0157ORD INANC~. NO. 157 AN ORDINANCE SETTIN~ FORTH AN ITEMIZED ISTIM~TE OF THE EXPENSES OF CONDUCTION OF EACH DEPART~NT~ DIVISION AND OFFICE OF THE M~NIGIPAL GOVERNmeNT OF THE CITY OF SOUTHIAKB, TEXAS, FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL YEAR AND APPROPRIATING ~IONEY FOR THE VARIOUS FUNDS AND PURPOSES OF SUClt ESTII'~-TE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC IlF-,AR- INGS UPON THIS ORDINANCE BEFORE TItE ENTIKE CITY COUNCIL SITTIND AS A COl~41'rrEE ON THE WHOLE: AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE FOR THg REPEAL OF ALL ORDIRANCES AND APPROPRIATIONS IN CONFLICT WITR THE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE AND FOR TItE PUBLICATION AND FINAL PASSAGE T~tEgEOF: BF. IT ORDAII~D BY TI~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS. SECTION I That the appropriation for the ensuinE fiscal year beginninE January 1, 1969, and andinE December 31, 1969, for the different departments and purposes of the City of Southlake, Texas be fixed and determined as follows: GENERAL FUND 1. City Council $ 200.00 2. Administration 7,460.00 3. Law 900.00 4. Corporation Court 1,200.00 5, Public Works 48,870.00 6. Police Department 21,743.00 7. Fire Department 6,590.00 8. Recreation 1,000.00 9. Master Plan 2,000.00 10. Library 2,000.00 11. Non-departmental lt200*00 Grand Total General Fund $ 93,16~.00 SECTION II That the distribution and division of the above named appropriations be mede in accordance with the budget expenditures submitted by the City Secretary and as revised by the City Council in accordance with the provisions of City Ordinances of the City of Southlake~ Texas, and adopted by the City Council, which budget is mede a part of this ordinance by reference thereto and shall be considered in connection with the expenditures of the above appropriation. That the City Council of the City of Southlahe, Texas, shall sit as a corn= mittee of the whole in the City Council Chamber at the City Hall in the City of Southlake, Texas, on the 6th day of December 1968, at 7:30 P.H. o'clock to hear and complaints, su$$estions or observations that any citizen, taxpayer or party interested may desire to make with reference to any or all provisions of this ordinance, and such coe-,~ttae shall continue the deliber- ations until the public has been given a full apportunity to be heard. SECTION IV That followin~ the public hearings for which provision has been made in the precedin~ section, this ordinance shall be published two times) one of which publication shell not be less than ten (10) days before the second readin~ and final passaEe of the ordinance, in the official newspaper of the City of Southlake, Texas, which newspaper is one of general circulation in said city, tosether with a separate schedule eettin~ forth the items in the estimate of the City Secretary which were omitted or ohan~ed by the City Council, and the reason for such omission or change as stated by the City Council. SECTION V That this ordinance shall not be presented for final Passage until ten (10) full days have elapsed after its publication, as provided by Statute. SECTION VI ~h0uld any pa~t, portions section, or part of a section o£ this ordinance be declared invalid, inoperative, unconstitutional or void for any reason by a court of competent jurisdictian, such decision, opinion, judE-~nt or decree shall in no wsy affect the remainin$ portions, parts, sections, or parts of