West Beach Addition (Bob Jones Park), 1997 - Warranty Deed -t, ~)~ i l\ , t, ' ; ',I \) H 1 1'1TI'(\ rC'(; t'h{' :-;t;:tll' ll~t {If 'I'eX<lH (ot' U~le l,y lawy'(' l~~v i ti od 1 (I - n:1 19H~ 1,,/ tlll' State r:a' 01 Texl\S ))~) >Illy" 011'701 wA.RRANTY DEED Delt.e: Febl"Uary 5, 1996 Gl <\l1l.01": LENDEL,L L. .JACKSON AND DAWN M. JACKSON (;ull1l.or' s l'lctl 1 i ng Address: 3903 KINGSFERRY DR. ARL,INGTON. TX 76016 (~rdnl.'et~ : THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE GntllLce's }1(lj]jng Adch'ess: SOUTHLAKE. TX 76092 ('(l!l~;id01"i1t.ion : 'l'hl" ~,um o( TEN AND NO/lOa ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable ('Oll:c;ic1('l:ilt.inll, ilnd the furthcl' consideration of all cash; PI upeJ"l.y (.including any improvements): [,ot 1 L Block 1, i'Jest Beach Adc1i tion, an Addition to Denton County, Texi:ls. according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page 34. Deed Hec:on1s. Denton County, Texas. H(-'~:('rvill.ioIW it"om lInd Exc.~eptions to Conveyance and Warranty: SAVE AND EXCEPTJ One-half (1/2) interest of oil, gas, and other minerals in and under subjeot property retainod in Deed executed by A. T. Sellers to Jewel Mooro, dmted February 28, 1959, filed Maroh 27, 1959, recorded in Volume 445, Page 159, Deed Reoorde, Denton County, Texas. Mineral aotivity not traoed sub.equent to date of this inatrument. Thio oonveyanoe i8 made and aooepted subjeot to any and all ea.ements. reoGrvations, restriotions. condition. and matter. of reoord a. .~e may u..~::;~~ ~~;; ~::.::"':!.:":. :!:~~~!.~~~ ~:r!'~~!"t:.y "_nt.' Ill1 nnnt'litinn. And .ti~u1.t:.:lnn. contained in th~ Addendum to Warranty Deed attaohed hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. I GrMlltor. (or t.he consideration and subject to the roservationo fram and ">"'l'lll'illllH 1.0 (.'DllVOVflllce ilnd WfI\-r'lIntv, t1rnnt!", Holl!!, and convcvS to GtilTll.<..'<..' Ull' pJ.c,lpcrty, togother with -alt and singular tho rights lInd ,IPPUI"t.Ol1dI1Cor: thereto :in uny wiso belonging, to have and hold it t.o (:l.llIll.oU, Crl.tllLoc'n heir'D, oxceutoro, ndminiotratorn, auccossoro. or "~,;:dCJl1tl I <,H:avo!'. Grnntor hcrc.'by binds Grtlntor and Grantor's heirs, executors, adminislr5t:.ors, and successors to warrant and forever defend IIll WId l1in~l\llllr the pnlperty to Grantee and Grantee's hell'S. executors, ndmllll strnt<.>r,:;, successors, and assigns, against. every person whomsoever \c\wfui:ly cJn:lmln9 or to claim t.he same or any part thereof, excopt us to t lw \'('::1t>r"V<ll""\ on:J from mld cxcept:i.c.\fI9 to wlIrrunty. -----_.._._----_._---_._----_.----~ - 1: " \.ill...r1 l he ('(,nt."xt 1 ' 1 \l J ,-tl . I L~(l\l.i lL': t: illtJulcu: nOUI~S rllld IHCllouns i' ude the , -'--~:l~ Q -;/.(--'~. C.L~NDYI,L L. JACKSON {3 . t-Xi.d7L f'n. ,-l(J-</t~ Dl\\'JN M. JACKSON~ (1\Ckllowl cdg,oent) TilE .c;Ti\'I'E 0.. TEXAS COUNTY or n.-X Ii tJ...t1.-1f0- 'I'hi~: .1 II~' t t'umcnt was acknowledged before me on the . rt::..B !{<,-:Yi..fl.7______1 19_~_. by . c; day of nulll~,~~nxnmun!m= ~~.~~'~~~ B.J, COUCH " Nilt.' rij~lie, Sail of 'un ...~ M, CO"'llIiuloh bpirn 7.3\.96 ( \C:::::_\~ :",.'::\~_. ,_\S.:~ ',"~ ') .\.+ \~ <.:_~ \._'~~;,,;~ 'r~'~';) \,' \ \..;~, ':-,~~~,)",)"-\c,,\c-\_~~--'~:J\ "c:.\ .:.......'1. "-. t<." -,..... },) '-.)1,":)\_ ) --\-):' \' \1.'O()'\:;:~ '. Filed for Record in: DENTON COUNTY, TX HONORABLE TIM HODGES/COl CLERK On Mal' BS 1 ';J() At 12:18pm Doc/Hum 96-R00117Bl Doc/Type WD Recording 7.08 Doc/Hgmt 6.0U Receipt>> &915 Depll ty - CAS,,!,