0489 City of Southlake, Texas ORDINANCE NO. 489 AN ORDINANCE ALTERING TI1E PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 167 AND 169 OF ARTICLE XIX, R.C.S. 6701d, UNIFORM ACT REGULATING TRAFFIC ON HIGHWAYS, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION UPON CERTAIN STREE'T'S AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, AS SET OUT IN THE ORDINANCE: AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, section 167 and 169 of Article XIX, R.C.S. 6701d, Uniform ,.,t Regulating Traffic on Highways, provides that whenever the governing body of the City shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any prima facie speed therein set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any part of a street or hightmay, with the City taking into consideration the width and condition of the pavement and other circumstances on such portion of said street or highvray, as well as the usual traffic thereon, said govern body may determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit thereat or thereon by the passage of an ordinance, which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such intersection or other place or part of the street or highway, now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. Upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation heretofore made as authorized by the provisions of Section 167 and 169 of Article XIX, R.C.S. 6701d, Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways, the following prima facie speed limits hereafter indicated for vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe; and such speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for vehicles traveling upon the named streets and highways, or parts thereof, described as follows: I. Northwest Bound Lane A) From Station 81-40 (north city limit of Southlake on SH 114), southeasterly 2.387 miles to Station 207+00, at 55 miles per hour. City of South lake, Texas ordinance No. 489 page two B) From Station 207+00 southeasterly 1.610 miles to Station 292+00 (720' southeast of EM 1709), at 45 miles per hour. C) From Station 292-)) southeasterly 0.983 mile to Station 342+94 Southlake- Grapevine City Limit), at 55 miles per hour. II. Southeast Bound Lane A) From Station 110-06 (north city limit of Southlake on SH114), southeasterly 1.834 miles to Station 207+00 at 55 miles per hour. B) From Station 207+00 southeasterly 1.610 miles to Station 292+00 (7201 southeast of FM 1709) , at 45 miles per hour. C) From Station 292+00 southeasterly 0.989 mile to Station 334+23 Southlake-Grapevine City Limit), at 55 miles per hour. Section 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars. This ordinance supersedes all previous ordinances pertaining to the above referenced highway. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989. ,,M;!5yor G.Yry kes-,J %ST Sandra L. LeGrand E City Secretary Cn 4K DEVELOPMENT RE_S. SIGHT DISTANCE BALL SANK or ADVISORY SPEED CURVES OVER 2 ° 3°00' GRADES OVER 3 % SUR. WIDTH AND TYPE Is3sN'a~l R.O.W. AND RDQD. WIDTH ACCIDENTS (1977) p ZONE LENGTHS MILE o.-0p ZONE SPEEDS MPH e29NEL5 BYD/5'T. /o 1,-4 64 55 55 MPH 5T TOWARD 4 a f'!/ESTLA,E'E C. L. BEARINGS TOWARD o ~P0 61 WESTLAKF Rao ids 55 P ZONE SPEEDS MPH ~o.~~o erasr. ~e iNestfafre ZONE LENGTHS MI p.- ACCIDENTS 1977 R.O.W. AND RDBD. WIDTH SUR. WIDTH AND TYPE GRADES OVER 3% CURVES OVER 2 ° BALL BANK or ADVISORY SPEED RES. SIGHT DISTANCE DEVELOPMENT DIST. NO. 02 COUNTY TA,Pe41tl1' MINUTE N0. 64194 DATE /C'2-70 HIGHWAY S1,11 114 CITY SOU>f1LA.eE REPLACES 61961 DATE 3-d -6s REPLACED BY NCNE DATE DATE OF SURVEY OCT. 1959 SCALE /DOO CANCELED BY DATE LIMITS OF ZONE SECTION ONE LENGTH MILES SECTION TWO LENGTH MILES STA. ORM.P. CONT.BSECT. PROJECT STA. OR MP. CONT. aeE - PROJECT BEGINS 3S3 -03 BEGINS STA. OR M.P. CONT. B SEC PROJECT STA. OR M. P. CONT.B SECT. PROJECT ENDS ENDS 4-64- Rey 2°30 P'a0til 24ASPH ~lN:^ PfI!/ 2-/OTit~7 C,P_SE" .^U,F;~ T,FTib.^r ~l1~Lv:'.' 2M• L. 0 00a0c 0 00 Co 0& n 2.387 55 7 56 -t-j 66 2 PwG ~ eo iso J'OLTf/LAKE ✓i 6/TY 6101TS ~F.r'gG OY 38 ~ 58 2 55 55 L04 4 Q ti cr) 42 85 PERCENTILE SPEED G2 TOP SPEED MEASURED t25 NUMBER OF CARS CHECKED SPEED ZONE. I 0 FATAL ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENT PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT • O INDICATES SECTION ZONED - BY COMMISSION MINUTE ti N Q D o a C is ! <f65 5.3 ~!h 0 hI q!~ h XO,. ~ -Trat(ic Light c i a /6D /BO 2A~ \V-,, ~ p TIN 0D F41 "7-HZ 6; 4 POP, woo !3 2 O cooco 24 SPH. CD.UC. PiP!! 0 n Y HOT tii;,? U /,6/0 0.983 4r 55 148 0 12 U ..250 too 300 Q v V G~gL'_ UC h ¢ OAK W ~ 48 3F~. e 0 9 63 V 12 2 2 45 55 1.6/0 0.989 T ' 2-/9' TWO .5',YCF, T['t"? S'HLbkS. 2 A'1 L. ' ~ L I~ M IM 2 ~ _ 44 3S4 ' - 4~S ' O e ,%o,a~ g y rr of ~,~APE~ ~✓E AT S5" S6 3 68 /27 PpEsr Pow ~ v,2 5 7 Al !f FPONTAGE ~,C, yPy y Y 4,A.,,TS 5o~Ly ~ ~ cou~vrr y r /Z9 ZONEt~ BY C/TY OF d ell -,FVIA A7- 55 CQ - R~ h Fort Worth Star-Telegram 400 W SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 THE STATE OF TEXAS runty of Tarrant Before me , a Notary Public in and for said County and State , this day personally appeared�O -'e- RIVE/ A- Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram , published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth , in Tarrant County , Texas ; and who, after being duly sworn , did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates : DATE DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL INCH/LINE RATE AMOUNT DEC 10 6433172 december 10 CL . 358 1X48 L 48 . 60 e$ • $0 City of SOutnlake, I exas ORDINANCE NO.489 AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED VEHIICLESAUNDERDTHE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 167 AND 169 OF ARTICLE ACT REGULATING UNIFORM THE BASIS O AAN ENO VESTIGATION UPONFCER- TAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS "• THEREOF WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF I G E D _ AS SET OUTY OTFINOTHE SOUTHLAKE, 12 DEcE lM Ig v �L4 P SUBSCRIBED ANANCELANDPROVIDINGA3EFORE ME , T-II HE DA OF c PENALTY OF A FINE NOT NOTARY PUBLIC Q2� TOEXCEEDS200.pOFOR VIO- CATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. Section 2.Any person violating T A R R A N T COUNTY , TEXAS any of the provisions of this or- dinance shall be deemed guilty 4� .°1'r;� SUE A. RUSSEIt of a misdemeanor and upon . , In any conviction more It banitw " `•f COMMISSION EXPI ES 01 AFFIDAVITS • 00 hundred cs200.001 dollars. ---.-----"---- ,. CW CCTOBER 27, 193 pThis ordinance supersedes all Y Ins vtouthe raboveCerefeenced highway. &,L7, this the say k November, is Gary ay of -Mayor of Southlake ATTEST: Ir Sandra L.LeGrand ERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT -y City Secretary Fort Worth REMIT TO: 010 P.O. BOX 970734 • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76197 6433172 ACCOUNT C I T 5 7 AMOUNT e a: a 0 NUMBER DUE PAGE 36F 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINA 667 N CARROLL PLEASE PAY iii. a8 ' a0 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 0 THIS AMOUNT ATTN : SANDRA LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED Fort Worth Star-Telegram 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76102 THE STATE OF TEXAS unty of Tarrant Before me , a Notary Public in and for said County and State , tr .s day personally appeared �gSp,l4 (L,vem_ Billing Specialist for tl- ' Fort Worth Star-Telegram , published by the Star-Telegram Inc . at Fort Worth in Tarrant County , Texas ; and who , after being duly sworn , did depose and Ely that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the abo% 2 named paper on the following dates : DATE DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL iNCHlLINE RATE AMOUNT NOV 26 6427351 november 26 CL . 358 1X45 L 45 . 7E 32 . 40 ORDINANCE NO.489 AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VE- HICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SEC- TION 167 AND 169OF AR- TICLE XIX,R.C.S.6701d, UNIFORM ACT REGU- LATING _-__._-_...__..-_w_-_-_.-__.__. ___r__-._.____.-__-..-..- TRAFFIC ON HIGHWAYS,UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGI- NEERING AND TRAF- FIC INVESTIGATION • _....... UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGH- O WAYS OR PARTS THEREOF WITHINTHE -7— CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH-LA , T OUT IN S G N E THEEORDINANCE:AND D ,/ PROVIDING A PENAL- )RN TO BEFORE ME , T l� THE DAY OF V /19c�' -,-.--- ��JBS� TYOFAFINENOTTO EXCEED $2000.00 FOR VIOLATION OFTHIS NOTARY PUBLIC ' ,41 ORDINANCE. j�' -e ` ",_, ., . Section 2.Any person violating ,�,R�:`a T A R R A N T ( )LAITY, TEXAS any of theprovislonsofthisor- `„ - ♦� dinance shall be deemed guilty ?4' •..0, SUE A. RUSSELL of a misdemeanor and uponconvi ned �•1 •% COMMISSION EXPIRES In any�sum ion hno mforeltbanitwo iv`• itit •' thousand(12,003.00)dollars. 1ri;-- 4}�f OCTOBER 21, 1993 01 A F F I D A l :T S • 00 ...... . his ordinance supersedes all . ... revious ordinances pertain- Ing to the above referenced highway. PASSEDANDAPPROVEDIN ._-.._.___.__._______.___________ , SECOND READING THIS THE 21st DAY OF NOVEM- BER,1989, Gary Fickes Ma or of South lake .ONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT -^y Sandra L.LeGrand — City Secretary Approved as to form: E.Allen Taylor Jr. City Attorney Port Worth Str.Te1egram REMIT TO: OOP. P.O. BOX 970734 • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76197 6427351 '' ' :' ACCOUNT CIT57 AMOUNT 32 . 40 d NUMBER DUE 4 ' „ + PAGE OF I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAL 667 N CARROLL PLEASE PAY bib 32 . 40 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 0 THIS AMOUNT Pr- ATTN : SANDRA LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED Fort Worth Star-Telegi 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH TEXAS 76102 THE STATE OF TEXAS DATE DESCRIPTIO CIT57 COUNTY OF TARRANT NOV 10 6419428 november 1 Before me,a Notary Public in and for said County and State,this day personally appeared Rosalie Rivera Billing Specialist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram,published by the Star-Telegram,Inc.at Fort Worth,in Tarrant County,Texas;and who, after being duly sworn,did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: PU NOTC HE OF RING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 6419428 11/10/89 CL358 to all interestedpersonsthatthe City Council of the Clty of South- lake, will be holding a public hearing on November 21,1989, to begin at 7:30 p.m.during the regular City Council Meeting. Location:667 North Carroll Avenue,Southlake,Texas. ************* PurpoheoffheheringIsfoncohne { * - following ordinance. ing* RECONCILE City of Southlake,Texas • * MONTuL ORD MANCE NO.489 CEATER- * CALL 390-75 Signed NGTHENPARIMAFACE ,-'•"d * SPEED LIMITS ESTAB- LISHED Subscribed and sworn to before me,this the 15 UNDER FTT H E OR VEHICLES R O V �R 19 89 ************* SIONS OF SECTION 167—' AND 169 OF ARTICLE XIX, R.C.S. 6701d, UNI- , Notary Public FORM ACT REGULAT- /r ING TRAFFIC ON HIGH- WAYS,UPON THE BASIS[•eXaS. OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTI- GATION UPON CER- TAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS K� THEREOF WITHINTHE CORPORATE LIMITSOF I THE CITY OF SOUTH- - '- LAKE,OR SET OUTDINANCE:AN N THE D ' { • C PROVIDING A PENAL- TY OF A FINE NOT TO :pins • EXCEED S200.00 FOR 1g93 VIOLATION OF THIS OC ~ Sandra L.LeGE.rand City Secretary City of Southlake CURRENT STATEMENT PERIOD ACCOUNT NUMBER ON RECPT 11/10 — 11/10 CIT57 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE CON TACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT (817) 390-7761. TO ASSIST US IN AN ACCURATE AND TIMELY POSTING OF YOUR PAYMENTS, PLEASE MAIL ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O. BOX 970734 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76197 le TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT .61 • ADVETISNGFort REMIT TO: , TEXAS 6419428 " NUMBER CIT57 DPAYMENT UE DATE ON RECPT l xz� .cr PAGE 1OF CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ORIGINAI 667 N CARROLL PLEASE PAY 18 . 24 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 0 THIS AMOUNT ATTN : SANDRA LEGRAND PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED