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COMMERi RES. SIGHT DISTANCE DEVELOPMENT ; DIST. NO.. COUNTY TARRANT MINUTE NO. ONE DATE 42 85 PERCENTILE SPEED - HIGHWAY FM 1709 CITY SOUTHLAKE REPLACES A DATE b2 TOP SPEED MEASURED NUMBER OF CARS CHECKED .III}46 SPEED ZONE fi REPLACED BY DATE 125 DATE OF SURVEY MAY, / 986 .. SCALE f' CANCELED BY DATE _ �I r I FATAL ACCIDENT LIMITS OF ZONE SECTION ONE LENGTH MILES SECTION TWO LENGTH MILES PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENT _ STA OR M.? CONT. 8SECT PROJECT STA. OR lap. CONT.B SECT PROJECT PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT - l _ --E-S-1603-3 4 — 3 S 1536 I sEc�Ns - . - - = INDICATES SECTION ZONED +STA. OR M.P.CONT.BSEC PROJECT 3TA.OR M.P. CONTASECT. PROJECT ;- BY COMMISSION MINUTE - LlrD! : ENDS # ; i i y Fort Worth Star _.- ._„.. DATE (STAR ADTELEGRAMI 1 07/18 81760 AM6PM J SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE NO.332 THE STATE OF TEXAS AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ESTABLISHED FOR HE PROVISIONS OFDER SECTION County of Tarrant 167 AND 169 OF ARTICLE XIX,R.C.S.6701d,UNIFORM ACT REGULATING TRAF- FIC Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day THE ON HIGHWAYS, UPON INGANDT R AFFI ENGI- NEERN IIN- VESTIGATION UPON CER• personally appeared Fort Gulick Secretary for the Worth TAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS i Star-Telegram, published by the Capital Cities Communications, Inc. at Communications, THEREOF WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texast and who, after being duly sworn, THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AS SET OUT IN THE ORDI- did depose and say that the following clipping of an advertisement was NANCE:AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT published in the above named paper on the following dates: TOEXCEEDS200.00FOR VIO- LATION OF THIS ORDI- NANCE. July 13 , 1986 SPEED ZONif WH Sectionl67and169 ANORDINANCEEAL ALTERING of Article XIX,R.C.S. 6701d, THE PR1S 1 HEO FOR Uniform Act Regulating Traf- fic I EST 55 onHighways,providesthat AM&PM Edition VI:WICL'ES ND�ERg ,�I E whenever the governing body PROVISION>i q�TICLE N ofthesisofanldgineeneupon 167 AND 169 traffiche sofanengineeringany XIX,R.C.S.670 d,UNIFORM traffic investigation thereinsetny ACT REGULATING TRAF- prima facie speedlessthan FIC ON HIGHWAYS, UPON forth Is greater or than Is THE BASIS OF AN ENGI- reasonable or safe under the NEERINGANDTRAFFICIN- innditionsfoundtoexistatany VEST IGATION UPON AEN R- Intersection or other place or TAIN STREETS u withpart the City tatorhinto Signed HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS way,with the taking into L�[OI�yTHEREOF, WITHIN THE consideration the width and CORPORATE LIMITS OF condition of the pavement and THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE other circumstances on such Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the AS SET OUT IVAR THE ORDI• • • • portion of said street or high- NANCE:AND POVIDING AI • I way,as well as the usual trafflc PENALTY OF FFORV O thereon,said govern body may TO E XCE E D 5200.00 determine and declare a rea Notary PUb1iC ELATION OF THIS ORDI• . `, sonable and safe prima fade NANCE. Te as. speed limit thereat or thereon WHEREAS,Sectio 1 S.and169 which Passage of an ordinance,ante, of Article XIX, Traf- which shall be effective when Uniform Act Regulating that the appropriate 519n5 d at such noticein- fic on Highways,provides thereof are erected at In whenever the governing body of to street now of theCltyshalldetermineupon —89 of the street or highway,now Notary E Xp J-r the basis of an engineering and therefore,BE IT ORDAINED traffic investigation that any by the City prima fade speed thereinset SOUTHLAAKEKE,,T TEXAS: forth Is greater or less than is Section 1.Upon the basis of an engineering and traffic invest I- reasonable or safe under theconditions found to exist at any gatlon heretofore made.as au- intersection or other place or i thorized by the provisions of intersection or fostreet high- i Section 167 and 169 of Article upon way,with the City taking into , RIgul ti g67raf is onrmAht I consideration the width and I Regulating Traffic on High- I condition of the pavement and ways the fol lowing prima facie - ether CIf said air eS On SUCK I PAYMENT DUE speed limits hereafter Indicat• — ----- — portion of said street or high- ed for vehicles are hereby OVER 30 DAYS OVER 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAY:} CURR way,as well as the usual traffic rdeasonable and and such be ___.. T—_. _._._ thereon,saidgovernbpdvmay I ACCT.NO. speednabit and safe;and determine and declare a rea• sp the rate ofsare upon tad for sonable and safe prima fade mm the rate of speed Indicated for Q speed limit thereat or thereon C.L 5 7 vehicles travelingetsand the by the passage ofaectie ordinance, IF YOU H namedstreets highways, which shall be effective when or parts thereof,described as NG YOUR ACCOUNT,PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPART appropriate signsglvingnotice O ASSIST US IN AN follows: thereof•are erected at such In- 1.From Station 154+45(Souttr,OSTING OF YOUR PAYMENTS,PLEASE MAIL ALL PAYMENTS TO P.O.BOX tersectionorotherpiace0rpart AS 76199. lake-Keller City Limit on west .p}the street or highway,now R.O.W.Ilneof Pearson Lane),NG THIS PERFORATION AND RETURN THE LOWER PORTION WITH YOURR therefore.BE IT ORDAINED easterly 5.430 - - .I by theCitYcounoiofiheGiv°f 441+13(intersection with S.H. SOUTHLAKE,TEXAS: 114)at 45 miles per hour. Section I.Upon the basis of an Section 2.Any person violating engineering and traffic lnvesti- any of the provisions of this or- A D V E R T I SI gatlon heretofore made,as au- r dinance shall be deemed guilty thorized by the provisions 0f 1 of a misdemeanor and upon Section 167 and d169 of Article Fort cpnvicllonthereof shall befined R guiafI g TrafficnoormAd h any sum not.more than two- hundred r.Telegram egulating Traffic on High- hundred demean dollars. REMIT TO: P.O. BO)wavd limits ow I herngter indcatThis ordinance supersedes allspeed hmlts hereafter ind)cat- TEXAS 76199 Previous ordinances pertain- 'led for vehicles are hereby trig to the above referenced determined and declared to be highway. ACCOUNT NUMBER L'TTT5 reasonable and safe;and such PASSED AND APPROVED J4 speedllmitsareherebyfixedat THIS THE 18th day of June,I the rate of speed Indicated for 1986 APPROVED: vehicles traveling upon the is/Lloyd O.Latta,Jr., PAGE OF or parts treets and highways, Mayor SALESPERSON or part thereof,described as ATTEST: follows: /s/Sandra L.LeGrand 1.F rom Station 154+45(South- City Secretary lake-Keller City Limit on west R.O.W.line of Pearson Lane), easterly 5.430 miles to Station 114)at(intersection miles cper hour.5.H. Section 2.Any person violating any of the provisions of this or- dinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon r'ITX OF SOUTHLAKE conviction misdemeaofshallbefinen in any sum not more than two- I'TN: SANDRA LE GRAND hundred not dollars. This ordinance supersedes all PLEASE PAY previoust ordinances pertain- 667 N CARROLL Mhighwav awe referenced THIS AMOUNT 'PASSED AND 18th APPROVEDf J e SOUTHLAKE TEXAS 76092 198E APPROVED: /s;Lloyd O.Latta,Jr Mayor ATTEST: /s/Sandra L.City Secretand ry PLEASE WRITE IN AMOUNT ENCLOSE We annreriate vnur BricinPRRI