Monday, January 28, 2013, at 5:45pm
In Attendance: Crystal Maddalena (Teen Court Coordinator), Natasha Singar (Teen Court Assistant) Sandy
Sobocinski (Southlake Board Appointee), Carrie Stewart (Colleyville Board Appointee), Marjorie Lewis
(Grapevine Board Appointee), Crystal Shafer (Keller Board Appointee), Darlene Freed (Grapevine City Council
liaison), Mike Taylor (Colleyville City Council Liaison), Traci Hutton (Grapevine Board Appointee),
Absent: Al Zito (Southlake City Council Liaison), Brian Loftus (Colleyville Board Appointee), Tom Cawthra
(Keller City Council Liason), Tim Reilley (Southlake Board Appointee),
1. Call to order at 5:45 p.m. by Crystal Maddalena
2. Administrative Comments
CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of Minutes from December 3, 2012
3. Motion by Mike Taylor, Second by Marjorie Lewis
4. Discussion: Election of Officers
Item was skipped to move to bylaws as election of officers is covered in the bylaws.
5. Discussion: Advisory Board Bylaws
Proposed bylaws were presented. Members discussed changes and decided to further review bylaws before
voting. Staff will contact other teen courts in the area to obtain bylaws as reference and will send to board
members for review. Item will be set for vote at next meeting.
6. Discussion: Advisory Board Meeting Schedule (Resolution)
Item was discussed at to the dates presented; however, due to the non vote of the bylaws, a resolution was not
necessary as this is an item to be changed (proposed).
7. Discussion: Quarter 1 Referral Data
Staff reviewed data members had been previously sent. No other information was requested.
8. Discussion: Budget Analysis
Staff presented budget analysis for true cost, rolling rates, and interlocal agreement. Members requested
cosmetic changes to colors of presentation. Staff will send out changed presentation immediately.
9. Discussion: Important Dates to Remember
Staff and members discussed upcoming dates to remember. Members asked that more notice be given for
major events. Staff will send out meeting notices for regular board meetings as soon as possible.
10. Meeting Adjourned at 6:52 p.m.
Next meeting was scheduled for 5:45pm on Monday, March 18, 2013.
Respectfully .C// Submitted
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