0345ORDINANCE NO. 545 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE UNIFORM CODE FOR ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, 1985 EDITION, TO PROVIDE MINIMUM CONDEMNATION STANDARDS FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHI~AKE, TEXAS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES, PROVIDING PENALITIES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEP~S: That it is deemed expedient and for the benefit of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Southlake, Texas, that the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Building, 1985 Edition, be adopted as the Dangerous Building Code of the City of Scuthlake, Texas as follows: SECTION (1): ADOPTION OF UNIFORM CODE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDING CODE, 1985 EDITION There is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations gcverning condemnation of dangerous buildings, that cernain Code kncwn as the Unifcrm Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1985 Edition, and being the whole therecf, save and accept any such pcrticns as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended of which not less than two (2) copies have been and are now filed in the office of the City Secretary of the City of Southlake, Texas, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from and after the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the within the corporate limits of the City of Southlake, Texas, and all amendments to the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, save and accept those specifically excluded by action of the governing body of the City of Southlake, Texas. SECTION (2): PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS Chapter 3, "Permits and Inspections", including the Abatement Permit and Inspection Fees provided therein is specifically adopted as a part of the Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous Buildings of the City of Southlake, Texas except as modified, amended or repealed subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance. •aoupuTpao sTgq. Aq axeTgl.nos 3o A-4TO eq- Aq pagdopp 'uoT.Tpa S86T 'sbuTpTTng snoaabuea 3o quauia4pW a03 apo0 uiao3Tun aqq (pg. ATdde TTpgs 'axpvignos 3o A4TO eq . Aq pagdopp se se 'uotgTpH S86T 'apo0 aAT4pagsTUTmpv uiao3Tun exp. uT papTnoad SP ae3 os qq.TMaaaqq. pe4PTOOSSP saa3 pup suoTqoadsuT 's4Tmaad SNOIy0adSNI aNV SHHd 'SLIW2Igd : ( Z ) NOIy3Hs • spxay 'eXPTgq.noS 30 A4TO 9144 3o Apoq buTuIanob eq; 3o uoT4op Aq papnToxa ATTpoT3Toads asog4 gdaoop pup anes 'sbuTpTTng snoaabuea 3o quauial.pgv 903 apo0 mao3Tun egg oq squauipuauie TTP pup ' spxay 'axpTqPnos 3o ' TD age 3o s.TUITT ageaodaoo eq . uTglTM uT buTTToaquoo aq TTpgs 3oaaag; suoTsTnoad egq. 'qoa33a axe4 TTS aoupuTpao sTgf goTqM uo aTep agq. aa43e pup UI0a3 pup 'uTaaag q4buaT qp ;no 4es 3T SP ATTn3 se pagpaodaoouT pup pa;dope Agaaaq • 92P aures alp pup 'spxay 'e(PTLI4n0S 3o ALTO eq4 3o Aap4aaoas A4T0 age. • 3o aoT33o eq4 uT paTT3 MOU aae pup uaaq aneq seTdoo ( z ) oM4 upgq. SS9T Sou goTqM 3o papueuip .10 paT;Tpow 'pagaTap aa43puTaaag elP SP suoTgaod lions AUP gdaooe puP anps '3oaaagq. aTogM agq. buTaq pup 'uoT4Tpg S861 'sbuTpTTng snoaabuea 3o 4uamagpgv ao3 apo0 uiao3Tun egg se uMOux apo0 uTe4aao q.pq.. 'sbuTpTTnq snoaabuep 3o uoT4euuiapuoo buTuaanob suoT4PTnbaa pup sefna buTgsTTgp;sa 3o asodand egg ao3 spxay 'axeTg4nos 3o A4TO aq4 3o Ttouno0 A;TO 8144 Aq pagdopp Agaaag sT aaagy NOIyIQH S86T 'Ha00 JNIa'IIng sno IaENva 30 mawaIvElv HaOD W2iO3INfl d0 NOIydOav : ( T) NOIy3HS : sMolTo3 SP spxay 'axpig;nos 3o ALTO alp 3o apo0 buTpTTng snoaabupa alp se pac.dope aq 'uoTq.Tpg S86T 'buTpTTng snoaabupa 3o quauiagpgy ao3 apo0 uiao3Tun egg. 4pq; 'spxay 'e3PTg1.noS 3o ' TD 3o suezT;To egg 3o aap3TaM pup A4a3es '144Te9q 9144 30 ;T3auaq ao3 pup quaTpedxa pauiaap sT vT gpgy •I SIXHL ' y/al ynos 30 ALIO HHy 30 'IIDNf OD AJIO am As aHNIvcmi0 yI Hg 'alloaa2iHHy MON •HJKa anisoaaaa NV 9NIQIAO2Id GNI SHIJI'IKNHd DNIQIAO 1d 'SHONVNIa2iO 9NIy0I'IMN00 9NI'IKHdH2T 'HSf1K'I0 SONIAIS V DNIQIA02Td 'HSf1V'I0 A.I'IlgVHHAaS K ONIQIAOHd SFIXHy 'a IVIHyflOs dO AJIO HHy 2IOd Sa2IVaNVJLS NOIyVNWHQN00 Wf1WINIW aaIA02Td Oy 'NOIJ Iaa S86T 'SDNIa'IIflg snalaomva dO JNHWHLV V 2IOd UO3HW2IOdINn HHy 9NIyd0av HONKNIU IO NK •ON HONVNIa2UO ECTION (3) That the City Secretary of the City of Southlake shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause the same to be published. SECTION (4): PENALTIES That any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance and who is convicted of same, shall be fined in any sum not be exceed TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) and that each and every day that any violation of any provision of this ordinance continues shall constitute and be deemed to be a separate offense. SECTICN (5): REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances, or rules and regulations, or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION (6): CIVIL REMEDIES Notwithstanding any penalty provisions contained herein, or the application and enforcement of any such penalty provision, nothing qhall prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions or the nforced prevention of violations of the Code by injunctive or cther civil remedy. SECTION (7): SAVINGS CLAUSE If any provision section or portion of this ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional, the particular provision, section or portion held invalid or unconstitutional shall not be deemed to effect the validity of any other section, provisions or portion of said ordinance. SECTION (8): EFFECTIVE DATE That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of the aqq 3o suoTsTAoad aqg ggTM aouepa000e uT uoTgpoTTgnd pup abpssed sgT aa43e pue UI023 ATa4eTp9MWT 40833a as[eq TTegs aoupuTpao sTgg qpI J dyVa 3AIJDdddd : ( 8 ) NOIIOaS •aoueuTpao pTps 3o uoTgaod JO suoTsTAoad 'uoTgoas aaggo Aue 3o A4TPTTPA aqg 4oa33a oq pamaap aq you TTegs TPuoTgn;Tgsuooun ao pTTpAUT pTaq uoTgaod ao uoTgoas 'uoTsTAoad apTnoTgaed aqg 'TpuoTgngTgsuooun ao pTTenuT pTaq aq TTPgs eouputpao sTgq 3o uoTgaod ao uoTgoas uoTsTAoad Aup 3I dSfVIO SENIAVS s ( L) NOILDaS •Apewei T TATO aaggo ao aATgounCuT Aq apoO aqg 3o suoTgpToTA 3o uoTquanaad paoao;ua aqg ao suoTgTpuoo pa4TgTgoad 3o Tpnouiaa paoao3ua agg guanaad TTegs buTggou 'uoTsTAoad AgTpuad qons Aue 3o guauuaoao;ue pup uoTgeoTTdde aqg ao 'uTaaaq pauTpguoo suoTsTAoad AgTuuad Aue buTpuegsq;TMgoN saIQawd2I `IIAI3 : ( 9 ) NOIJDdS •paTpadaa Agaaaq aae aoupuTpao sTgg 3o suoTsTAoad aqq g4TM goTT3uoo uT 3oaaagq sgapd ao 'SuoTgelnbaa pup saTna ao 'saoueuTpao 3o sgapd ao saoupuTpao ITV SSONVNIQ2IO ONIJOI'IiNOD dO 'IVdddj : ( 5) NOIyDds •esue33o agpaedes a aq oq pauuaap aq pup agngTgsuoo TTegs sanuTguoo aoupuTpao sTgq 3o UOTSTAoad Aue 3o uoTgeToTA Aue gegg App AaaAa pup gopa gegg pue ( 00 ' 00Z$ ) S2iV'I'IOa Qd2iaNMI OMI paeoxa eq you urns Aue uT pauT3 aq TTegs 'amps 3o pagoTAuoo sT oqM pue aoupuTpao STgg 3o suoTsTAoad aqg 3o Aup a.PToTA TTegs oqM uoTgeaodaoo ao maT3 'uosaad Aup gegy Shcy'IVNdd : ( ti ) NOIyOds •pagsTTgnd aq og aures aqg asnpo pup aoueuTpao sTgg 3o uoTgdopp aqg oq AJTgaao Ilegs eNPTtTnos 3o AgTD egg 3o Aapgaaoas ATM aqg geLgy MOI DIDI'IBnd : ( E) NOI LDds general laws of the State of Texas, and it is accordingly so rdained. PRESENTED AND PASSED cn this the 16 day of at a regular meeting of the City0Council cf the Texas, by a vote of $ ayes, nayes, and September , 1986 ~ity of Southlake, abstaining. ATTEST: ? Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary william H. Smith City Attorney £auao44v A4TD I tWS •H UI TTT 1/7/7/1// daegaaoas AqTD pupapaZ •Z papup 7'2G,p 1 ssassy i' a•1 '' •ar 'P ;• • •/pco , •buiuTpgsgp ;.) pu2 'saipu ) 'sa1s 5 go a.on E Aq 'sExay '3NITt t0S 30 3TZ1 egg go TTounop /Kg-Fp aql go buTgaam apTnbaa P qp 9861 ' '. 1' 30 APP aql P.M; u0 aSSSVd UNK aamasaxa •PaulEpa0 os kTbuTpa000s sT .4T pue 's.exay go aTe4s aq4 go sMtT Teaauab r ' r_ I Fort Worth Star=l - DATE (STAR qF"E(;RAMI St,P 24 86825• THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Barbara Gulick Secretary for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, published by the Capital Cities Communications, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly sworn, did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was published in the above named paper on the following dates: ORDINANCE NO. — ******** September 24 , 1986 AN ORDINANCE ADOPT345 ING THE UNIFORM CODE FOR * ABATEMENT OF DANGER- N.E .Extra OUS BUILDINGS, 1985 EDI- * k Ok ? TION TO PROVIDE MINI- MUM CONDEMNATION: * STANDARDS FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS: PROVIDING ASEllERABILI- P TY CLAUSE, PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, * REPEALING CONFLICT- TING ORDINANCES PRO VIDING PENALTIES AND PROVIDING AN EFF EC- Si Signed L TIVE DATE. ORDINANCE N( g -� Presented and Passed on this AN ORDINANCE AC the 16th day of September,1986, THE UNIFORM CO at aregularmeetingoftheCity-ember 1986 ABATEMENT OF D Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the Council oftheCltyofSouthlake OUS BUILDINGS, 1 • Texas,by a vote of 5 ayes,6 � TION TO PROVID v naves,and 0 abstaining.MUM / STAN CONDEMI Notary Public// s/Llovd0.LatMayJr. -or STANDARDS FORT OF SOUTHLAKE ATTEST: PROVIDINGASEVE /s/Sandra L.LeGrandfty, , %a TY CLAUSE, PROV City Secretary SAVINGS APPROVED AS TO FORM: REPEALING COr Is/William H.Smith TING ORDINANCE City Attorney :VIDING PENALTII PROVIDIEG AN I Notary expiration date 3-9-89 TIVE DATE. Presented and Passe 'the 16th day of Septeml at a regular meeting o Council of the City of& Texas, by a vote of; naves,and 0 absfalnir /s/Lloyd O.L Mayor ATTEST:l /s/Sandra L.LeGrand I APPROVED ASI TS C O eF PAYMENT DUE DATEFORM: 30 DAYS OVER 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAYS CURRENT STATEMENT PERIOD I ACCT.NO. IS/William H.Smith 9/24 — 9/24 C'17 5 7 `)N k F,C P T City Attorne IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT,PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT(817)390-7761.TO ASSIST US IN AN ACCURATE AND TIMELY POSTING OF YOUR PAYMENTS,PLEASE MAIL ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O.BOX 99026 FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199. ,��TEAR ALONG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT ----A ADVERTISING STATEMENT Fart Worth Star-Telegram REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 99026• FORT WORTH,TEXAS 76199 UN R T ACCOUNT NUMBER L'1 1 5 I PAYMENT DUE DATE ��P 1 PAGE OF SALESPERSON ' CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Up1ri .! 667 N CARROLL 15. 39 SOUTHL�AKE TX 76092 1 ATTN : SAMURA L, LEGRAD 1PLEASEPAY HIS AMOUNT , PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSED We aiwreciate your Business!