0309An Ordinance establishing a Park Board for the City of Southlake; establishing the number of Board members and their terms; providing for Board meetings and by-laws; providing for duties and responsibilities of the park board; prohibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages in any park; prohibiting horses and off-road vehicles in the park; establishing opening and closing times for parks; prohibiting littering in any park; providing for signs in parks; providing for penalties; [roviding an effective date; containing a savings clause and providing for publication. Whereas, the City of Southlake Texas currently has existing an informal park commission for the purpose of overseeing the existing city park and future city parks for such city; and Whereas, the City Council for the City of Southlake, Texas deems it advisable and necessary to establish a formal Park Board for the City of Southlake to administer the currently existing city park and all future city parks within the city; and Whereas, the City Council deems it advisable and necessary to prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages within any city park and to prohibit the use of any off-road vehicle or any horse within any city park; and Whereas, the City Council deems it advisable and necessary to p~ohibit littering within any city park: THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. Creation of Park and Recreation Board. There is hereby established the Park and Recreation Board for the City of Southlake, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Board". Such Board shall replace the existing informal Parks Commission within the City of Soufhlake, Texas. Such replacement of the existing Park Commission shall be in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance as hereinafter set forth. Section 2. Number of Board Members, Qualifications and Terms. The Board shall consist of nine (9) members who are to be citizens and are qualified voters of the City of Southlake, Texas and who shal! be appointed by the City Council for three (3) year terms. Members shall serve until their successors are appointed, without compensation. Places on the Board shall be numbered one (1) through nine (9). The existing Park Commission shall fill the Park Board places so far as possible until December 31, 1985. The Park Board shall exist with only six (6) places filled from the effective date of this ordinance through December 31, 1985. The City Council shall appoint nine (9) Board members for terms beginning effective January 1, 1986 with the terms for the Board members to be as follows for such appointment occurring effective January 1, 1986: a. Places one (1), two (2) and three (3) shall be appointed for three year terms beginning January 1, 1986; b. Places four (4), five (5) and six (6) shall be appointed for two year terms beginning January 1, 1986; and c. Places seven (7), eight (8) and nine (9) shall be appointed for one year terms beginning January 1, 1986. Thereafter, appointments shall be made for three year terms for each Board member position or place effective as of the date of expiration of the particular place or position in accordance with the aforementioned original appointments. The City Council in making the appointments to the Board, shall give due consideration to the recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce, Planning & Zoning Commission and the Park and Recreation Board. The City Council if it deems it desirable, may appoint ex officio members to the Board. Such ex officio members shall be appointed on an annual basis and the term of office of such ex officio members shall begin on January 1st of each year and end on December 31st of the next year. Such ex officio members shall have no voting authority for park and recreation matters. Vacancies on the Board are to be filled by appointment by the City Council for the length of the unexpired term. The Board may submit recommendations to the Council for the filling of any vacancy. Section 3. Park Board Meetings and By-Laws. The Board, within thirty (30) days of appointment of members, each year, shall meet in regular session and shall select from the members a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary for one year terms and until their successors are elected. The Board shall adopt by- laws to govern the holding of ifs meetings which, at a minimum, shall encompass the following: a. Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month. b. Manner of holding and calling of special meetings. c. Majority of members shall constitute a quorum. d. Members not planning to attend a regular meeting or special meeting shall notify the City Secretary or the chairman of the Board by 12:00 o'clock noon of the meeting day. e. Any member not attending meetings regularly or exhibiting interest in the Boards work shall be reported to the city Council which may, at its discretion, remove the Board member and appoint a replacement. f. Minutes of each Board meeting shall be filed with the City Secretary and Mayor. Section 4. Park Board Duties and Responsibilities- The duties and responsibilities of the Parks and Recreation Board shall be to: a. Act in an advisor capacity to the City Council and the Planning & zoning Commission and any Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Southlake, in all matters pertaining to parks and recreation and to cooperate with other governmental agencies, civic groups and all citizens of the city in the advancement of sound parks and recreation planning and programming. b. Recommend policies on recreation service and park improvements to the Planning and zoning Colmmission for further recommendation to the City Council. c. Advise the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council or the Parks and Recreation Director, if one exists, on programs of developmeht, recreation areas, facilities, programs and improved recreation services. d. Recommend the adoption of standards for recreational areas, facilities, programs and their financial support with such recommendation to be made to the Planning and Zoning Commission for further recommendation to the city Council. e. Have an annual review made of existing services and a survey of services needed and interpret the need of the public to the Planning & Zoning Commissiou and the City Council and to any Parks and Recreation Director employed by the City of Southlake. f. Aid in coordinating the recreation services with the programs of other governmental agencies and interested groups. g. Review the effectiveness of the parks and recreation program with the any parks and Recreation Director employed by the City of South]ake and with the Mayor of the city of Southlake. h. Interpret the policies and functions of the City of Southlake as regards to recreation° i. Have the opportunity to review the annual budget of the parks and recreation program of the City of Southlake proposed by the Mayor or by any Parks and Recreation Director employed by the City of Southlake prior to submission of such to the Mayor or City Council as ro riate, and advise any Parks and Recreation Director employed by ~ C~ty of Southlake, or the Mayor, as appropriate, on the development of long range capita] improvements programs. Section 5. Alcoholic Beverages in Parks. a. Definitions - t. Alcoholic Beverage shall be defined to include any alcohol and any beverage containing more than one-half (1/2) of one per cent of alcohol by volume which is capable of use for beverage, either alone or when diluted. 2. Public Parks shall be defined to be all parks, playgrounds, recreational areas owned, leased, operated or under the control of the City of Southlake, Texas. This definition shall include all athletic fields, swimming pools, gymnasiums, tennis courts, and other similar facilities owned, ]eased or operated by the City of Southlake. b. Alcoholic Beverages Prohibited - It shall be unlawful for any person to possess or consume any alcoholic beverage in any public park of the City of Southlake, Texas. Section 6. Riding or Dr~vin~ Horses in City Parks. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or ride a horse or horses within the limits of any park owned or leased by the City of Southlake, Texas. Section 7. RJdin~ or Driving Off-Road Vehicles in City Parks. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or ride an off-road vehicle within the limits of any park owned or leased by the City of Southlake, Texas. For the purposes of this section, an off-road vehicle is a vehicle designed and equipped for use off of any paved roadway with such definition to specifically include off-road motor bikes, go-carts, and dune-buggies. Section 8. Vehicular and Bicycle Traffic Prohibited in Certain Areas; Posting of Signs. a. It shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle traffic to stand, stop, park or cross onto or into any portion of any park, playground or recreational area owned, leased, operated or under control of the City of Southlake, Texas other than upon a roadway or parking area so designated for such purposes by the City of Southlake. b. The Mayor or his designated representative is directed to post signs giving notice that all vehicular and bicycle traffic is prohibited within any public park wherein such sign is posted except in specifically posted areas that are provided as parking areas or upon roadways provided within such park. SectJ(>n 9. Time Limitations On Public Use of Parks; Authorizinq Placement of Signs and Gates. a. It shall be unlawful for any person to use, enter into or be within a public park within the City of Southlake, Texas during the hours of 12:00 o'clock P.M. and sunrise, except when City - sponsored or Coat - sponsored events are being held. b. The Mayor or his designated representative is authorized and directed to place signs at appropriate locations in any city park in the City of Southlake, Texas to notify all persons of the prohibited hours. Such signs shall state "No Persons Allowed In This Park Between The Hours Of 12:00 o'clock P.M. And Sunrise." c. The Mayor or his authorized representative is authorized and directed to erect a gate at the main entrance and at each other entrance of any public park within the city limits of the City of Southlake, Texas, and is further authorized and directed to lock such gate or gates during the hours of 12:00 o'clock P.M. and sunrise. Section 10. Littering. Littering is hereby prohibited in any public park owned, leased or operated by the City of South]ake including all trash and other items which may be left by persons picnicking within such park and not placed in appropriate trash receptacles provided in such park by the City of Southlake, Texas. Section 11. Fire Arms Prohibited. it shall be unlawful for any person to carry on or about himself or to discharge a gun, pistol, rifle or other firearm within any park owned, leased or operated by the City of Southlake, Texas. Section 12. Penalties and Enforcement. Any person or persons who violate any provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined upon conviction not less than one dollar ($1.00) or more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense, and each day any violation continues and each separate violation on any given day shall constitute a separate offense. Section 13. Re~eal of Prior Ordinances and Resolutions. Upon this ordinance becoming effective, all ordinances or &auaog;K A4T3 'q TWS 'H iuPTTTtM ---:2':72: ;Y-1/71///// :ui o3 og SP panoaddv daPgaaaas A TD 'puPa99Z Papus .,----p--23-4,7x --1-1,-y :a.s g4y Ali -12 Pgg• l ex. 0 NaprOdK// OK d Air . "72 / •buTuTPgsqp 0 pup 'saAeu ,22 'saAP 's2xay 'axwTggnos 3o A4T3 agg 3o TTounoD A4T3 agg Aq S86T ' '14- 3o App sTgg Passu •spxay 3o agPgs aqg 3o sagngtgs aqg ggTM aouppa000E uT poTaad E a03 s2xay 'axpupnos 3o A4T3 aqg 3o aadedsMau TPToT33o aqg uT aouPuTpao sTgg 3o uoTgdTaosep pup uoTgduo agg 149T-Find TT2gs spxay 'axPTggnoS 3o A4TD agg ao3 LaPgaaoaS A4T3 aqy •spxay 3o acPgs aqg 3o sagngPgs alp. 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Carroll Ave their terms; providing for Board meetings and by-laws; providing for duties and responsiblillies of the Dark Southlake, Texas 76092 bUarrr;pp n f lit alcoholic prohibiting cbe con- s er ages In any park;prohibiting horses and off-road vehicles In the park;establishing opening and dosing times for Darks; prohibit In any Dark prio littering fors signs In 137 Lines 1 Times $ 12.40 parks;providing for Denallties, providing an effective date; containing a savings clause and providing for publication. This ordinance shall be and be- Affidavit come effective upon oassageby the City Council of the City of IIllccation within theofficial news- How Ordered NE. Zone Total 12.40 peaces'of Ali f S ed for and ke- mired by the statutes of the State of Texas.Passed this the Date Start 5/26/85 Date End 5/26/85 7th d May, Latta Jr. Attest: 008 Lori Cotton /S/Sandra L.LeGrand Class No. Si ned: Approved as to Form; g /S/Wllilam H.Smith City Attorney