Monday, March 18, 2013, at 5:45pm
In Attendance: Crystal Maddalena (Teen Court Coordinator), Natasha Singar (Teen Court Assistant) Sandy
Sobocinski (Southlake Board Appointee), Marjorie Lewis (Grapevine Board Appointee), Crystal Shafer (Keller
Board Appointee), Darlene Freed (Grapevine City Council liaison), Mike Taylor (Colleyville City Council
Liaison), Traci Hutton (Grapevine Board Appointee), Brian Loftus (Colleyville Board Appointee), Tom Cawthra
(Keller City Council Liason), Chris Henz (Keller Board Appointee)
Absent: Ai Zito (Southlake City Council Liaison), Tim Reilley (Southlake Board Appointee), Carrie Stewart
(Colleyville Board Appointee),
1. Call to order at 5:45 p.m. by Crystal Maddalena
2. Administrative Comments (Teen Court Update presented by staff)
CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of Minutes from January 28, 2013
3. Motion by Mike Taylor, Second by Crystal Shafer
4. Discussion: Election of Officers
Board Members discussed how to conduct election.
5. Consider: Election of Officers
This item was intially skipped until after bylaws had been approved. After approval, Marjorie Lewis nominated
Sandy Sobocinski as president who accepted the nomination and was elected by a unanimous vote. Traci
Hutton nominated Marjorie Lewis as vice president who accepted the nomination and was elected by a
unanimous vote.
6. Consider: Approve Proposed Advisory Board Bylaws
Proposed bylaws were discussed and amended to members satisfaction. Traci Hutton made a motion that the
proposed and amended bylaws be approved. Marjorie Lewis made a second, and the bylaws were passed by
a unanimous vote.
7. Discussion: important Dates to Remember
Staff reviewed upcoming important dates to remember.
8. Discussion: Miscellaneous
Members discussed new agenda items for next meeting including use of social media, judges' information, and
ways to create interest in program for volunteers.
9. Adjournment
Traci Hutton made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 p.m. Second by Marjorie Lewis.
10. Meeting Adjourned at 6:32 p.m.
Next meeting was scheduled for 5:45pm on Monday, June 3, 2013.
Respectfully S mitted by: Appr d By:
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