Item 4J (2)Legends of SouthlakeProposed Office ParkS. Kimball Ave.Southlake, Texas
Initial Concept▪25% Utilization▪8 Buildings
Alternate Concept Sketch▪7 Buildings
Final Plan▪6 Buildings
Permitted Uses:
This property is divided into 6 office lots, and a 60’ Right-of-way containing the proposed public street. All lots shall include the permitted uses as found in the I-1 Light Industrial
District as described in Section 26 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.
Permitted uses relative to this application consist of:
Any use permitted in the O-1 Office District
Any use permitted in the I-1 Light Industrial District
Development Regulations:
This property shall be subject to the development regulations for the “I-1” Light Industrial District, and all other applicable regulations with the following exceptions:
•Parking agreements will be in place prior to permitting to satisfy the combined parking requirements for the development.
•To facilitate a contiguous development, buffer yards will not be required along internal boundary lines.
•Street width requirement reduced to 31’ from curb back to curb back to reduce concrete, add turf area and eliminate on-street parking. Propose to fire lane the entire 30’ of drive.
•Reduced front yard setback to 25’ to provide flexibility in the orientation of buildings.
•Allow for Dean Way as a public street to dead-end at CISD property. In lieu of a round-a-bout a dedicated and permanent emergency access and common access easement will be platted
in the drive aisles east of lot 6 and north of lots 5 and 6 to create a fire access loop. Dean Way will be gated at the property line of CISD and will be equipped with Knox Box access
for emergency access. All gate access will be under the control of Southlake Public Safety and CISD only. It is anticipated that the gate will remain closed to ingress and egress by
the public with the exception of event and game days at Dragon Stadium.
Use and Operation:
The project overview is to provide a comprehensive office park similar in nature to Champions Crossing directly across Kimball. Current market trends show this product to be in high
Lots 1-6
Comprised of office-use buildings that will maintain day-time hours consistent with other typical office locations. For this submittal Lots 1 and 2 will be site planned for approval.
Phasing Intent:
It is the intent of the developer to move forward with construction documents immediately upon Zoning and Site Plan approval from Council. The entirety of all elements shown on Lot 1
and Lot 2 along with Dean Way road and utilities will be part of the construction package and bidding. Building 1 and 2 will be constructed as spec buildings. Site plan applications
will be submitted on the remaining buildings as the developer is ready move on with future construction
Building 1 is designed to 23,000sf and is parked at a ratio of 4spaces/1000sf. Building 2 is designed to 19,500sf and is parked at a ratio of 4 spaces/1000sf. Required parking for
the two lots respectively are 92 spaces and 78 spaces. Provided parking for the two lots respectively are 92 spaces and 79 spaces.
The remainder of the lots in the concept plan (lots 3-6) combine for a total of 78,340sf of office space. At the same parking ratio the required parking would be 317 spaces. Spaces
provided in the concept plan total 314. It is anticipated that office density will vary from building to building and that with the cross access parking agreement in place there will
be sufficient parking throughout the development to support the overall square footage shown on the concept plan.
View from Kimball Ave.From North to Southat Dean Way
View from Kimball Ave.From church drive at median break
View across Kimball Ave.From South to North