SECTION 1. Definitions
Unless a different meaning clearly appears from the con-
text, the following words and terms shall have the following
meanings, as they are used in these Policies and Regulations
respectively. Ail reference to the City of Southlake will be
called and known as the "City".
1. "Single Customer" shall apply only to an individually
owned single family dwelling tun it or to a single com-
mercial establishment which is not a part of a
contiguous sponsored development, as determined by
the City.
2. "Developer" shall apply to any type of new customer
other than a "Single Customer" as defined next above.
3. "Director" shall mean the Director or other employee
representative of the City of Southlake who is desig-
nated as responsible for the operation and management
of the City's Utility Systems.
4- "City's Engineers" shall mean the Consulting Engineers
regularly retained by the City of Southlake, currently
Carter & Burgess, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas.
"Distribution System" is defined as the entire system
of pipes, conduits and appurtenances employed to dis-
tribute water from the Supply Source to the Point of
"Approach Mains": - The terms "Approach Main" or
"Supply Main", as required to comlect a development
to a source of ample supply, shall mean the water main
of sufficient size usually, but not always, located
off the Developer's property, which serves the Dev-
eloper's area and additional areas as determined by
the City's Engineer.
"Distribution Main" is defined as a water main, other
than an Approach Main, located in a street, alley, or
easement to which Service Lines are directly connected
or which serve to distribute water to another water main.
"Water Service Line" is defined as that portion of the
Service Connection located in the roadway, street,
alley or easement, which conveys water from a Distribu-
tion Main to the meter, located approximately six (6')
feet from the Customer's property line, but not longer
than fifty (~O') feet from the Distribution Main. In
no event shall the Service Line extend onto private
property without a written easement granted by the
property owner to the City. All Water Service [Anes
shall be installed by the City forces or by Contractors
employed by a Developer.
O. "Water Service Connection" is defined as the
corporation cock tapped into the Distribution
Main, the Service Line, the Curb Stop, meter of
size required wi th meter setter or connections
and the meter box or any other required items
completely connected to supply water from the
Distribution Main to the Customer's curb stop.
10. A "Standard Service Connection" is defined as a
customer service supplied through a single 3/4"
Service Line and equipped with a single 3/4" x
~/8" meter. Service Connections of other sizes
shall be considered as special service connections.
All service connections shall be installed by the
City's forces or by Contractors employed by a
Developer, except meters which shall be installed
by City forces.
SECTION 2. System Extensions and Service Connections by
1. Basic Policy
The complete installation of community facilities
is required whenever any new construction is
planned by a developing individual or firm,
The Developer shall aqard his own contracts for
construction of all water facilities including
"Approach Mains" and "Service Connections."
The plans and specifications for system extension
to be constructed shall be prepared by an
authorized Consulting Engineer whose work must
be approved by the City.
Before a Developer may award a contract to any
prospective contractor for construction of water
facilities, it must be established that:
a. Such a contractor is approved by the City.
b. Such a contractor is licensed and bonded to
do work in public streets.
Prior to cormmencing work the contractor to whom
the Developer awards the contract for such work
shall furnish a guarantee or maintenance bond in
the name of the City of Southlake covering the
facility to be constructed against defects in
materials and/or workmanship for a period of one
year after completion of the facility and its
acceptance by the City. The Contractor may, at
his option, post a "blanket maintenance bond" in
the amount of Ten ~ousand ($10,000.00) Dollars
in the name of the City covering all water
facilities constructed by him in the City against
defect in material and/or workmanship for a peridd
Of one year after acceptance by the City.
Connection of buildings to "Service Connections"
are prohibited until the water facilities to
which they connect have been completed and accepted
by the City.
The Developer shall pay the entire costs of system
extension directly attributable to bis development.
For water system extensions, the costs shall
include all Supply Mains, Distribution Mains,
Fire Hydrants, Serivce Lines,Fittings, Valves,
and Servic~ Connections including Meter Boxes,
but exclusive to water meters.
Ail material and construction methods shall
comply with the most r~cent spscifications wh~mh
have been approved and adopted by th~ City as
minimu~ standard. Ail construction shalt be
subject to inspection and test by ths Director
or Engineer, but such inspection and tests or
absence thereof shall not relieve the specifications
or the requirements of these policies.
The City shall determine the size, quantity
and location of all water facilities required
to serve a Developer's property in accordancs
with the minimum r equirsments to conform
with good public health practice as established
by the TexasState Dspartm~nt of Health.
Ssrvice Connections
a. Water Service Linss and Ssrvice
Con~ections: Water Service Lines and
Service Cor~nections, exclusive of the
service meter, shall be constructsd at
the same time and as a part of the same
contract as all other mater maine in the
Developer's addition or development.
b. Water Service Meters: Service Meters
shall be purchased and installed by the
City at such time as service is required
at various locations in the development.
Each Single Customer requiring a standard
3/4" service in a development shall pay
the City a service connection charge
and a meter deposit as required by the
It shall be the responsibility of the
Developer to advise each individual
builder or person to whom he sells property
in his development that they will be
required to pay the City's standard servies
connection charges and deposits before
service will befurnished.
Separate Water Supply
In situations where water facilities are not
immnediately available to permit extension of the
City's major systems to serve a proposed devel-
opment, the basis for granting permission for
construction of separate facilities shall bsa
comparison of the estimated costs of the separate
facilities with the estimated costs for extending
the major systems as determined by the City's
Engineer. In such case that the cost of separate
facilities is estimated to be at least twenty-
five (25%) percent less than the cost of extending
the major system, the City may authorize the
Developer to proceed on the basis of separate
facilities. If separate facilities are allowed,
Developer shall provide them at his own expense
and convey zlear title to the City of Southlake.
in general, all separate or temporary facilities
shall be so located and sized to satisfy the City's
standard Design Criteria and to provide for the
needs of the service area concerned ~ntil
intermidiate development will permit the extension
of the City's major system.
Design, plans, and specifications for all separate
facilities shall be approved by the City's Engineer.
Extent of Participation by C£ty of Southlake in
Developer Costs
In such cases where the City requires an oversized
Supply Main, Distribution Main, or any addition
or enlargement of the mir~rmmm facilities required
to serve a Developer's property as established by
the City's Minimum Criteria as applied to the
Developer's total properties to be developed, the
City will determine the amount of credit to be
allowed Developers as the estimated difference
between the construction cost of the minimum
facilities and the bid cost of the oversized
facilities designed to extend adequate service to
other areas beyond the Developer's property of
total area of development.
Where extensions beyond the Developer's property
will later be required for continuity of the
system, the Supply Mains, Distribution Mains,
within the Developer's property shall be constructed
to the borders of the area proposed for immediate
development or the c~rrent filling plat, but the
City will participate only in the overaizing as
The City will participate in oversizing only as
agreed upon between the City Council and the
Methods of Procedure
The procedure to be followed by a Developer and
the City in the consideration and for the construction
of extensions to its water facilities or the
construction of separate facilities to serve a
Developer's property shall be as follows:
Initiation of Request by Developer: At
the time a Developer contracts the City
concerning an extension of the City's
facilities the Director shall furnish the
Developer with a copy of these Policies
and Regulations and such explanation of
them as the Developer may require. The City
shall obtain and keep in its records a
receipt signed by the Developer acknowledg-
ing that a copy of these Policies and
Regulations have been furnished to
b. Preliminary Layout:
The Developer shall employ his own
Engineer to furnish the required
information and prepare plans and
specifications for the proposed develop-
ment. All plans must be prepared under
the supervision and bear the seal of
a Registered Professional Engineer
]icensed in the State of Texas in the
field of Civil Engineering as required
by the revised Civil Statutes of Texas,
Article 3271a, Section 19.
The Developer shall furnish the City with
three (3) copies of the preliminary plan
of water extensions for the entire property
under consideration for contiguous develop-
ment. The preliminary planning of streets,
lots and blocks shall be shown for the
entire property and the particular area
proposed for imraediate development (first
filing) shall be designated. The plan
shall preferably be drawn to a scale of
1"=100' but not smaller than 1"=200~ and,
when possible, shall be printed on standard
sheet sizes of 22" wide x 34" long. The
plans shall show existing topography with
contours based on U.S.C. & G.S. datum of
not greater than two (2') foot intervals.
The preliminary plans shall consist of the
Layout of entire area where extensions
are to be constructed showing relation
to the City's existing facilities and
approximate location of proposed im-
(b) Standard construction details.
The preliminary plans shall be transmitted
by the Director to the City's Engineer for
review and comment. Two copies of the
preliminary plans will be returned to the
City showing the Engineer's approval or
corrections to be made.
Notice of Developer's Intent to Proceed:
The City will advise the Developer of the
results of the review and of any participa-
tion by the City due to oversizing facilities.
the Developer has been advised of the results
o£ a re view of the preliminary plans, the
Developer shall notify the City in writing when
he desires to proceed with the installation of
water facilities in accordance with the City's
standard policies. The Developer at that time
shall furnish the City with one copy of the
final filing plat and with the ¥olume and Page
Number of the County Records where the plat is
filed on record.
It shall be the responsibility of the Developer
to promptly notify the City of any revision or
alterations in the preliminary or final develop-
ment plans. The cost of relocation of the system
extensions or other City facilities resulting
from alteration in the preliminary or final
filing plat shall be paid by the Developer.
After award of any construction contract and
prior to the issuance of a Work Order for
beginning construction, the Developer's con-
tractor shall furnish the City with necessary
maintenance bond.
Completion: After construction has been com-
pleted and accepted by the City, the Contractor
shall furnish the City with one set of "as-built"
plans showing all facilities and appurtenances
as constructed.
After acceptance of the facilities by the City,
the City will pay that portion of the construction
cost, if any, to the Developer as previously
Mimimum Criteria for gystem Extensions
Requirements for Contract Documents:
All Contract Documents for extensions or improve-
ments to the City's water facilities shall be
prepared under the supervision and bear the seal of
a Licensed Professional Engineer, licensed by the
State of Texas in the field of Civil Engineering,
as required by the Revised Civil Statutes of
Texas, Article 3271a, Section ~9.
Water System Design and Construction Standards:
a. Ail materials and workmanship used in exten-
sions or improvements to the City's Water
System shall conform to the latest revisions
of American Water Works Association or American
Standards Association specifications and partic-
ularly to the most recent revisions of the
Detailed Specifications which have been
adopted by the City. Ail installations shall
be designed and constructed to conform to
the latest applicable rules and regulations
as published by the Texas State Department of
Non-rising stem gate valves with slip or screw
type cast iron cover boxes and other control
devices shall be installed throughout the
system at all street intersections or as
recommended by the Engineer for proper control,
maintenance and operation of the system.
Standard three-way, improved type, dry head
fire hydrants with national stsundard hex nut
and four and one-half (~-1/2") inch steamer
corneations, constructed to provide a minimtum
of three (3') feet of cover over the connecting
ma~n shall be spaced so that every insurable
risk shall not be more than five hundred
(~00~) feet airline distance from a fire hydrant
and not more than eight hundred (800') feet
hose line route distance from a fire hydrant.
Hose line routes shall be considered to follow
business routes or delineated fire lanes.
Hydrants shall be spaced to conform to the
requirements of the Texas State Board of
All fire hydrants shall be served by a six (~")
inch or larger supply distribution main in
residential areas and by an eight (8") inch
or larger supply distribution main in mercantile
or business areas.
All feeder mains shall be looped and all
laterals in excess of one thousand (1000')
feet in length shall be looped. Not less than
six (6") inch mains shall be used for looping
purposes except that four (4") inch mains may
be used to loop deadends to provide circulation.
Two (2"} inch Distribution Mains will only be
permitted to be installed in deadend locations
that are not subject to future extension and
shall not serve more than four (4) Standard
3/4" Service Connections. No Distribution Mains
shall be smaller than two (2") inches in inside
f. No more than twenty (20) Standard 3/4" Service
Connections or ten (10) double 3/4" Service
Connections shall be served from any four (4")
inch Distribution Mains for homes of 1500
square feet shall be as determined by the
g. All Supply Mains and Distribution Mains installed
~ithin a Developer's platted and filed area of
development must extend to the borders of
b~s development as required for future
extension of the City's system regardless of
whether or not such extensions are required for
service within the area of development.
h. Water system extensions and Improvements shall
be designed to provide for a "maximum hour"
requirement of at least 500 gallons per capita
served at a minimum supply pressure as
recommended by the City Engineer or State Board
of Insurance, whichever is greater.
SECTION 4. Ownership and Maintenance
Title to all Water Supply Source Facilities, Approach
Mains, Distribution Mains, Supply Mains, Service Lines,
Service Connections and all other elements of the
complete system, particularly including meters and
boxes which are connected to the City's Water Distri-
bution System, but not including Customer's private
service lines from meter to house shall at all times
be vested in the City of Southlake.
The City assumes no responsibilities for maintenance
or operation of the Customer's water service supply be-
yond the service meter.
This Ordinance shall take effect after its passage and any
publication or posting, if any, as required by law.
P SSED t as day ,
City Se~re tary
City ~tt~rney ~