Item 6JCITY OF SOUTHLAI<,-E Department of Planning & Development Services ��:adrill 0=:»ll:aI December 11, 2013 CeF�8�[� �eTiK�ifi[�; PROJECT: Preliminary Plat for Legends of Southlake EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Brown Company, on behalf of Thomas Family Partnership Lllp, is requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat for the development of six (6) office/warehouse buildings on approximately 13.83 acres located at 2301 Crooked Lane. SPIN Neighborhood #8 DETAILS: Brown Company, on behalf of Thomas Family Partnership Lllp, is requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat for the development of six (6) office/warehouse buildings. A similar development was approved previously by City Council in April of 2007 under Planning Case ZA07-004 for five (5) office/warehouse buildings totaling approximately 93,732 square feet in size. This request is also being process concurrently with a Zoning Change and Concept Plan under Planning Case ZA 13- 108 and a Site Plan for Lots 1 and 2 under Planning Case ZA13-109. Variances There is a variance associated with this preliminary plat approval request. 1) Dead End Streets — Section 5.03(K) of the Subdivision Ordinance does not allow for a dead end street to be installed. The applicant is requesting a variance to this requirement due to its connection to Dragon Stadium. ACTION NEEDED: Consider Preliminary Plat Approval Request ATTACHMENTS: (A) Background Information (B) Vicinity Map (C) Plans and Support Information — Link to PowerPoint Presentation (D) Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated November 15, 2013 (E) Surrounding Property Owners Map and Responses (F) Full Size Plans (for Commissioners and Council members only) STAFF CONTACT: Ken Baker (817) 748-8067 Daniel Cortez (817) 748-8070 Case No. ZA13-110 OWNER: APPLICANT: PROPERTY SITUATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION IVAkI1XIM N1111115•7el1*1•1Zvi CURRENT ZONING: PROPOSED ZONING: HISTORY: CITIZEN INPUT: SOUTHLAKE 2030: BACKGROUND INFORMATION Thomas Family Partnership Lllp Brown Company 2301 Crooked Lane Tract 1, Green Meadow Subdivision Industrial "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with limited 1-1" Light Industrial District uses "S-P-2" Generalized Site Plan District with "I-1" Light Industrial District and "0-1" Office District uses A final plat was approved by the City Council for the Green Meadow subdivision on December 3, 1974. The 1-1" zoning was placed on the property with the approval of Zoning Ordinance No. 480 on September 19, 1989. A change of zoning from 1-1" to "S-P-2" was approved by City Council on May 7, 2002. - A Zoning Change and Concept Plan was approved by City Council on April 3, 2007 under Planning case ZA07-004. A SPIN meeting was held for this project on August 26, 2013. A copy of the report for this meeting can be found under Attachment `C' of this staff report. Consolidated Land Use Plan The Southlake 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates this property as Industrial. This designation is defined as; Industrial and business service development that is relatively free of unwanted side effects, such as unsightliness, noise, odor, glare, vibrations, etc., is permitted in the Industrial category. If meeting the qualification of relatively free of unwanted side effects, suitable types of development in the Industrial category can be characterized by the manufacturing, processing, packaging, assembly, storage, warehousing and/or distribution of products. Ancillary commercial and retail activities associated with these uses are permitted. Public Parks / Open Space and Public / Semi -Public activities as described above may be permitted if surrounding industrial uses do not pose hazards and are sufficiently buffered. The development as proposed appears to be consistent with the intent of Case No. Attachment A ZA13-110 Page 1 the industrial land use designation at this location. Master Thoroughfare Plan The Master Thoroughfare Plan recommends S. Kimball Avenue to be a 4- lane, divided arterial street with 88-feet of right-of-way. Adequate right-of- way exists for this roadway. Pathways Master Plan The Pathways Master Plan recommends a 6-foot sidewalk along S. Kimball Avenue. The applicant has shown this sidewalk along S. Kimball Avenue and has also shown 5-foot sidewalks along Dean Way. TRANSPORTATION ASSESSMENT: Area Road Network and Conditions The proposed overall development has six (6) individual lots which will all take access onto a new roadway, referenced as Dean Way on the Site Plan. Dean Way will intersect with S. Kimball Avenue approximately 400- feet south of the intersection with Crooked Lane. This new roadway will also dead end and stub out into the Carroll Independent School District stadium site which will have controlled access managed by the school district. * Based on the 2013 City of Southlake Traffic Count Report Traffic Impact Business Park (770) 1 12 145 1 28 1 36 1 120 * Vehicle Trips Per Day * AM -In, AM -Out, PM -In and PM -Out are peak hour generators on a weekday * Based on the ITE: Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition TREE PRESERVATION: The applicant has indicated there is 38.8% tree cover on this site. The "S-P- 2" zoning district does not require the applicant to preserve any minimum amount of trees but rather makes their tree preservation plan subject to City Council's approval. UTILITIES: A 12-inch water line currently exists along the east side of S. Kimball Avenue. An 8-inch sanitary sewer line currently exists along the west side of S. Kimball Avenue. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ACTION: November 21, 2013; Approved (5-0) subject to the Plat Review Summary No. 2 dated November 15, 2013 also the staff report dated November 15, 2013 granting the requested the variance to dead end streets and also noting the applicants agreement to provide an 8-foot masonrywall along the Kaposta property line and providing the specifics of that wall to Council. STAFF COMMENTS: Attached is Plat Review Summary No. 2, dated November 15, 2013. Case No. Attachment A ZA13-110 Page 2 N:ICommunity DevelopmentlMEM012013 Cases1110 - PP -Legends of SouthlakelStaff Report Case No. Attachment A ZA13-110 Page 3 Vicinity Map Legends of Southlake ,o 7 704 2 A0 O E 705 703°^ b° 710 N 720 a o n �r 23p0 2 p0 '07 f7l v 2106 2110 N 2118 o 0a w ZO 2105 2109 2113 2117 2311 o= � 0 U " 2800 2802 2804 2806 280A 2 1 S�OKSI 2811 2723 2803 2801 2805 2807 280, 1960 2020 2030 2010 204 2000 205C 2060 1950 947 1951 Case No. ZA13-110 E N w E 0 s 1085 1075 92S ti p7 C `Y 950 G` 'L2b• 960 ZA13-110 Preliminary Plat 400 800 10g0 1,600 m Feet Attachment B Page 1 Plans and Support Information Proposed Preliminary Plat — OGiCKCLL1U.imu nva'.,riwti. wu•v I.Gell "Sohn v = T 1Vld AHVNIWIl3Hd SLLTLp�� Xl `3mrimiL 1oS 33itllH1floS zio SON3931 S i x <> 0 — � � s Z — I I� p1�! ; �!� ,;il i � �;It ++;,� !,- Ill• It �. ,/ f� 11;., alb � it I t Ela ,.ts ,i< ,l! ,+•i ,a i , � t . a ,' , . !•1 ! 1 ;S14 ill ie 8 t191 gajil t�3! ail �qu � RI �1s��Ei i���! Fl1=�{ late PI$ Ilia III Illii I II It Ili � a� I I y��� � 4��1� �4 �' 1` i�i � i'"•�4=i �f-��— r B gill ' I �gi i�a \ , \ =i I lfi'S{5 •�19 I !� IVI�� FYt I 1 1 II ' 1 1,1 `'Al 1 �J 3�Cs I I---------- -\ ----1 1 i 1 1 1 1 T � � � 1 �111 li II li lil S i li `\ I1 `i Ilai i� Ili a8i i1 1 1 Ili i I° I� ���� oer 'i It !31 ,�' 1'I iM, 1 rp8 1 \ 1 \ ly�k�a I 1 ti8 j S �p I i I I j I jj I I I 1 I I . 1 am9lbmn- -' a S �l fg Case No. Attachment C ZA13-110 Page 1 Ey'a� at pp[CFZ61LIA1 � L609L enal'aRINmS � anva.tl IRQwM S 01 u aa NHId 1d30NO3 ��Asa P O SLU-Pp HVXl `3HVlH1f10S 1 iNIX 3lH1nos d0 SON3931 Ix1SGG21�Q L Ri qg it 5� gg. F j j t - s3{ - - {{ �e�F$F 7F :3iiF 7e3€ �t li�� fE IT Its �l�1�119■1�1 III■III�■�I �III�I�IIAYIII 3Ml143�tl� �._� Case No. Attachment C ZA13-110 Page 2 USOUTHLAKE SPIN MEETING REPORT CASE NO. Formal submittal pending PROJECT NAME: Kimball Business Park (formerly known as Image Business Park) SPIN DISTRICT: SPIN # 8 MEETING DATE: August 26, 2013; 7:00 PM MEETING LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, TX Training Rooms 3A— 3B TOTAL ATTENDANCE: Twelve (12) • SPIN REPRESENTATIVE(S) PRESENT: Matt Schirle 48 • APPLICANT(S) PRESENTING: David Karr, Brown Company, et al 2 • STAFF PRESENT: Lorrie Fletcher, Planner I; Patty Moos, Planner I STAFF CONTACT: TBC) WUrmlIWAR111►y,li!i1_lZvi Property Situation • The property is located 2301 Crooked Lane at the southeast comer of Crooked Lane and South Kimball Avenue directly west of Dragon Stadium. Development Details • Proposed revisions to the previously approved business park concept plan from 5 buildings to 7 buildings ranging in size from 12-14,000 SF to 20,000 SF buildings. The total SF for all the buildings would be increased from 100,000 SF to 120,000 SF (pending required green space calculations). All buildings would be one story (similar to Champion Crossing) with additional architectural features including more colored masonry treatments and additional landscaping for a campus atmosphere. An additional feature would include a potential walking trail throughout the property. • The proposed drive would be changed with a possible connection to the west Dragon Stadium parking lot pending discussions with Carroll ISD. • Tenants would be local businesses looking for larger facilities and local residents wanting to have office space in Southlake. • Buildings would be placed or tucked into the trees to help preserve the existing trees as much as possible. Case No. Attachment C ZA13-110 Page 3 The plan presented at SPIN: MAL WO - I' I sry:. f r `- ' f _ --� Vw- �. Ml Previous Concept Plan g, K1M0A , Proposed Concept Plan AWN ..�.... I � I Proposed Concept Plan Overlay on Aerial Photo Case No. Attachment C ZA13-110 Page 4 Building Concept QUESTIONS / CONCERNS • What type of tenants will lease these buildings? o There is a shortage of 5,000 SF plus office space in the area and this will help meet the needs of those clients. Interest from existing Southlake residents wanting to work and live in Southlake and businesses wanting to expand in and relocate to Southlake. • Will all the buildings be built at once? o No, some buildings will be built at the start and new ones will be built as requested and leased. • Will there be a wall next to the school property? o Yes and No. Walls will be constructed for the adjacent residential property, but discussions with the school district will determine the screening requirements. • What is the timeline for the development o The P & Z meeting has not been scheduled yet. • Will there be parking for the games or tailgating on the property? c) Not sure yet as discussions with the school district have not occurred yet for the drive connection and other items. • Resident likes the plan and likes the connection to the stadium parking lot. K-leeting presentation adjourned at 7:30 pm SPIN Meeting Reports are general observations of SPIN Meetings by City staff and SPIN Representatives. The report is neither verbatim nor official meeting minutes. rather it serves to inform elected and appointed officials. City staff, and the public of the issues and questions raised by residents and the general responses made. Responses as summarized in this report should not be taken as guarantees by the applicant. Interested parties are strongly encouraged to follow the case through the Planning and Zoning Commission and final action by City Council. Case No. Attachment C ZA13-110 Page 5 PLAT REVIEW SUMMARY Case No.: ZA13-110 Project Name: Legends of Southlake APPLICANT: Brown Company David Karr 1205 S. White Chapel Blvd., Ste. 100 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (214) 506-3205 Review No.: Two Date of Review: 11/15/2013 ENGINEER: Adams Engineering Jack H. Garner 910 S. Kimball Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817) 328-3200 Fax: (214) 670-0052 Fax: CITY STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT RECEIVED BY THE CITY ON 11/04/2013 AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS. THESE STIPULATIONS ARE HEREBY MADE CONDITIONS OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE STAFF MEMBER. Planning Review Daniel Cortez, AICP Principal Planner Phone: (817) 748-8070 Email: dcortezCa�ci.south lake.tx.us The Dead end streets are not permitted per the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 Section 5.03(K). A variance will need to be requested with justification provided within the narrative. 2. An "Avigation Easement and Release" per Appendix 3 will be necessary to add at the time of Final Plat is processed for this development on the face of the plat. See the language at the end of this review. 3. Provide a quantitative land use schedule in accordance with the following format: Quantitative Land Use Schedule Phase Existing Existing Proposed Number Gross Net Acreage Open Land Use Zoning Zoning of Acreage Space Buildings Area / % Fire Department Review Kelly Clements Assistant Fire Marshal Phone: (817) 748-8671 E-mail: kclements(cD-ci.southlake.tx.us GENERAL COMMENTS: o Automatic fire sprinkler system will be required for buildings over 6,000 square feet. (per 2009 I.F.C. Sec. 903.2.11.9 as amended) Submit plans to Reed Fire Protection, 14135 Midway Road, Suite G260, Addison, Texas 75001. Phone 214-638-7599. o The required backflow protection (double check valve) for the sprinkler system can be located on the Case No. Attachment D ZA13-110 Page 1 riser if the riser is within 100 feet of the water main. If the riser is further than 100 feet from the main, the double check valve shall be in a pit. Riser rooms shall be a minimum of 5'X5' if the double check is not located on the riser, or a minimum of 6'X6' if it is on the riser. o Fire Department sprinkler connections, FDC, are to be a five inch Storz connection with a 30 degree down elbow and a Knox locking cap. o Fire Department sprinkler connections must be within 100 feet of a fire hydrant, and within 50 feet of a Fire Lane. o All commercial buildings are required to have Knox Box rapid entry systems installed. Boxes can be ordered at www.knoxbox.com or contact the Fire Marshal's Office. FIRE LANE COMMENTS: • Fire lanes require a minimum 30 foot inside turn radius and a minimum 54 foot outside turn radius. (per 2009 I.F.C. Sec. 503.2.4) aIN;a:VillQ:7e1ki1111111d91LY,I►YilEll ki III &I • Hydrants required at a maximum spacing of 600 feet for commercial locations with completely sprinkled buildings. (Indicate hydrant locations along Dragon Way). Community Services Review Peter Kao, P.E. Construction Manager Phone: (817) 748-8607 Email : pkao@ci.southlake.tx.us Park Board comments or recommendations: All applicants are required to appear before the Park Board to discuss park dedication issues if requesting fee payments or fee credits. Please contact the Community Services Department at (817) 748-8607 for further details. Land/park dedication requirements: Non-residential developments must provide dedicated parks and/or open space at a ratio of one (1) acre of park land for every fifty (50) non-residential gross acres of development. If fee payment is approved by City Council in lieu of land dedication, non-residential park dedication fees in the amount of $2400 per gross acre x 13.83 acres= $33,192.00 will be required. Fees will be collected with the approved developer's agreement. Tree Conservation/Landscape Review Keith Martin Landscape Administrator Phone: (817) 748-8229 E-mail: kmartina-ci.southlake.tx.us II:7Ell ;Kde]kR]Ell li%IEel k[d01LY,I►YilEll kIII &I From having visited the site over many years and observing it on aerial photographs, it seems that Case No. Attachment D ZA13-110 Page 2 the existing tree cover calculations are incorrect. I am very certain that the site has a lot more existing tree cover than 33,814 square feet or 7.3% over all. 2. Please ensure that all site grading and utilities do not conflict with any existing trees proposed to be preserved. 3. Please submit a color Tree Conservation Plan clearly delineating which trees are to be preserved, removed, or are marginal/borderline. Tree to be Preserved — Green, Removed — Red, Marginal — Yellow. # Denotes required items. Denotes informational items. Public Works Review Alejandra Ayala, P.E. Civil Engineer Phone: (817) 748-8274 E-mail: aayala(cD-ci.southlake.tx.us GENERAL COMMENTS 1. Label right of way width on Kimball Avenue. 2. Provide corner clips at the intersection of Dragon Way with Kimball Avenue and driveways to allow for a minimum 30-foot curb return radius. 3. Dragon Way shall comply with a 36-foot face-to-face minimum standard street section. 4. For projects containing diversion or impoundment the following note should be placed in the final plat: Compliance with the provisions of the City's Storm Drainage Policy does not relieve a person of the responsibility of complying with all other applicable laws, including, but not limited to, Section 11.086, Texas Water Code. 5. Add note stating that property owner or home owners association will be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the detention ponds. Use the City of Southlake GPS monuments whenever possible. Information can be found in the City of Southlake website: http://www.citvofsouthlake.com/index.aspx?NID=266 EASEMENTS 1. Provide all necessary easements for water, sanitary sewer and drainage. Easements shall be 15- feet minimum and located on one lot — not centered on the property line. A 20-foot easement is required if both storm sewer and sanitary sewer will be located within the easement. 2. Easements shall be dedicated for all public infrastructure. Proposed easements must be dedicated by plat. 3. Detention ponds shall be within a drainage easement dedicated by plat. Allow an area for maintenance access. Water and sewer lines cannot cross property lines without being in a public easement or in the ROW. All waterlines in easements or ROW must be constructed to city standards. The discharge of post development runoff must have no adverse impact on downstream properties and meet the provisions of Ordinance # 605. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS Case No. Attachment D ZA13-110 Page 3 It appears this property lies within the 65' LDN D/FW Regional Airport Overlay Zone, requiring construction standards in compliance with the Airport Compatible Land Use Zoning Ordinance No. 479. Additionally, the Avigation Easement and Release shown in Appendix 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance No. 483 should be executed on subsequent Plats to be filed in the County Plat Records. This plat must comply with the underlying zoning district and is subject to any requirements therein. A Developers Agreement is required prior to construction of any public infrastructure. The Developer's Agreement for this addition should consider streets, drainage, park dedication requirements and fees, off -site sewer extensions, off -site drainage and utility easements and impact fees. The applicant should be aware that prior to issuance of a building permit a Plat must be processed and filed in the County Plat Records, a fully corrected site plan, landscape plan, irrigation plan, and building plans, must be submitted for approval and all required fees must be paid. This may include but not be limited to the following fees: Park Fee, Perimeter Street Fee, Water & Sewer Impact and Tap Fees, and related Permit Fees. Please be aware a final plat will need to be filed with Tarrant County prior to the release of any building permits. Denotes informational items. Case No. Attachment D ZA13-110 Page 4 SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS MAP & RESPONSES Legends of Southlake 0, 710 720 2815 23p0 0 2118 2117 2301 2311 8 280 1 2811 2807 2809 N o F o � r G m 1085 0 9�1 0 1075 BA LAVE 92s loco h 950 10"10 2150 ti �P E CON22p1 960 2201 2221 ,ypb ti 2211 2251 �Q� �111&_ 1. owner Carroll ISD Zoning SP1 liff Address� 1085 S KIMBALL AVE Acreage 34.97 Response NR 2. Elborai, Adel M 11 722 S KIMBALL AVE 3.41 NR 3. Thomas Family Partnership Up SP2 2301 CROOKED LN 14.14 NR 4. Vario Properties Lp 11 901 S KIMBALL AVE 3.45 O 5. Chandraco Broadgate Gp 11 925 S KIMBALL AVE 3.82 NR 6. Elite Suites Ltd 11 2201 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 1.63 NR 7. Journey 5 Ventures Llc 11 2245 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 0.79 NR 8. Journey 5 Ventures Llc 11 2251 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 0.57 NR 9. S LJ Continental Plaza Ltd 11 960 S KIMBALL AVE 4.15 NR 10. K & D Development 11 2221 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 0.55 NR 11. Keith, Wendell P & Carol N 11 2211 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 1.36 NR 12. Pfa Properties Llc 11 2241 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 0.87 NR 13. S LJ Continental Plaza Ltd 11 950 S KIMBALL AVE 1.32 NR 14. Inprov Real Estate Lp 11 2150 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 2.06 NR 15. Loh Texas Investment Llc 11 940 S KIMBALL AVE 1.52 NR 16. Denmiss Llc 11 920 S KIMBALL AVE 1.49 NR 17. Denmiss Llc 11 910 S KIMBALL AVE 0.93 NR 18. Denmiss Llc 11 930 S KIMBALL AVE 1.48 NR 19. Vario Properties Lp 11 2250 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 2.70 NR 20. St John Bapt Ch Grand Prairie CS 800 S KIMBALL AVE 12.89 NR 21. Pearson, Carey Etux Kelly SF1-A 695 S KIMBALL AVE 2.08 NR Case No. Attachment E ZA13-110 Page 1 22. Pearson, Carey Etux Kelly SF1-A 2300 CROOKED LN 2.22 NR 23. Wood, Charles W Etux Margaret SF1-A 2350 CROOKED LN 2.30 NR 24. Westgate Office Park Owners 11 2271 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 1.41 NR 25. Bhs Ventures Llc 11 2271 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 1.41 NR 26. Ddrt Llc 11 2271 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 1.41 NR 27. McKamic, Sammy L & Miranda 11 2273 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 1.41 NR 28. Cornerstone Wealth Mgt Llc 11 2273 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 1.41 NR 29. Cogent Point Llc 11 2275 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 1.41 NR 30. Cogent Point Llc 11 2275 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 1.41 NR 31. Cogent Point Llc 11 2275 E CONTINENTAL BLVD 1.41 NR 32. Cundiff, John E & Autumn R SF1-A 2317 CROOKED LN 0.85 NR 33. 1 Kaposta, America AG 2311 CROOKED LN 3.01 NR F: In Favor O: Opposed To U: Undecided NR: No Response Notices Sent: Thirty (30) Responses Received: None Case No. Attachment E ZA13-110 Page 2