2012-01-19 CIAC Minutes CITY OF
LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
Work Session - Executive Conference Room, Suite 268 of Town Hall
or City Council Chambers of Town Hall
Regular Session - City Council Chambers of Town Hall
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Faglie, Forman, Parrish, Hudson, Springer, and
STAFF PRESENT: Ken Baker, Director of Planning & Development, Dennis Killough, Deputy
Director of Planning & Development Services, Sharen Jackson, Director of Finance, Bob Price,
Director of Public Works, Richard Schell, Planner II, Lome Fletcher, Planner I, Cheryl Taylor,
Deputy Civil Engineer; Alejandra Ayala, Civil Engineer, Steve Anderson, Civil Engineer and
Holly Blake, Commission Secretary.
Item No. 1 — Call to Order Chairman Faglie called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Item No. 2 — Discussion of the Capital Improvement Plan: Sharen Jackson detailed the line
items of the report. Sharen Jackson stated that all fees shown are for the City of Southlake. The
City of Fort Worth is not included in this report. Also, three (3) new service areas have been
added. All fees and allocations are evaluated on a 10 year period.
Commissioner Parrish asked about the new areas and where they were located.
Bob Price stated where the three (3) areas were: 1) North of SH 114, 2) West of White Chapel
Blvd., and 3) East of White Chapel Blvd. and South of SH 114.
Commissioner Hudson asked if the City was approaching any critical deadlines.
Bob Price stated no. There is always a 3 year grace period. When necessary, the plan is re-
evaluated and the funds re- allocated.
Approval of Report: Made a motion to approve the CIAP report as presented and to forward to
City Council.
Motion: Hudson
Second: Hamel
Ayes: Forman, Parrish, Hudson, Springer, Hamel, and Faglie
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Approved: 6 -0
Item No. 3: Meeting Adjournment at 6:20 p.m.
Capital Improvement Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — January 19, 2012
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Darrell Faglie
ATTEST: Chairman
Holly Blake
Commission Secretary
Capital Improvement Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes — January 19, 2012
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