0152 vo,.4644 PACE 402 ORT)INANr'E ?1'0. f -20T2b?IIIA~CE F:E•_SI'JII A v Ai'1NE`rI i(7 lERI?I'`Ol? ' A'-'JACE17 ANT' CON'TI :UOUS TO THE -ITY -or SOUTHLAFT , r""F'rAS, PR.O'JInIN- THAT SUCH AREA SHALL -1:FC017, A PART 07 SAI7 CITY ANT) THA'b' TIM OT^717ERS AIT^ TI4KAP'ITAN7S Ti~''EO:7 SHAL.L FE EI?TI'j'T~E?-" TO A.LL "'HE PRIVITxTCES 07' THEE OTHEP CI ILM S O"-, SAI^ C1~1r> t "3.T.' br rbr (bT . T CITY, il'~ O), _ HE S ALd. 0 : Ii1Ai7~_., 1-JOT"' IN 177"^F^ AN^0 7,'E I-IET2EII3A^"'ER A^OPTE i' UR''HER PRO`TI'-)I 'O'< Ar'E E?III; 7a 7 C ZT cEc Ii..,. ?ice 0' ICIPL T'OUI`jT'A?'IES 01, SAI" CITY AS HERE-070 AnOPTE? AS A7-Ei?-`En, AF-7 PROVI''I v 70R AN F--'FCTI°JF -ATE. T^'HEn.E'AS, pursuant to the provisions of the Acts of 1953, 53r I,enislature, Paste 357, charter 93, codifies? as Article 97A-r', e- viser' !'iVil Statutes of nip--as, r. E. C_'I-IFAT1IIAcbnd %ife, OLP. ^HEATHAM, oti,Tr,er s o-5 the real -prone_ty hereinafter 7escril-ed havir,7 made application as b l-,! laNn> nrovir'ed to the n'avor an(? City ^ouncil of the ^ity of Southla'.e, rte--as, and beinc a 65 acre tract out of the J. G17SON1 SUP'JE` and the HOLLII?GST,70'RTI-I ~k FAR dETT SURSTEY, Tarrant County, Texas, and described by metes and bounds as follows: BEr=NIM" at a point 200 yards South of the North boundary line of the J. N. GIBSON SURVEY, Tarrant County, Texas, in the Tlest line of County Roae No. 3041, said point b.--einrT in the present Southlake City limit line; THENCE Vlest 824 varas to a point in the HOLLIM .SWO.RTH BARNET-7- S':,T-:VEY for corner; ^HEIC_'E South A,50 varas to a point for corner; ~'HEI•j^E Fast ?24 varas. to a point in County Road 3041 fox corner; TBT CE 4ortln along the ?Nest line of County Road 30 ^ 1 to the point of :-ec*innincT. A. plat of said lane showing its location with s respect to the T-)oundary of the ^ity of Southla'ke, Te-'_as, is attaches' hereto lliarkeC' E" I-3I"IT "A" a T'?I'ii'tCEAS, it Fppea incT to the ':itv i_guncil of the C'ity of Southla3;e, etr n, tint all statT tort' recuire-;ents il-, connection with said propose,? anne?2tion have '-~eeWA ulrille' a,,'71 that the al.ove r?escri'Dec area is not tore than mile in T. idth, that not more than three ryualifi.e:' voters reside thereon, and that the same is adjacent to the present city limits of the City of Southlake, Texas. EE IT ORT)taII'M7 BY THE CITY COUNCIL O? 11h-E ::ITY O!' SO'TI-iLAIC, `E'7PS- 1. THAI , the property hereina.-ove r?escril?ec' J-ein- ad.jacent, ans' contii uous to the city limits or Southlake, Tes-as, 1^e and is hexe' v anne%ecl Fn (7 nrou~-ht within t-he Corporate Lip its of said City ar.f, is hereby mare an internal part thereof. 2. TIAT, the owner and inhabitants of the area herein arne°rer 1-e entitles7 to all of the rights an~-I privile7es of other citizens and property owners of said city anc' be boun,l by all of the acts and ordinances made it conformity thereto, now in uli _force and e ='rect an-' that which may '-)e hereafter ar?opte,3. 3. 'HAS, the ofricial map and "joun(~aries of the Cit- of South- lake, re-?:as, as heretofore aaopte,9 anc' menc7e7, I-e ani' is here'°)y an,en.?et so as to inclut'e the aforementioned territory as part of the City o`" Southla};e, Te--a s. `SHAT, this ordinance shall ?lecome effective an!' '`7e in full "once and erfect from any' after its i~assa~ze anr' approval '-y the !:ayor an(' (7-luly attester? ?.'y '-he City Secretary. '-)O=E this & 'ay o Jane, 19 F PPROVET' : ATTEST: ~ ~ / 1\_aH/'//M1/%'/L/lii`M1L./~i !/~I/ ! ~iY~'~/~"~Yl/ ~Y Ir.•i. ^ ~ _ - I fS 1Pf ~Q ` mAy. CITY SECRETARY voL4644 PAGE403 F y i.- ciex N f J " l q, ~f rU q { elf v d~ J v Ird - nit h 7 c~ t _ ~ oo£• Cob O. - - ` POF a a o a C.,-{ z z z j ( c~7J ~ E r_ +-i E-i cvy~~~ -Zl z ` a ::a ~I I of ~ ~ II I vl Q ~ 4' 1 Cll G~ M o 7 r_~ (v w s GW z - P1 O U Zh U