Monday, September 10, 2012 at 5:30pm
In Attendance: Crystal Maddalena (Teen Court Coordinator), Natasha Singar (Teen Court Assistant) Sandy
Sobocinski (Southlake Board Appointee), Traci Wilkinson (Grapevine Board Appointee), Carrie Stewart
(Colleyville Board Appointee), Al Zito (Southlake City Council Liaison), Marjorie Lewis (Grapevine Board
Appointee), Crystal Shafer (Keller Board Appointee), Tim Reilley (Southlake Board Appointee), Nicholas Dell
(Keller Board Appointee), Darlene Freed (Grapevine City Council liaison)
Absent: Ruth Ann Meek (Colleyville Board Appointee), Tom Cawthra (Keller City Council Liason), Mike Taylor
(Colleyville City Council Liaison),
1. Call to order at 5:35 p.m. by Crystal Maddalena
2. Administrative Comments
CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of Minutes from May 7, 2012
3. Approved by Sandy Sobocinski, Second by Marjorie Lewis
4. Discussion: Staffing Updates
Staff introduced new assistant. No additional information was requested.
5. Discussion: Budget Review
Staff informed board that budget will remain the same at $36,750 for the fiscal year. No additional information
was requested.
6. Discussion: FY 2011 - 2012 Referral Review to Date
Staff reviewed the referral information for FY 2011 -2012 which included an analysis of referrals by zip codes,
serious violations, and failures. More specific labeling of slides was requested as well as more in depth data
concerning failure rates. This will be placed into effect at the next board meeting.
7. Discussion: Teen Attorney Training Update
Information was given to board regarding summer teen attorney training. Members discussed volunteer
8. Discussion: Board Volunteer Opportunities
Information was given as to how members could serve on Teen Court nights. Members discussed several
ways to increase volunteer pool.
9. Discussion: Important Dates to Remember
Staff gave list of important upcoming dates including training sessions and board meetings. Members
discussed possibility of changing meetings to different dates /times. This will be placed on the agenda for the
November 5, 2012, meeting for a possible vote to change the bylaws concerning meetings.
10. Meeting Adjourned at 6:32 p.m.
Next meeting was scheduled for 5:30pm on Monday, November 5, 2012.
Respectfully Submitted by: A p�pr► / pr By:
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