2013-10-14 CITY OF I & SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING: October 14, 2013 LOCATION: Southlake Town Hall — City Council Chambers 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas TIME: 6:00 p.m. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Tina Wasserman, Vice Chairman Chad Patton, Secretary Sherry Berman and Board Members Jeff Medici, Lori Palmer (arrived 7:48 pm) and Frances Scharli PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Gregg Formella STAFF PRESENT: Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Deputy Director Kari Happold, Deputy Director Candice Edmondson, Recreation Superintendent Steve Moore , and Assistant to the Director Stacey Wojnicki 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Wasserman called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board to order at 6:04 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine by the Board and are enacted with one motion. Chairman Wasserman read the consent agenda items into the record. 2A. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 5, 2013 JOINT SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING. A correction was made to indicate Ms. Wasserman as Vice Chair or Acting Chair since she had not been appointed as Park Board Chairman at the August 5, 2013 meeting. 2B. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 12, 2013 REGULAR SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING. There were no corrections to the meeting minutes. 2B. ABSENCE OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS Park Board members considered the absences of Board members Medici and Palmer from the August 5, 2013 joint SPDC and Park Board meeting and the absences of Board members Formella and Palmer from the August 12, 2013 meeting. A copy of the attendance log was distributed in the meeting packets. APPROVED City of Southlake Values: Integrity • Innovation • Accountability • Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the October 14, 2013 Parks Board Meeting Page 2 of 7 A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda to accept the minutes and excuse the absences. Motion: Berman Second: Medici Ayes: Berman, Patton, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: Medici (abstained from accepting minutes due to his absence from 8/5/13 meeting) Vote: 4 -0 -1 Motion Carried. 3. PUBLIC FORUM Chair Wasserman opened the public forum and asked for anyone wishing to speak to come forward. There being no one wishing to speak, Chair Wasserman closed the public forum. 4. CONSIDER: 4A. RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO ALLOW ALCOHOL AT THE BOB JONES NATURE CENTER & PRESERVE FOR A MINIMUM OF FOUR EVENTS PER YEAR, FOR A THREE YEAR PERIOD (2013 -2016) Director of Community Services Chris Tribble described the request for a variance to the City's Code prohibiting alcoholic beverages in City parks and facilities, to allow wine at the BJNCO fundraising event to be held November 2, 2013 at Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve. Approval of the request also includes approval of variances for BJNCO for up to four events per year, for a three -year period (2013- 2016), which is allowed in the BJNCO management agreement with the City. Director Tribble responded to questions. Updates on BJNCO events are included in the regular park and recreation reports to the Park Board. Debra Edmondson, BJNCO President, was present in support of the request but did not make a presentation to the Board. APPROVED A motion was made to approve the request for variances to allow alcohol at the Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve as presented Motion: Patton Second: Medici Ayes: Berman, Medici, Patton, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the October 14, 2013 Parks Board Meeting Page 3 of 7 Abstain: None Vote: 5 -0 Motion Carried. 4B. RECOMMENDATION ON FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHLAKE GIRLS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Deputy Director of Community Services Kari Happold presented the Facilities Utilization Agreement (FUA) with Southlake Girls Softball Association for January 1, 2014 — December 31, 2015 and described the use fees, revisions to the agreement pertaining to tournament usage, and responded to questions from the Board. APPROVED A motion was made to approve the Facilities Utilization Agreement with Southlake Girls Softball Association as presented. Motion: Berman Second: Patton Ayes: Berman, Medici, Patton, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5 -0 Motion Carried. 4C. RECOMMENDATION ON FACILITIES UTILIZATION AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHLAKE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Deputy Director of Community Services Kari Happold presented the Facilities Utilization Agreement (FUA) with Southlake Baseball Association (SBA) and described the revisions to the Agreement, the use fees and responded to questions from the Board. Steve Post, representative from Southlake Baseball Association, 803 Park Crest Drive, Southlake, responded to Board questions regarding the league seasons. APPROVED A motion was made to approve the Facilities Utilization Agreement with Southlake Baseball Association. Motion: Berman Second: Patton Ayes: Berman, Medici, Patton, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5 -0 City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the October 14, 2013 Parks Board Meeting Page 4of7 Motion Carried. Agenda Item 5A was considered out of the regular agenda sequence. 5. DISCUSSION: 5C. FIELD USAGE REQUEST FROM SOUTHLAKE UNITED CRICKET CLUB Director of Community Services Chris Tribble presented the request from Southlake United Cricket Club for field space and information on the proposed location in Bob Jones Park. Director Tribble responded to questions from the Board regarding the "pitch," field requirements and how the needs of the soccer association and cricket association may be accommodated. Dr. Sandeep Gill, representing the Southlake United Cricket Club, 1208 Golden Gate Drive, was present in support of the request and responded to questions from the Board. The Park Board directed staff to proceed with developing a facilities utilization agreement with Southlake United Cricket Club to be brought back for a Park Board recommendation at a future meeting. Agenda Item 4F was considered out of the regular agenda sequence. 4. CONSIDER 4F. RECOMMENDATION ON CARILLON PHASE 5 PARK PLANS Director of Community Services Chris Tribble introduced the proposed park plans for Corporate Park (7 ac) and Lake Carillon Park (32 ac) located within the Carillon development. The two parks are part of an overall park land dedication of 50+ acres of park land reviewed and accepted by the Parks and Recreation Board at the August 9, 2010 Parks Board meeting. The proposed park plans are consistent with conceptual plans previously reviewed and approved by Council when the 380 Agreement for Carillon was approved. Jeff Kennemer, Hines Group, developer for Carillon, 5215 N. O'Connor Blvd., Suite 635, Irving, Texas, presented details of the proposed parks, highlighting park features and amenities and addressed Board questions. The developer agreed to consider installing distance medallions in the trails. (Staff will forward medallion samples for the developer.) APPROVED A motion was made to approve Carillon Phase 5 Park Plans as presented. City of Southlake Values: Integrity ♦ Innovation • Accountability • Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork Minutes of the October 14, 2013 Parks Board Meeting Page5of7 Motion: Medici Second: Patton Ayes: Berman, Medici, Patton, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5 -0 Motion Carried. Agenda Items 4D and 4E were presented together because of their joint impact. 4D. RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED PARK DEDICATION FOR THE SAVANNAH ESTATES DEVELOPMENT 4E. RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED PARK DEDICATION AND PARK DEVELOPMENT FOR THE GATEWAY LAKES DEVELOPMENT Director of Community Services Chris Tribble summarized park dedication requirements for Savannah Estates (Item 4D) and Gateway Park (Item 4E). Savannah Estates, a proposed 96 -lot residential subdivision located north along West Dove Road and west of SH 114 being developed by Centurion American Development Group, requires dedication of 2.4 acres of park land or a fee payment option of $288,000. Additionally, since Savannah Estates is a Residential Planned Unit Development (R -PUD), it is required to preserve at least 10% of the gross land area of the development as open space which equates to 7.9 acres for Savannah Estates. The actual amount of open space that will be preserved with this development is 14.4 acres (6.5 more than required) which is nearly 18% of the gross land area. Based on this, the developer was seeking a 50% reduction in the required park dedication fee, thus reducing the fee requirement of $288,000 down to $144,000. The developer is also developing the Gateway Lakes project (Agenda Item 4E) and proposes an agreement with the City to use park fees that will be paid for the Savannah Estates project to enhance and make improvements to the City's Gateway Park. A conceptual park plan illustrating the proposed improvements within the 11 acres of possible park land in the Gateway Lakes development adjacent to the 3.6 acre Gateway Park was presented. Gateway Lakes, a proposed 40 -lot residential subdivision being developed by Centurion American Development Group, is located at the northwest corner of Kimball Avenue and Kirkwood Boulevard, and encompasses approximately 25 acres of land. Gateway Lakes subdivision requires the dedication of 1.0 acres of park land or a fee payment option of $120,000. Gateway Lakes is seeking a zoning change from the existing Planned Unit Development (PUD) created with the Gateway Church development to a Transition Zoning District (TZD), which requires that open space be integrated into the overall design of TZD's. The developer proposed meeting the park dedication City of Southlake Values: Integrity • Innovation • Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Minutes of the October 14, 2013 Parks Board Meeting Page 6 of 7 requirement by providing 11.07 acres to the City to serve as an extension of Gateway Park. Staff will provide the developer City's standard specifications for the design of the boardwalk components. The developer will revise the cost estimate and provide to staff. Randi Rivera, developer, 111 Hillside, Lewisville, land planner working with developer of Savannah and Gateway Lakes developments, presented plans for both proposed parks and responded to questions. Thomas Smear, landscape designer with Environs Group, G & A Consultants, explained proposed improvements and design of the parks and responded to Board questions. Park Board member Lori Palmer arrived at 7:45 pm. Park Board held a lengthy discussion about park dedication for Savannah Estates and park development for Gateway Lakes. The Park Board suggested the developer consult Dr. Ray Chancellor, a local environmentalist, regarding environmental issues pertaining to the parks. The Board also suggested the developer install signs at trail heads in the parking lot along Kimball Avenue and Dove Road, designating trails for public use in the private park. The Park Board took a five minute break then resumed discussion of Items 4D and 4E. One motion was made for Items 4D and 4E. APPROVED A motion was made to recommend: a discount of $114, 000 in park fees for Savannah Estates versus the requested $144,000; contingent upon park improvements abiding by approved specs of the City of Southlake in construction of amenities for what is being called Gateway Park; adding appropriate signage in Savannah Estates at both trailheads indicating the trail is a public trail; and accepting the park dedication at Gateway Lakes of 10.29 acres as proposed for a City park, to be added to existing 3.6 acre to complete park. Following the vote, the Board directed the developer to consult with Dr. Ray Chancellor regarding plans for the park. Motion: Patton Second: Scharli Ayes: Berman, Medici, Palmer, Patton, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6 -0 Motion Carried. 5. DISCUSSION: City of Southlake Values: Integrity • Innovation • Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork Minutes of the October 14, 2013 Parks Board Meeting Page 7 of 7 5A. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT REPORT The monthly Construction Management Report included in the meeting packet was reviewed by Director Tribble as he responded to questions related to Bicentennial Park construction and financial issues related to the project. 5B. SOUTHLAKE 2030 PLAN — MOBILITY PLAN UPDATE Park Board members Sherry Berman and Lori Palmer represent the Parks Board on the 2030 Mobility Plan component and reported the committee's recommendation will be presented at upcoming SPIN meetings. 6. ADJOURNEMENT APPROVED A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 p.m. Motion: Patton Second: Scharli Ayes: Berman, Medici, Palmer, Patton, Scharli and Wasserman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 6 -0 Motion Carried. _ na Wasserman, Chair Parks & Recreation Board die AL,/ t El Chris ribble, • irec ','•'r Community S-rvices Dept. A recording of this meeting is available upon request from the Office of City Secretary and may be viewed at www.citvofsouthlake.com / Video On Demand. City of Southlake Values: Integrity • Innovation • Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence • Teamwork