0193ORDINANCE NO. /~3 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND ANNEXING TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO TH~CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: PROVID- ING THAT SUCH AREA SHALL BECOME A PART OF SAID CITY AND THAT THE OW/~ERS AND INHABITANTS THEREOF SHALL BE ENTITLED TO ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF THE OTHER CITIZENS OF SAID CITY, AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND ORD.~NCE$ NOW IN EFFECT AND TO BE HEREINAFTER ADOPTED; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AMENDING AND CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY AS HERETOFORE ADOPTED AS AMENDED AND DESIG- NATING THE ZONING AS "AG" (AGRICULTURE) DISTRICT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53rd Legislature, Page 357, Chapter 93, codified as Article 974-G, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, J. T. Robinson and wife, Donna L. Robinson, of Tarrant County, Texas, owners of the real property hereinafter described, having made application as by law provided to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, for annexation of a tract of land situated in Tarrant County, Texas, out of the Christopher Dart Survey, more particularly des- cribed by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a point, the NE corner of a tract of 17-35/100 acres of land conveyed to Porter R. Higgins by E. T. Higgins, et al, by Deed dated February 25, 1948, recorded in Volume 1985, Page 577, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE West 220 feet, a stake in the North line of the Dart Survey; THENCE South 200 feet to a stake; THENCE East 220 feet to a stake; THENCE North 200 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing one acre more or less. A plat of said land showing its location with respect to the boundary of the City of Southlake, Texas, is attached hereto marked EXHIBIT "A"; And WHEREAS, it appearing to the City Council of the City of Southlake, Texas, that all statutory requirements in connection with said proposed annexation have been fulfilled and that the above described area is not more than one-half mile in width, that not more than three qualified voters reside thereon, and that the same is adjacent to the present city limits of the City of Southlake, Texas, 'Z guitA 03 1(A A'auaog;y* AgTO :moil Oy SV aHAO2iaaV Aar;aaoag A;TO yS3J,y�Z-' a0Apw '-‘747/ /fie? 'ZL6T 'a 'V ' ' ' 30 APP � . iu Q $SVd i" vnoadd a pup abpsspd sgT .zagye pua woa; ani;oa;Ja amooaq TTpus eoupuTpao SIHZ •go-ra;sTa (aangTnoTaby) „bvu pauoz Agaaau sT 5u-cpeaooad uoT;exeuue. snug go sTspq au; apeui pupT aug 'T9T 'oN eoueuTp1O Jo '-AI uoTgoaS u;TM aouppa000e uT 'LVHI •saxay 'axpTugnog go AgTO au; go ;aad SP Aao;Tana; pauot;uauraao;a au; apnTouT og SP Os papuamp Agaaaq sT pup aq 'papuaum pup pagdopu eaogo;aaau sp 'sexay 'axPTugnoS ;o ALTO act; ;o saTappunoq ore deu TaToT;;o aug 'J1VHy . £ •pa;dope aaggpaaau aq Amu uopp ;pug pup ;oa;;a pup aoaog TTn3 uT Mou 'goaaaug A;Tmao3uoo uT appui saouPuTpao pup s;os au; go Tip Aq punoq aq puP A;To pips go saauMo A;aadoad pup suazTgto aau;o go saba1TATad pup sgu&ra au; go TTp og paT;Tgua aq paxauua uTaaau pare aug go s;up;TgauuT pup saauMo aug 'yy ' Z •goaaau; gid TVabaguT UP apew Agaaeu sT pie A4TD pias ;o s;TurT a;paodaoo au; uTu;TM ;gbnoaq pua paxauua Agaaau sT pup aq 'spxay 'axpTu;nog go s;iuiz1 A;To aug o; snore -b-;uoo pup ;uaopCpv buTaq pagTaosap anogPuTaaau A;aadoad au; 'yVHJ SKx3y 'axv'IHynos 30 ALIO am dO 'IIOMnOo AJID SHL AS as niauo yI as LCZSava O9cC'°" • Aas48.10as Ag-c0 J am--- x ,,.1y f 'ZL6T 'Q 3o Asp 77jrsTtt; 'sexas 'axsTtpnos 3o Ari0 alp 3o 'vas pus pusq to SSQNSIML • L / •oN absd 'Z L •oN aimiToA 'xoog saqnuiW alp UT 'buT.aatu pies 3o sagnuTW arp ut sasadds ewes se 'ZL6T 'Q 'S ' �-��� ;o Asp auk ,,;.r U0 pTatt buT�.aaiu a 4s pa.uasaid /KTnp ' �� oN aousuTp.z 30 Adoo goazzoo pus anag a sT buiobaio; atjq. qet;a. ';T4.zao Aga.atj op 'ssxas 'axsT144nos 3o igz0 atp 3o Iasgaaoas '4T0 'aosITeM auusaoiTv 'I HTEIHsnoS 30 LIlD [ ZNv2iays 30 LSNnoo [ S c1X3,l 30 avers • ' . •. STATE OF TEXAS yoL536t m38 COUNTY OF TARRANT I hereby certify that this Instrtunerd J: n on the date and at the time stamped hereon w me ,1-okt +., s duiy RECORDED in the Volume and PaF,e of the f3EEL? LECORDS Of Tarrant County, Texas, as stamped herein) by nv, A.1M114 Vt-. 8 1912 '.10'. .•ej , 5;:,4717. - — •0'A* ‘. or .' '. ' . 's,• AUNTY,CI,ER( WPM'f Olifas 76XAS I ) -o I— m ›. (,) m 77 '.-- .- ! I .:: M I ' , I -< -< 1,1 ci) -a CI --4 . ,, >.< cp• I.-I = 0 1. 1 ,› = •--I 73 "T1 —I 0 -.0 = '- rn .-.1 c • i•L:t, irt I I .,-n ife CA = CD r— CD --1 -.b., ,I i I 1._ 0 rn 3>as -n a, C c . n CD •• —4 = 0 m >< v) CI.P,f-v- . . , '. = .—. -II CD r- CI 03 c —I 01 —1 B y ..,-.° ..._ n --I 1-1 70 >< (X) = rci 0 Z ,:z• r .. C/7 C-7 .....1 > —I al CD m > c) al 70 -n , 1--• 70 > r- ---..._,---- = 2:.• —I = C7 el 0 0 C -n -< 6 • .. , b . , . . , „.010 ill10 . ,