the City and in the territory to be annexed, and all interested parties were permitted to be heard on the annexation; and WHEREAS, the annexation of the property described in the attached Exhibit "A" is being done to promote and protect the general health, safety and welfare of the persons residing in the area to be annexed as well as the persons within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake by providing the services outlined in the attached service plans as well as the protection afforded by the various ordinances, rules and regulations of the City; and waEREAS, prior to the publication of notice of the public hearings, the City Council directed the City staff to prepare service plans that provided for the extension of municipal services into each area to be annexed, which plans have been on file with the City Secretary prior to the public hearings; and WHEREAS, the service plan attached hereto does not provide fewer services, nor does it provide a lower level of services in the area to be annexed than were in existence in that area at the time immediately preceding the annexation or which are otherwise - 2 - available in other areas of the City with land uses and population densities similar to those reasonably contemplated or projected in the newly annexed area;and WHEREAS, this Ordinance was read in two consecutive regular city Council meetings after giving ten (10) days published notice of the second City Council meeting, which meeting provided for a public hearing and all interested persons were allowed to be heard at said meeting; and WHEREAS, all provisions of the Southlake City Charter and Chapter 43 of the Texas Local Government Code have been complied with. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: SECTION 1 That all of the above premises are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2 That the property described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes, is hereby annexed and brought within and into the corporate limits of the City of Southlake, Denton County and Tarrant County, Texas. That the owners and shall be entitled to all citizens and property owners of SECTION 3 inhabitants of the area herein annexed of the rights and privileges of other the City and are hereby bound by - 3 - all acts, ordinances and all other legal action now in full force and effect and all those which may be hereafter adopted. SECTION 4 That the official map and boundaries of the City of Southlake, Texas, heretofore adopted and amended shall be and are hereby amended so as to include the aforementioned territory as part of the City of Southlake, Texas and the City Manager is hereby directed and authorized to perform, or cause to be performed, all acts necessary to correct the official map of the City of Southlake, Texas, to add the territory hereby annexed as required by law. SECTION 5 That the city Secretary is hereby directed and authorized to file certified copies of this Ordinance in the Offices of the County Clerks of Denton County and Tarrant County, Texas, and to send certified copies of this Ordinance to the State Comptroller and the Secretary of State. SECTION 6 This Ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Southlake, Texas, except where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 7 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence - 4 - paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or any such unconstitutional section. SECTION 8 The City Secretary of the City of Southlake is hereby directed to publish the proposed ordinance or its caption and penalty together with a notice setting out the time and place for a public hearing thereon at least ten (10) days before the second reading of this ordinance, and if this ordinance provides for the imposition of any penalty, fine or forfeiture for any violation of any of its provisions, then the City Secretary shall additionally publish this ordinance in the official City newspaper one time within ten days after passage of this ordinance, as required by Section 3.13 of the Charter of the City of Southlake. SECTION 9 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, the 27th day of March, 1990. - 5 - 1 - 9 - OZ'Plo\exeTs\ (J :SAIZOS33S A • O6 G/ /7 :USZdOUV _ 'aqua Aeuaoggy AgTo ''' 44/e,"0 r/ ALI'IrdOS'I UNV OS SK aaAo2iaav r,.��� AuvLa I3as ASI `�a�Nan�ud�gkfi 7)4--vir * :SSSLZK IOC" . .- - ,y` ..•• � � Ndie L„. i�d -1411,10 • '0661 'TTIdV 3o AeP TtL1 aug 'sexes 'axeT gnos 30 AgTO aug 1 Jo TTounoo AgTO aug Aq ONlaNiau cIMOOaS HO OKAO2Idd UNY USSSKd a i 1 CI ..it “mv-i ---iv.,1-11171 -I ?--1 .1. (11\111 -1-1171V10 JAW')1T-1V AN T f:". f >10 >710n-in10 -100vn-10 .1, .1 >1"1.,!01, 1 -1V-.1>1 Cl , >.:-.)!.-7:710 711 t I ,-In -1,„.--•.0 -.:-.10 --ty I t\I-1'..,! -1-1.V.:. 71141 ;":31 "..1T>7115:'.71N lin T Hel NC TOT ACIN.-1 ANV V , . nn " .''1: ' C. 7 71 -1 in : 01N1unn00 !.. ' , v 1 0 t s RqD6 sAn 07,7Rfl 7.nr5lnnf:, - nn 'c'T (IN c"''.7.-c3T/n I n T --HAITI (17,1-1T 1 1 NrIOLI.! (.1",-)-1-1 1 1 N-1L.!r!>1 .5;N T 27.7. 2n n6/Ftn/cm 7.1-;:.,K-1 P.c.?;-.15,'9106T -11A1 T 1 711 V CI f.T711 N T::!-!,-1 ..,171,1 ."7:T Fi 71;s1 (IN 1:11-1.n1 N "1":4 V-11.111105; 10 A I.T:7) : 1 1 . 1 I '1 C) '1 N -1 V T ...-) T 1 1 Cl -1-1:n A 1.N.110*.''1) -- N C) S N -1 Cl N 71 H '1 N SI ',..1 7 00 0 v Y. "1 1 ..1, .1 KI t-i 0 .1-). I N V N P. ',./ 1 -- A 0 N 1 .:.'.. -1 Cl 1 0 N 0 (..1-----(T...!o n ms...i, -iv T-..-tJT -1-In 7nI t -10 i!:T,:- - ST 2711.1,1 -9N TNNV 1'1- X I '.7'1V"1;11000 1-10>E:112'..-; N /09 -.'17'..1',./ 1111 ItC)':-:.. Jr'- A 1 T.0 . (Ti T /. n n 1 c. , . - . 0 , . - '... . .... - . . .. , .,.. ,. ..._ ......:__ •._•.—.. :,,...... TRACT NO. 1 12/21/89 BEING a tract of land out of the R. D. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRAL~NO. 1207, Tarrant County, Te~, and being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGII~gING at an iron pin, said point being 267.0 feet North of the Northwest corner of t.he J.W. Chivers Survey; North along a fence 956.6 feet to a set sto~e for corner; THENC~ S 89°10' W. 1367.8 feet to a pipe for corner; THENCE S 87°58' W. 116.4 feet to an iron pin in the Fm~terly line of County ~Dad No. 3016; TH~gCE S 43°40' E. along sa/d w~terly line 117.3 feet to an iron pin at the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE SoutheAsterly along said curve 236.6 feet to an iron pin at the end of said curve; THENCE S 35~06' E. continuing along the Easterly line of said County Boad 812.0 feet to an iron pin for corner; TH~CE N 89°54' E. 788.7 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and con~alning 24.55 acres of land, more or less. EXHIBIT "A" TO ORDINANCE NO. 498 ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN TRACT 1 GENERAL: This annexation incorporates an area of the R.D. PRICE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1207, Tarrant County, Texas, referred to as TRACT 1 (see attachment). SOLID WASTE COLLECTION: Solid Waste Collection service in the City presently being provided by Lakeside Sanitation. of Southlake is UTILITY SERVICE: POWER: GAS: CABLE TV: TELEPHONE: WATER: (TU Electric/Tri-County Electric) will provide power service to the annexed area under terms of an existing Franchise Agreement with the City of Southlake. Lone Star Gas will provide gas service to the annexed area under terms of an existing Franchise Agreement with the City of Southlake. Planned Cable Systems Corp. will provide Cable TV service to the annexed area under terms of an existing Franchise Agreement with the City of Southlake. (General Telephone Company/Southwestern Bell Telephone Company) will provide service ~o the annexed area under terms of an existing Franchise Agreement with the City of Southlake. This will include the "9-1-1" Emergency Program. The City of Southlake is providing the water service to this area and will continue to upgrade the System in accordance with the current Distribution System Master Plan. EXHIBIT "A" TO ORDINANCE NO. 498 Annexation Service Plan Page 2 WATER: (cont.) Attached is a map showing the System Master Plan with the ultimate water facilities for this area. All water system improvement within the annexation area will be in accordance to the present City policy, and will occur regardless of the annexation. SEW-ER: Wastewater flows from this annexation will be accommodated by Septic Systems installed in accordance with Southlake City Ordinance that adopts the Texas Board of Health Standards for the construction of private sewage facilities. This area is included in the wastewater Collection System Master Plan that is currently being studied. ROADWAYS AND ROADWAY MAINTENANCE: The proposed annexation area is currently being maintained by City forces. The City will continue to provide maintenance to the current streets and will include them in the City's ultimate street plan for upgrade. Maintenance for new streets constructed after annexation of the area will be governed by present City policy and subdivision construction standards. POLICE PROTECTION: The annexed area is currently and will continue to be patrolled 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. No additional police personnel or capital expenditures are expected as a direct result of annexation of this area in providing police protectien. EXHIBIT "A" TO ORDINANCE NO. 498 Annexation Service Plan Page 3 FIRE PROTECTION AND AMBULANCE SERVICE: The annexed are is currently and will continue to be provided fire protection and ambulance service by the central fire station until additional substations are required by development in the general area of this annexation. The additional staffing, equipment, and capital expenses will be incurred regardless of the annexation. SUMMARY: Fire protection, Police protection, Water and Sewer services to the area can be provided at no direct expense to the City under present policies, ordinances, and staffing levels. All other services can be provided via Franchise Agreement with TU Electric, Tri-County Electric, Lone Star Gas, Planned Cable Systems and Lakeside Sanitation, Inc. RECOMMENDED FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION: Curtis E. Hawk City Manager J TRACT LOCATION MAP-- ~. /(?~.~ 2~02-476 ~ /~.4oo' s,, PROPOSED WAT YS ~; "-., ~.,,.o~_:,-- - .... :.. -.~ ~' . ~ - ~" ~ . .,' 0.6 ~ -- ~ --./ / pROPOSED SEWER PLAN Fort Worth Star-Telegram 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 THE STATE OF TEXAS unty of Tarrant Before me , a Notary ublic in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared i9IQEn/ A LD/Z. Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram , published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth , in Tarrant County , Texas ; and who , after being duly sworn , did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL INCHJLINE RATE AMOUNT APR 18 6501984 CL . 358 1X70 L 70 . 38 26 . 60 april 18 THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS ORDINANCE NO.498 AN ORDINANCE AN- NEXING ADJACENT USTER- R TORYNNTOTOHECITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEX- AS,BEING A TRACT OF LAND KNOWN AS TRACT NO. 1 OR THE MASSEY TRACT, AND MORE FULLY AND SCRIBED INLY EXHBIDT "A"HERETO•FINDING THAT ALL NECESSARY AND REQUIRED LE- GAL CONDITIONS HAVE - BEEN SATISFIED;PRO- VIDING THAT SUCH SIGNED 0.1 - AREA SHALL BECOME SUBSCRIBED APART OF THE CITY BEFORE ME , THIS THE I`/ DAY OF 042,4 (1,0 AND THAT THE AWN- NOTARY PUBLIC ERS AND INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE id.,144-1 ENTITLED TO THE RIGHTS AND PRIVI- LEGES OF OTHER CITI- TARRANT COJNTY, TE AS ZENS AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND OR- IN EF- DINAN CANDOyTO BE HEREAFTER ADOPT- 01 AFFIDAVITS ED;DIRECTINGTHE CI- TY MANAGER TO UP- DATE THE OFFICIAL CITY MAP;DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE CERTIFIED NANCEOF WII- TH OTHE J t COUNTY CLERKS OF _---_ DENTON ANT COUNTY UNTY,OUNTY AND WITH THE STATE •RFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT -y COMPTROLLER AND - SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING THAT THISORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULA- REMIT TO : 400 W • SEVENTH, FW , TX 76102 I TIVE OF ALL ORDI- ort Wort CLAUSEUBLICATIO SEVERABILI C , egram CLAUSE; PROVIDING tillriliRMA (jXXj)(} �(I ( (( �Xr 6197 FOR PUBLICATION; II AND PROVIDING 4N ir EFFECTIVE DATE. 6501984 PASSED AND APPROVED ACCOUNT CIT57 AMOUNT 26 . 60 THIS THE 17th DAY OF NUMBER APRIL,1990 GARY FICKES MAYOR OF SOUTHLAKE 'AGE 1E 1 ATTEST: SANDRA L.LEGRAND CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: E. CITY ATTALLENORNELYOR JR. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINA 667 N CARROLL PLEASE PAY ► 26 . 60 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 0 THIS AMOUNT ATTN : SANDRA LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED Fort Worth Star-Telegram _ 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 41 STATE OF TEXAS my of Tarrant Before me , a Notary public in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared MAf€EIV P9)1.012 Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram , published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth , in Tarrant County , Texas ; and who , after being duly sworn , did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : ;; E DESCRIPTION L AD SIZE TOTAL RATE AMOUNT INC APR 06 6495257 CL . 358 1X79 L 79 . 38 30 . 02 anril 6 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Is hereby given to all interested persons that the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas,will be holding a public hearingonApr1117,1990 during the Regular City Council meet- ing to begin at 7:30 p.m.,In the City Council Chambers of City Hall,667 North Carrol l Avenue, Southlake,Texas. PurposeofthehearIngIstocon- siderthefoliowingordinancein second reading: THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS ORDINANCE SIGNED 011Q^e,- •SCR IBED AN ORDINANCE AN- O Q' NEXING ADJACENT > BEFORE ME , THIS THE �I DAY F a.�-�- l ANDCONTIGUOUSTER- OFRITOSOUTHLAKEETEX-ITY NOTARY PUBLIC AS,BEING A TRACT OF ti( / LAND KNOWN AS TRACT NO. 1 OR THE MASSEY TRACT, AND TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS MORE FULLY AND COMPLETELY DE- At.:1(T.►��h� SCRIBED IN EXHIBIT 'I�' �%�r SUE A. RUSSELL "A"HERETO'FINDING ?? ' ''�^�� 01 AFFIDAVITS. THAT ALL NECESSARY �•i NI.'�:q C 3!MISSION EXPIRESAND " GA CONDITIONS HAD VE V;.' i\:+�j OCTOBER 27, 1993 BEEN SATISFIED;PRO- .,�'•••••.•'k- VIDING THAT SUCH '��, AREA SHALL BECOME 60 A PARTTHE CITY AND THAT THE OWN- ERSAND INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE RIGHTLED ANDTO PRIVII-- HIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT —� LEGES OF OTHER CITI- _— ZENS AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND OR- DINANCES NOW IN EF- FECT AND TO BE HEREAFTER ADOPT- REMIT TO : 400 W . SEVENTH, FW, TX 76102 ED;DIRECTINGTHECI- TY MANAGER TO UP- DATE THE OFFICIAL �qr X Or e e O CITY MAP;DIRECTING g ,,_,:„.....,..,_ ram X (XXXXXX x.,x �P7x° „X R' TX„f„,'X AS 76197 THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE CERTIFIED 6 4 9 5 2 5 7 COPIES OF THIS ORDI- NANCE WITH THE ACCOUNT AMOUNT COUNTY CLERKS OF NUMBER CIT57 DUE 30 . 02 DENTON COUNTY AND TARRANT COUNTY AND WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER AND PAGE 1 OF 1 SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING a, THATTHISORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULA- TIVE OF ALL ORDI- NANCES;PROVIDINGA SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. fa City L.LeGra Southlake Sandra L. nd CITY CityUSeccretarr y U f H L A K E ORIGINAL 667 N CARROLL PLEASE PAY 30 . 02 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 0 THIS AMOUNT ATTN : SANDRA LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED Fort Worth Star-Telegram • 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 IE STATE OF TEXAS _Junty of Tarrant Before me , a Notary Public in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared 1�D17Cc L, 0....$J-4 Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram , published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth , in Tarrant County , Texas ; and who , after being duly sworn , did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE DESCRIPTION AD SIZE INCH/L AMOUNT NOTICE OF APR 04 6493080 CL • 358 NOTICE IISIHEREBYGIVEN 1X82 L 82 • 38 31 . 16 TO ALL INTERESTED PER- apr i l 4 SONSTHAT THE CITYCOUNa CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUT ., HOLDING AXPUA C WILL 5. ING ON APR IL 17,1990,at 7:SI p.m.In the City Council Char* bers of City Hall 667 North Car- r"IlAvenue,Southlake,Texas. Purposeof the hea ring Is foam. skier the second reading of t14 following ordinance. ,•' THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS ORDINANCE NO.490 AN ORDINANCE AN- NEXING ADJACENT ANDCONTIOUOUSTER- OF SOUTRY HLAKEE CITY TEX- k 1, / AS,BEINGATRACTOF ED v •L UB`CRIBED AND SWORN T TRACT NON100R THWN E "HIS THE �O DAY OF /' =' / Q 7U MASSEY TRACT, AND MORE FULLY AND NOTARY PUBLIC 5,,, �(�`�G,w� /' COMPLETELY DE- `--`„T SCRIBED IN EXHIBIT ` THATALHERETO FINDING ' ;, -�-� ARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS THAT ALL U I RE D L E- _,T.:-- ',Ft AND REQUIRED LE- r� GAL CONDITIONSHAVE 2: ( r+ JUE BEENSATISFIED•PRO• �' ► COMMhS,U� CAi RE VIDING THAT �UCN I\ AFFIDAVITS AREA SHALL BECOME +e aCiflBER 27, i993 A PART OF THE CITY i , AND THAT THE OWN-4 '4,f� �, ERSAND INHABITANTS v- THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLED TO THE r. RIGHTS AND PRIVI- LEGES OF OTHER CITI- . ZENS AND BE BOUND `�/ jilt) BY THE ACTS AND OR- DINANCES NOW IN EF- fe�TEAR ALONG THIS FECT AND TO BE HEREAFTER ADOPT- TURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT ---,AED;DIRECTINGTHECI- — TY MANAGER TO UP- DATE THE OFFICIAL CITY MAP;DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY' REMIT TO : 400 W • SEVENTH, FW, TX 76102 TO FILE CERTIFIED Fbrt Worth SCOPIESOFTHISORDI- PET TO•COUNTY CLERKS OF r r DENTON COUNTY AND AND WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER AND ACCOUNT AMOUNT 6493080 SECRETARY OF NUMBER CIT57 DUE 31 . 16 STATE; PROVIDING THATTHISORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULA- TIVE OF ALL ORDI- NANCES;PROVIDINGA 1 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATON•AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. All Interested persons are urged to attend. City of Southiake Sandra L.LeGrand City Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGIN 667 N CARROLL PLEASE PAY THIS � 31 . 16 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 0 ATTN : SANDRA LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED