0163SPRE~ ZONE 0RDI34Yd~CE rd{ ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEI~D L~'~ITS ESTABLISILHD FOR V~I[IGLES b~DER Ti~ PROVISIOMS OF SEGTION 167 AND 169 OF ARTIGDF. XiXj R.G.S. 67Old~ UHIFOIU4 ACT REGULATI}IG TP~FFIC 0}I IIIGig{AYS, UPON T~ BASIS OF AN ENGINEF~IING AMD THAFFIG I[~JESTIGATiO~ UPOU CERTA~IN STREETS AND H~Glg~AYS, OR PARTS TI~REOF~ WITHIN THE CORPORATE LI~ITS OF TI~ GiTY OF $~r~EAXE AS SET OUT IN ~ ORDINANCE: fdhd PROVIDY~;G A PE~.;AL'Mf- OF A F~E NOT TO EXGEED $200 FOR VIOLATION OF TILIS ORDINANCE. ~U~REAS, Section 167 and 169 of Article XIX, R.C.S. 6701d, Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways, provides that whenever the governing body of the City shall deten~dmc upon the basis of an engi- neering and~traffic investigation that any prima facie speed therein set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the con- ditions found to exist at any intersection or other plaOe or upon any p,%rt of a street or highway, ~rith tho City ta]chng lute consideration the width and condition of tho pavement and other circumstkxncos on such portion of said street or highway, as well as the usual traffic there- on, said govern body may determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit ~%ereat or thereon by the passage of a~% ordi- nance~ which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such intersection or other place or part of the street or highway, now therefore, _. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of $~hlake , ., Texas: Section io Upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation heretofore made as authorized by %he provisions of Section 167 and 15~ of Article XIX, R. CoSo 6701d~ Uniform Act Regulati~ug Traffic on High- ways~ the follc~clr~ prima facie speed limits hereafter indicated for vehicles ars hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe) m~d such speed llmi~s are hereby fixed a~ the rate of speed indicated for vehicles traveling upon the ~amed streets and highways, or parts thereof~ deeoribsd ae follows~ C~r~l ~53-3 State ,Hlsh~ay 114 (a) ~rom $~a~io~ 1662~29 (No~thwes~ City Limits o~ $ou~hlake) Southeasterly 3.073 miles to Statiee 1~00~00 at 60 mllee I~r haut; (l) ~rom Station 156:~00 $outheaet~erly 0.28& miles to 5cation tSa8~O0 at &~ miles p~r hau~*,~Lse stsned for school crosotns, 60 miles per h~ur all other trues.. , /// -2- Prom Station 1~00~00 Southeasterly 1,341 miles to Station 3~3;62 (Southeast City L~iCe o~ 8ou~hlake, be~s aloe the City Lhl~o o~ Grapevine) aC 5~ miles ~r ~ur. Section 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not more than two hundred ($200) dollars. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ATTEST: /-/~//, DAY OF APPROVED City Secretary Mayor