0211-2ORDIN~NC~ NO. 211-2
7he Naticmal Electric Code, 1978 Edition, copyrighted by National Fire
Protection ~sociation, consisting of 598 pages exclusive of index including
interim amendments No. 1 and No. 2 to the said 1978 edition, exonpt as specifically
modified by this ordinance, is hereby adopted as the "Electrical Code of the City
SECTION 3- All reference in said code to materials for wiring other than "copper"
is hereby deleted and the word "copper" is hereby substituted therefor in
connection witJl residential and co0~rcial construction.
SECFIC~ 4- PEE4MITS: NO person, firm or business or any of its agents, servants
or employees shall install equipment within or on any building, structure or
premises co,red by this code nor shall they make any alteration or addition to
any such existing equipment without having first secured a permit to do such work
from tJ~e appropriate administrative officer of the City of Sc~thlake, Texas.
SECTION 5-INSPF~/CIONS: It shall be unlawful for any person,firm or company to
place in operation any electrical equipment for which a permit is required and
which has not been inspacted and approved by the Chief Electrical Inspector of
the city.
SECTIf/q 6-INSPECTICN FEES: Each person applying for a permit shall pay an
inspection fee as set forth herein. Payment of such fees shall in no way
excuse the permit holder or his designated representatives or employees frc~
the penalties set fo~% in this Code. Inspection fees for each permit shall
charged as set out in the following "Inspection Fee Schedule":
10 or less $2.00
Over 10 but not exceeding 20 3.00
Over 20 but not exceeding 30 4.00
Over 30 but not exceeding 40 5.00
Over 40 but not exoeeding 50 6.00
Over 50 but not exceeding 60 7.00
Over 60 but not exceeding 70 8.00
Over 70 but not exceeding 80 9.00
Over 80 but not exceeding 90 10.00
Over 90 but not exceeding 100 11.00
Over 100 0.10 each
10 or less $ 2.00
Over 10 but not exceeding 15 25.00
Over 15 but nct exceeding 20 35.00
O~er 20 but not exceeding 25 45.00
Over 25 but not exceeding 30 55.00
Over 30 but not exceeding 40 70.00
Over 40 but not exceeding 50 90.00
Over 50 but not exceeding 60 110.00
Over 60 but not exceeding 70 130.00
Over 70 but not exceeding 80 150.00
Over 80 but not exceeding 90 170.00
Over 90 but not exceeding 100 190.00
Over 100 2.00
All services 3.00 each
New-service Fee Plus
F~ch~nd Existing Circuit
First Turndown no charge
Successive Turndowns 2.00 each
Wrong ~dress 2.00 each
SECTICN 7-INSPECI%ON FEES:DEFINITIC~S: The following definitions shall apply in
determining inspection fees.
a. APPLIANCES, ~ACH]i~ES, EQUIPmenT are those items that contain motors,
generators, welders and controls that are delivered on the job site as a
packaged unit and are prewired according to the National Electrical Code.
b. ODNTR0I~, Yf~fORS, WEI~DERS, G~xIE~TOI~ are separate items that are
requ{red %0 be connected separakely.
c. SERVICES include tenloorary and permanent, main or branch service cc~nection.
d. TU~[XT~N occu~ where a re-inspection is required by the Electrical Inspector
because non-confomning work was found by the Electrical Inspector in the prior
3. ~NJNG ADDRESS is that situation where a field inspection was atten~ted but not
oc~pleted because a wrong address was given by the permit holder or his representative.
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