0368 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 349 OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS RELATING TO SPEED LIMITS IN SCHOOL ZONES BY ADDING TWO NEW SCHOOL ZONES WITHIN THE CITY AT SOUTH PEYTONVILLE AND WEST CONTINENTAL; RELATING TO INCREASING THE SPEED LIMIT ON WHITE CHAPEL ROAD FROM BEAR CREEK TO S.H. 114; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 169 of Article 6701d, Vernon's Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. the City of Southlake, Texas has authority to establish prima facie maximum reasonable and prudent speeds within its corporate boundaries for vehicles on streets and highways. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained By The City Council of The City of Southlake, Texas: Section 1. That Section 5 of Ordinance No. 349 is hereby amended by the inclusion of the following additional school zones: 800 - 1000 block of 640 feet 9 inches north of the South Peytonville - north curbline of the 1600 block of West Continental to the north curbline of the 1600 block of West Continental 1600 - 2000 block of 276 feet east of the east curbline West Continental - of the 1000 block of South Peytonville to 594 feet west of the west curbline of South Peytonville" Section 2. That Section 6 of Ordinance No. 349 is hereby amended to read as follows: "6. The prima facie maximum and prudent speed for travel upon any street or roadway within the corporate city limits of the City of Southlake, Texas, other than White Chapel Road from Bear Creek to S.H. 114 which shall be forty (40) miles per hour and other than upon State Highway 114 and Farm to Market Road 1709, shall be thirty (30) miles per hour, except as otherwise established by Ordinance as a School zone, or as otherwise established by the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas, and that such speed limit of thirty (30) miles per hour shall be effective immediately upon any street or roadway not presently posted by appropriate signs otherwise and shall be effective upon any street or roadway otherwise posted with a different speed limit upon such presently existing speed limit sign being removed and a new speed limit sign reflecting a posted speed of thirty (30) miles per hour being erected." Section 3. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this ordinance, or application to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of this ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. This ordinance shall amend Ordinance No. 349 in the instances stated above and shall not amend any other provisions of ordinance No. 349, which ordinance is hereby ratified and reaffirmed and shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective after its adoption pursuant to the Southlake City Chart r. PASSED AND ADOPTED this of 1987. May Y, C t &Y o Sout lake, Texa [SEAL] 4City-Zl!S~e'cLrbtary,-City of Southlake, Texas APPROVED AS TO FORM <72ma City Attorney, City of out ke, W Texas First Reading:- Second Reading: J&'V-0vK~,- -2- 06020 Fort Worth Star-Telegram , 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH TEXAS 761 - "^'.;73893 DATE DESCRI' AD SIZE INCH/LINE RATE I AMOUNT JO'ceP a41 0 , 09/09 1085219 gl�(ep lawegna P es lo's-14 e NE EXTRA ONLY S iuuaeH'�ll0aglllepPe�Sllgn�3 60 , 1i 20 . 10 lou pies'uogoala 1Pies 5 . 5 0 'Jamul uolloala Il b'Me ul'Pe nPuoo p-al Io sup s� to,(ep a4,uoPIa4 aq 11c 2 5 . 6 0 PUS uolloala pp aeluesqlou lusodde41 Io s'agwaw se aslnol syy Ile r "nee'6ullo 6u l 'legs opeld Jo a !u 4dureef,, N OZl 40 pies 's�(e1 A SiN3yy3 1N3W1ayd3O 3HIj d0 3Sb -WOO lbdi3INl1W y DNIl01 NIbyO ONb S1N3W3A08d1 se'cneiue I - -,,,, isgns lone 9 ua vi? OF '.GE O ITY SJECR'STARY CURRENT CURRENT STATEMENT PERIOD (ACCOUNT NUMBER 09 09 87 CIT57 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT,PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT(817)390-7761.TO ASSIST US IN AN ACCURATE AND TIMELY POSTING OF YOUR PAYMENTS,PLEASE MAIL ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O.BOX 99074 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199. TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT �� - ADVERTISING STATEMENT FortWorth S REMIT TO: 0. P P.O. BOX 99074 • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76199 ACCOUNT PAYMENT NUMBER CIT57 DUE DATE PAGE OF 17ITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTN: SANDRA LE GRAND PLEASE PAY 667 N CARROLL THIS AMOUNT , 25 . 60 SOUTHLAKE TEXAS 76092 PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED tort Worth itar=lel 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH TEXA: DATE I DES• I 08/26 . 1075762 NE EXTRA ONLY A THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared C A r o l y n Spencer Secretary for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Capital Cities Communications, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: August 26 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL INTERESTED PER- am & pm SONS that the City Council of the City of Southiake, Texas, will be holding public hearings on September I,1987 at he Reg- ular city Council Meeting to be held In the City Council Cham- bersof CltsHall,667 North Car- roll Avenue,Southlake,Texas. Purpose of the hearings is to �J^M1'W-N'consider the following ordi- nances: Signed Ordinance No.368 /li AN ORDINANCE AMEND- DING ORDINANCE NO. 349 26tLAKE, TEXAS RE OF THE CITY OF LATING TH-- 1987 E ING- Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the TO SPEED LIMITS IN SCHOOL ZONES BY ADDING I ,, TWO NEW SCHOOL ZONES �P p� x.--- Notary Public `1�,/- IITH I PEYTONVILLE AND WEST CONTINENTAL; RE- Texas. LATING TO INCREASING EVe i THE SPEED LIMIT ON- WHITE CHAPEL ROAD- FROMBEAR CREEK TOS.H. my Cl 114;PROVIDINGASEVERA- BILITY CLAUSE; PROVID- ING A SASVINGS CLAUSE eXpl AND DECLARING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. Section 3.Hans,section,article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phraseor word In this ordi- nance, or application to any n courtofcompetentlurisdiction, paragraph, sentence Phrase or word t such holding shall not affect the - - ----- --- - -- nance, or applicword Inor validityoftheremainingopor- e anyperson orcircums Citysc unclf ilherebydeclaesinance and hit COUNT NUMBER held lnvlladoruncons would have passed such re- diction,s chfholdingto nanicendespiteosuchf Invalidity affectthevalldltyofiht which remainingportIonsshall Ing portions of this or remain infuilforceandeffect. C I T 7 _ .µ and the City Council ht Section 4.This ordinance shall NOTICE OF PUBLIC Glares It would have aame�ndOrdlnance No.3491nthe .TO ASSIST IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT,PLEASE HEARINGS such remaining portlo, - sump above and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ordinance despite sucl shall not amend any other pro-EXAS 76199. A _ t • u •• • Y• 0 ALL INTERESTED PER- dlty,which remainingt visions of Qrn n>-, SONS that the City Council of shallremalninfullforcT A� TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION ANDMhIllbetholdl^gpubake, Texas fed which ordinancelsherebvratl-' — on5eptember1,1987atTheReg- Section6.ihefac}ihatiFfl�and reaffirmed def shall• ent ordinances and regu Sectiol s5 fThis ordinance shall ular city Council Meeting to be of the City of Southlake,held in the City Council Cham- are Inadequate to Pf(tecome suantl th after Its adop- bersofCltyHa11,667NorthCar- safeguard the helath, Tson pursuant to the SouThlake-NT roll Avenue,Southlake,Texas. morals, peace, and gEClty Charter. Purpose of the hearings Is to weifareoftheinhabitants OrC nance No.367 Fort consider the following ordl City of Southlake,Texas ORDINANCE OF THE CI Dances aces an emergency for 1°TY OF DRIVING TINGTO DE TEXAS Ordinance No.368 mediate preservation oRELANG TO S; PRO IVY AN ORDINANCE AMEND- public business, DRIVING FEES; PROVID 1, TEXAS 76199 DING ORDINANCE NO. 349 prop ING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; OF THE CITY OF SOUTH- health,safety,and generaSEVER ABILI-fare of the public whk PROVIDINEAND DECLAR LAKE, TEXAS RELATING quires that this ordlnan TY CLAUSE AND DECLAR TO SPEED LIMITS IN come effective from and�ING ANEFFECTIVEDATE. SCHOOL ZONES B Y ADD I NG the date of Its passage an Section 2.This ordinance shall TWO NEW SCHOOL ZONES accordingly so ordained. be regulations ativeof all ordinances WITHIN THE CITY AT Copies of the ordinances ur and regulations of the Cep of SOUTH PE YTONVILLE AND consideration are avallabl $Outhlake and shall not repeal PAGE OF WEST CONTINENTAL; RE- the office eratio he areCity avSecret anyoftheprovlsionsofthoseor- LATING TO INCREASING at City hail (finances orregulatlons,unless THE SPEED LIMIT ON CltyofSouthl,the provlslOns of those ordi- WHITE CHAPEL ROAD /s/Sandra L.LeGrz nancesofregulahthetermsanions,are In d FROM BEAR CREEKTOS.H. —_�CltySecre} rectconflictwiththetermsand 114;PROVIDING A SEVERA- - provisions of this ordinance. BILITY CLAUSE; PROVID- Section 3.itanysection,article, ING A SASVINGS CLAUSE paragraah, sentence, clause, AND DECLARING AN EF- phrase, or word In this ordl- FECTIVE DATE. nance, or appllcatlon thereto Section 3.I f any section,article, any person or circumstances I s Paragraph, sentence, clause, held Invalid or unconstltutlnal� Dhraseor word In this ordi- by a Court of competent Iuris nance, or application to any diction,such holding shall not TY OF SOUTHLAKE courtofcompetentlurisdiction, affecfThevalldityofiheremaln- such holding shall not affect the Ing portions of this Ordinance; ATTN: SANDRA LE GRAND validity of the remainingopor- PLEASE PAY a^dthe CityCouncii aereby Tlons of this ordinance and the Glares Itwouldhavepssed suh 667 N CARROLL City council hereby declares it THIS AMOUN- remainingportiOnsoflhisordl would have passed such re- nance despite such Invalidity, maining portions of this ordi- whichremainingprotlonsshall SOUTHLAKE TEXAS 76092 nance despite such invalidity remalnlnfullforceandeffecT. which remaining portions shall Section 4.This ordinance shall remain I n fop I I force andeffect. become effects ve after Its ad id, Section 4.This ordinance shall tsonbytheClf ion ouofiThsrordl- amend Ordinance No.349 In the- ed,that Sect Instances stated above and zASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENC nance shall not become effective prior to September 1, shall not amend any other pro- visions of Ordinance No. 349, 1987. ORDINAN5E•O'r3ft Cl- r isf"..,0 hi Y7., 0 ' SEP151987 THE STATE OF TEXAS OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY, County of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Carolyn Spencer Secretary for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Capital Cities Communications, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: Se tember 9 ORDINANCE NO.368 ______2_ p AN ORDINANCE AMEND- INGORDINANCE NO.3490F THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, am & pm TEXA TO SPEED SLIM TSpINISCHOOL ZONES BY ADDING TWO NEW SCHOOL ZONES WITH- INTHE CITYATSOUTH PEY- TON V ILLE AND WEST CON- TINENTAL BLVD.; R ELATING TO INCREASING THE SPEED LIMIT ON WHITE CHAPEL ROAD FROM BEAR CREEK TOS.H. h ' dU4 114;PROVIDINGASEVERA-Signed ' BILITY CLAUSE; PROVID- ING A SAVINGS CLAUSE 1 1 t FECDTIDVEDARING AN EF• �eY 1987 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the Section 3.If any sectlon,articie, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word In this Ordl- T_ Notary Public nance, or application to any LLLiiiCCC��CCC «i�««i�/// person or circumstance is held Texas. Invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent lurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the Eve 1 y validity of the remaining por- tions of this ordinance and the City Council hereby declares It my cc would have passed such re- maining portions of this ordi- nance despite such Invalidity, eX i/ wrhichremalning portions shall p remain in full forceandeffect. Section 4.This ordinance shall amend Ordinance No.349 In the instances stated above and shall not amend any other pro- visions of Ordinance No. 349, which ordinance is hereby rati- fied and reaffirmed and shall remain In ful I forceandeffect. Section 5.this ordinance shall becomeeffective after its adop- tion pursuant to the Southlake City Charter. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1st day of September, 1987. City of Southlake is/Johnny H.Westerholm' Mayor ATTEST: Sandra L.LeGrand Citretary APPROVED AS T FORM: /s/John F.Boyle,Jr. City Attorney Fort Worth Star-Telegram 400 W.SEVENTH STREET•FORT WORTH TEXAS 76102 FED. I.D.NO.22-2573893 DATE DESCRIPTION AD SIZE TOTAL RATE AMOUNT INCH/LINE 08/26 1075762 NE EXTRA ONLY AUG 26 CL. 008 173, 11 54 . 27 1AFF. whichordinanceIsherebyrati- fied and reaffirmed and shall remain infullforceandeffect. 59 . 77 Section 5.This ordinance me eff ve aft t shall }bpPU suantntito 1 e Southlake City Charter. AN ORrdinance No. 67 DIINAN E OF3THE CI- TY OFRELLAT RELATING TO DEOUTHLAK FENSIVE DRIVING FEES; PROVID- ING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PR R AB IL I- TYOCLIAUSE DINGAND SEVDECLAR- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Section 2.This ordinance shall • be cumulative of all ordinances and regulations of the City of Southlake and shall not repeal anyoftheprovisionsofthoseor- dinances or regulations,unless the provisiOns of those ordi- nances of regulations,are in di- rect conflict with the terms and provisions of this ordinance. Section 3.if any section,article, phrase ors sentence, this)ordi- nance, or application thereto anyperson or circumstances Is held Invalid or unconstitutinal buris- diction,such a Court fholdingtshall not affect the va I Idltyof the rema In- Ing portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby de- Iclares it wouldhavepassedsuh ' '� �++ remainingportiOnsofthisordl- t nance despite such invalidity, `? i F 1 . which remalningproflons shall I.. ;,'�..- -y,'.1 1-„ ' remain infullforceandeftec.t. 1:1 hSection 4.This ordinance shall ` - becomeeffectsve after iis adop- tionbytheCityCouncil,provid- • " LI cw{n ' /i,Dp7 ed,that Section 1 of this ordi- ! jai(„;, nance shall not become effective prior to September 1, 1987. ORDINANCE NO.;16o ...L �"^!-", �j + jr TY OFAN ORDINANCE OF THE CI- (��+.�j+rr+L 7Lpp��+i+rvJ�+ ESTABLISHING AEF'EE NOT ++- S�+C1W lA � TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS (325.001 FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SERVICE OF A WAR- RANT OF ARRENT; RE- RANT FEE BET THED INTO CITY TREASURY FOR THE USE AND BENEFIT OF THE CY;PRVIDI NGA SEVER- ABILITYCLAUSE;DECLAR- ING AN EMERGENCY AND CURRENT STATEMENT PERIOD 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER CURRENT PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. Section 5.if any section,article, RParagraph, sentence, clause, 0 8/2 6/8 7 C I T 5 7 ance, applicationword In hl or thereto IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT held pinvliadn orcunconstitutional CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT(817)390-7761.TO ASSIST by a Court of competent luris- US IN AN ACCURATE AND TIMELY POSTING OF YOUR Pdiction,such holding shall not ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O. BOX 99074 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199. affect the va l i di ty of the remain- _ ,�� TEAF ---- -."- - andptheCityCouncil herlebvdee- LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR_PAYMENT �A NOTICE OF PUBLIC Glares It would have passed HEARINGS such remaining portions of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ordinance despite such Invall- O thatLL the City PER- ditv,which shaiir maininfuining iforce ndef ADVERTISING STATEMENT SONS that the il of shall I remain In full forceandef- ADVERTISING G fl I J 'V l] J F1 1 C I V I C I V I the City of Southlake, Texas, will be holding public hearings Section 6.the fact that the pres- on 0�� Worth uiar city September 1,1987ai the Reg- oft e C tyof 5out lake exas, ular city Council Meeting to be of the City of ate take,Texas, REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 99074 • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76199 held in the City Council Cham- bers of City Hall,667 North Car- roll Avenue, ihouthi Ie,Texas. morals, peace, and general welfare ofthelnhabltantsofthe ACCOUNT PAYMENT Puconsider the following ordi_ City of Southiake,Texas,cre- NUMBER C I T 5 7 DUE DATE nances: ates an emergency for the Im- AN ORDINANCEOrdinanceoq/MvMEND- mediate preservation of the public business, property, DING ORDINANCE NO. 349 health,safety,and general wel- OF THE CITY OF SOUTH- fare of the public which re- LAKE, TEXAS RELATING quires that this ordinance be- TO SPEED LIMITS IN come effective from and after SCHOOL ZONES BY ADDING the date of its passage and It Is TWO NEW SCHOOL ZONES accordingly so ordained. WITHIN THE CITY AT Copies of the ordlnances under SOUTH PEYTONVILLE AND consideration are available In WEST CONTINENTAL; RE- the office of the City Secretary LATING TO INCREASING at City hall. THE SPCFD LIMIT ON City ofsouthlake WHITE CHhr•c ROAD /s/Sandra L.LeGrand FR OM BE AR 114;PROVIIDINGASEV�,:H. City Secretary rTY OF SOUTHLP BILITY CLAUSE; PROVID- ING A SASVINGS CLAUSE [TN: SANDRA LE AND DECLARING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. Section 3.lf any section,article, PLEASE PAY ' 59 . 77 667 N CARROLL paragraph, sentence, clause, THIS AMOUNT SOUTHLAKE TEXAS phraseor word In this ordl- nance, or application to any courtof competent lurlsdictlon, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining opor- tions of this ordinance and the City council hereby declares it would have passed such re- PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED maining portions of this ordi- nance despite such invalidity which remaining portions shall rnn,wlninh Jlinrrnan,q,04, ,