~REAS, the City Council deems it necessary, for the purpose of improving
traffic circulation and flow, provide for and protect the public safety,
establish greater public convenience, develop n more thorough public under-
standing and realization of street and roadway systems (and their respective
functions and related components), and to provide necessary guidelines for
public and private entiti~.s in the design and construction of streets,
roadways aud drainage facilities.
Page No.
2.1 Plans and Specifications Requirements
Cul-de-Sac Street
Private Roadways and/or Drives
Effective Roadway Paving Width
Major Thoroughfares
Secondary Thoroughfares
Local Streets
Streets and Roadways; General Design
Street Lengths
Horizontal Roadway Curve Radius
Street Grade Criteria
City Owned Utilities
Pavement Thickness Standards
Roadways and Drives:
Roadways and Drives:
Roadways and Drives:
Adjacent Parking Prohibited
Permitted Adjacent Parallel Parking
Permitted Angle Parking (e.g., Parking Lots)
General Storm Sewer Standards
Design Criteria
Fig. 1 Rainfall Intensity vs.
Duration Frequency Curves
7.1 Reference to Texas Highway Department Standards
General Provisions
Construction Standards
Clearing and Grubbing
Street Excavation
Lime Stabilized Subgrade
Cement Stabilized Subgrade
Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement
Concrete Pavement
Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe
Concrete Curb and Gutter
Concrete Sidewalks and Driveways
8.1 General Provisions
8.la Storm Drainage Definitions
8.lb Street Definitions
8.1c Procedure
8.1d Ownership and Maintenance
8.1e Performance Bonds or Cash Deposit
8.1f Engineering and Inspection
8.1g Award of Bids When Public Funds Involved
8.Ih Time Limits of Contract
8.1i Transfer or Assignment of Agreement
8.1j Partial Tract Development
8.2 Policy for Storm Drainage Installations
8.2a Preliminary Drainage Study
8.2b Residential "Built-Up Areas"
8.2c Commercial and Industrial Properties or New Residential Developments
8.2d Commercial and Industrial Property
8.2e Engineering and Supervision
8.2f Ownership and Maintenance
8.3 Policy for Street Installations
8.3a Street Construction in Built-Up Property Areas
8.3b Street Construction for Developers
Fig. 2 Standard t~dAC Paving and Curb Details
28', 30? and 36' Streets
Fig. 3 Standard HMAC Paving and Curb Details
40' and 44' Streets
Fig. 4 Laydown Curb and Driveway
Fig. 5 Concrete Valley Gutter
Fig. 6 Standard 5' Storm Drain Inlet
Fig. 7 Standard 10' Storm Drain Inlet
Fig. 8 Standard Double 10' Storm Drain Inlet
Fig. 9 Typical Paving Sections and Details for Concrete Pavement
SECTION 1 - PURPOSE AND INTENT - The design and function of streets and
roadways encompasses a sophisticated product of many variables and con-
siderations, whlch include but are not limited to the following:
1. T)~e of land use served (i.e., residential, commercial, industrial,
2. Type of development density and intensity of land use served (i.e.,
low, medium and high, intensive and extensive).
3. Street function (i.e., Major Thoroughfares, Secondary Thoroughfares
(Collectors) and Local Streets).
4. Design speed.
5. Traffic flow and corresponding characteristics as related to public
safety and convenience.
6. Ability to accommodate the maneuverability and circulation of
emergency and service vehicles.
7. Land and related improvements cost.
8. Construction and maintenance costs.
The purpose and intent of this ordinance therefore, is to improve traffic
circulation and flow, provide for and protect the public safety, establish
greater public convenience, develop a more thorough public understanding
and realization of street and roadway systems (and their respective functions
and related components), and to provide necessary guidelines for public and
private entities in the design and construction of streets, roadways and
drainage facilities. The design standards herein contained are outlined as
a municipal policy guide in effectuating the City of Southlake's "Thorough-
fare and Circulation Plan."
2.1 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: Plans and specifications prepared by a
registered professional engineer in the State of Texas shall be required for
all proposed construction of street and drainage facilities in the City. The
plans shall include but not be limited to:
(a) Plat of the proposed addition (if a new development) at a scale
not less than 1" = 200 feet showing all property lines, lots and blocks.
(b) Topographic map at a scale not less than 1" = 200 feet with con-
tour intervals not exceeding five (5) feet. A drainage area map shall be
prepared utilizing the topographic map.
(c) Plan-profile drawings of all proposed improvements at a scale of
1" = 40 feet.
2.2 All plans shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to con-
struction. If part of a new development three (3) complete sets of approved
plans and specifications shall be furnished to the City at the expense of
the developer. Upon completion of construction, one set of "As Built" re-
producible tracings of the complete project shall be furnished to the City
at developer's expense.
3.1 STREET - A "street" is defined as all property owned by the public
(either through acquisition or dedication by private sources) for the primary
purpose of vehicular movement and circulation, which is contained within fixed
boundaries commonly referred to as right-of-way (R.O.W.) lines, and in which
traveled roadways exist, along with various service utilities (i.e., water,
sewer, telephone, gas, electric utilities, etc.) and sidewalks for pedestrian
3.2 ROADWAY - A "roadway" is defined as the traveled portion of a street
upon which vehicles traverse and circulate, and includes the area from back-to-
back of the outer curb lines, or where curbs do not exist, said roadway in-
cludes the traveled area from the outer edges of the surfaced and prepared
portion of the roadway, excluding shoulders, etc.
3.5 CUL-DE-SAC STREET - A "cul-de-sac" street is a public or private
street in which one end (outlet) intersects at right angles (or near right
angles) with an adjacent public or private street, and the opposite terminal
end culminates in a turnaround (cul-de-sac). The main characteristic of a
cul-de-sac street provides for only one traffic outlet to an adjacent in-
tersecting street and therefore prohibits through traffic.
3.4 PRIVATE ROADWAYS AND/OR DRIVES - These are similar to public streets
and roadways except that ownership and maintenance is privately used and re-
tained and not dedicated to the public for general public use and maintenance.
5.5 EFFECTIVE ROADWAY PAVING WIDTH - The distance between the inside
curb faces of a roadway; or where curbs do not exist, the distance (width)
to the outer edge of the roadway paving (exclusive of shoulders).
3.6 DENSITY - As referred to in these standards are defined as follows:
a. Low Density Development - 2.0 (or less) dwelling units per acre.
b. Moderate Density Development - 2.1 to 7.0 dwelling units per acre.
c. Medium Density Development - 7.1 to 19.0 dwelling units per acre.
d, ttigh Density Development - 20 or more dwelling units per acre.
~4AJOR TIIORO[JGItFARES - Generally comprise federal and state numbered
and other significant traffic corridors, and are stratified as follows:
a. Principal Arterials - Highest traffic volume corridors.
b. Minor Arterials - Interconnects with, and augments, the "Principal
Arterial" System at a somewhat lower level of traffic mobility.
These thoroughfares primarily serve through traffic on a continuous route
within the city for purposes of linkage with other urban areas and significant
traffic generators outside the city, and thus form an integrated network of
providing inter city/county service. The intention of these streets is to move
all types of traffic (autos, buses, trucks, etc.) at moderate speeds with mini-
mum interruption. On-street parking is prohibited. Of secondary importance
is the land service function abilities and capabilities. Access control is
normally dictated by city, state and county policy. Major thoroughfare streets
require sufficient R.O.W. widths to accommodate additional traffic lanes or other
roadway modifications as future traffic demands may dictate.
called "Collector Streets", accommodate the dual functions of collecting in-
ternal traffic circulation (from local streets) within a specific area(s) of
the city for movement from that area(s) to a "Major Thoroughfare" street (at
appropriately spaced points) for dispersal along the "Major Thoroughfare."
The primary consideration of a "collector" street is in accommodation of major
traffic flow. Land access and service to abutting private property is general-
ly of secondary importance. Design speeds are low to moderate and curb park-
ing is discouraged where possible, unless sufficient traffic and parking lane
widths are provided.
a. "Principal Collectors" - These streets form a somewhat continuous
road network and generally comprise the boundaries of neighborhoods. They
are, therefore, designed to accommodate higher traffic volumes than "Minor
Collectors." Land access and service to abutting private property is of
secondary importance. These streets require a sufficient R.O.W. width to
accommodate additional traffic lanes as future demands dictate. Median strips
of not less than 16 to 20 feet in width are required for left turn movements.
b. "Minor Collectors" - It is not considered necessary for "Minor Col-
lectors" to form a continuous system as it would induce a tendency for traffic
to use this type of street as a "Principal Collector" or "Thoroughfare," thus
negating one of the basic principles of traffic planning -- which is to keep
through traffic confined to higher order streets. "Minor Collectors" nor-
mally require less R.O.W. width than "Principal Collectors" due to function,
and normally carry lower traffic volumes. These streets form the boundaries
of sub-neighborhoods and often serve to separate development density or in-
3.9 LOCAL STREETS - Local streets (sometimes referred to as "Residential",
"Commercial/Industrial" or "Minor" streets) serve the primary purpose and func-
tion of providing access to adjacent private property. These streets, along
some point in their routing intersect with "secondary thoroughfares", and
sometimes even "major thoroughfares." Normally, "local" streets in residential
areas [and where neighborhood-serving commercial activities are present) are
relatively narrow in width and of limited length. This street classification
also includes cul-de-sac streets. Local streets which serve higher intensive
developed areas (i.e., general commercial, high density apartments, and in-
dustrial facilities) should be designed to a higher classification standard,
as their traffic volumes (due to adjacent traffic generators) more closely
reflect "collector" or "thoroughfare" type streets.
A. Major Thoroughfares
1. Principal Arterials
Right-of-Way Width - Varies from 80'-350', as per
Texas Highway Department Standards.
See "Thoroughfare and Circulation
Plan," in the City's Comprehensive
Effective Paving Width - Varies from 44' to 2-24' with
a 20' median, as per Texas
Highway Department Standards.
See "Thoroughfare and Circulation
Plan," in the City's Comprehen-
sive Plan.
2. Minor Arterials
Right-of-Way Width - Varies from 100'-120', as per
Texas Highway Department Standards.
See "Thoroughfare and Circulation
Plan," in the City's Comprehensive
b. Effective Paving Width - 2 - 24' with a 20' median.
Secondar~ Thoroughfares
Principal Collectors
Right-of-Way Width - Varies from 84' to 90'. Residen-
tial and Industrial Areas an 84'
R.O.W. is required. ~here Resi-
dential Land Use is adjacent to
Intense Commercial and Industrial
areas, a 90' R.O.W. is required.
See "Thoroughfare and Circulation
Plan" for locations.
Effective Paving Width -
2 - 24' with a 16' median is
required in Residential and
Commerical/Industrial areas.
~here Residential Land Use is
adjacent to Intense Commercial
and Industrial areas, then 2 -
24' sections with a 20' median
is required. See "Thoroughfare
and Circulation Plan" for loca-
2. Minor Collectors
Right-of-Way Width - Varies from 56' in Residential
areas to 60' and 64' in Industrial
areas. Service Roads along S.H. 114
require 100' R.O.W.'s. See "Thor-
oughfare and Circulation Plan" for
Effective Paving Width - Varies from 36' in Residential
areas to 40' and 44' in Industrial
areas. Service Roads along S.H.
114 require a 32' paving section.
See "Thoroughfare and Circulation
Plan" for locations.
C. Local Streets:
1. Residential Streets
Right-of-Way Width ~
· SO' in low and moderate density areas.
· 60' in medium and high density areas.
· Cul-de-sacs should not be less than a
50' radius.
Effective Paving Width - . 50' in Iow and moderate density
· 28' for short loop and cul-de-
sac streets in said areas.
· 32' in medium and high density
· Cul-de-sacs should not be less
than a 40' radius.
2. Industrial and Intense Commercial Streets
a. Right-of-Way Width - 56' (60' radius for cul-de-sacs)·
b. Effective Paving Width - 36' (50' radius for cul-de-sacs).
A. Minimum Clear Sight Distance
1. Horizontal
(length along each
traffic lane approach)
· Major Thoroughfare - 90'
· Secondary Thoroughfare - 80'
· Local Streets - 75'
2. Vertical (Measured vertically from
a point coramencing 2.5'
above intersection curb
Street Intersection Angle
1. Preferred Angle (in degrees)
2. Minimum Angle (in degrees)
Minimum Curb Radius
· All street types - 7.5'
· Ail street types - 90°
. All street types - 7S°
Major Thoroughfares
a. Principal Arterials - As per Texas Highway Department
b. Minor Arterials - 20' radius.
Secondary Thoroughfares
a. Principal Collectors - 20' radios.
b. Minor Collectors - 20'
Local Streets
a. Residential Streets
1) Low and Moderate Density Areas - IS' radius.
2) Medium and High Density Areas - 1S' radius.
Intensive Commercial and Industrial Areas - 20' radius.
Minimum Centerline Offset of Opposite Intersecting Streets
1. Major Thoroughfares - As per Texas Highway Department Requirements
and/or City Requirements.
2. Secondary Thoroughfares
a. Principal Collectors - 200'.
b. Minor Collectors - 175'.
3. Local Streets (all types) - 150'.
Major Thoroughfares - No minimum or maximum.
Secondary Thoroughfares - No minimum or maximum.
Local Streets
1. Residential Streets
a. Typical Streets
b. Cul-de-sac Streets
· Minimum: 250'; 300' Preferred.
· Maximum: 1000'; 750' Preferred.
· Minimum:
· Maximum:
500'; 750' where severe
topographic conditions
exist and density is Iow
to moderate.
Industrial or Intensive Co,mmercial Areas
· Minimum: 1SO'
· Maximum: 750'; $00' Preferred.
Major Thoroughfares - As per Texas Highway Department Requirements
and/or City Requirements·
Secondary Thoroughfares
1. Principal Collectors - 400' minimun radius.
2. Minor Collectors -
· Ordinary Terrain (0-8% Cross Slope)
350' Min.
Rolling Terrain (8.1-15% Cross Slope) -
230' Min.
Hilly Terrain {15%+ Cross Slope) -
150' Min.
C. Local Streets
Residential Streets - . Ordinary Terrain (0-8% Cross Slope) -
250' Min.
· Rolling Terrain {8.1-15% Cross Slope) -
175' Min.
· Hilly Terrain (15%+ Cross Slope) -
110' Min.
Industrial and Intense Commercial Streets - Same as Minor
Collector Streets.
^. Minimum grade - Five-tenths of one percent (0.S%) for all
B. Maximum grade -
1. Major Thoroughfares* - Six percent (6.0%).
2. Secondary Streets* - Seven and one-half percent (7.5%).
3. Local Streets* - Ten percent (10%).
*Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer due to natural topography.
A. Width
1. Around and leading to schools - 5'.
2. Medium and High Density Residential Areas - S'.
3. Low and Moderate Density Residential Areas ~ 4'.
4. Intensive Developed Areas where high pedestrian traffic
is anticipated - 8'.
5. Commercial or Industrial Areas with light pedestrian
movements - S'.
B. Location
1. Distance from Street R.O.W. to back of walk = 1'-0".
A. Normal Location - Between curb and right-of-way line.
Street Classification
A. Ma~or Thoroughfares
Thickness and
Type of RoadwaYa_/
Thickness and
Type of Base
Required b_/
Principal Arterials - (As per Texas Highway Department Design
*See Section 10 for Typical Paving Sections
Street Classification
Thickness and
Type of RoadwaYa/
Surface _
Thickness and
Type of Base
Required b_/
2. Minor Arterials
a. Alternate #1 6"-PCC
b. Alternate ~2 7"-~4AC
6"-Stabilized Subgrade
8"-Stabilized Subgrade
Secondary Thoroughfares
1. Principal Collectors
a. Intensive Comm./Ind. Areas
1) Alternate #1 6"-PCC
2) Alternate #2 7"~t~9kC
b. Residential and Light Comm. Areas
1) Alternate #1 S"-PCC
2) Alternate #2 7"-~4AC
6"-Stabilized Subgrade
8"-Stabilized Subgrade
6"-Stabilized Subgrade
6"-Stabilized Subgrade
Minor Collectors
a. Intensive Comm./Ind. Areas
1) Alternate #1 6"-PCC
2) Alternate #2 6"-HMAC
b. Residential and Light Comm. Areas
1) Alternate #1 5"-PCC
2) Alternate #2 6"-~4~C
6"-Stabilized Subgrade
8"-Stabilized Subgrade
2"-Compacted Sand
6"-Stabilized Subgrade
Local Streets
1. Commercial/Industrial Streets
a. Intensive Comm./Ind. Areas
1) Alternate #1 6"-PCC 6"-Stabilized Subgrade
2} Alternate #2 6"-HMAC 8"-Stabilized Subgrade
b. Light Commercial and Institutional Area
1) Alternate #1 S"-PCC 6"-Stabilized Subgrade
2) Alternate #2 6"-HMAC 6"-Stabilized Subgrade
Residential Streets
a. Net Residential Density Range 1-18 du/ac.
1) Alternate #1 $"-PCC 2"-Compacted Sand
2) Alternate #2 4"-HMAC 6"-Stabilized Subgrade
Note: ~/ - PCC = Portland Cement Concrete; HMAC = Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete
b_/ - Except where otherwise noted, lime shall be used as the stabilizing
agent in soils consisting of clay, and cement shall be used in sandy
GENERAL - The widths of all private roadways and/or drives shall be adequate
to accommodate the anticipated use and traffic demands. Where curbs are provided,
the widths shown herein reflect the distance between the inside faces of the curbs
("effective" roadway/drive traveled surfaced area). Where curbs are not pro-
vided, the indicated dimensions are to the outer edges of the "effective" road-
way/drive (traveled surfaced area). In the case of parking areas or parking
lots, the dimensions reflect the clear aisle between the opposite outer edges of
the parking stalls, or between the outer edge of a parking stall and one edge of
the "effective" traveled surface.
Minimum Roadway/Drive
Width (ft.)
a. 8I
(10' preferred)
Private Drives serving single family or
two-family detached dwellings.
b. 18' Two-Way
(20' preferred)
c. 16'
d. 11'
One-Way (where vehicles may back out onto
the traveled way).
One-Way (where vehicles would normally not
be backing out onto the traveled way).
Minimum Roadway/Drive
Width (ft.)
a. 40'
b. 36'-38'
c,. 30'
d. 28'
e. 20'
Minimum Roadway/Drive
Width (ft.)
a. 22'
b. 24'
Parking Each Side (high density)
Parking Each Side (low and medium
Parking One Side Only
Parking Each Side
Parking One Side Only
Parking Lots)
30° to 74°
75° to 90~
6.1 GENERAL STORM SEWER STANDARDS: An adequate storm sewer system
consisting of inlets, pipes, and other underground and above ground drainage
structures with approved outlets shall be constructed where the runoff of
storm water and the prevention of erosion cannot be accomplished satisfac-
torily by surface drainage facilities.
6.2 DESIGN CRITERIA: Data shall be submitted as directed in this
Section and under Developer's Policies for storm drainage installation for
the City of Southlake, Texas. All subdivision development shall be subject
to this criteria. Drainage problems will be solved by the use of the RATIONAL
Formula: Q = CIA: where
Q = the storm flow at a given point in cubic feet per second
C = a coefficient of runoff representing the ratio of rainfall
to peak runoff.
the average intensity of rainfall in inches per hour for a
period equal to the time of flow from the fartherest point
of the drainage area to the point under consideration.
(Developed from Technical Paper No. 40, "Rainfall Frequency
Atlas of the United States", May 1961 by U. S. Weather Bureau.)
A = the area in acres that is tributary to the point of design.
A. Minimum Inlet Time
Residential - 15 minutes
Industrial - 10 minutes
Commercial - 10 minutes
Water assumed to be 8" deep with an 8" curb on a 30' street with a
6" crown and 6" deep with a 6" curb on a 30' street with a 6" crown.
Where curb elevations are split the carrying capacity shall be ad-
justed according to recognized engineering procedures. Wider streets
shall be treated in a similar manner.
B. Runoff Coefficient
Commercial - 0.80
Industrial - 0.70
Residential - 0.50
Parks - 0.30
Apartment - 0.75
0.. 4 ........
, I.LJ
0.5 -- ~- ---~.--
2 3 4 5
!t 0
12 . FIG.
Design Fre~mnc)'
(1) For major drainage courses, underpasses, use lO0-year
storm expectancy.
Total capacity of any street, swale, or waterwa~ use
lO0-year storm expectancy with level of total capacity
of waterway below finished ground at Building Foundations.
Use 5-year storm expectancy for normal gutter or combined
gutter and storm drain capacity. Culverts shall be de-
signed to carry the 25-year frequency storm and bridges
the 50-year frequency storm.
Any reference in this Ordinance to Texas ttighway Department Standards or
Specifications shall mean the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge
Construction" as adopted by the Texas Itighway Department on January 3, 1972,
and co~umonly referred to as the "brown book." Said standards are hereby
adopted by reference, only with regard to the specific items referred to in
this Ordinance, and in which may hereby be amended or modified, and made a
part hereof.
Each covenant, provision or condition of these General Provisions of any
of the Contract Documents is of the essence, and the failure of the Contractor
to perform or comply with any of such covenants, provisions or conditions,
shall be deemed to constitute a breach of the Contract at the election of the
7.2.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS DEFINITIONS: Whenever in these specifications and in the con-
tract, or in any documents or instruments pertaining to construction where
these specifications govern, the following terms of pronouns in place of said
terms are used, the intent and meaning shall be interpreted as contained herein. BIDDER: Any individual, partnership, firm or corporation, or
any combination thereof, acting directly or through a duly authorized representa-
tire, submitting a proposal for the work contemplated. BRIDGES: Structures of over twenty-foot span, measured from
face-to-face of abutments, or in case of copings, from face-to-face of copings,
and multiple span structures of over twenty-foot length, measured between in-
side of end walls along the centerline of roadbed.
15 CALI!NDAR DAh: A calendar day [s any day of the week or month,
Sundays or legal holidays not excepted. CttANGE ORDER: A written order to the Contractor, signed by the
Engineer, ordering a change that has been found necessary in the work from
that originally shown in the plans and specifications but which, is still within
the general scope of the Contract. If the work is of a nature involving an adjust-
ment of unit prices, or is an addition to the Contract, a supplemental agreement
shall be executed after approval by the City Council. CITY: The City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, Owner. CITY ATTORNEY: The attorney appointed by the City Council of the
City of Soutblake, Tarrant County, Texas, as City Attorney, or his duly authorized
Assistant or Assistants. CITY COUNCIL: Tile duly elected and qualified governing body of
the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. CITY-OWNER: The City of Soutblake, Tarrant County, Texas, a muni-
cipal corporation organized and existing under tile Constitution and Statutes of
the State of Texas, acting by and through the governing body. The terms "City"
and "Owiler" are synon)~ous. CONTRACT: The written agreement between the City and Contractor
covering the furnishing of material and performance of the work. The Contract
shall include the notice to bidders, instructions to bidders, proposal, plans,
specifications, notice of award, special provisions, general provisions, contract
bond and payment bond. It shall also include any and all supplemental agreements
which may be necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent of the
plans and specifications in an acceptable manner, and shall also include any and
all additional instruments bound herewith. CONTRACT BON[): An approved form of security furnished by the
Contractor and his surety as a guarantee of good faith and ability on the part
of the Contractor to execute the work in accordance with the terms of the plans,
specifications and Contract. which bond must satisfy the requirements of
Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended. The terms
"Contract Bond" and "Performance Bond" are synonymous. CONTI¢CT DOCUHENTS: Contract Documents are all of the written,
printed, typed and drawn instruments which comprise and govern the performance
of the Contract as defined above. CONTRACTOR: The individual, partnership, firm or corporation,
or any combination thereof with which the contract is made by the City, act-
ing directly or through agents or employees primarily liable and responsible
for the acceptaEle performance of the work for which contracted and also for
lhc payment of ail legal debts pertaining to the work.
~.2.1.14 CULVERTS: Any structure of single or multiple span of twenty
(20) foot lengths or less, measured between inside or end-walls along the
centerline of the street. WATER SUPERINTENDENT: The duly appointed Superintendent of
the Water Department of the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, or his
duly authorized representative. CITY ENGINEER: The duly appointed City Engineer of the City
of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. DRAINAGE: Drainage is a system of pipes, drainageways, ditches
and/or structures by which surface or subsurface waters are collected and con-
ducted. EQUIPMENT: All machinery,
sary for the proper upkeep, maintenance,
of tile work.
tools, apparatus and supplies neces-
construction and acceptable completion GENERAl. PROVISIONS: The General Provisions are the construction
and contract requirements which govern the performance of the work. Wherever
there may be confIict between the General Provisions and the Special Provisions,
the latter shall take precedence and shall govern. INSPECTOR: An authorized representative of the City Engineer
assigned to make all necessary inspections of the work performed or being per-
formed, or of the materials furnished or being furnished by the Contractor. LABORATORY: Any testing laboratory that may be designated or
approved by the City Engineer. I,ANDSCAPING: The planting, establishing and caring for trees,
shrubs, viues and other vegetation to provide shade, reduce dust, control
erosion or improve the general appearance of the project. MAYOR: The officially elected Mayor, or in his absence the
Mayor Pro Tem, of the City of Southlake, Texas. NOTICE OF AWARD: A written notice to the successful bidder
stating that his bid has been accepted and that in accordance with the terms
of the notice to contractors and specifications, he is required to execute
the contract and furnJsh satisfactory contract bond. NOTICE TO PROCEED (WORK ORDER): A written notice to the Con-
tractor of the date that he is to begin prosecution of the work for which he
has contracted. OWNER: The City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas. PAVEMIiNT: Thc combined riding surface, surface course, base
course and subbase course, considered as a single unit of pavement.
15 PAYMENT BOND: The approved form of security furnished by the
Contractor and his surety as a guarantee that he will pay in full all bills
and accounts for materials and labor used in the construction of the work,
which bond must satisfy the requirements of Article 5160 of the Revised Civil
Statutes of Texas, as amended. PLANS: The plans, profiles, typical cross-sections, general
cross-sections, working drawings and supplementary drawings or reproductions
thereof, approved by the City Engineer, which show the locations, dimensions
and details of the work to be done and which are a part of the contract. PROJECT: The work contemplated in and covered by the contract.
The term "Project" and "Work" are synonymous. PROPOSAL: The written offer of the bidder, when submitted on
approved proposal forms, to perform the contemplated work and furnish the neces-
sary material and labor in accordance with the provisions of the plans and speci-
fications, special and general provisions, and all contract documents. PROPOSAL FORM: The approved form on which the written offer or
formal bid is to be prepared and submitted for the construction to be done. PROPOSAL GUARANTY: The security to be furnished by the bidder
as a guarantee of good faith that he will enter into a contract with the Owner
covering the work contemplated and execute the required bonds if the contract
is awarded to him. RIGIIT-OF-WAY: The area or areas as shown on the plans which are
provided for and secured for use in the construction of ali or any part of the
entire project. ROADBED: The graded portion of the roadway between the inter-
section of top and sideslopes upon which the base course, surface course,
shoulders and median are constructed. ROADWAY: The portion of the right-of-way within the limits of
construction. SODDING: The transplating of established turf in the form of
blocks or strips usually referred to as "sod." SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Special Provisions are the specific require-
ments which are necessary for the particular project covered by the Contract
Documents. When considered with the General Provisions and other Contract
Documents, the Special Provisions provide the information which the Contractor
and Owner should have in order to gain a thorough knowledge of the project. SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications, provisions and general
requirements, supplemented by such special provisions and supplemental agree-
mcnts as may De issued or made pertaining to the work or to quantities and
qualities of material to be furnished under the contract. Special provisions
will cover work pertaining to a particular project, and such work shall be
included in the proposal. Special provisions will govern and take precedence
over any specifications wherever any conflict therewith occurs. Supplemental
agreements are written agreements entered into between the Contractor and the
City, and, when necessary, approved by the surety, covering alterations and
changes in the plans which are necessary for the proper completion of the work. SUBGRADE: That portion of the roadbed upon which pavement
structure is to be constructed. SUBSTRUCTURE: That part of the structure below the bridge seats
or below the spring line of arches. Parapets, backwalls, and wingwalls of
abutments shall be considered as part of the substructure. SUPERINTENDENT: The executive representative for the Contractor
present on the work during progress, who shall supervise and direct construction. SUPERSTRUCTURE: That part of the structure above the bridge seats
or above the spring line of arches. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT: A written proposal and agreement executed
by the Contractor and by the Owner coveriog items not included in the plans or
proposal which are necessary to the proper execution of the project. SURETY: The person or persons, whether natural or corporate, who
are bound by the Contract Bond, or the Performance and/or Payment Bonds with and
for the Contractor and who engage to be responsible for the entire and satisfac-
tory fulfillment and performance of the Contract and/or for the payment of all
debts incurred in fulfilling and performing the Contract. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES: All construction and/or structures of a
temporary nature required during construction of the project. TIlE WORK: The work shall include the furnishing of all labor,
material, equipment, supervision and other incidentals necessary or convenient
to the successful completion of the project and the carrying out and performance
of all of the duties, obligations and covenants required by the Contract. WORKING DAY: ^ working day is defined as any calendar day, not
including Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays, on which the Contractor is not
prevented by weather or other circumstances not under his control from perform-
ance for a continuous period of at least seven hours between 7:00 A.M. and 6:00
P.bl. of the principal units of work under way. For every Saturday on which the
Contractor chooses to work, one day will be charged against the contract working
time when weather conditions will permit seven bouts of work as delineated above.
A principal unit of work will be a unit which controls the completion of time
of the contract. Nothing in this item shall be construed as prohibiting the Con-
tractor from working on Saturday if he so desires. Work on Sunday will not be
permitted except in cases of extreme emergency, and then only with the written
permisssion of the City Engineer. if Sunday ~ork is permitted, working time will
be charged on the s;,me basis as weekdays. Legal holidays are defined as being
New Year's I)ay, Independence Day, Labor I)ay, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
17 COMPETENCY OF BIDDERS: The Bidder must be capable of performing
each of the various items of work bid opon. ^ bid will not be considered
unless the Bidder shall have filed with tile City, at least ten (IO~ days prior
to tile date upon which bids are to be submitted, a complete statement of bis
financial resources, prepared by aa independent Certified Public Accountant
and of his experience on similar work. Each Bidder shall furnish also a
statement listing the equipment available for the work being bid upon and
such other information as may be called for by the City. PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL: Proposals shall be submitted on the
proposal forms prescribed. All blank spaces under the heading "Bid Price"
must be filled in with ink, with both words and figures, with the unit price
for the item for which the proposal is made. If the proposal is made by an
individual, his name and post office address must be shown; if made by a firm
or partnership, the name and post office address of each member of the firm
or partnership must be shown; and if made by a corporation, the person signing
the proposal must show the name of the State under the laws of which the cor-
poration is chartered and the names, titles and business addresses of the
President, Vice Presidents and Registered Agent for service in Texas, together
with a statement showing the corporate authority for doing business in the
State of Texas.
In the event the Proposal contains two or more alternates for types of
construction, the Bidder is required to bid on at least one type of construc-
tion. The Bidder may bid on any or all additional alternates if so desired.
The payment to be received by the Contractor, based on the unit prices bid
on the Proposal, will be full payment for all work specified in the plans
and specifications. IRREGULAR PROPOSALS: Proposals may be rejected if they show
any alteration of words or figures, additions not called for, conditional or
uncalled for alternate bids, incomplete bids, any alteration of words or
figures or erasures not initialed by the person or persons making the Proposal,
or other irregularities of any kind. Itowever, the City reserves the right to
waive any and all irregularities and to make the award in the best interests
of the City. PROPOSAL GUARANTY: No Proposal will be considered unless ac-
companied by a Proposal Guaranty of the character and amount indicated in the
Notice to Bidders, made payable to the City Secretary of the City of Soutblake,
Texas. DELIVERY OF PROPOSALS: All bids must be submitted in sealed
envelopes bearing on the outside the name of the Bidder, his address, and the
name of the project for which the bid is submitted. If forwarded by mail,
the sealed envelope containing the Proposal and the Proposal Guaranty, and
marked as directed above, must be enclosed in another envelope carrying the
address. All bids are to be sent or delivered to the Hayor, City Hall,
Southlake, Texas, unless otherwise stated in the "Notice to Bidders." Pro-
posals ~ill be received on or before the hour and date set for the opening
thereof and must be in tile hands of the officSal indicated by that time.
18 WORKING 'rIME: The working time, stated in the proposal and
the contract, shall be given as a definite number of working days or calendar
days and shall be considered as an essential part of the contract.
furnished with a Proposal Form which will state the location and description
of the proposed work and an approximate estimate of the various quantities
and kinds of work to be performed or materials to be furnished, and a schedule
of items for which unit prices are asked and the time within which the work is
to be completed. The Special Provisions, if any, will be bound in the Proposal
in the Proposal Form will be considered as approximate and will be used for com-
parison of bids. Payments will be made to the Contractor only for the actual
quantities of work performed or materials furnished in accordance with the con-
tract. The quantity of work to be done and materials to be furnished may be in-
creased or decreased, as hereinafter provided, without in any way invalidating
PROVISIONS, AND SITE OF TIlE WORK: Before submitting a bid, the Bidder should
examine carefully the Proposal, Plans, Specifications, Special Provisions, Gen-
eral Provisions, and the form of the contract to be entered into for the work
contemplated, tie shall examine the site of the work and satisfy himself as to
the conditions which will be encountered relating to the character, quality
and quantity of work to be performed and materials to be furnished. The sub-
mission of a bid by the Bidder shall be conclusive evidence that he has com-
plied with these requirements. Tile borings, profiles, existing underground
utilities and water elevations shown on tile plans were obtained for the use
of the City in the preparation of the plans, and the Bidder is hereby cautioned
that the City neither assumes nor implies any responsibility for the accuracy of
these data. The Bidder, in preparing his proposal, shall take cognizance of the
difficulty of distinguishlng between boulders and ledge rock, the difficulty of
accurately classifying all material encountered in making the subsurface investi-
gations, the possible erosion of stream channels and banks after survey data has
been obtained, and tile unreliability of water elevations other than for the date
Claims for additional compensation due to variations between conditions
actually encountered in construction and as indicated on the plans will not be
Approval of plans and/or specifications by the City Engineer shall not
constitute an assumption of liability by the City or the City Engineer for any
inaccuracy of computation or deficiency of design therein.
19 COMPETENCY OF BIDDERS: The Bidder must be capable of performing
each of the various items of work bid upon. A bid may not be considered
unless the Bidder shall have filed with the City, at least ten (10) days prior
to the date upon which bids are to be submitted, a complete statement of his
financial resources, prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant
and of his experience on similar work. Each Bidder shall furnish also a
statement listing the equipment available for the work being bid upon and
such other information as may be called for by the City. PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL: Proposals shall be submitted on the
proposal forms prescribed. Ail blank spaces under the heading "Bid Price"
must be filled in with ink, with both words and figures, with the unit price
for the item for which the proposal is made. If the proposal is made by an
individual, his name and post office address must be shown; if made by a firm
or partnership, the name and post office address of each member of the firm
or partnership must be shown; and if made by a corporation, the person signing
the proposal must show the name of the State under the laws of which the cor-
poration is chartered and the names, titles and business addresses of the
President, Vice Presidents and Registered Agent for service in Texas, together
with a statement showing the corporate authority for doing business in the
State of Texas.
In the event the Proposal contains two or more alternates for types of
construction, the Bidder is required to bid on at least one type of construc-
tion. The Bidder may bid on any or all additional alternates if so desired.
The payment to be received by the Contractor, based on the unit prices bid
on the Proposal, will be full payment for all work specified in the plans
and specifications. iRREGULAR PROPOSALS: Proposals may be rejected if they show
any alteration of words or figures, additions not called for, conditional or
uncalled for alternate bids, incomplete bids, any alteration of words or
figures or erasures not initialed by the person or persons making the Proposal,
or other irregularities of any kind. However, the City reserves the right to
waive any and all irregularities and to make the award in the best interests
of the City. PROPOSAL GUARANTY: No Proposal will be considered unless ac-
companied by a Proposal Guaranty of the character and amount indicated in the
Notice to Bidders, made payable to the City Secretary of the City of Southlake,
Texas. DELIVERY OF PROPOSALS: All bids must be submitted in sealed
envelopes bearing on the outside the name of the Bidder, his address, and the
name of the project for which the bid is submitted. If forwarded by mail,
the sealed envelope containing the Proposal and the Proposal Guaranty, and
marked as directed above, must be enclosed in another envelope carrying the
address. All bids are to be sent or delivered to the Mayor, City Hall,
Southlake, Texas, unless otherwise stated in the "Notice to Bidders." Pro-
posals will be received on or before the hour and date set for the opening
thereof and must be in the hands of the official indicated by that time.
2~ WlTIIDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS: Proposals filed with the Mayor cannot
be withdrawn or modified prior to the time set for opening proposals. Requests
for non-consideration of proposals must he made in writing addressed to tile
City Council and be filed with the Mayor prior to the time set for opening
the proposals. After other proposals are opened and publicly read, the pro-
posal for which tile withdrawal is properly requested may be returned unopened.
A request by telephone or telegraph for withdrawal of a proposal will not be
considered. PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSALS: Proposals will be opened and read
publicly at the time and place indicated in the "Notice to Bidders." Bidders
or their authorized agents are invited to be present. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER: More than one proposal from an
individual, a firm or partnership, a corporation or an association of the same
or different name, or any combination of the foregoing will not be considered.
Reasonable grounds for believing that any bidder is interested in more than
one proposal for the work contemplated will be cause for the rejection of all
proposals in which such bidder is interested. Any and ali proposals will be
rejected if there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the bidders,
and ali participants in all such collusion will not be considered in future
proposals for the same work. Proposals in which prices arc obviously unbal-
anced may be rejected. Only responsible bidders capable of performing the
class of work contemplated will be considered in awarding this contract. In
addition to the foregoing, the Cit7 expressly reserves the right to reject all
bids. No bid or proposal shall be in any way binding upon the City of Southlake
until formally accepted by the City Council. MATERIAL GUARANTY: Before any contract is awarded, the bidder
may be required to furnish a complete statement of origin, composition and
manufacture of any and all materials to be used in the construction of this
7.2.3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: For the purpose of contract award, after
the proposals are opened and read, the correct summation of the products of the
approximate quantity shown in the proposal multiplied by the unit prices bid
will be considered the amount of the bid. The summations will then be compared
and the results made available to the public. Until the award of the contract
is made, the City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to
waive all such technicalities as may be considered in the best interests of the
City. AWARD OF CONTRACT: The award, if made, will be within forty-five
(45) days after the opening of the proposals, but in no case will the award be
Eade until all necessary ~nvestigations are made as to the responsibility of the
bidder to whom it is proposed to award the contract. F,I!3URN O1: PROPOS^L (;UARANTIES: All proposal guaranties will be
rett~rned as s(~on as possible to the unsuccessful bidders and to the successful
bidder ~hen the contract alld bonds }lave been executed.
21 CONTRACT BOND REQUIRED: The successful bidder entering into
a contract for tile work will be required to give the City surety in a sum
equal to the amount of the contract awarded. In this connection, the success-
ful bidder shall be required to furnish a performance bond as well as a payment
bond, both in a sum equal to the amount of the contract awarded. The form of
the bond shall be as herein provided, and the responsibility of the surety
shall meet the approval of the MayOr and City Council. All bonds furnished
hereunder shall meet the requirements of Article 5160 of the Revised Civil
Statutes of Texas, as amended. EXECUTION OF AWARD: Within ten (10) days after the contract
has been awarded, the successful bidder shall sign the necessary agreements,
entering into the contract with the City of Southlake, Texas, and return
them to the Mayor and City Council at Southlake, Texas. No proposal will
be considered binding upon the City until the execution of the contract. FAILURE TO EXECUTE CONTRACT: Failure to comply with any of
the requirements of the specifications and contract or failure to furnish
the required surety within ten (10) days after notice of the award as speci-
fied shall be just cause for the annulment of the award or of the contract,
if executed; and it is understood by the bidder that in the event of the
annulment oE the award or of the contract, the proposal guaranty accompanying
the proposal shall become the property of the City, not as a penalty but as
liquidated damages. INSURANCE REQUIRED: The Contractor shall not commence work
under this contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this
paragraph and such insurance has been approved by the Owner, nor shall the
Contractor allow any subcontractor to commence work on his subcontract until
all similar insurance of the subcontractor has been so obtained and approved.
(1) Compensation Insurance. The Contractor shall take out and maintain
during the life of this contract Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of
his employees at the site of the project; and in case any work is sublet, the
Contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Workmen's
Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees
are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. In case any class
of employee engaged in hazardous work under this contract at the site of the
project is not protected under the Workmen's Compensation Statute, the Con-
tractor shall provide and shall cause each subcontractor to provide adequate
and suitable insurance for the protection of Ills employees not otherwise
(2) Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. The Contractor
shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such Public
Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall protect him and any sub-
contractor performing work covered by this contract from claims for damages
or personal ~jury, inciuding accidental death, as well as from claims for
property damages which may arise from operations under this contract, in-
cluding blasting, when blasting is done on, or in connection with the work
of the pro.iect, whether such operations be hy himself or by any subcontractor
or by anyone directly or imlirectly employed by either of them, and the amounts
of such insurance shall be as follows:
(a) Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than One
ttundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for injuries, including accidental death,
to any one person, and subject to the same limit for each person; and in an
amount net less than Three Ilundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) on account of
one accident; and
(b) Property Damage Insurance. In an amount not less than Three
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000).
(3) Proof of Carriage of Insurance. The Contractor shall furnish the
Owner with satisfactory proof of carriage of the insurance required. TWO OR MORE UNITS: On Assessment Paving projects, in the event
the project consists of two or more units, it is specified that one or more of
the units may be deleted by the City Council after the Benefit Nearing as pro-
vided by law, and such deletions will in no way affect the contract as a whole,
nor will it affect the unit prices bid on other units. Should it develop during
construction that some items of work become necessary on any particular unit
and those particular items of work were not bid in that unit, then the agreed
unit price for the work will be the lowest unit price bid for the same work on
any other units.
Should it develop that the City deems it necessary to alter the paving
width by increasing or decreasing the roadway width, the resulting variations
in affected quantities will in no way affect the contract as a whole and will
not affect any other unit, nor will it affect any unit prices bid as shown on
the proposal.
All Assessment Paving projects are constructed under the authority of
Article l105b of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, or under
the Charter of the City of Southlake.
specifications is to describe the completed work to be performed by the Con-
tractor under the contract as an independent contractor. It is also the intent
of the plans and specifications that the Contractor shall furnish all materials,
supplies, tools, equipment, machinery, labor and supervision necessary for the
proper prosecution and completion of the work in full compliance with the pro-
posal, plans, specifications and other contract documents. SPECIAL WORK: Any construction or requirements not covered by
the plans or specifications will be covered by special specifications or special
provisions which will be included in the Proposal. Such special specifications
and special provisions will be considered as a part of the contract the same as
though contained and written fully therein. CIIANGI!S OR AI,'FERATIONS: Thc City shall have the right to in-
crease or decrease the extent of the work, and the City Engineer will have
the right to make changes and alterations in the plans or in the quantities
of the work as may be considered necessary or desirable, and such changes
and alterations shall not be considered as a waiver of the conditions of the
contract, nor shall they invalidate any of the provisions thereof. The Con-
tractor shall perform the work as increased or decreased, and nd allowances
will be made for any anticipated profits.
Payment to the Contractor for contract items will be made for the actual
quantities of work done and material furnished at the unit prices set forth in
the contract, except as provided in specification items allowing for plan
quantity payment.
Any revised consideration is to be determined by special agreement or as
is hereinafter provided under "Extra Work." EXTRA WORK: Work made necessary by changes and alteration of
plans or of quantities or for other reasons for which no prices are provided
in the contract, and work made necessary in contract items as a result of a
substantial change in the character of the work which materially increases or
decreases the cost of thc work shall be defined as "Extra Work" and shall be
performed by the Contractor in accordance with these specifications and as
directed. Itowever, hefore any extra work is begun, a "Supplemental Agreement"
shall be executed after approval by the City Council or a written order issued
by the City Engineer to do the work on a "Force Account" basis as hereinafter
provided under Section 7.2.9.
7.2.4.S MAINTENANCE OF DETOORS: The Contractor shall do such work as may
be necessary to provide and maintain detours and facilities for public travel
in accordance with the plans and specifications.
Provisions will be made by the Contractor to allow local traffic to operate
to and from adjoining property at all times. No extra compensation will be
allowed for this provision.
No area shall be closed to public traffic without the express approval of
the City Engineer. Should it become necessary to close certain areas to public
traffic during the execution of this contract, the Contractor will execute the
work promptly, with dispatch, and in a workmanlike manner.
The Contractor will make all connections to existing driveways, walks, etc.,
as requested hy the City Engineer, regardless of whether the work is on public
or private property. Unit bid prices as shown on the proposal for the pay item
involved will be paid for this work. REblOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS: All fences,
outbuildings, trees or other encumbrances, excepting habitable structures,
upon or within the limits of the right-of-way and which interfere with construc-
tion shall he removed hy the Contractor or otherwise disposed of. ttabitable
structures shall he removed by the Contractor if and as directed by the City
Engineer. The Contractor shall receive no extra compensation for such work
since the cost of such work shall be included in bid prices. The City, at
its election, may provide otherwise for the removal of habitable structures.
Any reusable material salvaged from improvements on the site shall, at the
option of the City, remain the property of the City or be removed by the
The Contractor shall notify the City Engineer and the City Engineer will
notify the various utility companies, including the appropriate City departments,
whenever their respective lines or services are encountered during construction.
The Contractor shall cooperate with the utility companies and the City of South-
lake on the project and shall protect their facilities pending removal.
Existing utilities are indicated on the plans from available information.
The bidders are advised that any reference to or indication of existing utili-
ties on the plans or otherwise is made solely for the information of the bidders
and the City and is not to be construed as indicating the exact location, either
in plan, elevation or number of said utilities. No additional compensation will
be allowed the Contractor because of the existence of utility lines which are
not shown on the plans.
When the City Engineer considers it necessary, the exact location, in plan
and elevation, of existing utilities sball be determined by uncovering same in
advance of start of construction. Any excavation required for such uncovering
of utilities at the direction of the City Engineer shall be done by the Con-
tractor and will be paid for at the lowest contract price per cubic yard for
"Unclassified Trench Excavation," if any appears in the proposal, otherwise
"Unclassified Street Excavation."
(1) Relocation of Utilities. Ail necessary relocation or adjustment
of utilities will be accomplished without expense to the Contractor except
when otherwise provided in the Special Provisions. The Contractor shall be
required to coordinate his work with that of the utility companies or the
City so that the relocation or adjustment of utilities and the work on this
project can proceed in an orderly and timely manner.
(2) Abandoned Utilities. Abandoned utility lines or storm drains shall
be removed within the limits of the excavation and the open ends capped. Re-
moval of these lines will be paid for at the lowest contract price per cubic
yard for "Unclassified Trench Excavation" if an7 appears in the proposal, other-
wise "Unclassified Street Excavation."
(5) Damage to Facilities. Any damage to new or existing utilities or
other facilities on the project site shall be repaired by the Contractor in
accordance with the provisions of the contract or as directed by the City
Engineer. No additional payment will be allowed for such work.
(4) Conflicting b'ork. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to
be full)' informed as to thc extent of the limits of the work to be performed by
other Contractors or the City and to coordinate this work with them. Should
there be any conflicts as to the limits or staging of the work, the matter shall
be presented to the City Engineer and his decision thereon shall be final.
25 FIELD OFFICE: If specified, the Contractor shall furnish a field
office for the City Engineer. Such office shall have a minimum floor space of
eight (8) feet by fourteen (14) feet and shall be substantially constructed,
heated in cold weather, air-conditioned in hot weather, and weatherproof, and
shall have adequate windows for lighting and ventilation. A desk approximately
six (6) feet by three (3) feet and two chairs shall be furnished, and the office
shall be provided with a lock. The field office shall be constructed near the
project site at a location approved by the City Engineer. No direct payment
will be made for this item but the cost of same shall be included in the regular
Contractor, with the approval of the City Engineer, may use in the work any
suitable stone, gravel or sand found in the "Excavation" and will be paid for
the excavation of such materials at tho contract price bid. He shat1, however,
at his own expense, replace other suitable materials so removed which were in-
tended for use in embankments, backfills, approaches or elsewhere. No charge for
materials so used will be made against the Contractor. The Contractor will
not excavate or remove any material from within the project which is not within
the excavation, as indicated by the slope and grade lines, without written
authorization from the City Engineer. EINAL CLEAN-UP: Upon completion of the work and before acceptance
and final payment shall be made, the Contractor shall clean and remove from the
right-of-way all falsework, all surplus discarded materials, rubbish and tempor-
ary structures, restore in an acceptable manner all property, both public and
private, which has been damaged during the prosecution of the work, and leave
the streets and right-of-way in an unobstructed and neat condition throughout
the entire area of the work of the contract. No payment will be made for this
work, its cost being included in the unit price bid.
Upon completion of any structure, all excess materials, cofferdams, con-
struction buildings, temporary structures and debris resulting from construction
shall be removed to the ground line of the bed of tile stream and stream channels,
structure and street left unobstructed in a neat and presentable condition.
Materials cleared from the project and deposited on the property adjacent thereto
will not be considered as a satisfactory method of disposal and will not be ac-
ceptable unless such method of disposal is approved by the City Engineer. No
direct payment will be made for this work, its cost being included in the unit
price bid.
During the course of preparing tile entire project for final acceptance, the
slopes and parkways shall be refinished to proper line and grade, roadway sur-
faces swept and cleaned, and the entire premises left in a neat and properly
finished condition.
.2.$ CONTROL OF Tile WORK DUTY OF Tile CONTRACTOR: Tile Contractor shall pay all subcontractors,
laborers and materialmen, perform all of the work and furnish all of the materials
and necessary tools, personnel, supervision and equipment, in strict compliance
with the contract and as an independent contractor. Under no circumstances
shall the Contractor be deemed to be an agent, servant or employee or the
Owner, and the doctrine of respondeat superior will not apply. The Con-
tractor will at all times have exclusive control over the acts of his em-
ployees and invitees on the project and the manner and means by which the
work is performed, and the Owner shall have no liability therefor. AUTHORITY OF TIlE CITY ENGINEER: The City Engineer or his
duly authorized representatives shall oversee the work and shall be authorized
to require that the work be performed and materials be furnished to his satis-
faction and in strict compliance with the Contract. The City Engineer shall
decide all questions which may arise concerning the quality or acceptability
of the materials furnished or the work performed, the rate or progress of the
work, the sequence of construction, interpretation of the contract documents
and the acceptable fulfillment of the contract on the part of the Contractor,
and the decision of the City Engineer shall be final. CITY ENGINEER AS REFEREE: The City Engineer shall act as
Referee and shall be authorized to decide all questions arising under the
contract, and his decision shall be final. PLANS: The plans will show in detail the work to be accomplished
under the contract. IYhere supplementary plans, details and working drawings
are required by the Contractor, they shall be furnished by the Contractor and
approved by the City Engineer prior to the beginning of the work involved.
The Contractor shall furnish the City Engineer with three (3) blueprint
copies'of any such drawings for approval. The contract price will include
the cost of furnishing such drawings, and the Contractor will not be allowed
extra compensation for such drawings.
Authorized alterations will be approved by endorsement on the plans or
on the supplementary plans or working drawings. The approval of the City
Engineer of the Contractor's supplementary plans or working drawings will
not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility under the contract nor
constitute any assumption of liability on behalf of the Owner for the ac-
curacy of sufficiency of same.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to verify all quantities of
materials shown on the plans before ordering same, as payment is provided for
acceptable materials complete in place, and materials rejected due to improper
fabrication or excess quantity or for other reasons within the control of
the Contractor will not be paid for, regardless of the quantities or dimen-
sions shown on the plans. The City Engineer, when requested, will check any
or all material orders prepared by the Contractor, but such check will not
relieve the Contractor of responsibility.
7.2.S.S CONFORMITY WlT}I PLANS: Finished surfaces in all cases shall
conform with lines, grades, cross-sections and dimensions shown on the plans.
Such deviations from the plans and approved working drawings as may be re-
quired in the opinion of the City Engineer must in all cases be determined
by thc City Engineer and authorized in writing.
documents, including the specifications, plans, special provisions, proposal,
notice of award, notice instruction to bidders, general provisions, work
orders, bonds and supplemental agreements are essential parts of the contract,
and a requirement in one is as binding as though occurring in all. They are
intended to be cumulative and describe and provide for the complete work.
In cases of discrepancy as to dimensions, calculated dimensions shall control
over scaled dimensions. In all cases of discrepancy, plans shall control
over specifications and general provisions, and special provisions shall
control over general provisions, specifications and/or plans. Quantities
shown on either plans or specifications shall govern over those shown on the
The Contractor shall not take advantage of any error or omission in the
plans or of any discrepancy between any of the contract documents. In the
event the Contractor discovers an error or apparent discrepancy, he shall
immediately bring same to the attention of the City Engineer. In all cases
where questions arise concerning the interpretation or intent of the con-
tract documents, such questions shall be referred to the City Engineer, and
his interpretation and decision shall be binding. COOPERATION OF CONTRACTOR: The Contractor will be supplied with
four (4) copies of the plans, specifications and special provisions, and he
shall have available on the work at all times one (1) copy of each. He shall
give the work his constant attention to facilitate the progress thereof, and
he shall cooperate with the City Engineer in every way possible. He shall
have at all times a satisfactory and competent English-speaking superintendent
on the work, authorized to receive orders and to act for him. The Contractor
shall designate in writing the name of such superintendent, and he shall be
furnished by the Contractor, regardless of how much of the work may be sublet.
7.2.S.8 CONSTRUCTION STAKES: The Contractor will furnish and set all
construction stakes establishing lines and grades in roadway and drainage
work and centerlines and bench marks for bridge work unless otherwise pro-
vided for in the special provisions and any other work as may be required.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all work executed by him under the
contract, lie shall verify all figures and elevations before proceeding with
the work and will be responsible for any error resulting from his failure
to do so. AUTHORITY AND DUTIES OF INSPECTORS: Inspectors employed or
appointed by the City Engineer or his assistant-shall be authorized to inspect
all work done and all materials furnished. Such inspections may extend to all
or any part of the work and to the preparation or manufacture of the materials
to be used. An inspector may be stationed on the work to report to the City
Engineer as to the progress and quality of the work as it is being performed;
to report whenever it appears that the materials furnished and the work per-
formed by the Contractor fail to fulfill the requirements of the specifica-
tions and contract; and also to call the attention of the Contractor to any
such failore or other infringement. Such inspection will not relieve the
Contractor from any obligation to perform the work in accordance with the
requirements of the specifications. In case of any dispute arising between
the Contractor and Inspector as to materials furnished or the quality of the
work, the Inspector will have authority to reject materials or suspend work
until the question in issue can be referred to and decided hy the City Engineer.
The Inspector will not, however, he authorized to revoke, alter, enlarge or
release any requirement of the specifications, nor to approve or accept any
portion of the work, nor to issue instructions contrary to the plans and
specifications, lie will in no case act as foreman or perform any other
duties for the Contractor or interfere with the management of the work.
Any advice which the assistant or the Inspector may give the Contractor shall
not be construed as binding the City Engineer or the City in any way, nor as
releasing the Contractor from fulfillment of the contract, nor as creating any
agency relationship between the parties. INSPECTION: 'the Contractor shall furnish the City Engineer
with every reasonable facility for ascertaining whether or not work as per-
formed is in accordance with the requirements and intent of the contract.
If the City Engineer so requests, the Contractor shall, at any time before
the acceptance of the work, remove and/or uncover any portions of the work
as may be directed. After examination, the Contractor shall restore such
portion of the work to the standards required by the specifications. Should
the work thus exposed or examined prove acceptable, the uncovering and/or
removing and the placing of the covering or making good of the parts removed
shall be paid for as "Extra Work"; should the work so exposed or examined
prove unacceptable, the uncovering and/or removing and the replacing of the
covering or the making good of the parts removed shall be at the Contractor's
expense. FEDEPOkL INSPECTION: When the United States Government is to
pay a portion of the cost of the work covered by the contract, the work will
be subject to the inspection of its representatives. Such inspection will
in no sense make the United States Government a party to the contract.
has been rejected shall be remedied or removed and replaced in an acceptable
manner by the Contractor at his expense. Work done beyond the lines and
grades as given or as shown on the plans, except as herein provided, or any
extra work done without written authority will be considered as unauthorized
and at the expense of the Contractor and will not be measured or paid for.
Work so done may be removed at the Contractor's expense. Should the Con-
tractor fail or refuse to remove and renew any defective work performed
previously or to make any necessary repairs within the time indicated in a
written notice from the City Engineer, the City Engineer shall be authorized
to have the work removed or replaced at the Contractor's expense. Any ex-
pense incurred by the City in making these removals, renewals or repairs
which the Contractor has failed or refused to make shall be paid out of any
payments due or which may become due the Contractor, or may be charged against
the contract bond. A continned failure on the part of the Contractor to make
an)' or all necessary repairs promptly and in an acceptable manner shall be suf-
ficient cause for the City to declare the contract forfeited, in which case
the Cit~, at its option, may take over and use the Contractor's equipment
until the work contracted for is completed, allowing reasonable rental
therefor; or the City may purchase material, tools and equipment and em-
ploy labor or contract with any other individual firm or corporation to
perform the work. Al1 costs and expenses incurred thereby shall be charged
against the defaulting Contractor and the amount thereof deducted from any
payment due or that may become due him, or shall be charged against the con-
tract bond. Any work performed under this provision of the contract shall
not release the Contractor in any way from his responsibility for the work
performed by him. FINAL INSPECTION: Upon the request of the Contractor for a
final inspection of all work done under his contract, the City Engineer shall
make such a final inspection of the entire work, and upon satisfactory com-
pletion of all necessary repairs or removals, he shall certify to the biayor
in writing as to said completion and shall further certify as to the entire
amount of each class of work performed and as to the value thereof.
for each of the materials shall be approved by the City Engineer before de-
livery is started and, at the option of the City Engineer, may be sampled
and tested for determining compliance with the governing specifications before
delivery is started. If it is found, after trial, that sources of supply
previously approved do not produce uniform and satisfactory products or
results, or if the product from any source proves unacceptable at any time,
the Contractor shall furnish materials from other approved sources. Only
materials conforming to the requirements of these specifications and approved
by the City Engineer shall be used in the work. All materials being used
are subject to inspection or a test at any time during their preparation or
use. Any materials which have been tested and accepted at the source of
supply may be subjected to a check test after delivery, and all materials
which, when re-tested, do not meet the requirements of the specifications
will be rejected. Material which, after approval, has in any way become
unfit for use shall not be used in the work. All materials used shall be
new except when specifically provided that salvaged material may be used.
Approval of materials by the City Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor
of liability or duties hereunder if the materials furnished prove to be
Preference shall be given by the Contractor to the use of local materials
when the cost or quality of such local materials are equivalent to those
obtainable elsewhere. SAMPLES AND TESTS: All materials, before being incorporated
into the work, shall be subject to inspection, testing and approval by the
City Engineer, and any work in which materials are used without a prior test
and approval or written permission of the City Engineer may be ordered re-
moved and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Sampling and testing of
various materials desired by the City Engineer will be made by a competent
testing laboratory. Where tests are required, other than those made in the
laboratory, for the purpose of control of the manufacture of a construction
item, the Contractor will be required to furnish such facilities and equip-
ment as may be necessary to perform the tests and inspection, and shall be
responsible for calibration of ali test equipment required. When requested,
the Contractor shall furnish a complete written statement of the origin,
composition and/or manufacture of any or ali materials that are to be used
in the work.
The Contractor shall cooperate with the City Engineer to insure that
concrete of the desired quality and strength as specified in the specifica-
tions is obtained. The Contractor shall give the City Engineer ample and
reasonably accurate advance notice of the time of each concrete pour.
All tests made by the testing laboratory approved by the City will be
paid for by the Contractor. In the event manufacturing certificates are
requested, they shall be paid for by the Contractor. Manufacturers' test
certificates shall be furnished for cement used in the project and for such
other materials as may be required in the "Special Provisions" or the speci-
fications. PLANT INSPECTION: If the volume of the work, construction
progress and other considerations warrant, the City Engineer may undertake
the inspection of the materials at the source. It is understood, however,
that no obligation is assumed to inspect materials in such manner. STORAGE OF MATERIALS: Materials shall be so stored as to in-
sure the preservation of the quality and fitness for the work. When con-
sidered necessary by the City Engineer, the7 shall be placed on wooden plat-
forms or other hard, clean surfaces that are not on the ground. They shall
be placed under cover when so directed. Stored materials shall be so located
as to facilitate prompt inspection.
Cement shall be stored in a suitable weatherproof shelter, with a floor
a minimum distance of one (1) foot above the ground, which will protect the
cement from moisture, deterioration and loss, and placed in such a manner as
to permit easy access for proper identification and inspection for each ship-
All aggregates shall be handled and stored in such manner at to prevent
separation and contamination by foreign substances. DEFECTIVE MATERIALS: All materials not conforming to the re-
quirements of these specifications shall be considered as defective, and all
such materials, whether in place or not, shall be rejected and shall be re-
moved immediately from the site of the work unless they are permitted to
remain by the City Engineer. Rejected materials, the defects of which have
been subsequently corrected, shall have the status of new material; however,
such previously rejected material which has been corrected shall not be
used until approval has been given by the City Engineer. Upon failure on
the part of the Contractor to comply with any order of the City Engineer made
under the provisions of this item, the City Engineer will have the authority
to remove and replace defective materials and to deduct the cost of the
removal and replacement from lilly payment doe or to hecome duc to tile Con-
with and comply at all times during the performance of the work with all ap-
plicable provisions of the laws of the United States of America, the statutes
of the State of Texas, and the Charter, ordinances, codes, regulations and
directives of the City of Southlake. The Contractor shall, and does hereby
agree to, indemnify, save harmless and defend the City of Southlake, its
officers, agents and employees, from and against any liability, claim or
cause of action of any nature whatsoever whether real or asserted, arising
out of or based upon any violation by the Contractor, his employees, agents,
subcontractors or invitees, of any of said laws, statutes, Charter, ordinances,
codes, regulations or directives aforesaid. PE~tlTS AND LICENSES: The Contractor shall secure all permits
and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary and
incidental to the due and lawful prosection of the work. PATENTED DEVICES, MATERIALS AND PROCESSES: If the Contractor
is required or desires to use any design, device, material or process covered
by laws of patent or copyright, he shall provide for such use by suitable
agreement with the patentee or owner. The Contractor and surety shall in-
demnify and save harmless the City from any and all claims for infringement
by reason of the use of any patented design, device, materials or processes,
or any trademark or copyright used in connection with the work, and shall
indemnify the City against any cost, expenses or damages which it may be
obligated to pay by reason of such infringement at any time during the pro-
secution or after the completion of the work. FURNISIlING RIGHT-OF-WAY: Tile City will furnish rights-of-way
as shown on the plans, and if additional storage room, easements or work
area is required by the Contractor, then the Contractor shall provide same
at his own expense.
7.2.7.S SANITARY PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall, at his entire ex-
pense, provide and maintain in a neat, sanitary condition such accommodations
for the use of his employees as may be necessary to comply with the require-
ments and regulations of the State and City Departments of ltealth or of other
authorities having .jurisdiction. PUBLIC SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE: The safety of the public and
convenience of traffic shall be considered as of prime importance. Unless
otherwise sho~n on the plans or except as herein provided, all portions of
the project shall he kept open to traffic. It shall he the entire responsibility
ef the Contractor to provide for traffic along and across the project, as well
as for ingress and egre~s to private property, all as specified herein, as shown
on the plans or as dircclcd by the City Engineer. The Contractor shall plan and
and execute his operations in a manner that will cause a minimum of inter-
ference with traffic. If at any time during construction, such plan does
not accomplish the intended purpose due to weather or other conditions
affecting the safe handling of traffic, the Contractor shall im~nediately
make the necessary changes therein to correct the unsatisfactory conditions.
If due to rains or other reasons, the shoulders, slopes an8 ditches
become unsatisfactory for handling traffic, construction operations shall
be suspended and the base course or surface area may be opened to traffic.
Where the specifications require that traffic be carried over or along the
proposed work, construction operations shall be so prosecuted and new mate-
rial kept so placed and spread as to allow the passage of traffic in comfort
and safety.
During construction of proposed structures, unless otherwise shown on
the plans, the Contractor shall provide and maintain detours, including
temporary structures or crossovers of adequate structural design, as may be
required for the safety and convenience of the traffic. Unless otherwise
provided on the plans, the cost of constructing such temporary detours will
not be paid for directly, but shall be an incidental item to the contract.
At night or any other time, ail equipment not in use shall be stored
in such a manner and at such locations so as not to interfere with the safe
passage of traffic. The Contractor shall provide and maintain flagmen at such
points and for such periods of time as may be required to provide for the
safety and convenience of public travel and Contractor's personnel.
Except as otherwise provided above or elsewhere in the contract, these
provisions for directing traffic, maintenance of detours and subsequent
obliteration thereof, flagmen, etc., will not be paid for directly but shall
be included in the various bid items of this contract. RAILWAY CROSSINGS: Where the work encroaches upon any right-of-
way of any railway, the City will secure the necessary easement for the work.
Where railway tracks are to be crossed or lie within the limits of the im-
provements, the Contractor shall observe all the regulations and instructions
of the railway company as to methods of doing the work or precautions for the
safety of property and the public. All arrangements with the railway company
as to conduct of the work on railway right-of-way shall be made by the Con-
tractor and shall be Contractor's responsibility. The railway company shall
be notified by the Contractor not less than five (5) days prior to the time
of his intention to begin the work. The Contractor will not be paid direct
compensation for such railway crossings, but shall receive only the compen-
sation as set out in the proposal. BARRICADES AND DANGER, WARNING AND DETOUR SIGNS: The Contractor
shall place and maintain in good condition sufficient barricades and warning
signs along and at each end of the project, extending sufficient distance
therefrom to protect the public, including vehicular and pedestrian traffic,
from accident caused by or in any way arising from the existence of the project
]d the work, including the existence of equipment or materials used in con-
~ction with the work. The signs shall be of standard design as shown on
ne plans, or better. Use by the Contractor of signs of the design and/or
location as shown on the plans or in these documents shall not relieve Con-
tractor of or from his indemnification of the City and its officers, agents
or employees, as set out in these documents.
Ail barricades and signs remaining in place at night and at all points
of hazard to traffic shall be illuminated by lights between sunset and sunrise.
Signs which refer to construction operations, but which do not apply after
work is ended for the day, shall be moved to points that are not visible to
the traffic until construction is resumed. The terms "lights" as used herein
shall mean flares, flashers or both. The size of flasher lights shall be
approved by the City Engineer.
The Contractor shall provide special signs not covered by the plans to
protect the traveling public against special conditions or hazards.
Upon completion of the work, all signs and evidences thereof shall be
removed by the Contractor.
All materials furnished and work performed under these provisions will
not be paid for directly, but shall be considered as subsidiary work per-
taining to the various bid items of the contract.
The Contractor covenants and agrees to, and does hereby, indemnify,
ave harmless and defend the City of Southlake, its officers, agents and
~loyees, from and against any and all claims or causes of action for
damages due to death or injuries to persons or property of any nature
whatsoever, whether real or asserted, arising out of or caused by the exist-
ence of the project or the prosecution of the work; and, as between these
parties, the Contractor assumes all liability and responsibility for in-
juries, claims or suits for damages to persons or property, including death,
of whatsoever kind or character, whether real or asserted, arising out of
or caused by the existence or prosecution of the project or the work. USE OF EXPLOSIVES: When the use of explosives is necessary
for the prosecution of the work, the Contractor shall use the utmost care
not to endanger life or property. All explosives shall be stored in a secure
manner, and storage places shall be clearly marked, "DANGER--EXPLOSIVES.,,
The method of storing and handling explosives and highly inflammable mate-
rials shall conform to the recommendations of the manufacturer and to all
Federal, State and City laws and regulations.
In advance of doing any blasting work involving the use of electric
blasting caps within two hundred (200) feet of any railroad track, the Con-
tractor shall give at least twenty-four (24) hours advance notice to the
nearest roadmaster, section foreman, agent, signal maintainer or telegraph
operator with the request that his superintendent be notified immediately
of the impending use of explosives. If in the construction of the project,
lasting work is to be done, using electric blasting caps, the Contractor
till be required to furnish warning signs at appropriate places whereby
the traveling public or other personnel are advised that no radio trans-
mitting is to be done within three hundred (300) feet of the site of the
explosives, or the site of the storage of such explosives or blasting caps.
No direct payment will be made for furnishing and placing these warning
signs, and they shall be included in the other bid items of the contract. PROTECTION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY: The Contractor shall take
proper measures to protect the adjacent or adjoining property which might be
injured by any of the process of construction, and in case of any injury or
damage resulting from any act or omission on the part of or on behalf of the
Contractor, he shall restore, at his own expense, the damaged property to a
condition similar or equal to that existing before such injury or damage
was done, or he shall make good such injury or damage in an acceptable
The Contractor shall not trespass on private property, nor store any
material or equipment, nor place debris thereon without the owner's consent,
nor damage any fences, buildings, trees or other property. He shall use
suitable precautions to prevent damage to pipes, conduits and any other
underground structures, and in case it is necessary to disturb land monu-
ments or property marks, he shall first notify the City Engineer so that
they may be properly referenced. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS: In addition to and cumu-
lative of all other provisions herein for the indemnification of the City
by the Contractor, the Contractor shall indemnify, save harmless and defend
the City, its agents, officers and employees, from all suits, actions or
claims brought on account of injuries or damages sustained by any person
or property as a consequence of any neglect in the safeguarding of the work
by the Contractor, or from any claims or amounts arising or recovered under
the "Workmen's Compensation Laws" or any other laws. Ne shall be responsible
for all damage or injury to property of any character occurring during the
prosecution of the work resulting from any ac~, omission, neglect or mis-
conduct on his part in the manner or method of executing the work; or from
his failure to properly execute the work; or from defective work or mate-
rials, lte shall not be released from such responsibility until all claims
have been settled or suitable evidence furnished to the City that the Con-
tractor has made good faith efforts to settle such claims; and the City
may withhold final pa>Rent pending receipt of such suitable evidence. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK: Until the final
acceptance of the work by the City Engineer, as evidenced in writing, it
shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor. The Contractor
shall rebuild and make good at his own expense all injuries or damages
to the work occurring before its completion and acceptance. In case of
sospension of the work for any cause, the Contractor shall be responsible
for the preservation of all materials. }te shall provide suitable drainage
of the roadway and shall erect temporary structures where required. The
Contractor shall maintain the roadway in good and passable condition until
final acceptance.
,f tile foregoing provisions or in exercising any power or authority granted
~o him by the contract, the Contractor covenants and agrees that there shall
be no liability asserted by the Contractor over and against the Owner, the
City Engineer or any of his authorized assistants, either personally or as
officials of the City, it being understood that in such matters the City
Engineer acts as the representative of the City.
be permitted to assign, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the contract
or any portion thereof, or his rights, title or interest therein without the
approval of the City Council. The Contractor will not be permitted to sublet
any portion of the contract without the approval of the City Engineer. No
subcontract will in any case relieve the Contractor of his responsibility
under the contract and bond.
The Contractor shall perform with his own organization and with the
assistance of the workmen under his superintendence work of a value not less
than fifty (SO) percent of the value of all work embraced in the contract,
exclusive of items not commonly found in contracts for similar work or which
require highly specialized knowledge, craftsmanship and/or equipment not
ordinarily available in organizations of contractors performing work of the
character embraced in the contract. The Contractor shall give assurance
that the minimum wage for labor and the maximum amounts to be deducted
for board, if furnished, as stated in the governing provisions shall apply
~o labor performed on all work sublet, assigned or otherwise disposed of in
any way. A written consent to sublet, assign or otherwise dispose of any
~ortion of the contract shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor of
any responsibility for the fulfillment of the contract. PROSECUTION OF WORK: Prior to beginning construction operations,
the Contractor shall submit to the City Engineer a chart or brief outlining
the manner of the prosecution of the work that he intends to follow in order
to complete the contract within the allotted time. The Contractor shall be-
gin the work to be performed under the contract within ten (10) days after
the date of the authorization to begin work and shall continuously prosecute
same with such diligence as will enable him to complete the work within the
time limit specified. }te shall notify the City Engineer at least twenty-four
(24) hours before beginning work at any point. He shall not open up work to
the detriment of work already begun. The Contractor shall conduct his opera-
tions so as to impose a minimum interference to the traffic.
The Contractor shall at all times cooperate with work forces engaged at
or near the site, whether they are City forces or employed by other contractors
or public utilities, so that the construction of the entire project may be
carried on to the earliest practical completion with the least practical in-
terference with other contract or utility forces.
36 WORKMEN AND EQUIPMENT: 'the Contractor shall use local labor
if available. The Contractor will be allowed to bring in from outside the
City of Southlake his key men and superintendent. All workmen employed by
the Contractor shall have such skill and experience as will enable them to
properly perform the duties assigned to them. The Contractor shall furnish
such suitable machinery, equipment and construction forces as may be neces-
sary in the opinion of the City Engineer for the proper prosecution of the
work, and failure to do so may cause the City Engineer to withhold ali es-
timates which have or may become due to the Contractor, or the City Engineer
may suspend the work until the requests are complied with. TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF THE WORK: The City Engineer will have
authority to suspend the work, in whole or in part, for such period as he
may consider necessary, and the "Time Charge" will be suspended during such
period. Notice of such suspension and the reason therefor will be given the
Contractor in writing. The Contractor shall not suspend work without written
authority from the City Engineer. COMPUTATION OF CONTRACT TIME FOR COMPLETION: The Contractor
shall complete work within the number of working days or calendar days
stated in the contract. For the purpose of computation, working or calendar
days will be considered to begin ten (10) days after the date of the written
authorization by the City Engineer to begin the work. The City Engineer
will furnish the Contractor upon request with a monthly statement on forms
furnished by the City, showing the number of days charged during the month,
the total number of days allowed in the contract, and the days remaining
in the contract. The Contractor will be allowed ten (10) days in which to
protest the correctness of the statement; otherwise, the statement will stand.
When adjusting the time for completion, the days on which the work has been
suspended by an act or omission of the City, and not by failure of the Con-
tractor, shall be allowed to the Contractor and excluded from the computation
in making said adjustment, all of which shall be determined by the Engineer
and certified thereto in writing. The decision of the Engineer shall be
binding and conclusive on both parties to the contract. If the satisfactory
completion of the contract shall require unforeseen work or work and mate-
rials in greater amounts than those set forth in the contract, then additional
working days or suspension of time charge will be allowed the Contractor equal
to the time which, in the opinion of the City Engineer, the work as a whole
is delayed. FAILURE TO COMPLETE WORK ON TIME: The O~mr and the Contractor
agree that it will be most difficult or impossible to ascertain the amount of
damages that will be sustained by the Owner if the Contractor fails to complete
the work in the allotted time, but they both agree that the Owner would sustain
substantial damages in such event. Accordingly, if the Contractor fails to
complete the contract in the working or calendar days specified, a time charge
shall be made for each day thereafter, not as a penalty but as liquidated
The time set forth in the proposal for the completion of the work is
an essential element, covenant and promise of the contract. For each day
under the conditions described in the preceding section that any work shall
remain uncompleted after the expiration of the days specified in the con-
tract, together with any additional days allowed, the amount per day given
in the following schedule will be deducted from the pa)~ent due or to become
due the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as ascertained and liquidated damages
and added expense for engineering supervision:
Amount of Contract Liquidated Damages Per Day
$ 15,000 or less $ 20.00
$ 15,001 to $ 25,000 $ 30.00
$ 25,001 to $ $0,000 $ $0.00 '
$ $0,001 to $ 100,000 $ 75.00
$ 100,001 to $ 500,000 $100.00
$ $00,001 to $ 1,000,000 $150.00
$1,000,001 to $ 2,000,000 $200.00
Over $2,000,000 $300.00
Should the amount otherwise due the Contractor be less than the amount
of such ascertained and liquidated damages, the Contractor and his surety
shall be liable to the City for such deficiency. ABANDONMENT OF WORK OR DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR: If the Contractor
fails to begin the work within the time specified; or fails to perform the
work with sufficient workmen and equipment; or has insufficient materials to
insure the completion of the work within the contract time; or shall perform
the work unsuitably; or shall neglect or refuse to remove materials or per-
form or renew such work as may have been rejected as being defective or un-
suitable; or shall discontinue the prosecution of the work without authority;
or from any other cause whatsoever shall not carry on the work in an acceptable
manner, the City Engineer may give notice in writing to the Contractor and his
surety of such delay, neglect or default, specifying the same. If the Con-
tractor shall become insolvent or be declared bankrupt, or shall commit any
act of bankruptcy or insolvency, or shall make an unauthorized assignment
for the benefit of any creditor; or if the Contractor, within a period of
ten (10) days after the date of notice in writing from the City Engineer
specifying any delay, neglect or default by the Contractor, as provided
above, shall fail to correct such delay, neglect or default to the satis-
faction of the City Engineer, then the Owner shall have full power and
authority, without violating the contract, to take the prosecution of the
work out of the hands of the Contractor and appropriate or use any or all
materials and equipment on the ground as may be suitable and acceptable,
and to enter into an agreement with any third party for the completion of
the contract according to the terms and provisions thereof, or use such
other methods as in his opinion may be required for the completion of the
contract in an acceptable manner. All costs and charges incurred by the
Owner, together with the cost of completing the work in the contract, shall
be deducted from any payment due or which may become due the Contractor.
In case the costs so incurred by the Owner shall be less than the amount
which would have been payable under the contract if it had been completed
by the Contractor, the Contractor will be entitled to the difference. In
zase such costs exceed the amount which would have been payable under the
contract, then the Contractor and his surety shall be liable for and shall
pay to the Owner the amount of such excess. WAGE RATES: Not less than the general rate of per diem wages
for work of a similar character in the locality in which the work is per-
formed shall be paid by the Contractor or any subcontractor under this con-
tract. WEEKLY PAYROLL: A certified copy of each payroll covering pay-
ment of wages to all persons engaged in work on the project at the site of
the project may be required to be furnished to the City Engineer of the City
of Southlake within seven (7) days after the close of each payroll period.
7.2.9 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT MEASUREMENT OF quANTITIES: All work completed under the con-
tract will be measured by the City Engineer according to United States
standard measures unless otherwise specified. All longitudinal measurements
for surface areas will be made along the actual surface of the roadway and
not horizontally, and no deduction will be made for structures in the road-
way having an area of nine (9) square feet or less. For all transverse
measurements for areas of base courses, surface courses and pavements, the
dimensions to be used in calculating the pay areas will be the neat dimen-
sions and shall not exceed those shown on the plans or as ordered in writing
by the City Engineer. All materials which are specified for measurement
by the cubic yard in vehicles will be hauled in approved vehicles and measured
therein at the point of delivery on the roadway. Vehicles for this purpose
may be of the type or size satisfactory to the City Engineer provided the
body is of such type that the actual contents may be readily and accurately
determined. The Inspector may reject all loads not hauled in such approved
In those items which provide for payment by "Plan Quantity," the measure-
ment of such quantity shall represent an accurate calculation, made by the
method described in the governing specifications, and may or may not represent
the exact quantity of material moved or handled during the execution of the
contract. SCOPE OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall accept the compensation
as provided in the contract in full payment for furnishing and paying for all
materials, supplies, subcontracts, labor, tools and equipment necessary to
complete the work of the contract; for any loss or damage which may arise
from the nature of the work, from the action of the elements, or from any
unforeseen difficulty which may be encountered in the prosecution of the
work, until the final acceptance of the work by the City; for all risks
of every description connected with the prosecution of the work; for all
expenses and damages which might accrue to the Contractor by reason of delay
n the initiation and prosecution of the work from any cause whatsoever;
or any infringement of patent, trademark or copyright; and for completing
the work according to the plans and specifications. The pay~nent of any
current or partial estimate shall in no way affect the obligations of the
Contractor to repair or remove, at his own expense, the defective parts of
the construction or to replace any defective materials used in the con-
struction, and to be responsible for all damages due to such defects if
such defects or damages are discovered on or before the final inspection
and acceptance of the work.
No payment payable under the contract or any part thereof, except for
the estimate for the first month or period, shall become due and payable,
if the City Engineer so determines, until the Contractor shall satisfy the
City Engineer that he has fully set~led or paid for all materials and equip-
ment used in or upon the work, subcontracts and labor done in connection
therewith; and the City, if it so determines, may pay any or all such
balances wholly or in part and deduct the amount or amounts so paid from
any monthly or final estimates, except the first estimate.
On assessment paving projects, the property owner may be assessed for
the construction of the street improvements. The necessary assessment
certificates and ordinances will be prepared and adopted by the City Council.
It will be the responsibility of the City to collect any or all assessments
from the property owners. Tbe Contractor shall take into consideration that
assessment paving projects may require additional time for legal proceedings
before the work order can be issued for construction. A work order for the
beginning of construction of assessment projects will not be issued until
at least fifteen (15) days have elapsed from the date of the adoption of
the ordinance levying assessments and closing the benefit hearing. PAYMENT FOR EXTRA WORK: Extra work performed by the Contractor
and authorized and approved by the City Engineer will be paid for under "Sup-
plemental Agreements" made in the manner hereinafter described, and the com-
pensation thus provided shall be accepted by the Contractor as payment in full
for all labor, subcontracts, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals, and
for all supervision, insurance, bonds and all other expense of whatever nature
incurred in the prosecution of the extra work.
Payment for extra work will be made under one of the following types of
"Supplemental Agreements" to be selected by the City:
(1) Method "A". By unit prices agreed upon in writing by the Contractor
and City Engineer and approved by the City Council before said extra work is
commenced, subject to all other conditions of the contract.
(2) Method "B". By a lump sum price agreed upon in writing by the Con-
tractor and City Engineer and approved by the City Council before said extra
work is commenced, subject to all other conditions of the contract.
(3) blethod "C". By actual field cost of the work, plus fifteen (15)
percent as described herelnbelow, agreed upon in writing by the Contractor
~d City Engineer and approved by the City Council after said extra work
~s completed, subject to all other conditions of the contract.
In the event extra work is to be performed and paid for under Method "C",
the actual field costs of the work will include the cost of all workmen, foremen,
timekeepers, mechanics and laborers; all materials, supplies, trucks, equip-
ment rental for such time as actually used on such extra work only, plus all
power, fuel, lubricants, water and similar operating expenses; and a ratable
proportion of premiums on performance and payment bonds, public liability,
workmen's compensation and all other insurance required by law or ordinance.
The City Engineer will direct the form in which the accounts of actual field
cost will be kept and will recommend in writing the method of doing the work
and the type and kind of equipment to be used, but such extra work will be
performed by the Contractor as an independent contractor and not as an agent
or employee of the City.
The fifteen (15) percent of the actual field cost to be paid the Con-
tractor shall cover and compensate him for profit, overhead, general super-
vision and field office expense, and all other elements of cost and expense
not embraced within the actual field cost as herein specified.
The Contractor shall give the City Engineer access to all accounts, bills
and vouchers relating thereto. FORCE ACCOUNT WORK: Where the extra work is ordered to be per-
formed on the "Force Account Basis," payment for same will be made as follows:
For all labor and foremen the Contractor will receive the rate of wage,
to be agreed upon in writing before beginning such work, for each hour the
laborers and foremen are actually engaged in such work, to which shall be
added an amount equal to fifteen (15) percent of the sum thereof as force
account compensation.
No charge will be made by the Contractor for organization or overhead
expenses except for the actual cost of premiums on public liability and
workmen's compensation insurance, old age benefit (Social Security), unem-
ployment insurance, taxes and contractor's bonds. No charge for superinten-
dents will be made unless considered necessary and ordered by the City Engineer.
The Contractor will receive the actual cost, including freight charges,
of the materials used on such work, to which cost will be added a sum equal
to ten (10) percent thereof as compensation. In case material invoices in-
dicate a discount may be taken, the actual cost will be the invoice price
minus the discount.
For machinery, trucks, power tools or other similar equipment which
may be considered necessary or desirable to use, the City Engineer will allow
the Contractor a reasonable rental price, as agreed upon in writing before
such work is begun, for eacb hour the said tools or equipment are in use on
the work, which price will include the cost of fuel, lubricants and repairs
without an)' additional compensation percentage being added.
The compensation, as herein provided for, shall be received by the
Contractor as payment in full for extra work done on the "Force Account
Basis" and will include use of small tools, overhead expense, and profit.
The Contractor's representative and the Inspector shall compare records
of extra work done on the "Force Account Basis" at the end of each day.
Copies of these records will be made on suitable forms provided for this
purpose by the Inspector , and they will be signed by both the Inspector
and the Contractor's representative, one copy being forwarded to the City
Engineer and one copy to the Contractor. All claims for "Extra Work" per-
formed on the "Force Account Basis" shall be submitted to the City Engineer
by the Contractor upon certified statements, to which shall be attached
certified copies of invoices covering the cost of, and the freight charges
on, all materials used in such work, and such statements shall be filed
not later than the tenth day of the month following that in which the
work was actually performed.
7.2.9.S CLAIMS AND DAMAGES: Any claims for extra work or for any
other related matter or cause must be made in writing to the City Engineer
at the time the cause or claim arises. Unless such claim is so presented
before the next estimate, it shall be held that the Contractor has waived
the claim, and he shall not be entitled to receive pay therefor. TRANSPORTATION: No allowance or deduction will be made for
any charge in freight rates. No allowance for transportation of men, mate-
rials or equipment will be allowed. PARTIAL PAYMENTS: On the first of each month after the first
~month's work has been completed, the Contractor will make current estimates
in writing of materials in place complete, the amount of work performed during
the preceding month or period, and the value thereof at the unit prices con-
tracted for as shown on the proposal. This estimate.shall be subject to the
approval of the City Engineer. Ninety (90) percent of the amount of the Con-
tractor's estimate will be allowed the Contractor within ten (10) days after
the regular estimate period, and the balance will be retained by the City
until the final estimate is allowed and the work accepted.
The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any monthly
estimate if the Contractor fails to perform the work strictly in accordance
with the specifications or provisions of this contract. ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL PAYMENT: The City, upon receipt of the
City Engineer's "Certificate of Completion" and "Final Estimate" and upon
receipt of satisfactory evidence from the Contractor that all subcontractors
and persons furnishing labor or materials have been paid in full and all
persons claiming damages to property or persons because of the carrying on
of this work have been settled with, or their claims dismissed or the issues
joined, shall certify the estimate for final payment after previous payments
have been deducted and shall notify the Contractor and his surety of the
acceptance of the project.
On projects divided into two or more units, the Contractor may request
a final pa~nent on one or more units which have been completed and accepted.
The final acceptance of the completed work will be by the City Council
of the City of Southlake, and all guaranties covering the completed work
and all maintenance periods shall begin with the date of this acceptance.
On delivery of the final payment, the Contractor shall sign a written
acceptance of the final estimate as payment in full for the work done. All
prior partial estimates and payments shall be subject to correction in the
final estimate and payment.
A. Description: This item shall consist of the removal and disposal
of trees, stumps, brush, roots, vegetation, logs, rubbish and other objection-
able matter and the removal and restoration of fences on and near the work area.
B. Fences: All fences interfering with the construction operations
shall be removed, salvaged, and reconstructed after completion of the work.
Reconstructed fences shall be equal in every way, or superior, to the fence
C. Clearing: The entire work area shall be cleared of all trees,
stumps, brush, logs, and rubbish except such trees and brush as may be
designated by the Engineer to be left in place. Trees and brush designated
for preservation shall be carefully trirmmed as directed and shall be pro-
tected from scarring, barking, or other injuries during construction opera-
D. Grubbing: On areas required for construction of embankments, all
stumps, roots, etc., shall be removed to a depth of at least one (1) foot
below the existing ground surface, and in areas of excavation all stumps,
roots, etc., shall be removed at least one (1) foot below the bottom of the
stabilized subgrade, pavement base, or concrete slab, whichever is greater
in depth.
E. Cleaning Up: All materials cleared and grubbed shall be disposed
of as directed by the Engineer.
A. Description: This item shall consist of all the required excavation,
the removal, proper utilization or disposal of all excavated materials; and
the construction o£ all embankments, and the shaping and finishing of all
earthwork in conformity with the lines and grades established by the Engineer
as shown on the approved plans.
B. E×cavation: Ail excavation shall be in accordance with the lines,
grades, and t~cal sections as shown on the plans or established by the
Engineer. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, or established by the Engineer,
street e×cav~tion will be made to the subgrade of the roadway and finished
grade of parkways.
Where excavation to grades established in the field by the Engineer would
terminate in unstable soil, the Engineer may require the Contractor to remove
the unstable soil and backfill to the required grade with suitable material
compacted, in an approved manner, to a density equivalent to the density re-
quired for adjacent material.
~rhere excavation to the grade established in the field by the Engineer
terminates in loose or solid rock, the Contractor may be required to extend
the depth of excavation six (6) inches and backfill with select material
compacted, in an approved manner, to a satisfactory density. Subject to
the approval of the Engineer, the select material backfill may be obtained
from any point within the right-of-way where suitable backfill material is
C. Provisions for Drainage: If it is necessary in the prosecution of
the work to interrupt the natural drainage of the surface, or the flow of
artificial drains, the Contractor shall provide temporary drainage facilities
that will prevent damage to public or private interests, and shall restore
the original drains as soon as the work will permit. The Contractor shall
be held liable for all damages which will result from neglect to provide for
either natural or artificial drainage which his work may have interrupted.
D, Embankanont: Embankments shall be constructed in accordance with
the lines, grades and typical sections as shown on the plans or established
by the Engineer,
Prior to construction of embankments the ground surface upon which embank-
ments are to be constructed shall be scarified in furrows uniformly spaced so
that at least fifty ($0) percent of the surface will be broken to a depth of
at least four (4) inches.
Embankments shall be constructed of suitable materials and shall be
placed in successive horizontal layers of not more than eight (8) inches
in depth, loose measurements for the full width of the embankment and in
such lengths as designated. Stumps, trees, rubbish, vegetation or other
unsuitable materials shall not be placed in embankments. Ail construction
traffic shall be uniformly distributed over the entire surface of each layer
of the embankment.
Each layer of the embankment and the completed embankment shall be com-
pacted to not less than 90% density as per AASHO designation T180. No suc-
cessive layer shall be placed until the layer under construction has been
completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
After a section of the embankment has been completed it shall be main-
tained to grade and cross section by blading when and to the extent required.
Embankments placed over and adjacent to pipes, culverts, and other struc-
tures shall be of suitable materials, and shall be placed in successive hori-
zontal layers of not more than eight (8) inches in depth, loose mpasurement,
and each layer uniformly mixed, pulverized and thoroughly compacted to the
satisfaction of the Engineer by the use of rakes, hand tamps, and/or other
approved methods. Special care shall be taken to prevent any wedging action
against the structure. This method of consolidation and compaction shall be
used for such distances along embankment adjacent to structures as may be
necessary and in other areas where blading and rolling would be impractical.
E. Excess Excavation: Unstable street excavation, stumps, trees, rubbish,
unsuitable material and suitable street excavation in excess of that needed for
construction shall be disposed of as directed by the Engineer and at a site
approved by the Engineer. In general suitable excess street excavation will
be used in the construction of parkways, widening of embankments, flattening
of slopes, etc., but if necessary to waste any material, it shall be disposed
of in such a manner as to present a neat appearance and to not obstruct proper
drainage or cause injury to street improvements or to abutting property.
F. Compaction (Density) Tests: Before any base material or pavement is
placed on the subgrade, compaction or density tests shall be made by an
approved independent testing laboratory. The field density test results
shall be not less than 90% density as per AASHO designation T180. At least two
(2) field density tests will be made on each 1000 square yards of prepared
subgrade or fraction thereof. Additional tests may be required at question-
able areas.
The Contractor will be responsible to furnish all test results, as re-
quired, directly to the City's Engineer. The city will select the testing
agency for approval, however, payment for all density tests will be made by
the Contractor.
A. Description: These requirements shall govern for the furnishing of
all plant, labor, and equipment, and of performing all operations in connec-
tion with the treating of subgrade by mixing hydrated lime with the subgrade
material, complete, in strict accordance with this subsection and approved
plans or drawings.
B. Materials and Construction methods shall comply with applicable
portions of Item 260 and 262 of the Texas Highway Department Specifications
with the following specific requirements.
(1) biinimum depth of lime stabilization shall be six (6) inches or
as otherwise required in this ordinance.
(2) blaximum plasticity index of stabilized material shall be 10.
(3) Minimum compaction shall be 95% as per AASHO designation T180.
C. Test and Field Inspections:
(1) Test reports shall be submitted indicating full compliance
with these specifications.
(2) Test results shall be submittted for each 1,000 ~quare yards
or less, and additional tests may be required of questionable areas.
(5) The Contractor will be responsible to furnish all test results
as required directly to the City's Engineer. The city will select the testing
agency for approval, but payment for all tests and field inspections pertaining
to this item will be made by the Contractor.
A. Description: These requirements shall govern for the furnishing of
all plant, labor, and equipment, and of performing all operations in con-
nection with the treating of subgrade by mixing portland cement with the sub-
grade material, complete, in strict accordance with this subsection, and ap-
proved plans or drawings.
B. Materials and Construction Methods shall comply with applicable por-
tions of Item 270 of the Texas Highway Department Specifications with the
following specific requirements.
(1) Minimum depth of cement stabilization shall be six (6) inches
or as otherwise required in this ordinance.
(2) Minimum compressive strength of material after stabilization
and compaction shall be 300 psi at 7 days.
(3) Minimum compaction shall be 95% as per AASHO designation T180.
C. Test and Field InspectioDs:
(i) Test reports shall be submitted indicating full compliance with
these specifications.
(2) Test results shall be submitted for each 1,000 square yards or
less, and additional tests may be required of questionable areas.
(5) The Contractor will be responsible to furnish all test results
as required directly to the City's Engineer, The city will select the testing
agency for approval, but payment for all tests and field inspections pertaining
to this item will be made by the Contractor.
A. DescrJ?it, n: This item shall consist of a base course and surface
course, composed of mineral aggregate and o51 asphalt mixed in a central plant
and constructed o~ a prepared subgrade or subbase in accordance with these
specifications and in conformity with the lines and grades and typScal cross-
sections as sho~m on the approved drawings.
B. Materials: Materials for "Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement"
shall conform to the requirements of Texas Highway Department Specification
Item No. 340 with the following supplements:
(1) Base course shall be Type "B" as specified in Item 340 of Texas
Highway Department Specifications. The asphaltic material shall form from
5.S to 7% of the mixture by weight.
(2) Surface course shall be Type "D" as specified in Item 540 of
Texas Highway Department Specifications. The asphaltic material shall form
from 4 to 8% of the mixture by weight.
(3) Coarse aggregate for this item shall consist of crushed stone
and/or crushed gravel. If crushed gravel is used, it shall be so crushed that
at least ninety (90) percent of the particles shall have more than one crushed
(4) Materials for Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement shall be mixed
in accordance with a job mix formula made by an approved commercial testing
laboratory. The mix design shall comply with the requirements of this speci-
fication. Density shall be 92.0 to 98.0%. Hveem stability shall be not less
than 35%. Asphalt for tack coat shall be RC-2 cut-back asphalt or emulsified
asphalt EA-11M. Asphalt for prime coat shall be MC-30 or emulsified asphalt
C. Construction Methods: Construction methods shall be in accordance
with the requirements of Item 340 of Texas Highway Department Specifications
with the following supplements:
(I) Prior to placing any Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement the
subbase or base shall be compacted to the required density and finished in
accordance with the pertinent specification. Asphalt for prime coat shall
be applied to the surface at a rate of from 0.05 gallon to 0.2 gallon per
square yard as directed by the Engineer. Prime coat shall be allowed cure
at least 24 hours or longer if directed by the Engineer, before any hot mix
asphaltic concrete pavement is placed on the prime coat.
A tack coat shall be applied when the surface to be paved is portland
cement concrete, brick, or asphalt pavement at a rate not to exceed fifteen-
hundredths {0.1S) gallon per square yard of surface area.
(2) The bituminous mixture shall be delivered on the job at a
temperature of not less than 250° F.
(3) Field density samples shall be taken by the testing laboratory
for density and extraction tests. The density of the completed pavement shall
be not less than 92.0% or more than 98.0% of the theoretical density computed
from the job mix formula or bin weights used.
D. Tests and Inspection:
(1) Test results of bin gradations of materials, job mix formulas,
Hveem stability, extraction tests, field densities and all other tests re-
quired to show full compliance with this specification shall be submitted
to the City's Engineer by the testing laboratory.
(2) During production of asphaltic concrete for this project,
full time inspection shall be provided by an approved commercial testing
laboratory at the asphalt plant. Full time field inspection by an approved
testing laboratory shall be provided at the construction site during the
placing and finishing operations for Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement.
(3) The Contractor will be responsible to furnish all test results
as required directly to the City's Engineer. The city will select the testing
agency for approval but payment for all tests and for all inspection pertaining
to this item will be made by the Contractor.
A. Description: This item shall consist of a reinforced portland cement
concrete pavement constructed on a prepared subgrade in accordance with these
specifications and in conformity with the lines and grades and typical cross
sections sho~n on the approved plans or drawings.
B. Materials: Materials for "Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Pave-
ment'' shall conform to the requirements of Item 364 of the Texas Highway De-
partment Specifications.
C. Construction Methods: Construction shall be in accordance with the
requirements of Items 364 and 360 of the Texas Highway Department Specifica-
tions with the following additions:
(1) Prior to placing pavement on a section of street the previously
prepared subgrade shall be compacted to at least 9S% density as per AASHO
designation T180.
(2) Longitudinal and transverse joints shall be constructed in ac-
cordance with details as shown on the approved drawings.
(3) Concrete pavement shall be cured for at least three days and
longer if deemed necessary by the City's Engineer.
D. Tests and Field Inspection:
(1) Test reports shall be submitted indicating full compliance
with these specifications. Test results of at least two (2) test beams shall
be made for each 500 square yards or less of pavement placed each day.
(2) A testing laboratory will furnish full time field inspection at
all times while concrete for reinforced Portland Cement Concrete Pavement is
being placed or finished.
(3) The Contractor will be responsible to furnish all test results
as required directly to the City's Engineer. The city will select the testing
agency for approval but payment for all tests and for all inspection pertaining
to this item will be made by the Contractor.
A. Scope of Work: Work shall include provision of all material, labor,
equipment, and incidentals necessary to construct the storm drainage system
described on the plans, complete. Work shall include, but is not limited to,
all trench and channel excavation and backfill, including compaction; removing
and salvaging existing pipe culverts; furnishing, placing and joining new
reinforced concrete culvert pipe; constructing box culverts; curb inlets, head-
walls, concrete swales, and concrete lined channels, complete.
B. Trench Excavation and Backfill: Work shall be in accordance with
Texas Highway Department Standards, Item 401. Trenches shall be cut to the
exact depth required by the profiles and the lower portion of the trench
shall be shaped to fit the correct lower one-quarter of the diameter of the
culvert being installed. The undercut shall be backfilled with a sandy mate-
rial. Width of the trench shall be no greater than the width of the outside
diameter of the pipe plus twenty-four inches. Backfill shall be made with
select material as follows:
(1) Pit-run Sandy Gravel
Plasticity Index = 5 maximum
Sieve Size
Percent Retained
2 inch 0
1 inch 0 to 10
1/2 inch 20 to SO
No. 4 40 to 80
No. 100 95 to 100
(2) Field Sand
Sieve Size
Percent Retained
No. 4 0
No. 16 0 to 20
No. 50 40 to 80
No. 100 60 to 90
No. 200 90 to 100
Trench backfill shall be classified into two (2) types: (a) Within the
Right-of-Way of Public Streets, (b) Outside of the Right-of-Way of Public
(a) Trench Backfill within the Right-of-Way of Public Streets.
1. Pit-run sandy gravel or field sand of a quality katisfactory
to the Engineer, shall be placed in the bottom of the trench preceding the
placing of precast concrete pipe. This bedding shall be placed such that it
will be slightly above the underside of the pipe after compaction, and to a
depth between three (3) and six (6) inches under the concrete pipe. After
compaction the bedding shall be fine graded. The thickness of the bedding
placed under the pipe shall b~ reasonably uniform, and shall be compacted by
tamping, and with the additio~ of water where necessary.
2. After concrete pipe has been laid, and joints made, pit-run
sandy gravel or field sand as above specified shall be placed under the haunches
of the pipe, on the sides of the pipe, and to a height above the pipe such that
the material will be at least twelve (12) inches above the top of the pipe after
the backfill has been settled. The backfill shall be placed equally on both
sides' of the pipe in order that the pipe will not be displaced, and if neces-
sary the pipe shall be blocked against the sides of the trench to insure that
no displacement occurs. The backfill placed under the haunches of the pipe
shall be worked into place by hand during the time it is deposited in the
trench. After the backfill has been placed adjacent to and over the pipe,
then it shall be compacted by jetting with water, with a one (1) inch pipe
of sufficient length to reach the bottom of the pipe and sufficient water
pressure to insure that the surrounding materials will be quickly and thor-
oughly flooded.
When the surrounding materials are of such a nature that they do
not permit the rapid drainage of the jetting water, the Contractor may be
required to provide, at his cost, a sump and pump at the downstream end of
the trench to remove the accumulated water.
3. The remainder of the trench shall be backfilled in such a
manner (jetting, mechanical tamping, rolling, etc.) as to obtain in all
cases a density not less than ninety (90) percent of the modified density as
determined in accordance with AASHO T180. After sufficient time has elapsed
for the free moisture to be gone from the pit-run sandy gravel or field sand
placed as outlined above, the remainder of the trench shall be backfilled
with material excavated from the trench, except that no rocks larger than
two (2) inches shall be used in the backfill, and material from rock or
shale excavation shall not be used. At locations where the excavated mate-
rial is from rock or shale formations, or where the material is such that
it is not suitable for compaction by the method being used, then the mate-
rial shall be disposed of and acceptable substitute backfill material shall
be provided and placed as required.
a. If jetting is selected as the method of compaction, the
procedure outlined below is the minimum acceptable.
The backfill shall be placed in layers not exceeding four
(4) feet in thickness loose, and each layer shall be thoroughly jetted with
water after the earth backfill has dried out reasonably well; then the entire
backfill, including the pit-run gravel, or field sand shall be jetted a final
time. ,letting operations shall be done with a pipe of sufficient length to
reach the bottom of the storm drain pipe, with adequate hose and sufficient
pressure to do the work thoroughly and properly; the jetting pipe shall be
applied so that the top of the backfill is settled first and then shall pro-
ceed further into the material until the bottom of the pipe is reached. The
jetting pipe shall be used on both sides of the storm drain pipe and at in-
tervals of not more than five (5) feet along each side.
b. If mechanical tamping is selected as the method of com-
paction, the procedure outlined below is the minimum acceptable.
The backfill material shall be placed in layers not exceeding
six (6) inches loose thickness. The moisture content of the material being
tamped shall be uniform and near the optimum moisture content for the mate-
rial. In case the material being placed does not have the proper moisture,
then the material shall be dried out or additional moisture shall be added
by satisfactory methods such that the additional water is distributed uni-
formly throughout the material being placed. The layers of backfill shall
be reduced in thickness when satisfactory compaction cannot be obtained with
the equipment being used.
c. If rolling is selected as the method of compaction, the
procedure outlined below is the minimum acceptable.
Rolling equipment shall not be placed in the trench until at
least twenty-four {24) inches of material have been placed over the top of
the storm drain pipe, at least eighteen (18) inches of which shall conform
with these backfill specifications as related to the minimum Proctor Density.
The backfill material shall be placed in layers not exceeding eight (8) inches
loose thickness. The moisture content in the material being rolled shall be
uniform and near the optimum moisture content for the material. In case the
material being placed does not have the proper moisture, then the material
shall be dried out or additional moisture shall be added by satisfactory
methods such that the additional water is distributed uniformly throughout
the material being placed. The layers of backfill shall be reduced in thick-
ness when satisfactory compaction cannot be obtained with the equipment being
4. In the case where the storm drain is located underneath per-
manent pavement the entire trench excavation shall be backfilled with pit-
run sandy gravel or field sand. This material may be placed in loose layers
not exceeding four (4) feet in thickness and shall be jetted as outlined
5. The Contractor will make the necessary laboratory tests at its
expense to determine the density obtained. The Contractor shall schedule his
operations so that representative tests of compaction can be obtained.
lb) Trench Backfill Outside of the Right-of-Way of Public Streets.
1. Pit-run sandy gravel or field sand of a quality satisfactory
to the Engineer, shall be placed in the bottom of the trench preceding the
placing of precast concrete pipe. This bedding shall be placed such that it
will be slightly above the underside of the pipe after compaction, and to a
depth between three (3) and six (6) inches under the concrete pipe. After
compaction the bedding shall be fine graded. The thickness of the bedding
placed under the pipe shall be reasonably uniform, and shall be compacted
by tamping, and with the addition of water where necessary.
2. After the pipe has been laid and the joints made, pit-run
sandy gravel or field sand shall be placed from the bottom of the pipe to
a point slightly above the spring line of the pipe such that the material
shall be at least as high as the spring line of the pipe after the gravel
has been compacted. The gravel shall be placed uniformly on both sides of
the pipe in order to prevent disturbance of the pipe and if necessary,
blocking, shall be placed against the sides of the trench to prevent dis-
placement of the pipe. The gravel shall be worked under the haunches of
the pipe during the time the gravel is being placed.
3. The pit-run sandy gravel or field sand shall then be jetted
as outlined above.
4. The remainder of the trench shall then be backfilled with
excavated material or an approved backfill material. The excavated material
from rock or shale cut shall not be used for backfill, and other materials
shall be provided by the Contractor in lieu of these materials. The back-
fill shall be placed in layers not exceeding five (S) feet in thickness
loose, and each layer shall be thoroughly jetted with water. No rock shall
be used in the backfill within two (2) feet of the pipe and no rock larger
than six (6) inches in diameter in its largest dimension shall be used in
any backfill.
After the earth backfill has dried out reasonably well, then the
entire backfill, including the pit-run gravel, shall be jetted a final time.
,letting shall be as previously outlined. Surplus trench excavation shall be
deposited on the property in the immediate vicinity if requested by the prop-
erty owners and/or otherwise disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the
C. Protection of Existing Utilities: The Contractor shall be responsible
for locating and protecting existing utilities falling in the area of trench
excavation. Protection shall include protecting of piping or cable from physical
damage and the relocation or adjusting, at no additional cost.
D. Storm Sewers: Storm sewer piping shall meet the requirements of
the Texas Highway Department Standards, Items 464, 465 and 473. Pipe shall
be reinforced concrete culvert pipe meeting ASTM C76. Connections shall be
made in a watertight manner using a cold applied preformed plastic gasket as
specified below:
The gasket sealing the joint shall be produced from blends of refined
hydrocarbon re~ins and plasticizing compounds reinforced with inert mineral
filler and shall contain no solvents, irritating fumes, or obnoxious odors.
The gasket joint sealer shall not depend on oxidizing, evaporating or chemi-
cal action for its adhesive or cohesive strength, and shall be supplied to
extruded rope-form of suitable cross section. The size of the plastic gas-
ket joi~)t sealer shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's {ecommendations
and sufficient to obtain squeeze out of the gasket material on the inside or
outside around the complete pipe joint circumference. The gasket joint sealer
shall be protected by a suitable removable two-piece wrapper. The two-piece
wrapper shall be so designed that one-half may be removed longitudinally
without disturbing the other half to facilitate application as noted below.
The chemical composition of the gasket joint sealing compound as shipped
shall meet the following requirements when tested in accordance with the test
methods shown.
Test Method
Bitumen Petroleum plastic content)
(% by weight) ASTM Designation D-4
^sh~Inert Mineral Matter (% by weight)
AASHO Designation T-iIi
Volatile Matter at 525°P. (% by weight)
ASTM Designation D-6
2.0 Max.
The gasket joint sealing compound when immersed for thirty (30) days at
ambient room temperature separately in five percent {5%) solution of caustic
potash, a mixture of five percent (5%) hydrochloric acid, a five percent (5%)
solution of sulfuric acid, and a saturated H2S solution shall show no visible
The physical properties of the gasket joint sealing compound as shipped
shall meet the following requirements:
Test Method
Typical Analysis
Specific Gravity at 77°F. ASTM D-71 1.20 1.35
Ductility at 77°F. (em) Min. ASTM D-113 5.0 Min.
Softening Point at 77°F. Min. ASTM D-36 320°F. Min.
32°F. (300 gms) 60 sec. ASTM D-217 75 Min.
77°F. (150 gms) 5 sec. ASTM D-217 50 120
l15°F. (150 gms) 5 sec. ASTM D-217 150 Max.
Flashpoint C.O.C. °F. ASTM D-92 600°F.
Fire Point C.O.C. °F. ASTM D-92 625°F.
Storm sewer piping of corrugated metal pipe shall meet the requirements of
T}tD Item 460. All p/pc shall be designed for ~t-20 of 16 gage metal.
E. Manhole~. Inlets and tieadwalls: Manholes, inlets and headwalls shall
comply with TND Items 470 and 471. Structures shall be constructed in accord-
ance with the drawings using Class 'A' concrete with a minimum of five sacks
concrete. Exposed surfaces shall be finished with a steel trowel to a smooth
and even surface.
F. Box Culverts: Box culverts and drains shall comply wi~h the applic-
able portions of TMD Item 420. Structures shall be constructed in accordance
with the drawings using Class 'A' concrete with a minimum of five sacks cement.
A. Description: This item shall consist of Portland cement concrete
curb, gutter, and combined curb and gutter with reinforcing steel constructed
in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with lines and grades
established by the Engineer, and details shown on the approved plans and draw-
B. Materials: Materials used in construction under this item shall
comply with the requirements of Item 522 of Texas Highway Department Speci-
fications with the following supplements.
(1) Coarse aggregate shall be graded from 1-1/2" to 1/4" screen in
size. V/here curb or curb and gutter adjoin Portland cement concrete pavement
concrete with aggregate having the same gradation as that used in the concrete
pavement may be used if approved by the Engineer.
(2) Maximum slump of concrete shall be 3.0 inches.
(3) Concrete for curb or curb and gutter shall have a 28-day com-
pressive strength of at least 3,000 pounds per square inch and minimum cement
content of 5.0 bags per cubic yard.
(4) Sand or sandy gravel for cushion shall be a well graded material
approved b7 the Engineer. The plasticity index shall not exceed six (6).
(5) Where the subgrade is stabilized with lime or cement as a part
of the street construction the sand cushion shall be omitted and the curb and
gutter placed directly on the stabilized subgrade.
C. Construction Methods: Construction shall be in accordance with the
requirements of Item 522 of Texas Highway Department Specifications with the
following supplements:
(1) Curbs shall be installed in accordance with the specifications
contained herein and the Standard Curb section. Upon approval of the City's
Engineer, the alternate residential curb section will be allowed for installations
to extend the entire length of any given block.
(2) Prior to placing any sand cushion, base or curb and gutter on
a section of street the subgrade shall be compacted to at least 95% density
as per ~ASHO designation T180.
(3) After fine grading has been completed a sand or sandy gravel
cushion of the thickness shown on the accepted drawings shall be spread over
the subgrade for curb and gutter, thoroughly wetted and tamped into place to
the satisfaction of the Engineer. The forms shall be placed on this base.
Satisfactory base material may be substituted for the sand cushion in
accordance with details shown on the accepted drawings and upon approval of
the Engineer.
Expansion joints shall be formed using premolded expansion joint material
of an approved type. Expansion joints shall be placed in the curb and gutter,
at thirty-six (36) foot intervals or as otherwise specified by the Engineer,
and "flagging", normally, at six {6) foot intervals. Expansion joints shall
also be placed at all intersections with concrete driveways, curbs, buildings,
and other curbs and gutters. Ail expansion joints shall be one-half (1/2) inch
in thickness and shall extend the full depth of the concrete. Any expansion
material extending above the finished work shall be neatly trimmed to the sur-
face of the finished work. The expansion joints in concrete pavement will
coincide with the expansion joints in the curb and gutter. Longitudinal
dowels, across the expansion joints in the curb and gutter, will be required.
There will be three (3) No. 3 round, smooth bars for dowels at each expansion
joint spaced in accordance with standard reinforcement steel. The dowel will
be a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches. One end of the dowel will be coated
with asphalt and terminated with an expansion cap. The cap will provide a
minimum of one (1) inch free expansion. Dowels will be supported by an ap-
proved method to provide a true horizontal and longitudinal alignment.
In the event concrete pavement is to be placed in the street, the one-
half (1/2) inch expansion joints in the curb, gutter, and/or combined curb
and gutter shall be in strict alignment with the contraction (dummy) joints
in the pavement. Expansion joints of the size of those in the pavement shall
be placed through the curb and gutter at the point of, and in strict align-
ment with, expansion joints in the pavement.
All joints through the gutters shall be sealed with asphalt, or other
suitable sealing compounds.
All joints shall be constructed in a neat and workmanlike manner, with
edges rounded, in conformity with the plans and specifications, and at loca-
tions as shown on the plans or as designated by the Engineer.
D. Tests:
(1) Test reports shall be submitted by an approved commercial testing
laboratory indicating full compliance with these specifications. At least one
(1) compression test specimen shall be made and tested for each 500 linear feet
or less of curb or curb and gutter constructed. Additional tests may be re-
quired in questionable areas.
(2) The Contractor will be responsible to furnish all test results
as required directly to the City's Engineer. The city will select the testing
agency for approval but payment for all tests pertaining to this item will be
made by the Contractor.
A. Description: This item shall consist of Portland cement concrete
sidewalks and driveways, with or without reinforcing steel constructed in
accordance with these specifications and in conformity with lines and grades
established by the Engineer, and details shown on the approved plans and
B. Materials: Materials shall comply with the requirements of Item
524 of the Texas Highway Department Specifications with the following supple-
(1) Coarse aggregate shall be graded from 1-1/2" to 1/4" screen in
size. Any variation from this gradation must be approved by the Engineer prior
to its use in the concrete.
(2) Maximum slump of concrete shall be 3.0 inches.
(3) Concrete for sidewalks and driveways shall have a 28-day com-
pressive strength of at least 3,000 pounds per square inch and a minimum cement
content of S.0 bags per cubic yard.
(4) Sand or sandy gravel for cushion shall be well graded material
approved by the Engineer. The plasticity index shall not exceed six (6).
C. Construction Methods: Construction shall be in accordance with the
requirements of Item 524 of the Texas Highway Department Specifications with
the following supplements:
(1) Prior to placing any sand cushion sidewalk or driveways, the
subgrade shall be compacted to at least 90% density as per AASHO designation
(2) After fine grading has been completed, a sand or gravel cushion
of the thickness shown on the drawings shall be spread over the subgrade for
sidewalks and/or driveways, thoroughly wetted and tamped into place to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. The forms shall be placed on this base.
D. Tests:
[1) Test reports and/or laboratory certifications shall be submitted
indicating full compliance with the specifications.
(2) The Contractor will be responsible to furnish all test results
and/or laboratory certifications as required, directly to the City's Engineer.
The city will select the testing agency for approval but payment for all tests
pertaining to this item will be made by the Contractor.
8.1.1 DEFINITIONS: The following words and phrases when used in this
ordinance for the purpose of this ordinance have the meanings rpspectively
ascribed to them in this section, unless a different meaning is plainly re-
quired by the context.
a. Residential Development: This designation shall apply to all re-
sidential subdivisions in which houses are not constructed on at least S1
percent of the lots off record within the area defined as requiring com-
munity facilities.
b. Commercial Development: This designation shall apply to all prop-
erties, other than residentially zoned properties, which require extensions
of community facilities due to new construction or expansion of existing im-
provements of the property.
c. Built-up Area: This designation shall apply to defined areas in
which at least S1 percent of the lots of record already have existing im-
provements and in which a community facility is required for the benefit of
the areas as a whole.
d. Runoff: This is defined as the estimated water flow resulting from
a design rainfall as determined from standard criteria established by the City
a. Developed or Built-up Areas:
(1) New Street Construction - Paving of a street that has not
previously been paved, or which has been surfaced, but which is not on city
(2) Street Reconstruction - Widening and/or reconstruction of an
existing street which has an existing surface on city grade.
(3) Residential Property - Property zoned for low density resi-
dential, but not to include non-conforming apartment, commercial and in-
dustrial uses in residential zones.
(4) Nonprofit Property - Property such as churches, schools, etc.,
which are carried as exempt on city tax rolls.
(S) Apartment Property - Property zoned or used as apartments,
but not to include non-conforming commercial and industrial uses in apart-
ment zones.
(6) Commercial Property - Any property of zonings not included
in the definition of residential, nonprofit, or apartment property.
(7) Side Lot - Residential property abutting two streets at their
intersection, with the longer street frontage being the side of the lot.
(8) Back Lot - Residential lot abutting two streets, but facing
on the street not being improved.
(9) Irregularly Shaped Lot - A lot, either residential or commer-
cial, which has an irregular shape, such as triangular, etc.
(10) Owner-Occupied Residence - A building used as the actual re-
sidence of the owner, with the only commercial enterprise being rental of one
part of a duplex or one room of the building for residential purposes.
(11) Non-conforming Use - A use of property permitted in a particular
zoning only because such use was being made of the property at the time of zoning.
(12) Residential Street - Any street other than commercial, arterial
or major thoroughfare designed primarily to serve residential property and
normally thirty feet in width.
(15) Thoroughfare Street - Any street designed to carry greater
traffic volumes than a residential street and normally forty feet or greater
in width.
b. New Development:
(1) Street - Property dedicated for the public's use for vehicular
and/or pedestrian traffic.
(2) Residential Development - Any platted residentially zoned prop-
erty of residential use (single family or duplex) along a street where the
greater portion of the property footage between two intersecting streets is
owned by the individual or firm developing all or any part of the lots; or
any new residential platting.
(3) Apartment Development - Any platted apartment zoned property
along a street where the greater portion of the property footage between two
intersecting streets is owned by the individual or firm developing all or any
part of the lots, or any new apartment platting, where the zoning or use is
other than single family or duplex.
(4) Commercial Development - Any development, other than residential
nonprofit or apartment where the greater portion of the property footage along
one side of the street between two intersecting streets is included in the
(5) Border Street - A street one side of which is abutted by the
development and with the property on the other side of the street under other
(6) Built-up Property - Property in which buildings have been
constructed on 51 percent of the lots of record within a given a~ea and
which is under multiple ownership.
(7) Residential and Thoroughfare Streets - Same as definition in
Section 8.lb a. (12) and 8.lb a. (13).
8.1c PROCEDURE: The procedure to be followed in obtaining an agreement
for the installation of community facilities shall be as specified below:
a. Agreement for the Installation of Con~unit¥ Facilities Required:
agreement for the installation of community facilities is required whenever
any new construction is planned and the developing individual or firm owns
the greater portion of the property frontage on at least one side of the
street between two intersecting streets or owns any adjacent, sizeable,
tract of land which may, at some future date, become subject to development
of any type. Any new construction requiring the extension of water, sewer,
and/or storm drainage mains, except construction of a one or two family
residence, requires a community facilities contract.
b. Requests for Preparation of Contracts: Requests for the preparation
of proposed agreement should be made by letter to the city together with
four copies of a plat clearly designating the proposed area to be developed.
The letter should contain any specific or unusual requests of the developer.
The city shall prepare the agreements and submit copies to the developer and
City Council.
c. Approval of Agreement: After the agreement has been signed by the
developer and returned to the city, it shall be submitted to the City Council
for review. Any special provisions or deviations from established policies
included in the agreement shall specifically be brought to the attention of
the City Council.
8.1d Or/NERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE: All community facilities installed in
connection with any development project shall be and shall remain the property
of the city, and after acceptance by the city, and termination of one year
maintenance bond, shall be operated by the city.
8.lc PERFORMANCE BONDS OR CASH DEPOSIT: Performance bonds, or a cash
deposit in lieu of the performance bonds are required for streets, storm
drains, water and sewer facilities and must be submitted with an execution
construction contract for installation of community facilities by the developer.
The bonds should be standard performance bonds as provided by licensed surety
companM on forms provided by that surety company. The bonds or deposit should
be in the following amount:
a. 100 percent of the total storm drain cost;
b. 100 percent of the total street improvement cost;
c. 100 percent of the total water and sewer facilities cost;
d. In all three cases specified above, such amounts will include
anticipated construction cost.
8.1f ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION: The developer shall prepare or have
prepared by an approved professional engineering firm, final and complete
plans at his own expense. Such plans shall be prepared in accordance with
established city design criteria, rules, and regulations and shall be approved
by the City Engineer prior to award of any bids by the developer.
An inspection and supervision fee of four percent (4%) of the total
anticipated construction cost is charged by the city, such amount being
deposited with the city prior to the execution of the developer's agreement
,by the City Council.
The developer or his contractor will be responsible for the layout of
the work.
8.1g AWARD OF BIDS WttEN PUBLIC FUNDS INVOLVED: Whenever any city financial
participation is involved in any development projects, the developer will properly
and publicly advertise and receive a minimum of three competitive bids for con-
struction projects and a city employee will attend such bid opening and receive
copies of all such bids and bid tabulations.
In the case of border streets being improved on the assessment basis, the
city will award the contract.
8.1h TIME LIMITS OF CONTRACT: The life of all developer's agreement shall
be five years.
a. Any off-site facility reimbursements will not be made for facilities
not installed in that period of time.
b. Any of the facilities or reimbursements to be performed by the developer
not completed in that period of time may be completed by the city at the developer's
expense. At the option of the City Council opinion, the installation of such
facilities are critical to the growth of the city.
c. No refunds due the developer will be made by the city until all
provisions of the contract are fulfilled by the developer.
8.1i TRANSFER OR ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT: This agreement, any part
thereof, or any interest herein shall not be assigned by developer without
written consent of the city.
8.1j PARTIAL TRACT DEVELOPMENrF: Partial development will be permitted
if an analysis of a general development plan required by the Subdivision Rules
and Regulations reveals that partial development and assurances of only partial
installation of water, sewer, street, and storm drainage facilities will not
be detrimental to the city.
In the event an individual or fir~ considered a developer under the terms
of this ordinance, sells or transfers ownership on property properly platted
and filed with the County Courthouse at the effective date of this policy,
the new owner shall establish proper assurances of the pro rata share of the
cost of installing necessary conmunity facilities prior to awarding a building
permit on that property.
8.2a PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE STUDY: In all developments, the developer may
be required' to provide, at his expense, a preliminary drainage study of the
area to be developed. This study shall be submitted prior to approval of the
subdivision by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or any time thereafter, as
requested by the City Engineer. The drainage study shall be prepared by a
professional engineer registered in the State of Texas and experienced in
municipal drainage work who is approved by the City Engineer. The study shall
include a contour map of the area, a drainage map showing the contributing
drainage areas, and/or water shed if a facility is recommended, design cal-
culations showing a preliminary sizing of the drainage facilities. This
study will be used for information purposes and will not be binding upon the
City Engineer in determining the required drainage facilities.
8.2b RESIDENTIAL "BUILT-UP AREAS": The city shall bear the cost of
drainage facilities in residential "built-up areas" where the drainage condi-
tions, overall development, or improvement projects (New Street Paving) justify
the installation of drainage facilities. Such financing of drainage facilities
in these areas shall be limited to the availability of city funds and subject
to the following exceptions:
a. Segment of storm drain systems, required to serve new construction
or serve solely the conveniences of an individual property owner, shall be
installed on the basis of the owner furnishing the necessary pipe and the
city making installation with city forces. This arrangement shall be limited
to the availability of city owned equipment.
b. Drainage facilities for assessment paving projects shall be at
city expense, except portions of systems which extend out of the street
right-of-way into new developments shall be financed in accordance with
the following paragraph 8.2c.
The developer shall be responsible for all drainage improvements' in his sub-
division. This includes inlets, storm sewers, etc. The same policy also
applies to bridges and culverts crossing the street in the subdivision.
a. The developer shall dedicate at his expense a right-of-way of
sufficient width to construct and maintain the drainage system as installed.
b. The developer, at his expense, shall install a drainage system in
accordance with the plans prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer and approved
by the City of Southlake, with the developer paying 100% of all construction
c. The street crossing (bridges and culverts) will be constructed with
the developer paying 100% of the construction cost.
d. Any
provide for a
Plans will be
additional storm drain pipe, inlets, manholes, etc., needed to
complete drainage system will be provided for by the developer.
accomplished by a licensed Civil Engineer.
e. No storm sewer will be required if streets will handle a S-year
flood running full to top of an 8" curb. This S-year flood data will be
calculated by Storm Drainage Criteria for the City of Southlake, Texas.
Where calculations show that water will run in streets above the top of the
curbs on a S-year frequency, all excess water shall be carried off by use of
adequate storm drainage structures or ditches.
f. Where route of drainage falls within a street right-of-way, storm
drainage will be carried in a pipe of adequate size. Necessary appurtenant
structures will also be required, such as inlets and headwalls.
g. Where drainage route does not occur in a street, drainage will be
carried off as follows:
(1) Completely enclosed pipe (up to and including 48" size) based
on Criteria Calculations, or
(2) Concrete lined trench, up to and including the equivalent
hydraulic capacity of an 84-inch diameter pipe, or
(3) If hydraulic capacities are greater than an 84-inch diameter
pipe, unlined ditches may be constructed. These ditches will have at least
one 10-foot easement on one side for maintenance. These ditches will have a
maximum side slope of five (5) horizontal to one (1) foot vertical. Pipe or
lined ditches may be used instead of open ditches if desired by the developer
for ditches of sizes above the 84-inch pipe equivalent.
8.2d C0~ERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: The developer will pay 100% of
the total construction, engineering, inspection costs of all drainage improve-
ments required for commercial and industrial property, regardless of location
or required size.
a. Ail storm drain installations shall be in accordance with design
criteria adopted by the City.
b. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer using design
criteria established by the City.
c. In all developments, the developer will be required to provide, at
his expense, a preliminary drainage study of the area to be developed. This
study shall be submitted prior to approval of the subdivision by the City
Planning and Zoning Commission, or any time thereafter, as requested by the
City of Southlake, Texas. The drainage study shall be prepared by a
professional engineer registered in the State of Texas, and experienced in
municipal drainage work and will be approved by the City of Southlake, Texas.
The study shall include a contour map of the area, a drainage map showing the
contributing drainage areas, and if a facility is recommended, design calcu-
lations showing a preliminary sizing of the drainage facilities. This study
will be used for information purposes and will not be binding upon the City
of Southlake, Texas, in determining the required drainage facilities.
d. Installation of storm drain facilities will be accomplished by the
e. Inspection of construction will be made by an Engineer designated
by the City. This inspection will not include layout of work or measurement
for pay purposes.
f. Determination of storm drain facilities necessary and construction
requirements shall be the responsibility of the City. Where there is a
question as to the justification or size of facilities required, doubt will
be resolved in favor of additional drainage capacity.
8.2f OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE: All storm drains installed and accepted
in connection with any development project shall be and shall remain the prop-
erty of the City of Southlake, Texas.
Standard residential pavement, including concrete valleys and subdrains
as required, shall be constructed on the street in accordance with standard
design specifications. Pavement suitable for thoroughfares shall be constructed
on such streets as deemed necessary by the City Engineer due to anticipated
The Contractor shall secure the proper permits from the City before
any work is commenced.
The paving contractor shall furnish to the city, before beginning the
paving operations, a maintenance bond to cover the paving for a one year
period after acceptance of the paving by the city.
a. New Residential Street Construction: The assessment for each abutting
front foot of property shall be based on the following estimates of cost for
residential streets (30' width) including engineering and administration:
Percent of
Construction Cost
Street Cost per
Linear Foot
Excavation 15% $ 4.27
Curb and Gutter 25% 6.56
Paving 62% 17.67
Total Cost 100% $28.50
(1) The assessment for each abutting front foot of privately owned
residential property shall be based on a one-third cost sharing basis by the
property owner on each side of the street. Based on the above estimates of
cost, the residential assessment shall amount to $9.50 per linear foot.
(2) The assessment for each abutting front foot of non-profit
property shall be $9.S0 per linear front foot, as established above for
privately owned residential property.
(3) The assessment for each abutting front foot of apartment
property shall be actual cost, this figure being based on a one-half cost
sharing basis by the property owner on each side of the street.
(4) The assessment for each abutting front foot of privately owned
commercial property shall be actual cost, this figure being based on a one-
half cost sharing basis by the property owner on each side of the street.
(S) ~hen residential or non-profit property shall constitute a
"side lot" with relation to the section of the street being improved, assess-
ments will be applied at two-thirds of the normal rate from the front of the
property to the rear.
(6) The maximum rate per property foot which will be assessed
against residential and non-profit property which abuts the street being
improved at the back of the lot shall be one-half the residential rate. If
the property is of such a size that it can be replatted to form a lot or lots
that will front on the street being improved, this consideration shall not
apply unless the improvements are located on the lot in such a way as to make
replatting impossible.
(7) The assessment against irregularly shaped lots except side and
back lots shall be determined as follows:
(a) Depth: (lots with average depth of less than 100 feet.)
The rate to be assessed on such lots, regardless of zoning, shall be adjusted
by the formula:
Adjusted Rate = Average Depth X Normal Rate
(b) Slant: (Lots fronting at slant.) The footage to be
assessed on such lots, regardless of zoning, shall be the perpendicular dis-
tance between the two sides of the lot, but shall never be less than one-half
of the actual frontage on the street.
(c) Converging: (Lots growing more narrow toward the rear of
the lot.) The footage to be assessed on such lots, regardless of zoning,
shall be the effective lot width which is the distance between the sides of
the lots measured at points SO feet from the front of the lot. If the total
depth of the lot is less than 100 feet, the effective lot width shall be
measured across the lot at a point midway between the front and rear.
b. New Commercial and Thoroughfare Street Construction
(1) The assessment for each abutting front foot of privately owned
residential and non-profit property shall, in all circumstances, be the same
as that specified in Section 8.5a a. above for residential street construction.
(2) The assessment for each abutting front foot of privately owned
commercial property shall be computed as follows:
(a) Actual bid price for curb and gutter
{b) Actual bid price for pavement, including both base and
(c) Actual bid price for excavation, if not included in bid
prices for curb and gutter and pavement, for the thickness of curb and gutter
and pavement.
(d) An additional figure will be added to the cost specified
in items (a), (b) and (c) immediately above to include all engineering costs
in the assessment rate.
(3) The assessment for each abutting front foot of privately owned
apartment property shall be computed as shown in Section 8.$a b. (2) above.
(4) In the case of privately owned commercial and apartment lots,
"side lot" and "back lot" credits will not apply and the normal commercial
and apartment assessment rates will be applied.
(5) rhe assessment against irregularly shaped lots shall be
determined as specified in Section 8.3a a. (6) above.
c. Street Assessment - General
(1) Property of zonings other than residential, but containing an
o~er-occupied residence, shall be assessed at a rate equal to the residential
rate, plus one-half the difference in the residential rate and commercial or
apartment rate.
(2) Property of residential zoning, but containing a non-conforming
usage other than residential, shall be assessed as commercial property.
(5) Individual consideration shall be given to property which does
not have access to all or any part of the street being improved, with such
cases to be referred to the City Council for any special action that seems
justified regarding deviation from standard policies.
(4) In those cases where the property owner has, in the past, paid
for excavation, curb and gutter, or paving, credits will be given in accord-
ance with the following:
(a) The current value of the property owner share of the
replacement cost of curb and gutter;
(b) The current remaining value of the property owners share
; of existing paving, such value to be determined by reducing the replacement
cost of such flexible paving by 4.25% of such replacement cost for each year
said paving shall have been in existence.
[5) Property owners shall pay the entire increased cost on streets
paved with a greater width than required by the city.
(6) Widening for traffic channelization purposes beyond the normal
roadway width on the entire project shall not be assessed.
d. Priorities for Street Assessment Pro~ects: Street improvement pro-
jects will be undertaken only by direct City Council order; however, the
priority of street improvement projects on the assessment basis is established
with those projects meeting the criteria as specified in the highest priorities
being worked as street assessment projects prior to those falling in the lower
priorities as established.
(1) The need and importance of any given street project to the
overall growth and development of the city as recommended by the Planning and
Zoning Commission and established by the City Council;
(2) The obligation of the city to meet past commitments for improving
streets on the assessment basis as established herein and as evidenced by the
passage of past street assessment ordinances for which improvements have not
been installed;
(3) A properly executed petition signed by property owners repre-
senting a minimum of 50 percent of the front footage in a given unit, con-
sisting of a minimum of one city block;
(4) A properly executed petition signed by property owners repre-
senting a minimum of 33 percent of the front footage in a given unit and
representing a minimum of 50 percent of the owner occupied properties in a
given unit, consisting of a minimum of one city block.
(5) The date petitions are officially filed at City Hall will be
considered in establishing the order of street assessment projects within
a given priority as specified in Items (3) and (4) immediately above.
e. Methods of PaTment for Assessment Work: Paving assessments are
billed and collected by the City as a separate operation. Paving assessments
are not due until the street is paved and accepted by the City Council. Three
optional methods of payment are available:
(1) The total amount may be paid in a lump sum cash payment,
without interest, if payment is made within 30 days of acceptance of the
project by the City Council.
(2) The assessment may be divided into five (5) equal annual payments
over a four-year period, with the first payment due within 30 days of acceptance
by the City Council, at the highest legal interest rate at the time of the assess-
ment. The property owner will be asked to execute a mechanics lien in favor of
the city in this regard.
a. Border Streets: Border streets may be improved by the developer as
provided above, or may be ~mproved on the assessment basis as required by the
City Council or at the request of the developer.
If a border street is improved on the assessment basis, the standard
residential credits will not be allowed the property in the development,
nor will they be given to the property on the opposite side of the street
unless it is built-up and under multiple ownership. The developer shall be
required to pay to the city, prior to the benefit hearing on such paving, the
amount of the assessment against the area which is included in the developer's
contract. If the border street is paved to coincide with the developer's en-
tire ownership and exceeds the limits of the area currently included in the
developer's contract, the developer shall be permitted to pay the assessment
against the area not included in the developer's contract over a four-year
period at the highest legal interest rate at the time of the assessment.
h~en such property is included in subsequent developer's contracts, the de-
veloper shall then pay to the city the total outstanding balance of the assess-
ment against such property or any portion thereof, at the time the developer
signs the developer's contract for such property or any portion thereof.
If it is detemuined by the City Council that the border ~treet need not
be improved at the time of development, the developer will be required to
pay his assessment amount either by direct payment to the City when first
phase development is begun or by placing funds in escrow payable to the City,
his assessment amount calculated at the estimated current construction cost
of the improvement. If the City has not begun construction of the street
within five ($) years of initiation of the development the full escrow amount
including the accrued interest will be returned.
b. Streets Within a Development: The developer will pay the entire
cost of streets within a given development or on his ownership.
8.4a In general, sidewalks shall be required on all streets and shall
be constructed at the same time as the street construction. The only allowed
variances from this policy shall be in conformance with Section 9 (c) govern-
ing variances.
8.4b All costs for sidewalk installation shall be borne by the developer
or property owner in the case of assessment paving of a street. If a street
is constructed prior to the development of adjacent properties, the City Council
may at its discretion defer s~dewalk construction until the property develops
at which time the developer will cause to have the sidewalk installed as a
part of his development.
The City Council may, at its discretion, allow the following variances
and modifications to these published standards as follows:
a. In certain low-density developments where a rural type development
is proposed, the standard residential street section may be modified to omit
the concrete curb and gutter requirements to allow for county road type con-
struction utilizing raodside ditches for drainage. This type construction
will require 60 feet of right-of-way. Flush concrete header curbs will be
required to replace the standard curb and gutter section. The pavement
thickness section and effective roadway paving width shall remain the same.
b. Pavement thickness standards may be modified where a design analysis
made by a registered professional engineer and recommended by the City Engineer
indicates that road materials found on the site can be utilized and still pro-
duce a pavement section equal to or better than standards established in Sec-
tion 4.8 of this ordinance.
C. Variances to City policy concerning the requirement of sidewalk
installation in all developments may be granted by the City Council when one
or more of the following conditions are present:
(1) Residential developments containing a net dwelling unit density
of one dwelling unit or less per net residential acre (exclusive of streets and
community facilities), except for those developments abutting a Major or
Secondary Thoroughfare street (as sho~n in the City's Comprehensive Plan).
(2) Cul-de-sac streets serving single family detached dwellings
in which the length of said street does not exceed one hundred (100) feet
in length.
(5) Other certain types of low density developments where the dwelling
unit density served by said street (except for Major and Secondary Thoroughfare
Streets) is sufficiently low to where the installation of sidewalks would not
materially aid in safeguarding pedestrian circulation from vehicular circula-
{4) Certain types of Commercial or Industrial developments located
adjacent to State or federal numbered highways where primary access to the
site is dependent upon motor vehicles rather than pedestrians, and where such
land use is not adjacent to a pedestrian school route.
($) Certain types of Commercial or Industrial developments such as
wholesaling, warehousing or storage or other non-pedestrian oriented access,
when within a planned development district.
1. See Section 4.8 for Pavement Thickness Standards.
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