West Beach Addition, Bob Jones Park (Lot 39, Block 3), 1995 - Warranty Deed F~~At~~~;t-" ,~~i~~..:~C~~""" GfnRP95-720e2 SLTC t. - GF#~ ~j Vi) 2252 Propared by the State Bar of Texas for use ~y lawyers only. Revised lO-J'lS 19B~ by the St.at.e Bar of 'I'oxas wARBANTY DEED Date: December 4, 1995 006344 Grantor: HILLARY LEONARD GREENE, JR. Grantor's Mailing Address: 2201 LUCAS DR. FT. vIORTH, TX \, '. Grantee: THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Grantee's Mailing Addr~s, So";"". ("',r,."".""."r,m nTJ.",J.!" . , IS H:-;rr,;c.l\'u nI 'J'J~F. m:TlTI:ll ;-. :": , 1,"':': l":Ai: (":i'.TI.n.-r...f) rJLG:~L ~(' ,.',: :'~ ('. >'<:;:) (l-'Jl.i,: ~lJll') (CliTEl(.. Ci .lliiliillJ.:~) '\ (\.l'l'IE;i() __ _. __" consideration: Tr.;N AND NO/lOO ($10.00) DOLLARS and other valuc$le~om;;.ideIjtion the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. ~N ~ ~ g: ?; r. ~ ~ I', 8 -,"T') property (including any improvements) ; ". ..... ,,:. r ~. N Pl LOT 39. BLOCK 3, WEST BEACH ADDITION, an Additioy' tb:'the ~ntop"tounty, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in ol~~e 2~PagQ,34, plat Record, Denton County, Texas. ~ 0 ~ I :z: ():) 'T> Reservations from and Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty: Any and all restrictions and easements of record. Grantor, for the consideration and subject to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and wa:Lr:anty, grants, sells, and conveys to Grantee the property, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs. executors, administrators, successors, or assigns forever. Grantor hereby binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators. and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs. executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to \>larranty. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. J . (JlcknOldedgment) .::..::::,....._~~. .., u___'I' ; i'~~ .."~ IlMUI L NUl'S .( * NOTARY PUBLIC ~~..~~~ St~~.1~~~&,!{, .)......--.;:..;."...".".....~- .........-........... THE STATE OF 'rEXi'\S COUNTY OF TARRANT _~~strument, was acknowledged 1995, by HILLARY day of After Recording Return to: Notary, Pu ic, State of Texas Notal' b printJ"d Na]l.C~. ') I ' o IuS t::-hJ , !~ot{\ry' s Co~ission E Pires:'(5 11- ~ ~'/c. ..:t 0"' ..:r- o co 0"'1 N ;~" ---"~--~I:-~-- . l' ( l~' 1 ,it ~ ~,~ ~~ ~ :l' .;~ '. ,;i ~' l , i.:,.j:fl'J~. ,:l,:lli'jYM~ .,,'-" :lO"~'Z 'aJ ':un;t" .--. Filed for Record inl DEHTOH COUHTY TX HONORABLE TI~'HODGE9/COUHTY CLERK On Jan 29 1996 At 2151plll Doc/Hua I 96-Raa06344 Doc/Ty~. I WD Rvcordlngl 5.88 Doc/Mgmt I 6.00 Receipt HI 2924 Deputl - BRANDlE